Samsung Galaxy S :: Lock Screen Applications For Non Rooted Captivate?
Aug 14, 2010Any good lock screen Apps for non-rooted Captivate that would put a big clock and my Exchange daily schedule on there?

Any good lock screen Apps for non-rooted Captivate that would put a big clock and my Exchange daily schedule on there?
I have a Samsung Galaxy S3 (rooted) running os 4.3
I trying to find a way to disable the lockscreen completly so I can use widget locker instead without having to swipe twice every time.
I have tried setting the standard lock screen to none but it still starts with the standard swipe lockscreen - I have also tried alot of different apps (noLock, no lock screen, etc) but none of them are able to disable the lockscreen.
I have also searched for solutions (here and a lot of other sites) but a lot of people suggest its a bug in os 4.3.
Running os 4.3 have succesfully been able to disable the standard lock screen.
So I just rooted. I am looking for the sweet apps that everyone talks about busybox, SetCPU, Root Explorer, Titanium Backup, WiFi and Wired Tether, etc. Do I have to sideload these, can I find them in the market? Do I need to download something special from the market?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a phone rooted and upgraded to 2.2. It was like that when I bought. Some programs are uninstalled in my phone. But I want them back. And there are some new programs that I don't need.
So what can I do? And how can I do that? Does a factory reset reinstall the uninstalled stock applications?
I have a confession to make.One of the first things I did when I got my Captivate was tried to De-TouchWiz it.I immediately got a new launcher and used lockbot to change the lockscreen.Well, what I'm finding out is that there are some things about TouchWiz that I really like.For example I love being able to change wifi settings etc. on the drop down notification drawer.I also love being able to change the brightness by swiping the notification bar.The one thing that I decided to come back to as a UI element is the Lock Screen.I didn't even give it a shot when I first bought the phone and today I've been using it and I love it.The puzzle message system is just a great tweak and I love how you can just move the puzzle piece into the puzzle hole to go straight to that application instead of swiping the whole screen to unlock and go to the home page.I also really like that you can kind of swipe any which way to unlock the screen, as well as the fact that it's transparent to your wallpaper/live wallpaper.All around, bravo to Samsung on the lock screen.I hope others are enjoying it as much as I am.
View 13 Replies View RelatedHas anyone been able to change there lock screen? I am wanting to take it back to the vanilla side slide with answer and mute or even the up and down slide like the HTC's have. Has anyone found an app worth having to do this? I have read about alot of the apps but they get a lot of mixed reviews that they only sometimes work or are bugged? Just wondering if anyone has been able to do this yet and what they used?
View 6 Replies View RelatedNoticed today that when the phone is unlocked with the power/unlock button, that the screen starts off at a significantly lower brightness, but the light sensor seems to then kick in and the correct brightness is then displayed after. This happens for only a fraction of a second, but is quite jerky and immediate.Is this normal, or should the screen brightness remain one constant level from unlock? Of course, changing when it should based on lighting conditions.The same also happens when the screen is about to sleep. Once the lock button is pushed, the screen brightness almost notches down in 2 steps. First at half the brightness, or so, and then off completely. Again, not necessarily smooth, but quite jarring.Again, is this normal of other Captivates?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to change the lock screen? I have he Galaxy Captivate. I know there's one app called "Simply Lockscreen" which does work, but it doesn't display certain things like the date for example. And it's a bit buggy it seemed.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to change the lock screen or at least have it show a different wall paper than the home screen?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI finally rooted my Samsung Captivate and installed titanium backup and busy box on it, I'm just wondering what else I can install to make my phone better
View 3 Replies View RelatedIm pretty much a noob to all these cell phone device operations etc. I thought launcherpro was pretty cool so i installed it but when i started using it, it seemed that my device was much slower than with just the original launcher. Also i was wondering if there is an app to take a screen shot without the phone being rooted (what does that even mean?)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new to Samsung Captivate. When my screen is locked i see a series of symbols in the upper right corner. I see the same symbols when I pull down the notification bar, right above where it says "No Notifications" if I don't have any. They are @@@^oe@@ I find it very weird. I have been looking and I can't figure out if I can change those symbols or just get rid of them.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy wife and I have had our captivates for just over a month and have loved the device despite the few minor issues that we've experienced with them. I check the boards daily to see all the latest, but didn't see anything on one issue that i am experiencing.
When using the camera to take pictures of my infant son, if i try to take a picture, then another and sometimes a third (infants are hard to keep still for a picture) without closing the camera application, a few times i haven't been able to press the take picture button and have noticed a "lock" icon on the camera screen, then can not exit the camera app at all and need to power off the phone, then bring it back up. Does anyone know what causes this and if it's something that i am doing unknowingly when bobbling the phone trying to positing him for the picture?
Can i disable the lock screen with puzzle? I don't like it, i want use lockbot but i have to unlock twice every time.
View 4 Replies View RelatedLook, I know alot of you already know about this, but I had a tough time finding it myself and figured I would help anyone else out if I could.Downloads
1. I followed the link. Files I'm referring to are under "Other stuff:"
2. Downloaded the "JH7 zip file OTA Stock" (which never worked for me as an OTA update) to my SDCARD.
3. Created a nandroid backup.
4. Disabled One Click Lag Fix.
5. Flashed the "JH7 zip file OTA Stock" from recovery menu.
The phone booted up almost stock with the update, has root/superuser but I had to enable non-market apps again, just like the first time I rooted. Also had to setup my accounts again...and apps. Then I downloaded the "Stock Lock Screen" the same way and flashed the zip from recovery menu. I was using the stock Captivate ROM - rooted and using One Click Lag Fix before, now I am using the updated JH7 ROM - rooted with re-applied One Click Lag Fix, and running the "vanilla" lock screen (screenshot below) rather than a glitchy Lockbot alternative. Hope someone can get something out of this.
I am a big fan of Android and the Captivate. I've been addicted since day one.
That said, I'm noticing a lot of lag for a "high end" phone with such high specs. I have two news widgets, one weather, and a live wallpaper, and that's it. But I notice sometimes I push the power button and nothing happens for a while. I swipe the lock screen and it freezes for a second. Things take time to happen on this phone. I'm not even running my favorite launcher (Launcher Pro) because when I run it, the wallpaper would freeze for a few seconds at certain times.
When I remove the the widgets and use a static wallpaper, things vastly improve. But then it's as plain and boring as an iPhone!
The widgets I'm running: Battery Indicator, Weather Bug, Engadget, News Buzz.
The wallpaper is the galaxy live wallpaper that comes with the phone.
I mean I customize the phone with a couple of widgets and a live wallpaper and I try to show it to someone, and instead of awing and shocking them with its brilliance, it turns into a crappy PowerPoint slideshow.
Is there a way to view the home screens/apps in landscape? Do I have to install a theme for this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter updating to Froyo the email SW requires screen lock with PIN or password.I've rooted the phone, but that didn't give me more options.Does anybody know a work around?
View 1 Replies View Related1. My friend just got a Droid phone for Verizon and he has the PUZZLE lock screen All the time (not just when theres a missed Message or Call <mine only does that). Can this ben changed?
2. Is there an App for a Screen Tap turn on, I dont enjoy pressing the button on the side everytime?
3. Are there any other Screen lock Apps other than LockBot free?
I have an exchange account through my employer that requires the lock screen. Does anyone know if there is a way to disable this on my Galaxy S (Captivate) similar to the Lockpicker app for Sense?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI cannot find the where I change my User info on the "Lock Screen" ... (Where it says ... " This Phone Belongs To".
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've only had it for a week, so how do I exchange it?, or what do I do?
In case you wonder how I know, the screen goes to blackness after the galaxy S screen
I don't like Samsungs version of the lock-screen and would like to have the stock Android version where you can unlock and mute the device. Is it possible to change this with the Luncher Pro or any other program as well?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhy my Brand New Samsung Galaxy S3 is switching screens from whatever screen I am currently on to the Security and Lock Screen?
It seems it may be APP related because when I KILL my apps with the Advanced Task Killer it doesn't happen as often.
ALL the Apps are the same Apps that were on my previous phone (Samsung Captivate) which never did this. There are no NEW Apps on this phone.
Software is current and up to date as it was downloaded within 5min after un-packaging the phone.
I find that too often when I'm trying to scroll within a widget the system thinks I am trying to move it. So my question is how can I lock the home screen in the since that widgets can be moved/removed?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAre there any themes available that change the default android 1.6 lock screen ? If so, what are they and how can I install them? I see the tutorial on how to install Galaxo, but nothing on them.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted samsung galaxy ace plus with GB 2.3.6, and i wanted to know how can you delete/disable/uninstall the default android lock screen(app), and set a 3rd party app as default lock screen app, i had tw launcher but switched to ADWLauncher ex currently and was trying to avoid installing another app like nolock etc
View 1 Replies View RelatedI dropped my phone for the first time ever today, and there are cracks under the screen, and no picture whatsoever. Sounds and buttons still work, and I can turn the phone on and off, but the display remains utterly blank. I've pretty much written the phone off, there's probably nothing I can do for it. However, I would love to recover my pictures, contacts, and music from the phone. Is there any way I can do this without being able to see the phone display?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnything you guys can think that could help? I've searched around, and found that holding down VOLUME DOWN and Power lets you hard reset the phone, but this doesn't work for me. I hold them down, and the phone just boots up like normal and then shuts off.I rooted it, and it was working fine. Rebooted a few times and then it quit working.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am using Samsung galaxy S plus (Android 2.3.4) rooted, looking some way to uninstall preloaded applications.
Any way to achieve this.