Sprint HTC Hero :: To Stay Root Or Not To Stay Root
May 19, 2010so im running fresh 2.1 and i LOVE IT. i see official 2.1 came out. should i unroot and get the official update or just stay with fresh ?

so im running fresh 2.1 and i LOVE IT. i see official 2.1 came out. should i unroot and get the official update or just stay with fresh ?
I have installed root and all was good, but i put my default gmail as the one that did not have my purchased apps so i need to factory reset. If i factory reset will my root stay or do i need to re-root?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to just root the droid and keep the stock ROM? I used easy root back on 2.1 and like having root access. Also, would I be able to unroot?
View 9 Replies View Relatedi have root on my device an am running 2.1, if i wait for the official ota of froyo 2.2 will root stay on my phone or should i unroot it before the official ota?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhy won't my wi-fi stay connected after about 5 minutes of the screen being locked? It will come back only after I go into the settings and just look at it, don't have to select anything.
View 3 Replies View RelatedEvery time I open up the task killer, I see that Sprint Navigation is always on there. I have gone through all the settings and could not find anything to why it keeps opening.
My GPS and Wireless Networks setting are both OFF
I'm assuming that this is the reason that my battery is dying so quickly.
So I installed Advanced Task Killer so I can kill apps to get my phone to run faster. (Namely Stock SMS because of the non-sleep problem). But after a while, i open up task killer and low and behold.... the apps are open again. Anyone find a fix to this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using NFX 2.2....I enabled, or thought I enabled, apps2sd, my internal memory is still going down. I understand that email uses memory but, my folders are empty. Also, I do not see any of my apps on my sd card, which leads me to believe they are still in the internal memory. Any help or tips would be appreciated. I also tried to enable JIT via the gscript. Maybe I am doing something wrong with gscript. I found the script and saved it, rebooted phone. Please help....
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to get rid of the roms but stay rooted how can i do that?
i am not sure on what exactly i put on my phone so i want a fresh start
My main clock won't refresh after the phone turns on or comes back on from airplane mode. The widget clock is working just fine, though. Anyone else seeing this and or know how to fix it?
View 23 Replies View RelatedOk, my phone worked perfectly before I installed 2.1. I did a hard reset before I installed 2.1. It ran fine for about 20 minutes while I played with all the new features (I really like 2.1 when its working) but literally about every 20 minutes when I check my phone, the damn thing is OFF. Its really pissing me off. So I turn it back on, and within 20 minutes its off again. Im about to smash this damn thing. I've reinstalled 2.1 twice, hard reset, soft reset, and every combination of the 3. WTF is the problem!?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to send a picture to someone on my HTC hero but it wont send. It has that loading circle off to the side but it will just stay that way forever and never actually sends.
View 14 Replies View RelatedMy hero downloads my POP3 e-mails. I'm using the standard mail app. I read them on the phone and delete them. Do those deleted e-mails stay in the phone until I delete them from the trash folder? Pardon me for being lazy, but it is a pain to delete them from the inbox and then go to the trash folder and delete them again! Has anyone found a way to permanently delete e-mails from the inbox?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do you change the setting for how long an email can stay on your phone? Also, how can you set it, so you can delete the email from your phone, but keep it on the server.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIt changes to performance. I am not sure if it is changing when I powercycle or if it is just random.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been stressing out the last few days about it. i have a few choices but i don't know what i should do. a second opinion could help. i just got a evo from sprint last week and to be honest, the phone is absolutely gorgeous. i really love it. the thing is, i'm still in a family plan with my parents on t-mobile which they're paying and my mom weren't happy when she found out i branched off. my contract was already over with t-mobile and i've been doing month to month for a year. so my choice is to keep the evo and pay for sprint or return it since i'm within 30 days and stay with t-mobile. the sad part about t-mobile is that they don't have any good phones beside the nexus one and the upcoming samsung galaxy s which i don't like the look of it at all. i'm thinking of ordering the nexus one through google but i'm not sure if it's worth 529 dollars plus tax. i also heard it has a few problems so that kinda push me away from it. anyway, what do you guys think i should do? both sprint and t-mboile has good coverage here. i just find out t-mobile has hspa+ which is a nice plus(no pun intended.) and sprint is going to have 4g here soon. i don't know about t-Mobile's customer service but sprint is really nice to me. i don't know what to do lol. i have a job so i can afford the evo and sprint but with t-mobile i'll pay less since i got the family plan and i'm contract free. so android forum members. tell me what i should do?
View 10 Replies View RelatedIf you read this before the edit ignore. I know better. After a power cycle the app works great. After the update make sure you turn you phone off and back on.
View 23 Replies View RelatedI posted a legit problem I was having with my hero and my post was DELETED!anyway..My hero WILL NOT stay on Ev.it always switches to 1x and really causes some major issues with apps, browsing,etc.No matter where I am... the Ev just won't stay consistent.Has anyone else had this problem? If so... is there a fix?I'm about ready to get an Iphone!
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs everyone seeing this issue? When I plug in my Hero to the charger it lights up then goes to low light and begins charging. But it stays lit the whole time, should I be worried about the screen being burned?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI used to own an HTC Magic, and whenever I used the GPS the "My Location" blue dot would always stay in the middle of the screen, like a real GPS.I now use a Telus HTC Hero, and not only does the screen not follow the blue dot, it turns the screen off after a minute. How do I make it so that it stays on and follows the blue dot?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get the browser to save my open web site tabs? the next day they are gone and I have to browse back to those sites, its kinda annoying.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to route my HTC Hero (locked to Orange UK).Following jUsT2eXy's instructions :-
1)Download it.
2)Save it to your SD Card ROOT (not in any folders)
3)Open up a file manager on your phone (Download ASTRO File Manager from the marketplace..if you don't have a file manager..)
4)Find the 'InstantRoot.apk' file.
5)Run it.
6)It will say it's been successful
Ok, so on step 4, I am opening ASTRO, clicking InstantRoot, clicking Open App Manager (other displayed option is Browse file), clicking Install (then Install again). It then displays 'Application installed'. However, I get a notification stating 'Install Root failed / Root access was not acquired'. What am I doing wrong? More info if required Firmware = 1.5
Baseband version =
Kernel version = 2.6.27-430d1aea
htc-kernel@and18-2 #959
Build number = CL#82177 release-keys
Software version = 1.0.0.A6288
I recently rooted my phone and was wondering how to install custom themes and lock screens for my hero. I am new to this as the title implies, so a link/instructions on how to install/create these would be what I'm looking for. I also am looking for solutions that do not need to install a new ROM as I just want to mod the current one that I have since i haven't found one I like. I rooted the 2.27.651.5 official sprint software with the instructions from the xda forum here: [GUIDE] How to Root Sprint 2.1 Release for CDMA Hero - xda-developers.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a 1 click root that works for the Sprint HTC hero? I've tried the one on the Unlockr site, but it fails to create a backup?
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan i root the phone even though i installed the ota update? like could i reflash the .5 2.1 update if i could download it somewhere
View 5 Replies View RelatedAbout to make the commitment to rooting and flashing to Fresh 1.1, but before I start on that path, I just want to detail my plan and ask a few questions. This is my first time rooting
1. Download that one program to downgrade/take off that recent firmware update
2. Download Fresh 1.1
3. Download File manager (any suggestions?)
4. Follow one-click rooting steps
5. Flash to Fresh 1.1
6. Download/use Nandroid to create a backup
7. Download and install patch for browser's flash player
Am I leaving anything out? Does the order look correct?..................
I finally took the plunge tonight on a whim with the help of Mahalo Cat, Thanks Bro, here is what I did so far, and I will keep adding to the original post as I see fit
My Software build is 2.27.651.6
I had both the Universal Androot and the Rom Manager on my phone already downloaded. I then was chatting with MC and simply hit the Universal Androot and rooted, LOL. Then I checked to see if I had SuperUser and I did. I then open the Rom Manager and had a blank screen for about 15 seconds and then there seemed to be a delay in the response of my phone, but then all came back, I then flashed the ClockWordMod recovery and then gave it superuser permission, then it brought me to a menu screen, where I then proceeded to scroll down to do a Nandroid backup, called it Stock_2.1 with no spaces "Very Important" and then it took about 3 to 4 minutes to do a full back up and then said back up was done. I then hit reboot phone in the menu. So that is it for tonight, I will play with it like this for a bit, then on the weekend I will flash a different ROM for the heck of it and see what that is like.
Is any sort of temp root possible? Sprint Hero? I just wanted to root, uninstall sprint garbage and unroot.
Most would say, well why don't you leave it rooted? Well I don't have a good answer for that. I guess I dont wanna jack anything up. I'd want to phone to function like it is now. Plus I'm not sure if rooting gives you that main menu (dos type window) when u boot up. Didnt really want that.
ok i have the htc hero for sprint. i want to root it and i have done some research on this and decided thats what i want to do. i have tried to do it by the threads on here but i cant figure it out. could someone please help me with this? also i want to install a new rom and some different features could someone please explain what exactly that means?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI flashed my Hero installed a custom rom and still have no root access? anyone know why this would happen? I installedDamageControl v2.07.2
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