Samsung Fascinate :: Wifi And Bluetooth Will Not Turn On
Oct 23, 2010Hw i500.04 Fw 2.1 update1 Baseband di01 Wifi and BT both show Unavailable on their Address field in the About Phone - Status. What gives?

Hw i500.04 Fw 2.1 update1 Baseband di01 Wifi and BT both show Unavailable on their Address field in the About Phone - Status. What gives?
I have installed a BT widget and a WiFi widget from the market that are each 1x1 so I could save some real estate on my homescreen in not having to use stock the power control widget that's 1x4. I do notice that on a reboot the 2 widgets appear as three dots for a few seconds before finally loading last, after all the thumbnails do on the home s screen.
My Q is, are the widgets something that are always running and using resources, albeit not a lot perhaps. How else do they compare to just using the slide down controls for BT and WiFi. They are redundant but faster than sliding and then tapping. Also these widgets change color, green for active, red for inactive, etc.
I'm new to Android and I'm deciding on which phone to get. I believe I want the Fascinate but this issue with Google Maps navigation is an issue since turn-by-turn navigation is a big feature for me. Does Bing Maps also offer turn-by-turn navigation as well? Is it voice assisted? Personally I don't care if it's Bing or Google but I don't want the Verizon one since it will require a monthly fee. As long as Bing Maps offers the same functionality as Google Maps, I'm fine.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI bought this phone a few days back and i can't seem to get the wifi or the bluetooth to turn on, am i missing something? Also, i downloaded the Idroid ADW theme so i could have those little dudes as my icons and it doesn't seem to have worked. Is it supposed to automatically change or is there something i have to do?
View 29 Replies View RelatedI have been using Evo as my primary phone for 2 weeks and I do not see any battery problems. Am I the exception?
I am a heavy user with about 70 texts, 20-30 emails per day, 1-1.5hour phone usage, occasional web surfing (1-1.5hour), listening to music (30min morning + 30min evening), GPS on all the time (but no GPS using apps running), Facebook and Sense. I didn't turn on Bluetooth or Wifi or 4G. This is a typical day for me. With this kind of usage my battery easily lasts the whole day and well into the night.
This is my first smartphone and I don't know if it's my phone or not, but It takes 2 or 3 tries to turn it on? Is it my phone were do most of the new Samsungs have that problem?
View 16 Replies View RelatedSo ive searched but is there any way to turn off the 3g (data) without doing the whole *#info ish every time?
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI own the Samsung Facinate and when the phone loses and regains signal it begins beeping. Currently working out of town where there is very little signal and it is driving me and my coworker crazy. How can I turn this off?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have already gone into the settings tab and turned off Haptic feedback. I still get it regardless though when I get SMS. Is there a setting that I may have enabled on accident when I used the Keypad to adjust Nav volume?
I installed the JClean Rom after rooting... is there something inherit in that Rom that does the Haptic SMS?
The rocker just turns the ringer down but you still get very loud text messages or email alerts. Is there an easy way to turn it all down?
View 8 Replies View RelatedSo my wife has a Samsung Fascinate no-rooted and running the official Gingerbread update for a while now. The issue started a few weeks ago. At night she turns the phone off, plugs it into the wall charger to charge overnight, and then the phone turns itself back on. The phone will not stay off while she is trying to charge it. She has had the phone for over a year and this just started happening recently.
View 5 Replies View RelatedProbably a stupid question but where do I go in the phone menu to turn off Vibrate when a New SMS comes in?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anyone had trouble keeping the Fascinate paired with a GM vehicle factory bluetooth? We have two vehicles at work (2010 GMC Sierra and 2010 Buick of some sort) and both vehicles pair and stay paired to the Fascinate. However, once you leave the vehicle and come back later, the phone doesn't automatically pair back to the vehicle. You have to go through the entire pairing process again.
We have confirmed that the GM vehicle paring works fine with a Droid X and all sorts of different Blackberries. Any thoughts?
I don't even own a bluetooth headset, but I feel that every time (not sure it is every time) I make a call, I hear a little message indicator while the call is ringing. I look at my phone, and it says "Would you like to enable bluetooth" or something like that. NO I wouldn't, I don't use bluetooth. Anyway to turn this option off?
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI have correctly entered my network info and the wep code but when trying to connect to the network it keeps saying unsuccessful. I have the Westell A-90 router/modem from Verizon. It's about 10 feet away from where I am trying to connect.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there any settings or apps that will allow SF to return to the home screen when you turn on the phone again? It would be nice not to have to hit the home button each time I turn the phone back on?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI rooted my phone and I am now having problems with mms pictures messages when I am on wifi. When I hit send, I see the 3g icon pop up but it never turns colors like data is actually being transfered then it goes away. When I look at the message details, it says status pending and it never sends. If I turn off wifi, it sends fine.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHave a Samsung galaxy s Fascinate.Recently installed new wireless N network at house which is working fine.I get a great strong signal all over the house on my laptop from the network.With my Fascinate however,I get a very weak signal in most places, and only a fair signal when standing close to the router.Very annoying as my 3G connection in my house is not so great either.Anyone else having this issue?Any known solutions?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI just got a BOGO with my wife for the Facinate. I switch from a fully rooted/ROMed Incredible. On both our phones, the Market loads and searches VERY slow on WiFi and 3G. My Incrediable loads/searches almost instantly while the Fasinate takes...3, 4, 5,..., 10secs at times. Downloads are slow too.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI accidentally activated my wifi through the notification bar. As soon as it was activated, i simply tapped it again to shut it down, however, it failed to do so. All that happened was that the wifi had a blue color and off in the bottom. I tried turning it off through the power setting widget, it says that updating wifi. It was stuck like that until i restarted the phone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to turn on the 802.11 wireless, while keeping the phone radio turned off?
I was recently on an airplane that had WiFi wireless connectivity (Delta using GoGo). I had my Moment and wanted to try it out. The problem is that the only way I could find to turn off the cell radio, as required by the FAA, is by putting the phone into "Airplane Mode". But, in Airplane mode, I could not get the WiFi to turn on.
So, what I really wanted was not "Airplane mode" but WiFi on and Cell Radio turned off. But I could not figure out any way to do that. Is it possible?
stumbled across this great little app for root only needs super user perm.
To turn captivate into wifi hotspot
Downloads - android-wifi-tether - Project Hosting on Google Code
Thats the page that host them all
This is the newest link to apk download.
Ignore nexus one ending works on galaxy s im using it right now on my mac.
Showing 255kb down 200kb up not the greatest but works for sure! can encrypt also with catchphrase. great for on the go!
I have a Samsung Galaxy S 2 and I recently installed MIUI on my device. Didn't like it, so I flashed it back to the stock settings and now my Wifi isn't functioning. It will turn on and scan for networks for a few seconds, then turn off automatically.
View 9 Replies View RelatedGot my captivate today, loving it so far, first experience with Android. I was on the phone with my GF today, talking on my bluetooth headset and I was trying to browse the web while we were talking. My connection (WiFi) was being very flaky, extremely slow, or just plain unable to load anything. Turned wifi off and when I tried to turn it back on, it refused to connect to my network.
When I got off the phone with her, I tried to connect to WiFi again and it worked perfectly fine, full speed. Made a phone call to test it out, same result, WiFi extremely slow or not working at all. At that point I thought there was something wrong with the phone being unable to make a phone call and use WiFi at the same time. Then I decided to try disconnecting my BT headset and it worked perfectly. Right now I'm streaming a video off youtube with a phone call connected, but the second I turn my BT headset on the connection dies.
Is this even possible? Flight mode turns off everything including wifi....
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to turn the bluetooth option on the caller id screen to automatically toggle the bluetooth function on vs rushing to home screen toggle?
I'm often on the road at work or just have my hands full and it is such a drain running bt all day. Is there anything close to what I'm asking available or possible?
From what I can tell, if you turn on WiFi the phone never sleeps even in standby mode. Is this a known issue or has anyone else noticed this. I noticed this using Spare Parts and turning off and on things until I saw it was wifi that keeps it awake.
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