Samsung Galaxy S :: Samsung Captivate Rooted
Aug 1, 2010I finally rooted my Samsung Captivate and installed titanium backup and busy box on it, I'm just wondering what else I can install to make my phone better

I finally rooted my Samsung Captivate and installed titanium backup and busy box on it, I'm just wondering what else I can install to make my phone better
Any good lock screen Apps for non-rooted Captivate that would put a big clock and my Exchange daily schedule on there?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSamsung should stop promoting the Galaxy Tab and fix the Galaxy S phones.Tab is running 2.2 and most likely has a fixed GPS.While the rest of us who paid for a product still have not gotten our money's worth.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI rooted my captivate thinking that i could install apps that are blocked on my phone, like Sirius XM, WiFI tethering.....even after rooting the programs are still being blocked and i cant install them. am i missing something? im new to android and had an iphone that i jail broke. im confused on what rooting actually.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI got AT&T Samsung Captivate i897 (2.1 Eclair). I unlocked and rooted my phone. I was using simple free phone earlier which doesn't require data plan but after two weeks I bought samsung captivate, AT&T added $25 data plan. I got my phone from AT&T store where my friend works so he took my data plan out of the plan for now but he said they will find out and add into your plan again. Also, He said that they recognize by your IMEI number. My question is: Is there anyway I can change my IMEI number? I was thinking to use my simple free Nokia phone's IMEI number and use it for Samsung Captivate so AT&T thinks that I am using Nokia phone.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI rooted my Captivate tonight and I know how the superuser icon with android skull and crossbones. However neither Super Manager or ASTRO will allow me to uninstall the crap ware on my phone. Is there something I'm missing? I followed all the steps at XDA. So far I've tried to remove YPMobile, ATT Navigator, and ATT Maps. Any suggestions? I tried searching this on google and this forum but didn't come up with anything.
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow do I go about putting froyo on it..I cant seem to find a thread with instructions on moving onto 2.2 since while samsung uk says sept itll be months after before att is doing offing it up with their usual downgrades and bloatware.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have recently picked up a Samsung Galaxy S Captivate (Android 2.1) on Rogers Wireless. I've been having an issue with the wifi on it, it only works intermittently when I'm at home. It will connect to my network without issues, but none of the data-enabled apps can access anything, they just time out. While this is happening my old iPhone (recent android convert) and my Nintendo Wii are able to connect flawlessly. This ONLY happens when I'm at home on my own network from what I've seen, when I'm on the wifi at my work everything works fine. Has anyone seen issues like this or have any suggestions as to what may be causing it? FYI I have tried different wifi channels, currently my router is setup to use TKIP on WPA2 for encryption.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI Have been using the HTC Incredible for 5-6 weeks now and really love it. Yes, the battery life is not great, but I am over that having 3 fully charged batteries before I go out the door each morning.
Can anyone tell me, who has used the Dinc AND the Samsung Galaxy S if there is, other than larger 4" screen, any reason why I would want to go from the Dinc to the Galaxy phone? When the new 2.2 Android software and HTC OTA update comes out, my understanding is the Dinc will also be able to record HD video as well as serve as a hotspot for WiFi.
I finally decided to root my phone. Ok everything went good with that done and done. But now what? I am not very good with all this just learning bit by bit a day, I know I want to get rid of the Att crap on here and have been reading a bit on how to do that and i think I can without screwing up my phone.
View 21 Replies View RelatedSorry if this has been answered, but I haven't found any many solutions through Google or this forum. The OTA update for the Samsung Captivate (that was supposed to fix the GPS and a couple other bugs) isn't working on my [rooted] phone. I am able to download it, but it says that the process failed after my phone restarts. Luckily, it doesn't brick my phone like it has done to some other people's phones. From what I can gather, it doesn't fail because the phone is rooted but because some of the stock AT&T apps have been removed. Is this the problem? If so, is there any place I can download those stock apps (AT&T Navigator, Where, Mobile Banking, etc.) and reload them onto my phone?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just rooted my phone and got carried away deleting apps. I am not the quickest when it comes to computers so I started deleting everything in red. Yes I really did do that. Now I cannot download. I cannot use my dialer. I think I deleted up to about C before I said uhoh I may be in trouble here. I rooted because I hate the phone. I liked my iphone better as it was quicker and had better email. Those are my main two things. Figured if I rooted I could get rid of the lag and set up a better email. Well here I am. I need help or this thing will be taking a jump out my truck window soon. Help me like this phone please.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have rooted my phone using 1 click lag fix. everything is working fine.
I went to install the droid x Eye wallpaper - I transferred to my SD, then tried to install using Astro File Manager.. I get the popup stating that "For security, your phone is set to block installation of applications not sourced in the Android Market".
Is this because Astro is not using super user privileges?
I have a app i downloaded and want to install on my non-rooted captivate, have searched and read but cant seem to find the way to do this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a samsung captivate and i was wondering how i should backup my phone since i rooted my phone.
Is it through an app or a default program or what? I downloaded titanium backup but do i use that to backup every one of the files that i have on the list? and if i do, how do i activate the backup and wipe the new stuff?
Alright, I just rooted my captivate, what can I do now?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to make camera up & down instead of sideways?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I just rooted. I am looking for the sweet apps that everyone talks about busybox, SetCPU, Root Explorer, Titanium Backup, WiFi and Wired Tether, etc. Do I have to sideload these, can I find them in the market? Do I need to download something special from the market?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm pretty much a noob to all these cell phone device operations etc. I thought launcherpro was pretty cool so i installed it but when i started using it, it seemed that my device was much slower than with just the original launcher. Also i was wondering if there is an app to take a screen shot without the phone being rooted (what does that even mean?)
View 2 Replies View RelatedHad my captivate for a month now(not rooted). I am really enjoying it as my first smart phone and the customization (Zeam launcher, Handcent SMS, etc) is really great. One thing that bugs me though are the soft keys. The way it is set up mainly. Why is the home key between the back and the menu button? and why do i need a search button. I understand the droid is google based, but really? why does it need a button dedicated to it. rooted phone can you change the function of the softkeys so i could have the search key do something different when pressed.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have rooted 2.1 how do i upgrade to 2.2? kies tells me it cant upgrade the firmware on my device. is this because i have rooted my phone? if so. how do i reflash to the original firmware to upgrade to 2.2 and whats the easiest process of backup?You'll have to excuse my naivety but i did some searching and couldnt find anything specific enough.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted GS, and I was wondering if I can safely update to the official Froyo using Kies?Any particular precautions to take?
View 11 Replies View RelatedIm still learning a ton about the android OS and I have a dumb question. Are there apps the Android market that is made for a rooted phone only. Reason im asking is because I saw something on there but it looks like its made for a rooted phone only and I dont wanna risk screwing up my phone over it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat now? I sure want to remove bloats and stuff, any easy way to do that? And what other "must-do" stuff is there to do? Performance boost? How? What are ROMS?
View 3 Replies View RelatedEdit: oops sorry, kind of a double post as I eventually found the thread I was after and asked there. But since I pressed the post thread button I may as well ask here.I'm trying to replace a notification file in system/media /audio/notification and not having much luck. Astro won't do it. I've tried the file manager in Android Mate (given su permission) and it deleted the original file and when I transfer the new one in it says it was successful but the file doesn't show up. Reboot and it's still not there.Is there a good free file manager that will work with rooted phones, or what is the best paid one to go for? Thx
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I recently got this phone for a good price :-) My first android phone, I love it! I'm not ready to install galaxo yet, but I wanted to speed up my current rom. So I rooted the phone and installed recovery on it and installed the froyo JIT thingie and it seems to have sped up a little. I want to overclock to 614mhz, sweet spot, so I installed the setcpu, but it only goes up to 528mhz, and I've tried searching, and I can't seem to find an answer. So I was wondering if someone could lead me to the right path?
View 10 Replies View RelatedIs any theme for galaxo 1.6.2 or rooted JC6?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got the stock ROM for Samsung galaxy note 3 neo (SM-N7500) and changed the boot.img to have in default.prop. but I am not able to get the root permission on the device.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI bought a samsung galaxy gt n7005 and the software was full of bugs with android 4.0.4.
Then I made a big mistake because I rooted with android 4.1.2 but for ata. Everything was working except the phone functionality
Since then the bed luck followed me and I try to install the 4.0.4 again and didn't work.
I would like to install jelly bean, I don't mind custom rom. If is not possible to install jelly bean it's fine even with android 4.0.4
I have a phone rooted and upgraded to 2.2. It was like that when I bought. Some programs are uninstalled in my phone. But I want them back. And there are some new programs that I don't need.
So what can I do? And how can I do that? Does a factory reset reinstall the uninstalled stock applications?