Download Long List Of Apps Automatically Onto Android Phone?
May 29, 2014Is there a way to download a long list of apps automatically onto an Android phone? I want to be able to do this without having to search for and download each app one by one.

Is there a way to download a long list of apps automatically onto an Android phone? I want to be able to do this without having to search for and download each app one by one.
I bought the Nexus One last sunday. I'm very pleased with how the phone works. On monday though, I started noticing notifications popping up from the Android Market. It said some applications failed to download. The only app I downloaded so far was Google Earth. Now every now and then it keeps feeding me with these notifications... I've installed an app killer to shut down the Android Market, but after a while it turns back on by itself.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a quick way to show all the apps installed on my Android device which have the "Automatically start at boot" permission?
I know there are a few "startup manager" apps that allow to modify startup behaviour, but most of them require root access and moreover they also require auto start at boot permission to work.
I'd just like a way to figure out which of my apps have that permission so I can decide which is worth keeping and which to uninstall.
I went to purchase the acircuit live wallpaper app. The transaction failed to go through because my bank blocked it, as it was less than 1. It is now sitting in my list of downloaded apps in the Market app (not the installed list) and it says purchased. There is an install option, which if pressed tries to download it again, but fails because it has been blocked. I don't want the app now and just wish to clear this from my download list. I have installed an unistaller app, but this just shows a list of the installed apps. Can anyone help me with a solution to get rid of this from my app downloads list in the Market app.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI noticed today that the "downloads" section within Market no longer shows any of the free apps that I downloaded-only the two apps that I paid for are shown. Does anyone else have this issue? Is there a way to bring this list back? A soft reset did not help.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been messing around with some ROMs on my Droid1, every time I flash a new rom it auto restores my apps. It hasn't done this at all until today. I have tried disabling it in my settings but it still doesn't stop. Also when I go into the downloads page in the market to cancel them, I can some of them but when I try to cancel the others if causes the market to force close. I would like to know if there is anyway to stop google from auto downloading them when I sign in? When I turned off the backup it said it would delete the info from googles servers, but it obviously has not lol because I have tried flashing the rom over again since then. I know most people would like this to happen, but I want a clean install.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a list using a customized BaseAdapter. When one element of the list is hit during a long time, a contextual menu appears. I want to use this one to delete or edit the selected item but I don't know how to get id or anything else that could help me.
I tried getListView.getSelectedItem() thinking that it will give me the object returned by the method getItem(int position) inherited in my customized BaseAdapter. I got null. When I tried getSelectedItemId(), I got -1.
Does someone have a solution?
I have a layout that is three linear layouts. The top has some icons and the middle has a tabhost. Each tabhost has a list inside it. The bottom linearlayout has two buttons that should stay at the bottom on the screen at all times. The problem is when a list in the tabhost gets too long, it displays over the buttons. I tried to find some way to get the buttons to bedisplayed over the list but have failed so far.
First up apologies if you already know this, I only just fixed it and wanted to spread the solution. All day today I have been unable to download any Android apps from the marketplace, it's been very annoying. It turns out the problem is to do with Google's new offer for UK users to change their email account to a account. Once I changed over my HTC Desire was suddenly unable to download apps from the Android Marketplace, it would forever say �downloading� and make no progress. The issue is with the �Talk� application on the handset, it needs to sign in on your google email address and that is what authenticates you to download from the marketplace. Now your email is a address (rather than the 'Talk' application cannot login and so you cannot download anything. There is no option to tweak the settings for the Talk application on the handset, you are stuck with the settings you already entered when you first set up the phone. So either you A) remove your account from your phone then re-add the gmail address. The problem is removing your requires a full phone reset, this involves losing EVERYTHING on your phone and starting from scratch.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI got a ListView item that contains a button inside. Currently the long press of a ListView item does not get processed. I thought that by setting the Button.setLongClickable(false) would allow the long press to be passed along to the ListView item and it's not happening.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe Contacts app shows a button on the side of the screen that acts as a little thumb to allow you to quickly scroll the big list. I have a very long list that would benefit from this navigation behavior, but can't find any documentation as to how to enable it.
Is it a behavior that's built into the SDK, or must I write it myself?
I have list activity with custom array adapter and I can't to get context menu when make long press on list item.
android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
Why I do not see context menu? What I do wrong? How to get context menu with array adapter and ListActivity.
I currently have the motorola droid with Verizon, and will be moving out of the country soonish. I have decided I want to buy an unlocked milestone because where I'm going they use GSM. My question is this: are my purchases in the android store somehow linked to my phone, or linked to my phone number, or linked to my google account? When I switch android phones, will I be able to download my purchased apps on the new phone?
View 2 Replies View RelatedNow I know this seems like a mind-numbingly simple thing to do, but is there a modified Gmail application out there that automatically downloads images contained in an email?I hate having to click the 'show pictures' every time I'd like to see an image..
View 1 Replies View RelatedThat I can download to interact with other android users.
View 2 Replies View RelatedTrekBuddy is very good, but it produces cache for rmaps and many other apps, but not for Google Maps.So I wonder if there is a tool which can do this, or convert the cache of TrekBuddy to the cache of Google Maps, which can be used by android cell phones?
View 1 Replies View RelatedBasically when i install a new rom, the market has now lost the free apps because thats what it does. the market must have some sort of file it maintains locally with the list of apps, and whether or not they are set to auto-update. where is this list so i can just paste it into my new rom, and market will automatically get all the apps and maintain the auto update settings.(also i know and use titanium backup so dont reply with 'use titanium', i just want to do what im looking for so the market always gets the latest version on a rom redo and also keeps holding the auto-update status.)
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy Droid seems to be running a little slow/hesitant. If readers can list apps that have slowed there Droids down maybe I can catch the culprit.
View 16 Replies View RelatedIs it true that using a Task killer, actually opens your apps. I have noticed I will power on my phone and all of my apps will be their in the list. Also I have heard that that means they are ready to use but not neccesarily on. However, I kill all the tasks and still some will open a minute or two later, when I didnt open them. Its starting to bug me. I have Bettercut, with a few programs with different icons, and have beautiful widgets on one of the screen, with the silent, vibrate, and airplone widget. Swiping screens is really slow and laggy, I am not rooted or anything. I have the c14 update, is their any helpful way to fix this.
Also I will only have 30 Mbs open after 5 minutes of restarting the phone.
And don't say whats the big deal, if its working. Having more memory available makes apps runs smoother and faster.
When I download free apps it works just fine. But when I get paid apps, i get an e-mail thanking me for the purchase, but when I try to download, all i get is "authorizing purchase", it never downloads. I bought Shazam but it never downloaded, it's been a week now, and I went to places where I got 4G, I tried the Wi-fi, but nothing worked. I thought it was Shazam, so I bought a different, app like Shazam called SoundHound, but it still does the same problem. Is this a problem with my phone? should I go back to sprint and ask them about it? what's the best solution for this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've had my Desire since august, and for the past two weeks, I have not been able to download apps, it keeps saying download unsuccessful. Any idea on how to fix this and whats wrong?
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan anyone help with a problem I have? I created an activity (extending a list activity) and have it populating with a list of peoples names, however when I scroll up or down it automatically greys out the whole list view until you stop scrolling. Is it possible to stop this greying out from happening? I have attached an screenshot in case my description doesnt make sense. Code...
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs it possible for an application to run automatically after completion of download/install from android market (Similar to First Run Run after installation in Symbian OS).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a question regarding a feature that just seemed to disappear from Handcent SMS.
Before, when I composed a message in the app or using quick compose (long press search button), there would be a drop down list of possible choices when I began typing in the "To:" field. For example, if I typed "k", it would show names beginning with "k". But now the feature is gone and it really sucks when I want to compose a text.
Does anyone else have this issue? Is it Handcent's problem or a software problem (v2.1 bug?), and does anyone know how to fix it?
I will be getting my Droid X in the mail in a week or two and was wondering what apps you would recommend
View 11 Replies View RelatedLong time lurker, first time poster here. As a brand new andoid fan, I've learned a lot from everyone here and now I would love to get help for my problem. I have downloaded lots of apps, but now there seems to be a problem. When I click to download, nothing happens, and then an orange triangle appears with the words "download was unsuccessful, please try again." I have tried all of the suggestions out there, removing and replacing the battery and SIM card, turning Wifi off and back on, logging out of Google Talk (although I seem to be automatically logged back in w/out doing anything), using 2G, 3G and Wifi.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy phone is telling me my internal storage is nearly full, whereas I have a 4gb microsd card which is not being used.
How do I move my applications to the SD card (or how do I have my apps automatically install there in the future)
Where can I find the .apk files from the apps I've bought?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you download the apps on here? Just got droid incredible love it. What is another good location to get apps?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got around 7gb storage left, and when I go to Google Play Market, and download apps which got hmm.. well, 24 mb, it wont download it.. It says something like "There is little amount of storage left" and I can't understand it.
I have tried to go into seetings, and change it to "sd-card" but it is the same problem!