Sprint HTC Hero : Load Contacts To My New Tour?
Nov 30, 2009I traded my 9630 tour today for the htc hero and am happy so far, I backed up my contacts on my pc(from tour) and was wondering if there is a way i can load them to my new tour?

I traded my 9630 tour today for the htc hero and am happy so far, I backed up my contacts on my pc(from tour) and was wondering if there is a way i can load them to my new tour?
For the life of me I cannot load the ADB drivers needed. I have followed all the guides and having no luck.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI Only Use The "Landscape"( for Lack of knowing the proper term) keyboard, ya know the one when you hold the phone sideways, but i hate that it always first loads the normal or "portrait" keyboards first, then it has to load the landscape keyboard when i rotate it so i wanna know if i can just have it so that it always loads the landscape keyboard no matter how the phone is positioned i checked the settings and it doesn't seem like you have that option, so is there maybe an app that does this??? anybody have any ideas?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I am using the brorwer and I go to a website, and after I am done looking at whatever it is I looked at I just just hit the home button and it take me out of the browser. Now when I go to use the browser again it pulls up with the last website I was looking at. I hit the menu key and usually have to tap bookmarks and then tap my homescreen bookmark. Is there an alternative way to load my homescreen ?
View 7 Replies View RelatedFirst off, let me say that I really really like these forums. I have been lurking forever and have never had to post any questions because I can ALWAYS do a search and find a post that leads me in the right direction. This one has me stumped though.
I rooted this past weekend and flashed the new fresh2.0d ROM. I upgraded the 1.5.2 image to 1.6.2 and I just installed the radio.
Now when I back out of any program I get a black "fresh" screen and my home screen loads like it does when the phone boots up. My twitter app and my bookmarks do the same. This is each time I back out of a program. It only started today after I upgraded the image and radio. Would those cause this or is it another problem?
Is there a way to transfer my Facebook Contacts into my people contacts? When I upgraded to 2.1, I forgot to sync a few contacts. The names show up, but as Facebook contacts and I want them as people contacts. Also, is there a way to delete Facebook contacts?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just rooted my hero and am trying to run cyanogen, but it locks at the load screen, keeps displaying the logo over, and over, and over and.....well you get the idea. Tried 2 diff files, no joy.
View 2 Replies View RelatedEvery time I open Google Maps, a little pop-up window says "Unable to load the URL" The program works fine, it's just kind of annoying. Does anyone else experience this? Is there a known solution? I cleared the cache and data and force-stopped the ap, but it still happens. For what it's worth, the same exact thing happened on my Moment (well, on the Moment Google Maps didn't work at all due to the POS GPS)
View 4 Replies View RelatedI had mj but had to hard reset phone. When I check now its just the nonworking fildo junk. Can I hook girlfriends hero to pc an somehow extract a copy of mj and load to mine?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have completed rooting my sprint hero, and verified by using several apps that require rooting... i have tried to no avail to do a nandroid backup and have not been able to, yet. so when i attempt a nandroid backup is my phone supposed to sit on the htc load screen overnight? if not that is one symptom.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there a app out there will back up all my phone contacts to the sd card?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy messages threads have been taking about 10 seconds to load - no matter how many messages are in the thread. The initial list of message threads loads fine, but when I select one I get "loading" for a very long time. This has never happened to me before, and I have been running 2.1 since it was released. I tried restarting my phone... nothing.
View 3 Replies View Relatedselling it, need it to go back to stock rom before i sell it, do i simply add the recovery-ra-heroc file to my sd and flash like a rom? do i wipe first? how do i wipe? trying to sell now need to do this quick.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen you root your hero and load a Rom, is the android market and all the apps still compatible?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have been looking all over the forums for a list of premade themes compatible with fresh 1.1 that i can load through the pre-kitchen? all i can find is backgrounds and also i am lookin for custom lock screens but i cant find those either( would this be something i would make myself using metamorph?)
View 6 Replies View Relatedi use google contacts to sync my personal numbers to my phone but for some reason everytime i email someone from somewhere like craigslist that anonymous address is saved to my contacts? wtf? how do i stop this?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow do i transfer my contacts from a palm pre to htc hero sprint
View 7 Replies View RelatedIn my previous phone I could set different ringtones for those in my contacts list and then another ringtone for those numbers not in my contacts list so I could tell by the ringtone if someone was calling that was in my contacts list or not.On the Hero there doesn't seem to be any way to do this.I was also able to set different volume levels for various notifications (ie, louder for phone calls and quieter for email and sms notifications).Does anyone know if this is possible on the hero?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThere are 1000 people trying to get their phone contacts to become google contacts, but i want my google contacts to become phone contacts so i can get them to sync to my windows contacts.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe first couple of days i had my x i decided to keep using the charger from the tour to charge my x and just use my x charger as a usb sync cable to my computer. After a couple of days of going six hours on an over night charge and not being able to find a solution i decided to use the x charger instead and ended up getting 18 hours out of my battery. Im not sure if the BB charger was damaged or if it's just that the two chargers did not have similar ratings. But just thought i would throw that out there as there are many phones and devices that share a micro usb charge port now.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI bought Touch by HTC when it was first released and now I absolutely hate this phone. So after some research I decided to join in and get the Hero. However, I was wondering how to transfer contacts from my winmo HTC Touch to a Hero?
View 9 Replies View RelatedLast night (the 6th night I've had the phone) I opened People and noticed that many random contacts have been duplicated a few times. There didn't appear to be any correlation with who I had contacted through gmail or facebook, it just looked like a glitch. For now I'm just deleting them as I come across them, but hope this doesn't continue forever.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI synced all my gmail contacts to my phone but now when I go into gmail and check my contacts I have 1 that keeps showing up multiple times. Last time I looked he had over 50 entries. I deleted all but 1 and an hour later he's back another 25 times. I just put the 2.1 leak on my phone yesterday. Maybe that's the problem? Strange that it's only the 1 contact though.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have all my contacts saved as google but every time I try to compose a text or email when I type in the first few letters of my contact I get 2 of the same home numbers and 2 of the same mobile numbers.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCouldn't find this same problem on the forums. Just got the phone today and kept getting that "delete limit exceeded" notification. I was told to head to data syncronization>google> unclick contacts, in order to solve this issue. The probalem is shortly after i did that the majority of my phone contacts were deleted! I only have contacts S through Z in my contact list now. Any ideas on what I should do or what happened?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI now know i should have entered all my contacts as google contacts insted of phone contacts. but is there any way to backup the phone contacts? i want to do a complete wipe of the phone and need to have my contacts backed up.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've had my Hero (Cingular South) for a couple of weeks now, and have learned how to use all of the features and applications that are important to me, and have given myself time to adjust to the new phone's quirks and abilities.And I've collected a list of things that really annoy me that keep this from being a good phone. Googling each of these topics for suggested fixes either turns up nothing useful, or turns up suggestions that raise as many questions as they answer. So I'm posting here, the entire list, hoping that the community can help me eliminate these issues and transform my phone into something truly decent. Maybe one "big" fix will address many of these. Oh, but please don't tell me to wait for 2.0... no idea how long that will take, or if it will fix all of these problems.
1) Phone unlocks, dials, etc. in my pocket. What good is a slide to unlock screen if there are ways to unlock with hard buttons? Can I disable that behavior of hard buttons so that the phone only unlocks after a slide?
2) Phone hangs up, dials people, opens random apps etc. while I'm on a phone call. I guess this is what you get for not having a proximity sensor. If I don't hold the phone away from my face for the first fifteen seconds or so, my chin might do all sorts of weird things. I've been on hold by "company X" and the next thing I know I'm hearing my wife's voicemail message. wtf? Is there any better solution out there than having to be very very careful about how you hold the phone when you call people? God forbid you need both hands and have to hold the phone with your shoulder... all bets are off... you might get Obama, or worse.
3) Keyboard just sucks at knowing what letter you've pressed. I'm using BetterKeyboard paid version now, and it looks better and has more options, but I'm not sure it really does any better as far as wrong keypresses go. Even in landscape it messes up on essentially every word. Is there any better alternative out there? I've used a touchscreen phone with only marginally larger screen in the past and had no trouble, so I can't imagine that it is the physical key size but rather software determination of what your intention is. I've gone through the calibration with no improvement. In fact, I've noticed that in general the screen thinks I'm touching about an eighth of an inch below where I really intended to touch. Any ideas?
4) Can I alphabetize my contacts by last name? I've looked everywhere and can't find that setting. This would really put me in a better mood when looking for a phone number.
5) Is there an option or application similar to LockInfo for the iphone? i.e., a way to get a listing of calls, messages, tasks/calendar events, weather, mail etc. on the lock screen? I really miss being able to glance at the lock screen and get a pretty comprehensive update on all the important stuff without having to unlock and go through each application. I didn't see that on the stock lockscreen, but admittedly I've been using an iphone style slider lockscreen for the last two weeks or so and perhaps I overlooked it?I've left out the numerous complaints I might have about lag in the UI, lag in dialing numbers, lag in updating the recent call list that causes me to dial the wrong number, a weather widget that says it's sunny in the middle of the night, etc. because I've either found a third party app that works better than stock (SuperDial, WeatherWidget), or am just dealing with it until 2.0 arrives to see what I've really got. If suggestions involve a custom ROM (which I'm fine with), I'd like to know if the Sense UI remains or if I have to use the stock Android or one of the alternative home apps (like open home, or dxtop, both of which I tried and didn't like).I just want my phone to be a decent phone. Right now, it isn't. After that, all the pretty stuff is pretty, and cool, and all of that.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any easy way to paste contacts into a message? Sending vcards is crap and not every phone accepts them. Sure, you can send pictures, videos, and even a voice note but why be able to easily send a phone number? It would be too convenient.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWell, out of nowhere, all my contacts were GONE from my phone.Had to go into settings and resync with google and now they are back.What the hell though?Also, looks like my call history gone which is very annoying
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