Setup A Security Policy On Android OS?
Jan 31, 2012
Can an Android application be programmed to set up a security policy on android OS? Security policy example that i want: app1 needs to be running to be able to run app2 or app3.
And then let app1 detect if app2 or app3 is being started. If yes then: pop up on screen and ask for authentication.(the policy should only be editable with the pin code of the user.)
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Jun 8, 2012
I have an SGS2 with the latest ICS release (rooted). I work with two companies supporting sync with the exchange server (2010) on a smartphone.
I can set up both exchange servers at the same time. The first day the both work, but on the second day one of the two (so far always the same) start giving me connection errors, and will no longer sync emails.
I am almost sure that the problem is that for security reasons, both want to have their security policy (admin privileges etc) enforced over my phone, and when they re-check daily they find that the policy is not as they want it. to overcome this?
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Mar 24, 2010
After the newest listen update when I try to listen to a podcast a notice pops up that downloading is against the phone's policy. I am using a G1. Is anyone else getting this error.
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Jun 10, 2010
In Android 2.2 site (link text
it's written:Improved security with the addition of numeric pin or alpha-numeric password options to unlock device. Exchange administrators can enforce password policy across devices But while I'm using N1 with 2.2 and try to connect to my company exchange server it didn't enforce me to set a password, although connecting to the same server from Windows Mobile 6 device enforce this.I know that exchange server is configured to enforce password. Is there anything special the administrator need to do?
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Nov 9, 2010
there was a way to enable the Device Policy Manager without getting the users consent? The examples I've seen say to start an activity with intent DevicePolicyManager.ACTION_ADD_DEVICE_ADMIN which results in a window being popped up on the handset. Is it possible to enable the Device Policy Manager without a popup window?
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Oct 11, 2010
I know that we have the option of purchasing an app and supposedly if you uninstall the app within 24hrs u will not be charged. However there are some apps that I would love to try like the keyboard apps and find what best suits me and return the others. So my question is has anybody done this and did you receive only charges for the ones you kept when your bill came? I had a friend who had left his phone with his girlfriend for a day and when he got his bill he was getting charged for game he did not order or ever play so it was a hassle (3hrs on the phone with sprint) to get the charges dropped as they were recurring charges every month, he dint have a problem with paying the initial download as that was his fault for leaving his phone with his girlfriend.
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May 3, 2010
I have an app fetch data from internet, for better performance and bandwidth, I need to implement a cache layer.
There are two different data coming from the internet, one is changing every one hour and another one does not change basically. So for the first type of data, I need to implement an expire policy to make it self deleted after it was created for 1 hour, and when user request that data, I will check the storage first and then goto internet if nothing found.
I thought about using a SharedPrefrence or SQLDatabase to store the json data or serialized object string.
My question is:
1) What should I use, SharedPrefrence or SQLDatabase or anything else, a piece of data is not big but there are maybe many instances of that data.
2) How to implement that expire system.
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Jul 26, 2010
I am trying to write the system setting using:
Settings.System.putInt(getApplicationContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.System.WIFI_SLEEP_POLICY, Settings.System.WIFI_SLEEP_POLICY_NEVER_WHILE_PLUGGED);
But it force closes my application. Any Idea? My has user following permissions:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SETTING"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/
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Jun 4, 2010
My current contract expires with Cincinnati Bell tomorrow. I want to get the Incredible but I don't want to keep my current carrier for another month. I was thinking that I could just pickup the Motorola Droid from Best But for 19.99 and return it later when the Incredible was in stock. Do they have the 30 return like the Verizon store? Also Walmart has them for the same price so does anyone know their return policy?
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May 22, 2010
Are we allowed to return 30 days from the day we ordered the phone, or 30 days from when we received the phone? (april 19th and april 28th for me). If the droid 2 is coming out with similar specs and a keyboard i think i want that.
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Nov 5, 2009
I know Verizon has a 30 day money back (minus restocking fee) return policy. Does this apply if you get your phone from BB? Do they have their own return policy? If so, is it still 30 days?
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May 4, 2010
Certified Pre-Owned Devices. Verizon Wireless� Certified Pre-Owned Replacement Program offers a replacement option to customers who are not enrolled in Equipment Coverage, Wireless Phone Protection, and/or Extended Warranty. If your device is lost, stolen or damaged and you are not enrolled in Total Equipment Coverage or Wireless Phone Protection, you can purchase a Certified Pre-Owned device to replace your original device. If your device experiences a defect after the manufacturer�s warranty has expired and you are not enrolled in Total Equipment Coverage or Extended Warranty, you can purchase a Certified Pre-Owned device to replace your original device. There is a limit of one Certified Pre-Owned device per mobile number every 12 months. Each Certified Pre-Owned device has been thoroughly inspected and reconditioned to like-new condition. The devices go through: A complete 100+ point checklist to ensure every area measures up to our standards of excellence. Visual cosmetic inspection. Advanced functional, manual and electronic inspections. Latest software and hardware upgrades. Certified Pre-Owned devices come with.....
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Jan 21, 2010
Recently got my Hero on 3 UK.It's the �35/month...2yr contract with free Spotify.750 mins, unlimited text, unlimited internet.Does anyone know 3's fair use policy for the internet, cannot find it anywhere.
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Jun 12, 2010
So i called asking how sprints return policy works and they told me there would be a 25 PERCENT restocking thats 75 bucks to just return that phone. that is ridiculous!
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Jan 17, 2010
My Gmail account works great, and I have my aol and yahoo acounts set up no problem (well the yahoo was a little problem but got it to work so thats all that matters). I have 2 other email accounts that no matter what I do I can not get them to work. One is my works email which is handled by a company called network solutions. I can get the incoming server setup fine but I can not get the outgoing to work. The other is my school email which is some sort of msn email account variation ( which i log into through I cant get anything to work for this accuont.
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Aug 29, 2010
Decided on getting a desire on 3 from CPW after advice on here yesterday. Not actually ordered yet; its bank holiday weekend so it not be here till at least Wednesday anyway. Just wondered about 3s fair usage policy on data. On the contract info on CPW it just says unlimited internet *subject to fair usage policy. Doesn't say how much that is though. Is it 500mb or 1gb?
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Dec 12, 2009
I'm confused about the WifI Sleep Policy. What does it mean for wifi to sleep, does it mean to stop searching? Mine is currently set to "when screen turns off", but I've seen others suggest that it be set to "never".
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Nov 11, 2009
How long do I have to exchange a Droid for a new replacement? 14 or 30 days?
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Aug 11, 2010
I know a lot of us are considering returning our Captivates before the 30 day window is up if there isn't a fix released from Samsung for the GPS problems. I wanted to share what happened tonight. Went into a corporate store and explained to the manager that I wanted to simply exchange my phone for another one, being that my GPS wasn't obtaining a lock. A rep overheard our conversation and blurted out that the "Samsung rep that was in yesterday stated that they are working on a fix that will be out in the next 2 weeks". I explained to the sales manager that the "2 weeks" was beyond the exchange period for me, and I wasn't very comfortable about waiting it out. He kindly offered to extend my 30 day exchange period, for another month. He took out his card, and wrote on the back, Captivate exchange, extended and good until 9/15/2010. I would recommend getting into the stores and getting your 30's extended as well! It cant hurt to give Samsung a few more weeks to try and get this fix out before we start returning these phones in mass quantities.
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Aug 20, 2010
I found a program on the Android Market called "Vaulty" (there are both free and paid versions), which password-protects media such as pictures and videos. Upon reviewing the app, there is no privacy policy in the app menu, or on the website. The app does require full internet access (advertisements), SMS/MMS control (to save MMS attachments?), and of course permissions to modify SD content.
If the content is hidden, there is probably a good reason why it is, and I just wanted people to consider this when downloading an app. Someone might end up with pictures of your wife, husband, significant other, dog, cat, computer password, or whatever you're trying to hide.
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Sep 20, 2010
Is it possible to get a refund on the phone passed the 30 days because of the GPS not functioning? I loved the phone till it really sunk in how I paid for a product that missing a key feature. I also ignored the warnings that samsung sucks with updates. Has anyone had any luck returning the phone after 30 days?
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Feb 1, 2010
anyone know what it is?
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Jul 25, 2010
So the Verizon-based ROMs don't support my Exchange Server's policies while the Hero-based ROMs do. This would be all fine and dandy if not for the realization that I haven't found a Hero-based ROM that I like. It would be great if there was a way to take the Hero mail app and add it to one of my favorite ROMs like xtrROM or Aloysius.
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Aug 2, 2010
What is your take on the WiFi sleep policy. I do like the fact that Wi-Fi can remain on all the time, but will it be a drain on my battery? Is it better to keep the Wi-Fi to sleep on screen shut off? I am near a Wi-Fi connection for most of the day and always at home.
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Jul 22, 2010
If you go to Settings->Wireless and Networks -> Wifi Settings and then hit the Menu button (the one with for squares on the bottom left) and go to advanced there is an option for Wi-fi Sleep Policy. It looks like the default is to turn off wi-fi and switch to mobile data when the screen turns off? Is this the optimal setting? Wouldn't you want it to never turn off (assuming you are in range of wifi)? That way any alerts etc. are all handled over wifi instead of data?
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Oct 29, 2010
Has anyone had any experience with a personal article policy rather than the 7.99 a month insurance through asurion and verizon? A co-worker of mine pays 7 dollars a year with no deductible and tells me they cover full retail value replacement cost.
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Dec 1, 2010
After noticing my battery was draining quickly, and then after reading this thread, I installed Android System Info to see what was draining my battery so fast. I notice that whenever I would turn on WiFi, the phone will never go to sleep , regardless of what I set the WiFi sleep policy to. After turning off WiFi, the battery still drains heavily.
The WiFi will shut off after 15mins (if you set it to "When screen turns off" or "never when plugged in"). However it seems to keep the CPU on causing it to drain down the battery.
It would seem that whenever WiFi is enabled, the Android system process creates a partial wakelock that does not go away even if you turn off WiFi. The only way to resolve this is by powering off or rebooting the phone.
You can verify this in Android System Info by going into Battery-History-Other Usage-Partial Wake usage to see how much time the "Android System" process holding a partial wake.
I even did a factory reset on the device; and it is still happening so it doesn't appear to be any app that caused the issue. As I said, it works fine as long as I don't enable WiFi.
I already know of two users having this issue, but I'm wondering if folks having battery problems are going through this as well. Is anyone else having similar issues after using WiFi? I'm hoping someone will be able to identify what exactly is putting the wakelock on and we'll be able to find a fix for it. Other than not using WiFi at all or rebooting the phone after using Wifi.
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Nov 8, 2010
I was able to successfully setup a POP account through the Setup fact when I go back through Setup, I still see the account. The problem is I can't DO anything with it in setup (including deleting it to start over) and it doesn't show up in my Apps window with an icon! I see it on the setup screen labeled "Setup Accounts" but no matter if I tap it or hold it or swipe it or try to hit the menu key, it just sits there. There is a green button with the checkmark in it. I guess what I would think i ought to be able to do is to assign it an icon (or even get a generic one) and find the account listed on my app screen...I'm willing to reset it, but I can't even delete it to start!
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Dec 4, 2009
I bought the eris almost a month ago so my 30 day return policy is getting close. I like the eris a lot, mostly because of it's size and the senseUI, but a part of me yearns for the larger, sharper display of the moto droid. Now, I've noticed my eris is starting to chug slowly to do things like typing, changing apps and I'm not sure if it's just because I'm running a bunch of stuff at once or what, but its making me feel like I'd rather have the powerful processor of the droid as well.But, what if I get the droid and decide that I liked the eris better. Will I be stuck with the droid or can I return it and go back to the eris? I guess what I'm really looking for is an explanation of verizon's return policy and perhaps some feedback from those of you who switched from eris to droid.
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Sep 13, 2010
When I connect to my company's Exchange server, it pushes a password policy that makes me have to use a password on the phone. With my Sprint Hero, I used an app called LockPicker to disable this requirement. Apparently this app only works on HTC Sense. Anyone know how to do this with the Fascinate?
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