Samsung Captivate :: Phone Shut Down Randomly For The First Time

Nov 30, 2010

My phone shut off randomly for the first time this morning luckily it didn't shut off early in the morning as I use my captivate as an alarm clock for my 8 am class. Anyway, I was just wondering if I should be worried? I've only had it for two weeks so I can still get a replacement phone but up until today I had no severe problems. Gps worked fine, battery life was good. I do experience some lag at times. For example, I'll click on messages and I'll have a black screen for ten seconds until my messages come up. Just wondering if I should be worried since it shut down for the first time if I end up having to get a replacement phone I feel like I'll only have the same problems since this is a common problem. I don't want to have to get an iphone, to be honest, I played around with it at the apple store the other day and I wasn't impressed. The captivate has so much more features and the home screen on the iphone just bores me. But the iphone works straight out of the box.

Samsung Captivate :: Phone shut down randomly for the first time

Samsung Captivate :: Phone Randomly Shut Down Itself

Aug 5, 2010

Bought the Captivate on launch day. I had problems with the battery, phone restarting by itself, buttons at the bottom would not register when pushed. Took that Captivate back yesterday and exchanged it for a new one. The new one I got works much better. Little to no lag, buttons are working properly, and the battery is much better. Used it until about 3% of battery was left then put the charger in. Fully charged by midnight, unplugged it and went to sleep. Woke up this morning to find out the phone shut itself off last night. I woke up and tried to check my emails but the screen would not turn on. Held the power button and the phone turned on as if it was just starting it up. I bought my phone from a authorized AT&T reseller so I'm hoping they'll let me exchange it for another one again.

I called Samsung tech support but they weren't much of a help. They said I can send it in for repair or take it back to where I got it for another exchange. My phone is not rooted and not tampered with in anyway. I downloaded all the same apps for it which were only about 6 so far. The only new one I did download was one of those Sense Digital Clock ones and put the widget on my home screen. Other than that the phone is set up just like my previous one. I deleted the Sense Digital Clock app so maybe that was the culprit? I really do not want to take this one back again as the one shut down is the only problem. I'm going to wait a couple days to see what happens. My 30 days are up on the 17th so if it keeps on shutting down I'm taking this one back.

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Samsung Moment :: Phone Shut Itself Off Randomly Now Not Turn Back On

Oct 9, 2010

For a few weeks, my phone has been shutting itself off randomly for no apparent reason. I remove the battery, pop it back in, and it powers up normally. It's off now, I've removed the battery (for about 10 - 15 seconds) and it still won't turn back on.

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Samsung Captivate :: Apparently I Shut My Phone Off While Sleeping?

Oct 25, 2010

Late for work due to my cell phone alarm not going off. I know its a sad excuse lol, I have a alarm clock. However somehow I manage to shut off my cell phone in my sleep or occasionally in my pocket. Is there a app to make it perhaps one extra step to shutting down the phone?

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Samsung Captivate :: Phone Shutting Off Randomly?

Jul 22, 2010

Has anyone else experienced trying to wake your phone from sleep only to find it has been powered off? Strangely, this did not happen the first 2 days, but started after charging the phone fully for a second time. Could this any way be app related? I've only downloaded a few so far such as ATK. I checked my phone right after writing this, and what do you know, it turned off....

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Samsung Captivate :: Phone Randomly Shutting Down After Updates

Sep 25, 2010

Ever since I've updated my phone shuts down randomly. Maybe once every other day, sometimes less. It would be a huge issue but my phone is also my alarm clock for getting up for work at 4am. I don't have any app killers, or battery savers installed. One thing I did notice POST update was, when you go into the running applications menu. The uptimes on the system apps seem to indicate the phone shuts them down to sleep or something. Several times Ive noticed, that even though my phone has been on for several days, the system apps have been running for 5/ 8 hours.

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Samsung Captivate :: Want To Exchange Phone / Phone Randomly Shutting Off

Aug 3, 2010

So I got my phone a week ago or so and it just now started having problems with the GPS and randomly shutting off as well as the battery life being drained within a couple of hours from fully charged. Im guessing I should exchange my phone for a new one within my warranty period. Do I need to bring the original box and everything along with it to exchange it?

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Samsung Captivate :: How To Shut Off The Text To Speech - Captivate

Nov 20, 2010

Ive tried everything and cant isolate the program. Is there any other option?

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Samsung Captivate :: Captivate Random Shut Downs

Jul 28, 2010

I am on my 2nd captivate and the first had its own series of issues but in a week i never had it shut it self down(though it did randomly restart). This new one after a couple days shut it self off twice today.i noticed it was not untill i turned on the automatic wifi off in Juicedefender. i turned off the Wifi auto shut off and did not have the issue return(I have not tried turing it back on to reproduce the issue). Now i have no proof this is connected. and could simply be luck. what i am asking is for those with this issue are you using juicedefender(ultimate)? and is your Auto wifi on or off?

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Samsung Captivate :: Music Player - How To Shut Off

Oct 27, 2010

I cant get my music player to shut down. This happens periodically and it gets really annoying (and embarrassing when Im in class). I searched and read the only way to shut it down is to use the exit/return at the full screen music player and then go to your app killer. Even if I follow these steps and then unplug my headphones the music player will usually 'turn back on' and start playing music at full blast out of my speaker..How can I kill this thing once and for good? btw im using advanced task killer.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Randomly Shut Itself Off

Oct 26, 2010

I think my Hero is on it's way out. It has decided to randomly shut itself off when it feels like it. I almost made my son late for school today because the alarm didn't go off because apparently the phone was off. It's done this a few times now. So my dilemma is... I'm due for an upgrade on Monday, thing is I don't care for any of the phones out right now. I don't really want to waste and upgrade on a phone I don't really want. I can get a new Hero with insurance for $100 but how many can you get a year cuz I don't really want to use it if it's my last one? I could stick it out or switch back to my berry until something good comes out but I think we would've heard about it by now.

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Samsung Captivate :: Sync Phone Book All The Time?

Oct 28, 2010

For some reason, while I'm at home, on wifi, everytime I wake my phone up (not sure if it's doing it while it sleeps or not, but battery has gotten worse, so probably) the 3g comes on for about 15 seconds. I see the grey sync arrows come on in the top left. When I pull down the window shade, it pops up a little notification saying something like "phone book contacts are up to date..." or something like that. But it always activates 3g even when I'm on wifi. I even disabled background data and auto-sync and it still did it after I woke it up. Didn't receive my gmail while those were disabled but still tried to sync my phone book with something. Sometimes I can watch it sync the phone book 5 or 6 times in a couple of minute time frame and sometimes I can watch for 10 minutes and it won't sync once...

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Samsung Captivate :: Alarm Clock Won't Snooze / Shut It Off?

Oct 22, 2010

Anyone else running into this issue? The alarm goes off on time but pressing snooze or trying to shut it off is ineffective. Even frantically mashing the side buttons and hot keys doesn't stop it. Honestly, I don't even know how I eventually get it to shut off, but I do.

This is not a pleasant way to wake up.

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Samsung Captivate :: Phone Rings One Time Then Straigt To Voicemail

Aug 6, 2010

Is anyone else having this problem? I am using launcher pro, but I don't think that makes a difference. I am at wits end with this problem. Unless I am expecting a phone call, and have the phone in my hand, it is impossible to answer a call before it goes to voicemail.

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Samsung Captivate :: Phone Turned Off Today For The First Time Info Provided

Sep 9, 2010

My phone turned off by itself today while it was in my pocket, here are some information. The phone is also not rooted, no launchers have been used, and is currently using TouchWiz. Purchased from AT&T Premier website on August 27th 2010
Delivered to me September 1st 2010
Manufacturing Date - August 2nd 2010
Battery Manufacturing Date - Not checked
Apps installed before shutoff experience:
Fandango Movies
The Moron Test Lite
Google Voice
Barcode Scanner
Ninja Kaka - Fruit Dojo
Drop Block DEMO
Hella Umbrella Beta
Unblock Me FREE
Smooth Calendar
GPS Test
1 Day/Night before I experienced the shutoff, the following were installed:
- Used my own wallpaper jpeg instead of one from the Captivate's stock wallpaper folder
- Beautiful Widgets
- AppBrain App Market
- Fast Web Installer
- Paper Toss
I've had my phone for exactly 1 week, and after reading all the horror stories of people experiencing the random shut offs, I thought I was lucky up until now. I love this phone a lot despite the obvious GPS issues. Does anyone have any idea on what may be causing this? Hardware or Software issue?I would hate to exchange it for another with AT&T since I've become so attached to it.

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Samsung Captivate :: Signal Randomly Goes To No Service

Aug 7, 2010

A few minutes ago my signal just showed no service for the second time. It was totally random, just like the last time and I don't think it's an AT&T problem because I was stationary in my house, where I've never seen this happen on my past devices. (Happened a few times on the iphone, but it only showed searching for about a second, then it came right back). On the Captivate it will show no service and won't come back until I reboot the phone. I'm not in a fringe service area (usually have 3 bars of 3g). Has anyone seen this happen on theirs? I'm trying really hard not to return it, but some of the bugs are getting pretty annoying.

I'm going to install CT Scheduler and run a reboot every morning. If it happens again, it may be going back...

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Samsung Captivate :: Gps Icon Running Randomly / Why Is So?

Aug 10, 2010

Does anyone know why my GPS icon on the top toolbar of my phone would be running randomly? I have no apps running that would require it to come on and the only way to get it to turn off is to power the phone down and then turn it back on. It doesn't bother me.but I do believe it is running my battery down faster then normal.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Wifi Keeps Disconnecting - Connection Randomly Drops From Time To Time

Aug 2, 2010

When i'm connected to my router at home via wifi, the connection randomly drops from time to time. My laptop and TV is fine which are both running via the internet. The setting is set to stay connected always, even when the screen goes black.

Does anyone have a resolution for this? Perhaps static IP? if this is the answer, what should the settings be?

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Samsung Captivate :: Randomly Shutting Off - Keep Alive Application

Oct 23, 2010

There seems to be a solution for the random shut-down problem with Captivate: Captivate Keep Alive app. This was just posted, and it really seems to work! Give it a try. So far I've been up for more than 24 hours without a shut down event.

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Samsung Captivate :: Speaker Randomly Stopped Working

Sep 6, 2010

No sound from the speaker, just randomly happened. Rebooting doesn't work. I have not rooted the phone.

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Samsung Captivate :: Notification Volume Decreases Randomly

Sep 24, 2010

My notification volume always seems to be adjusting by itself. How do you stop it? It can be my notification volume for gmail, text, meebo, or the notification volume in general. Is it something that I am doing that causes it to lower? or is there a way to lock the volume?

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Samsung Captivate : App To Randomly Change Home Screens - Wallpaper?

Aug 23, 2010

Is there an app that will randomly change your home screen and wallpaper to a different one at some pre-determined interval, say every time the phone restarts? There are so many cool looking home screens and wallpapers that I can't make up my mind. It would be nice to select a bunch and then have them randomly selected every restart or specified interval, kind of like shuffle on a CD player.

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Samsung Captivate :: Soft Keys At Bottom Randomly Go Crazy

Jul 16, 2010

My soft keys at the bottom randomly go crazy, either the home key or back key will start flashing and vibrating and and exit whatever im in the middle of doing then it will stop, it does it randomly, but its really annoying, I wonder if I just got a defective unit?

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Samsung Captivate : Apps Randomly Close - Return Me To Home Screen?

Sep 16, 2010

Hey everyone, I'm sort of new to this but I figured I'd give it a shot to see if anyone might have an answer.

This happens fairly frequently actually, but I'll be in an app (any app - it's not really particular) and sometimes it'll just randomly shut me out of it and return to the home screen. As it does this, the home button blinks and vibrates incessantly until I hold down on it - at which point it brings up a sort of mini-list of six apps (the last six apps I've opened, I suppose). Once I clear out of that list, then the phone resumes working normally.

I initially thought it had something to do with the memory and running too many apps at once, so I downloaded Advance Task Killer and run that occasionally...only to find the same problem occurring, sometimes RIGHT after I kill all the apps.

Has anyone else had this happen? Can anyone help me out?

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Samsung Moment :: Screen Shut Off While On Phone

Feb 4, 2010

when you put the phone up to your face while talking i know it has the sensor that shuts off the screen, my question is does anyone else seem like it hesistates a while after you take the phone off your ear? If i call a number that requires me to enter numbers it seems like it takes a good 3 or 4 seconds for the screen to turn back on. I know it doesnt seem like a lot but some of these calls if you dont enter the number right away they start asking questions over then i do hit a number and its the wrong one so its a pain in the a$$. I came from a palm pre which was virtually instantaneous once i took the phone off my ear. So i guess im wondering if this is a problem with just my phone or all moments and is there a fix for it?

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Samsung Vibrant :: Phone Shut Off / Dies Over Night

Jul 21, 2010

For the last two days I have had my battery charged fully before I went to bed, I would have all the tasks killed as well. And by 7am I would hear the phone shut off, it just dies completely.

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Samsung Moment :: Screen Doesn't Shut Off During A Call When Phone Held

Mar 5, 2010

I've searched and have been unable to find a solution to this problem. Actually its with my wife's phone, we both have Moments, mine works great but hers frequently (not all the time) doesn't shut off during phone calls. At first I thought she was just holding it strange but I have seen it for myself and its quite frustrating. The biggest issue is that its an intermittent problem so of course it never happens when at the Sprint store asking about replacing the phone. I did the recent update to the phone and it still does it. Any way to fix this short of getting a new one?

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Samsung Captivate :: Low Battery Time - Replacement?

Aug 18, 2010

I think its totally died like 3 or 4 times now but it still seems to die very quickly. I have the adv app killer on there, i turn off bluetooth when not in use, brightness is as low as it will go, no hectic feedback, gps off and yet i still know that by the time i get home unless i charge it in the car, i won't be able to use my phone after work. so, i'd like your guys thoughts on whether it would be worth it to take back to the at&t store and swap it out for a new one?

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Samsung Captivate :: Remove TIME From Notification Bar?

Nov 11, 2010

I just got my Captivate on Sunday, got it rooted, removed bloatware etc and am a new member of this forum. I searched the forum to make sure it is not a re-post, but I could not find anything. Since I bought Beautiful Widgets to display time and weather I wanted to remove the time from the notification bar. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Samsung Captivate :: WiFi And Bluetooth Headset At Same Time?

Jul 19, 2010

Got my captivate today, loving it so far, first experience with Android. I was on the phone with my GF today, talking on my bluetooth headset and I was trying to browse the web while we were talking. My connection (WiFi) was being very flaky, extremely slow, or just plain unable to load anything. Turned wifi off and when I tried to turn it back on, it refused to connect to my network.

When I got off the phone with her, I tried to connect to WiFi again and it worked perfectly fine, full speed. Made a phone call to test it out, same result, WiFi extremely slow or not working at all. At that point I thought there was something wrong with the phone being unable to make a phone call and use WiFi at the same time. Then I decided to try disconnecting my BT headset and it worked perfectly. Right now I'm streaming a video off youtube with a phone call connected, but the second I turn my BT headset on the connection dies.

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