Samsung Vibrant :: Save My Google Contacts To Sim Card?
Aug 24, 2010I saved some phone numbers on gmail and synced them to my phone. How do I transfer them to the sim card?

I saved some phone numbers on gmail and synced them to my phone. How do I transfer them to the sim card?
I am pretty certain Ringdroid will work for me if I can save my contacts to my phone (they are currently all saved under gmail). I've heard from one person if they deleted a contact and then saved them to the phone the ringdroid worked. Can someone tell me how to do this without deleting/ re-adding?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm sure this first question has been answered, but I haven't been able to find it. I have a Vibrant and a Mac Book with OS 10.6.4. When I plug in my phone and mount the SD card, nothing happens. I've learned elsewhere that this seems to be a problem with this phone and Macs and I've enabled USB debugging. That works, but for me it is not a proper workaround. Has this problem been fixed? Is there some update for either my phone or my computer I can install that would make it work like it should? Also, a question about my contacts. Like most, Gmail saves every person I email in my contacts. This is fine because on they're separated into "my contacts" and "other contacts". On my G1 I was able to only have "my contacts" in my contacts, but on my Vibrant it just threw everyone in there. I was able to get around it by saying only show contacts with numbers, but that's not exactly what I want either. Is there a way to tell the vibrant to only show certain groups of your google contacts?
View 1 Replies View Relatedeven my old huwaei had this option I refuse to believe an all powerful android wouldn't have this simple option.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIsnt' there a way your contacts info can be saved online with google?
View 14 Replies View RelatedHow can I make contacts that I've added to the phone sync with google? It doesn't do it automatically like on my g1.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI dont understand, i put in a new sd card with 16 gigs and my vibrant wont read it for some reason, but it does read the 2 gig one?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you save your contacts on the lg eve to the sim card?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just noticed something in my Vibrant sd card file called "Lazy List".I have no idea where it came from and haven't noticed it before, but it can be found in both my 01 file, and my Astro file, and consists of a bunch of random thumbnails that when clicked on show a lot of gibberish writing. I am afraid to delete this file since I don't know what purpose it serves. I have never downloaded anything called that, nor have I ever seen any of the thumbnails before.Does anyone know anything about this "Lazy List"?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there anyone who can tell me how to save contacts in my SIM card in my G1. I could not do it. Even I can't save the contacts from the Call Log menu. This kind of basic features are useful but I could not find it. Please help me out.
View 23 Replies View Relatedcan anyone tell me how to save all my contacts that are in my phone memory to my sim card not just 1 contact at a time but all together
View 6 Replies View RelatedForgive my ignorance, but its there a way to save my contacts to the SD card instead of the phone's internal memory? Is there a way to choose to save "stuff" to the card instead of the memory?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat are some power saving apps or tips you use with you Samsung Vibrant?
View 49 Replies View RelatedIs this option avalable on the x10? I've gone into phonebook settings, and cant find it anywhere!?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to import my contacts to my sim card so i can save them to it my phone is ready to break and i need to save them quick!
View 2 Replies View Related90% of my phone contacts are saved to SIM, I want them all saved primarily to Google in my phone so they're all synced with my Google contacts on my computer.I've tried but just cant figure it out. How can I save them all in bulk to Google?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi use gmail and i am able to sync contacts from my gmail account to my hero - such contacts are stored under 'google'.However, if i create a new contact on my phone, i have no option to save as 'google contact', only phone and sim appear.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you save a pictures sent to you in a text message to the phone.
I press and hold on the picture thats in the text message and there is no option to save.
so i want to reset my hero back to factory settings but i dont want to loose my contacts. everyone always says put all my contacts in a google account or something. but idk how to do that.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo Do I charge my phone while it off or on? When I turn on 2G , it ask the DATA is still on activation, do you want to disconnect the service? " YES OR NO " what should I do. I just got this phone, so everything is still new to me. What are the based best android apps for this phone so that I can install?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI turn it on, it says its on for like 10 seconds and at the bottom of the screen it says "unable to save networks" and then it says "unable to scan networks" and then it turns right back off
View 3 Replies View RelatedI officially want to know from real life experience, have any of you noticed an improvement in battery life by utilizing the program Advanced Task Killer (ATK). Yes or No.
I've heard arguments for and against using ATK which people have claimed could save battery life by killing off background aps and processes that hinder battery life by using the CPU in the background.
Some people say it works, others say "dude you are an idiot, you must not know anything about Android or linux, Aps don't run in the background with Android, its the beauty of Android" or something to that effect.
Maybe I'm an Idiot, but here is my experience. I have used my phone for periods of time, with and without ATK. I can deffinately say from my own real life experience, that running ATK improves my battery life. Maybe its a mental placebo effect I dont know. For those who say it doesn't work, I just have one common sense question, so here it goes. If Android is so smart, and it doesn't run background aps on it's own, which would use up energy, then why the heck does AmazonMP3 load up by it's self every 2 mins in the background. I never even use the stupid program, so common sense says if Android doesn't run background Aps like AmazonMP3, then how does it mysteriously show up on the list as being used in the background? Also I've read on xda people who root their phone, and manually remove programs like this, and they saw an improvement in battery life, isn't that more proof that indeed these programs use some energy in the background, thus ATK does help?
my Android device: Everytime I add a new contact it's randomly saved to one of my two Google accounts that are synched with my phone, but I want it to be saved directly(locally) to the phone. I've browsed through all the settings menus but couldn't find a solution.
Phone: HTC One(32GB),HTC Sense 5.5
Android: 4.4
I am new to this phone and so far so good.Working things out and getting it set up like I want it. I have two photograph widgets on one of my screens, one set up for newly taken pictures and one set up for newly shot video. The only problem is, I don't know how to change the default video save location. I am using the astro file manager and have seen that all videos and pictures save into a file named DCIM on my SD card. How do I change this to make it save pictures and videos into different files?I have made a different file for my videos and manually moved them into the folder but the phone is still saving new videos to the same old default place.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow big is the SD card that comes with this phone? I cant find how big it is anywhere
View 6 Replies View RelatedIf you removed your acct for some reason you may find your phone unable to sync w/ facebook photos and available only for updates.
If this happens to you:
Go to Contacts
Click Menu
Click Add Friends
Click Facebook (not add account)
Check mark the friends you would like to add... IMPORTANT name spelling must be the same to go over without a hitch.
If the name is different and you've ALREADY added the facebook photo... Click on the name in the contact list. Click link... a suggestion should pop up. Select it.
I used this app called iDrive lite to back my iPhone contacts on it, and now when I use it on Android, they load just fine, however when my phone reboots. all the contacts disappear. However it doesn't erase my manually added ones. Just the ones I restored from that app.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need some assistance deleting my contacts from my Samsung Vibrant. I have found a way to use Outlook and would prefer that since my contacts are all messed up in Gmail. Problem is I have deleted that gmail account and don't how to delete the contacts in my phone!
View 4 Replies View RelatedAm having an issue with trying to upgrade my 2 gb card to 16 gb card. My pc only sees the phone as unknown storage device. And can't get the info on the 2gb copied to the 16gb.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have often experienced this issue. after dialing any phone number and trying to save that number from call log to existing contact it is not working. Means, it tries to open the contact but giving error. did any one has experienced this issue and like to hear your views or corrective measures.
View 1 Replies View Related