Android :: Don't See "Hello,Android" On Emulator / What Is Wrong?

Apr 8, 2010

I created Hello,Android application with TextView, not xml.
When I run it I don't see "Hello,Android", only wallpaper.
Any ideas, what is wrong?

Android :: Don't see "Hello,Android" on emulator / what is wrong?

Android :: Emulator - Huge Icons On Desktop And Wrong Density

Apr 22, 2010

I was working with Eclipse some minutes ago and I simply launched the emulator with a couple of AVDs that I created (QVGA, HVGA and WVGA screens). I've been doing thta for months, in order to check that every time I change something, the app looks fine for each type of phone.

The problem is that suddenly, the emulator in QVGA and WVGA start with huge icons on the desktop. They even overlap and the home of Android is corrupted. And when I run any application to test the emulator, the screen only shows a portion of the main View. It's like everything was zoomed in. I'm blocked because I can't use anymore the emulator. I'm going to remove completely Eclipse and re-install it, but I don't know if it will be enough.

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Android : Wrong Latitude / Longitude Points Received By Emulator

Oct 23, 2010

When I send latitude/longitude points to the Emulator (using DDMS with GPX file or using "geo fix" from command line) the locations received by Apps on the Emulator are slightly off. So like I send a latitude of 41.74 and onLocationChanged recevies a Location, and I to toString() on it and get a longitude of : 41.74016776666667 Tested with my own app and then with Google Maps on the Emulator to double check. So its not an app issue.

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Android :: Android Emulator Loading Wrong Density

Oct 28, 2010

I am trying to simply test my app under a QVGA setting, but 95% of the time when I run the QVGA emulator I created, it loads the resources associated with HVGA. I have custom bitmaps that I include in my app, so it's crucial for me to be able to verify the appearance.Can someone tell me why the emulator is not loading the low density drawables? The drawables in this QVGA emulator are the same exact size as the drawables in the HVGA emulator (not what I want), and yes, I scaled down the pictures before adding them to the LDPI folder (drastically smaller). For no apparent reason, once in a while the emulator will actually load properly and everything displays correctly, but again, this only happens about 5% of the time with no apparent reason for why.

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Android :: SQLite - Works Perfect In 1.6 Emulator - Won't Work On The Phone - 2.2 - Or 2.0 - Emulator

Aug 6, 2010

I created a sqlite database to store playlists for a media player I am developing because of extended feature (rather than using the Content Provider). It works perfectly on the 1.6 emulator but FCs on anything higher than 2.0... what has changed that I need to know about as far as opening databases in SDK 2.0+? Here is the logcat.


Here is the dbhelper class


why can't stackoverflow just use tags like a normal syntax highlighter.

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Android :: Unable To Play Youtube Videos On SDK 1.5 Emulator - But Playing Well On SDK 1.0 Emulator

May 19, 2009

Unable to play youtube videos on SDK 1.5 emulator - but playing well on SDK 1.0 emulator. Can you update the source....

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Android :: Emulator - ERROR - User Data Image Is Used By Another Emulator

Apr 13, 2010

Finally strace gave me this:


And several other attempts to call "link" that also fail (sshfs does not support hard links).

Is it possible to change the emulator's behavior to create lock files somewhere in /tmp (using some hash of image path as lock file name)? I am OK to try this myself: which repositories from are necessary to rebuild the emulator alone, and where in the sources is the code responsible for image locks?

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Android :: Emulator - SDK 1.1_r1 For Widndows XP - Crash Using Emulator -data

Apr 20, 2009

I need to run several emulator instances to test my application. When i try to run instances using emulator -data <path> option, the emulator crashes.

I got a MS Visual Studio window informing that emulator throws a "unhandled win32 exception".

The exception message in the debugger (MS Visual Studio 2008) is: "Unhandled exception at 0x77c4706c in emulator.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x03216848"

The emulator runs normally without "-data" option.

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Android :: Emulator Error - User Data Image Is Used By Another Emulator

Nov 1, 2010

I am getting the following error when I try running my program in the emulator:

emulator: ERROR: the user data image is used by another emulator. aborting`

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Android :: Application In Emulator Without Restarting Emulator In Eclipse?

Apr 8, 2009

Is there a way to reload an Android application in the emulator without closing the emulator, saving any code changes, and running the emulator again? If I make even a simple change to the layout, it takes about 30 seconds by time I run it in Eclipse and Android "boots", and I can unlock the emulator to run the application. Is there any way to shorten this time when making changes, or is it something I just have to deal with?

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Android :: Start-emulator Task Never Gets Emulator Running

Mar 16, 2010

I downloaded the most recent version of Android for linux (android-sdk_r05-linux_86.tgz). I was trying to use the the Android Ant task(s) for packaging, building, and deploying my code. I should mention that I'm running AMD64, but have the 32-bit libraries installed. The Android Ant tasks are all broken.

First, the start-emulator task never gets the emulator running. It does get past starting adb, but then just sits there.

Second, the SDK is missing the aapt binary in the tools directory. So, the example notepad sample application will not even package correctly.

I have all the dependencies configured for Android. I can run it from the command line just fine.I assume the Ant code is out of sync with the recent SDK updates. Can anyone shed some light on this problem? At this point, I'm considering writing my own Python scripts to interact with the Android SDK. Ugh.

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Android :: Send MMS From One Emulator To Another Emulator

Sep 24, 2010

In my dummy application i want to send MMS. But i don't know how to check it.I know that we can send SMS from one emulator to another but, is it possible for MMS? If yes then how it can be done.

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Android :: Wrong Bootloader On Dev G1

May 19, 2009

My dev phone has a stock bootloader. while upgrading to the official image I suddenly received the message a ota update arrived and i accepted it. How wrong i was! Now i have a phone with the bootloader with hboot-0.95.0000 in stead of the 0.95.3000. Strange thing is it still has the test keys. Is there any way to correct this? I see guides for rooting your standard G1 everywhere but i expect that i can't install these images due to the test keys on my device.

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Android :: Android Emulator - Receive SMS Sent From Emulator On Port

Feb 10, 2010

I intend to use the Android Emulator to send/receive SMS. I send SMS to the emulator using the sms send command. I'm aware of emulators being able to converse with each other over SMS but would it possible to receive that the SMS reply sent from an Android Emulator on a external TCP port?

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Android :: Wrong Or Missing SDP Service Name

Oct 27, 2010

In my application on android phones I create server socekt using method.Then, I use Usb bluetooth stick to discover which sdp services are available.On ubuntu I use commands: "hcitool scan" and then "sdptool browse XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX".On HTC Desire and Samsung GalaxyS i9000 (android 2.1 update1) - sevice is available but without name.On HTC G2 Touch, HTC Legend (android 2.1 update1) - services is available but "Service name: Generic service".On HTC Nexus One (android 2.1 update1 and android 2.2) and Motorola Milestone (android 2.1 update1)- service is available and with properly name "Service name: MyName".Does anybody know why HTC Desire, HTC Legend, HTC G2 Touch and Samsung GalaxyS i9000 set wrong service name? Or how to force properly name? Is it possible that something wrong with bluetooth stack on that phones?

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Android :: Scrolling The Wrong Direction?

Dec 7, 2009

Scrolling on an Android phone makes sense because it's like you're physically sliding the page upwards. However, now that I'm used to doing that, when I get on my laptop and start to scroll with my touchpad, sometimes I find myself scrolling the wrong direction. On a touchpad you drag downwards to go down on the page, or to slide the page upwards. So it's backwards from the motion you would make on your phone.

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Android :: What's Wrong With Debugging In Eclipse?

Mar 31, 2010

I've obviously been spoiled by Visual Studio, because although I'm just learning Android and the Eclipse environment, debugging apps in Eclipse is becoming a serious detriment to further development.And then, when it executes it under the debugger, I will get a full screen of useless debug info, non of which actually points me to the specific line containing the error.The stackTrace is null within the exception ('e') info tree, and it simply states a message stating 'ArithmeticException'. (that's nice, how about you point me in the direction of where you found it!?)I've looked all over the screen and am baffled that this IDE can't get this right. Does developing with Eclipse resort everyone back to 1991 with printf() like logging at every interval then to track down bugs? Seriously.Is there a configuration or plug-in that I'm missing to help with this?I haven't tested this case with XCode, but if the iPhone dev. IDE handles this more like Visual Studio, then no wonder the Android marketplace has so few apps.

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Android :: Showing Wrong Image From URI

Aug 10, 2010

I have an Android application that allows the user to select a photo that has already been taken. Once the user selects a photo, I grab the URI information for that photo, use that information to create a bitmap, and then I set the bitmap in an ImageView. This all works perfectly fine.I then give the user the option to select the picture for viewing. When the user chooses to view the picture, I launch an ACTION_VIEW intent, passing the URI data. Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, pictureUri);startActivity(intent);As you can see, this is very simple code, nothing special going on. The problem is that, when I run this code on my Droid running Android 2.1, about 6 or 7 times out of 10, the application will display the correct picture. But the other 3 or 4 times, I get shown the wrong picture. Also, each time the wrong picture is shown, its always the same incorrect picture being shown. The fact that I see the right picture the majority of the time leads me to believe everything I'm doing in code is fine, so can anyone tell me if you have seen this problem before, and better yet, is there a solution? Here is the exact sequence that I observe on my Droid when I run this (Note: Image URI is already saved before I start the Activity):

- I choose "View Photo" in the Activity
- When things work, I get taken to the gallery and shown image 74
- Each time things do not work, I get shown image 82

Keep in mind that when I start the Activity with the URI already saved (retrieved from database), I set an ImageView based on the URI data in onCreate(), and the Image being shown in the ImageView is ALWAYS the correct image. It's not until I actually decide to view the image using ACTION_VIEW that I see odd behavior. And I know it's not something specific about these 2 photos. I observed this behavior using other photos in the past, and got the same behavior.

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Android :: ConvertView With Wrong Type

Jul 29, 2009

I hope someone can share some light on a issue I have with using the convertView that is supplied by the BaseAdapter.

The problem is that I have a couple of different listviews in my app. When using the convertView with listviews that only shows one type everything works fine, and I experience a big performance increase. Nice!

However I also have a listview that can show 4 different types of views, and I see that getView is supplied with a convertView that is of the wrong type.

In my BaseAdapter implementation I have added the following:


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Android :: Spinner Displays Wrong Value

Oct 10, 2010

I have a simple program where I set a spinner to a position. I then call a second module and when I return, I reset the spinner. The spinner display does not display the spinner value. When you tap the spinner, it IS pointing to the correct value, but it displays an incorrect value. In fact, it actually steps down.

I wrote the following simple program to demonstrate. This only happens when the form has a spinner within either a Linearlayout or TableLayout with at lease 1 other element.


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Android :: Reflection For A Field Going Wrong

Jun 1, 2010

I have been trying to use reflection for a specifiec Field in the class, the MANUFACTURER field...

I have tried by using this code :.............

I am gettign the following errors :


And when debugging I noticed that InvocationtargetException is continuesly thrown, so I am guessing I haven't been implementing the whole Reflection principle correctly...

Any idea where things are going wrong or otherwise on how to implement Refelction for a single Field correctly ?

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Android :: Can't Debug With Nexus One / What I Might Do Wrong?

May 22, 2010

I have a HTC Hero and newly also a Nexus One. I used to debug with the HTC Hero which worked just fine. Now when I try to debug with my Nexus One I just can't make it work. I updated everything Android via Eclipse and have now the version which officially supports Nexus One as a debug device. Whenever I connect the Nexus One, turn on Debug Mode and want to run the application I don't see the device in the debug list.

Anyone got any ideas what I might do wrong? As said above, with the HTC Hero it works just fine.

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Android :: Wrong Mention Gmail Application

Aug 18, 2010

My gmail app says I have thirty eight messages when I only have like five in my inbox.

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Android :: Getting Wrong Sizes With Drawables Objects

Sep 17, 2010

I am using some drawable objects, when I instance them and paint in my canvas they doesn't get the original PNG image file size, instead they get a bigger size, so they does't paint in my canvas as I expected since I wanted them in their original sizes, why this happens?
(original file is 96x96 pixels)

mSprite = mRes.getDrawable(R.drawable.my_sprite);
mSpriteWidth = mSprite.getIntrinsicWidth();
// It returns 114, not 96 mSpriteHeight = mSprite.getIntrinsicHeight();
// It returns 114, not 96
mSprite.setBounds(coordX, coordY, coordX + mSpriteWidth, coordY + mSpriteHeight); mSprite_PipeRect.draw(canvas); //It paints at 114x114 size, it shows bigger in the screen then original size.

Something similar happens with the background but it is fixed in the "setSurfaceSize" event this way:
public void setSurfaceSize(int width, int height) {
mBackgroundImage = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mBackgroundImage, width, height, true);

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Android :: LogCat Logging Wrong Time

Apr 13, 2010

All the messages being logged in LogCat now have the wrong time. It is running about 35 minutes fast. Any idea why or more importantly.

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Android :: Photos Coming Out In Wrong Orientation?

Jun 8, 2009

It's not a massive issue but does anyone else have problems sometimes with photos coming out in the wrong orientation...

For example:

If I hold the phone like this and take the pic:

It comes out this way:

I know I can rotate them but I was just a bit mystified.

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Android :: Droid Application Crashes / What I Am Doing Wrong?

Jan 18, 2010

I am very new to android programming. i was following a guide in here, to create an application that shows the current location, i did as was told in the guide, but whenever i try to run it, it crashes, and asks for "force Close",
does somebody know what i am doing wrong? here is the code....

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Android :: Meebo IM Keeps Quitting Like After A Minute / What's Wrong With It?

Nov 28, 2009

My meebo IM keeps quitting like after a minute for the last week or so whats up?

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Android :: Youtube Clips Are Blurry / Am I Doing Something Wrong?

Dec 31, 2009

Why are all the youtube videos blurry? I've only had my moto droid for a week but I've looked at a bunch of youtube videos and they are all blurry. Am I doing something wrong?

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Android :: Toast Created In An IntentService Never Goes Away / What Am I Doing Wrong?

Jul 21, 2010

I have an IntentService that downloads some files. The problem is that I create a Toast inside the IntentService like this

Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "some message", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

The Toast will never disappear event if I exit the app. The only way to destroy it is to kill the process.

What am I doing wrong?

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