Android :: Android Emulator Is Slow On Vmware

Sep 17, 2010

I am using windows XP, and my android development environment is on ubuntu installed inside vmware. all java applications I write on eclipse are running just fine, when it comes to an android app, the simulator is just killing me, it takes about 5 minutes to start my app.

Android :: Android emulator is slow on vmware

Android :: Emulator Is Very Slow And Consuming CPU Time?

Oct 10, 2009

few weeks ago I encountered a problem. My Android SDK 1.5 emulator became very slow and CPU consuming. This happened earlier, but was irregular just removing AVDs usually helped. Few weeks ago I installed Android SDK 1.6, tried to move my dev environment there and noticed that emulator runs very slowly. I rolled back to 1.5 and noticed that the same problem is there. What's going on: - emulator startup is pretty slow; - sometimes emulator hangs on startup; - sometimes after startup is complete I see Force close/Wait dialog for some Android applications/services (Alarm clock, messaging) - applications inside the emulator run MUCH slower than they ran before, I see delays in response even in launcher, when I just switching between icons with arrow keys (at this time CPU usage according to the task manager is from 35 to 50%, i.e. one core is completely busy). - now, when I'm typing this message, emulator (clean, newly created AVD, I haven't installed nothing there, just out of the box) occupied 50% of my CPU (and 140MB of RAM). Hardware: Intel Core2Duo T7500 (2.2GHz) + 2GB RAM. OS: Vista I don't have any problems with 1.6 on Linux (Kubuntu 7.10), emulator starts quickly, responds in a flash, and seldom consumes more than 20% of CPU time (usually in case my application is working with DB).

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Android :: Network Access Is Slow In Emulator

Aug 5, 2010

I've noticed very poor performance in the emulator (1.6 and 2.1) when trying to complete the forth statement below. It will take 5+ minutes running in the emulator. Interestingly, when I debug on my phone it's not nearly as bad at maybe a minute or so, but still not great. Running the app on my phone without debugging yields great performance (seconds). URL url = new URL(CommonProperties.BASE_SERVICE_URL + "param=1"); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document dom = builder.parse(url.openConnection(). getInputStream()); is there something I can do to speed up network access while using the emulator? Has anyone noticed anything similar?

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Android :: Emulator Performance - Apps Running Slow?

Sep 29, 2010

A while back I mentioned that running the imported p2p codebase I have on the emulator (on a fairly powerful laptop with plenty of mem and a fast processor) was pretty slow. I blamed all that on the codebase and in fact I was able to profile it and make it much lighter. Well still the overall app performance is slow --- and I am finding that most apps I run on the emulator are fairly slow. Is this a common trend? I do expect emulators, who are by no means a real device, to have such processing delays but are they in general this slow? Any metrics or any other feedback from anyone that depict the factor of slowdowns you would expect on an emulator vs the real device? I know a lot of this are machine dependent as well but consider an idle powerful machine. And regarding memory - I am loading Eclipse with close to 1G to be able to run the emulator and its basic services - is that normal?

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General :: X86 Emulator (QEMU / BOCHS) Slow On X86 Based Android

May 3, 2014

I was experimenting with QEMU, x86 emulator on Android on my Asus Memo FHD tab which is already based on an x86 Atom architecture.

I see way slower speeds (unusable) than I read about arm based counterparts. I assume this is because QEMU assumes ARM architecture and the x86 atom is also emulating ARM.

-Is there an other way to emulate a complete x86 system faster on this architecture?

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Android :: File Operations Extremely Slow On Emulator - Totally Stuck

Jul 19, 2010

I am finding that file operations are extremely slow on emulator. The same operation which takes less than a few seconds in a real device, takes minutes on an emulator. I am using a ubuntu linux machine with 2.4Ghz CPU, 2 GB Ram. I would really appreciate any help in resolving this. I am totally stuck due to this.

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Android :: Open Source Project On Ubuntu 10.04 - On VMware Player

Sep 7, 2010

Trying to build Android open source project on Ubuntu 10.04 (on VMware Player).

I followed the instructions at this link (and it said to use sun-java5 JDK 1.5 which takes some fishing to find for Ubuntu) -

Got 299 compile errors. Wondering if the direction to use JDK 1.5 is out of date? Some of the errors are as follows (and many similar) -


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Android :: Running Android In Virtualization Layer VMware?

Aug 25, 2009

has anyone tried to run Android in the virtualization layer, e.g. on VMware?

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Android :: Unbearably Slow Android Emulator - Is There A Fix?

Jul 9, 2010

I know that the topic was discussed here last year, but I am hoping that someone has since found a fix. The emulator is simply not working for me anymore. It took 15 minutes or so to load hello world a few days ago, and now i cant get it to load a simple MapsDemo from the api samples no matter how long I wait. Im using eclipse with the android plugin (sdk and avd manager). my pc is 2.31ghz quadcore with 8gb ram and windows 7 x64. Nothing is being logged in LogCat apparently. Are there any alternatives or certain fixes I can try before buying a phone? Id just upgrade my phone to an htc incredible and debug from the phone, but verizon wont have any for at least a month and id really like to have my app out by then.

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General :: Slow Connection Speed In Emulator

May 6, 2012

So I've been developing some stuff here and there for Android, and I noticed my device emulator has a RIDICULOUSLY low connection speed. I'm not talking about performance which is fine, I'm talking just about 'network speed'. What it means is that transferring files to and from the AVD using ADB (which as you may know relies on networking protocols) is EXTREMELY slow, and what's worse, internet transfers are VERY very slow. Therefore, when I'm working with online content (which my app, and let's face it - most apps are about) it's EXTREMELY slow.

It's worth mentioning that those same apps work great and about ten times faster on an actual android device.

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Android :: Slow Android Emulator

Oct 12, 2009

I have a 2.67GHz Celeron Processor, 1.21GBs of RAM on a x86 Windows XP Pro machine. My understanding is that the emulator should start fairly quickly on such a machine, but for me it does not. I have followed all instructions in setting up the IDE, SDKs, JDKs and such and have had some success in staring the emulator quickly but is very particulary. How can I if possible fix this problem. Even if it starts and loads home screen it is very sluggish. Any help would be appreciated guys thanks. I have tried the Eclipse IDE in Galileos, and Ganymede.

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Android :: Android On VMWare Or VirtualBox

Oct 26, 2009

Can Android OS that is installed on actual devices be emulated in VMWare or VirtualBox. Are there any such distros or images available?

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Motorola Droid X :: Phone Slow Very Slow

Aug 26, 2010

I got my x on launch day no root no 2.2 all stock .well i've been noticing its getting slower don't have much installed only about 10 apps. The browser will start and then stop when u tell it to go somewere then after a dew sec it takes back off. Text message when u bring it up it takes about 10 sec to load then another lag to start typing and there wont be any old messages in box and when they do finally come up u can't scroll threw the old ones.

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Android :: SQLite - Works Perfect In 1.6 Emulator - Won't Work On The Phone - 2.2 - Or 2.0 - Emulator

Aug 6, 2010

I created a sqlite database to store playlists for a media player I am developing because of extended feature (rather than using the Content Provider). It works perfectly on the 1.6 emulator but FCs on anything higher than 2.0... what has changed that I need to know about as far as opening databases in SDK 2.0+? Here is the logcat.


Here is the dbhelper class


why can't stackoverflow just use tags like a normal syntax highlighter.

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Android :: Unable To Play Youtube Videos On SDK 1.5 Emulator - But Playing Well On SDK 1.0 Emulator

May 19, 2009

Unable to play youtube videos on SDK 1.5 emulator - but playing well on SDK 1.0 emulator. Can you update the source....

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Android :: Emulator - ERROR - User Data Image Is Used By Another Emulator

Apr 13, 2010

Finally strace gave me this:


And several other attempts to call "link" that also fail (sshfs does not support hard links).

Is it possible to change the emulator's behavior to create lock files somewhere in /tmp (using some hash of image path as lock file name)? I am OK to try this myself: which repositories from are necessary to rebuild the emulator alone, and where in the sources is the code responsible for image locks?

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Android :: Emulator - SDK 1.1_r1 For Widndows XP - Crash Using Emulator -data

Apr 20, 2009

I need to run several emulator instances to test my application. When i try to run instances using emulator -data <path> option, the emulator crashes.

I got a MS Visual Studio window informing that emulator throws a "unhandled win32 exception".

The exception message in the debugger (MS Visual Studio 2008) is: "Unhandled exception at 0x77c4706c in emulator.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x03216848"

The emulator runs normally without "-data" option.

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Android :: Emulator Error - User Data Image Is Used By Another Emulator

Nov 1, 2010

I am getting the following error when I try running my program in the emulator:

emulator: ERROR: the user data image is used by another emulator. aborting`

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Android :: Application In Emulator Without Restarting Emulator In Eclipse?

Apr 8, 2009

Is there a way to reload an Android application in the emulator without closing the emulator, saving any code changes, and running the emulator again? If I make even a simple change to the layout, it takes about 30 seconds by time I run it in Eclipse and Android "boots", and I can unlock the emulator to run the application. Is there any way to shorten this time when making changes, or is it something I just have to deal with?

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Android :: Start-emulator Task Never Gets Emulator Running

Mar 16, 2010

I downloaded the most recent version of Android for linux (android-sdk_r05-linux_86.tgz). I was trying to use the the Android Ant task(s) for packaging, building, and deploying my code. I should mention that I'm running AMD64, but have the 32-bit libraries installed. The Android Ant tasks are all broken.

First, the start-emulator task never gets the emulator running. It does get past starting adb, but then just sits there.

Second, the SDK is missing the aapt binary in the tools directory. So, the example notepad sample application will not even package correctly.

I have all the dependencies configured for Android. I can run it from the command line just fine.I assume the Ant code is out of sync with the recent SDK updates. Can anyone shed some light on this problem? At this point, I'm considering writing my own Python scripts to interact with the Android SDK. Ugh.

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Android :: Send MMS From One Emulator To Another Emulator

Sep 24, 2010

In my dummy application i want to send MMS. But i don't know how to check it.I know that we can send SMS from one emulator to another but, is it possible for MMS? If yes then how it can be done.

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Android :: Android Emulator - Receive SMS Sent From Emulator On Port

Feb 10, 2010

I intend to use the Android Emulator to send/receive SMS. I send SMS to the emulator using the sms send command. I'm aware of emulators being able to converse with each other over SMS but would it possible to receive that the SMS reply sent from an Android Emulator on a external TCP port?

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Android :: Slow Eclipse On OS X

Jun 12, 2010

I am running Eclipse Galileo on an Intel Mac and after using it for a bit, it becomes very slow. By slow I mean switching between tabs and scrolling through source becomes nearly unusable. I have to close Eclipse and re-open it, and that usually only solves the problem for a short time.

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Android :: New SDK Causes Slow Debugging On N1

Sep 20, 2010

I've got a Nexus One running a debug version of my application, and I just today downloaded and installed the 0.9.8 version of the SDK tools, and I swear that Debugging latency has increased incredibly. I never bothered to measure the overhead before the upgrade because I always found the phone's debugging overhead to be small enough to not affect matter. Well, now I have AI code which runs at ~10 MS standalone taking 300-400MS through debugging. A 40X performance loss is not something to cough at. Is it just me not seeing the performance loss previously, or has something broken?

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Android :: Animation Is Slow

Oct 22, 2009

I'm trying to perform a simple animation, but it seems quite choppy. This is it: Animation anim = new Translate Animation(0,0,-50,0); anim.set Duration(500); anim.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator()); myLinearLayout.set Animation(anim);the animation does what it's supposed to do, just very choppy - is there any reason why it's so slow? The linear layout I'm applying it to is pretty simple, just has a few children.

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Android :: Gl TexImage2 D Is Too Slow

Oct 31, 2010

We use Opengl 2.0 to develop a video programmer on android with nexus one. We find that the fiction glTexImage2D is too slow,but we write a shader programmer accord to the sample GL2JNILib. I guess the GPU is not working, why it happened? how to fix it? Code...

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Android :: My First Game Is Getting Slow

Aug 11, 2009

I've followed the excellent article on game development here:, and started my game based on the Lunar Lander example. The Lander example re-draws the background and everything else on each "tick". I basically followed its example and I'm using my game's background image to essentially "clear" the canvas so that I can re-draw everything from a clean slate. This, as I've found, has a negative impact on performance as my game is beginning to slow down. My question is, what's the best way to optimize this? If I want to "clear" only certain parts of my canvas, how do I do that? I've read the documentation for, but am getting confused by a lot of jargon I don't understand such as "clip" and "matrix".

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Android :: AES Decryption Is Slow

Dec 29, 2009

I am trying to do AES decryption like this -Cipher cipher = Cipher.get Instance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding"); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, aesKey); cipher.update(encryBytes, 0, encrByteCount); and it is taking me about 2.5+ seconds to run just the cipher.update (i.e. I excluded the init and get Instance() calls) for 65KB of data -- which seems way too long.What this translates to (roughly) 60 seconds for a 1.5MB file. Which is uber slow.I *am* actually seeing 60 or so seconds when I try to decrypt that big of a file (looping through and feeding buffers).Does anybody know why AES decryption is so slow on Android? A co- worker is seeing times around 10 seconds for the same file on a RIM device.

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Android :: Slow Browsing With 3G

May 27, 2010

I have a rooted mytouch 3G and I've been using the barnacle tether app for the last few months for internet on my laptop. Just recently I've been playing online poker on my laptop. It worked fine for about a day or so, then things started to get extremely slow, barely being able to load google (taking about a few minutes to load a basic html page). I don't know if it has something to do with using my phone for a connection with the poker clients or if it's just coincidence with the timing of it, I called T-Mobile and they said there are no problems at all with the coverage in my area and to do a Power cycle which didn't seem to help. Does anyone have ANY idea what could be wrong?

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Android :: GlTexImage2D Is Too Slow

Nov 8, 2010

when draw YUV frame use opengl 2.0 and shader on nexus one,but the function glTexImage2D is too slow ,cost 40-60 ms who can fix it ? the key codes...

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