Samsung Captivate :: Changing Home Screen Icons
Aug 6, 2010At the base of the Captivate's home screen, you have the Phone/Email/Browser/Applications icons.Can these be changed out for other icons such as GMAIL or Dolphin Browser?

At the base of the Captivate's home screen, you have the Phone/Email/Browser/Applications icons.Can these be changed out for other icons such as GMAIL or Dolphin Browser?
Has anybody figured out how to change icons? For example, I have a web shortcut on my home screen for Google and the default icon for it is a real eyesore.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan someone explain to me in simple terms how to change the icons on my dock? I assume I need to start with launcherpro.I have seen some interesting icons that were all words, but i have no idea how to get them on my phone.
is there a way to edit the home row of icons. like switch the email one with the gmail app.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I get app icons (or any new icons) onto home screen of SF?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to set the which of the home screens the phone goes to when you hit the home button?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get the icons in my home screens to show the entire name? There's plenty of room if it just goes to a second line.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that will alphabetize the icons on home screen of SF?
View 3 Replies View RelatedOn the button of my home screen I have 4 main icons Even if you switch to another screen those 4 stay on the bottom of the screen.
How can I change those icons to different programs?
I set auto brightness off and turn it all the way down cause the screen itself is bright already. but sometimes my brightness setting keep changing. i think an app does that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen you click applications button, you will see all the applications icons. I like this icons better than home screen icons because it looks bigger and feel more comfortable when I look at it. Well, yes it looks like iphone screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt seems like almost every time that I unlock my phone, one of the icons on the home screen is selected (long press, like I was intending to move it or trash it). Using Launcher Pro, if that might be causing it. I don't think it was doing this before the last Sprint update, but don't know if that's the cause either.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to change bottom icons on home screen (e.g. phone,contact,message,internet,apps) i think its called the bottom dock its for new Samsung Galaxy S3 4G i cant find any forum or vids on youtube, i can find plenty on how to change the icons on the lock screen but thats not what i looking for.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow Do I change the 4 icons on the main screen, the ones that don't move when you slide the screen,
its the ones right above the Samsung logo, right now I have Phone , E-mail , Browser and Applications there , I want to get take off the Browser and put Text in there , How do I do that , I can't seem to find out how.
I am wanting to change the icons for a lot of my apps on my home screens. I have been looking at BetterCut, Apps Organizer, and Folder Organizer. Now Apps Organizer is free and Folder Organizer has a free trial version, but Better cut is not free not does BetterCut have a free trial version.
Please tell me what you like/dislike about the apps, primarily BetterCut and Folder Organizer (paid).
*How do they run?
*Are there any major bugs?
Is it easy to change the icons for apps on my home screens?
*Is BetterCut really worth $2?
*Is Folder Organizer really worth $1.35?
Are any of these going to meet my needs of wanting to change the icons on my home screens?
*Are the icons dependant on the app that changed them (in other words, if I uninstall BetterCut after changing an icon, will the icon still be what I changed it to, or will it go back to the default icon)?
*If you had $2 and could only choose one of these apps to change the icons on your home screen, which would you choose?
I am going to play around with the two free versions of these apps and see if I like them, but unfortunately, BetterCut is an all or nothing app. I just don't want to feel like I wasted any money because the app ended up not doing what I wanted it to do.
Whenever I am using any app and press the home button, the home screen blacks out for a few secs and it takes around 10 sec to get all the icons back and before I can start using my phone again. I am using a non rooted mytouch 3g.
This problem does not happen if I exit an app by pressing the back button. It becomes very annoying at times.
when I first got it I noticed that I had home screens on both the left and right of the center screen now it seems my "home" screen can only be on the right. So if I hit the home button it scrolls all the way to the right screen. btw I was an avid iphone supporter but have converted so I'm also a noob to the Android scene but so far I regret making this decision so late in the game!!
View 3 Replies View RelatedIm using launcher pro. I only have one dock. When I set a wallpaper to my home screen it always stretches it out past the screen. Even if I use a wallpaper with the correct screen resolution(800 x 480), it still never displays correct on the screen. It seems to always "zoom in".Any idea?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI accidentally dragged an icon to my home screen and I don't know how to remove it. Can anyone tell me how to get rid of it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have 3 home screens but when I press the "Home" button, it always goes to the 3rd (last) home screen. Is there a way to specify which home screen I want to return to when pressing the "Home" button?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI reduced the number of home screens to one (I'm a minimalist) and it keeps showing a single white circle at the top. Is there a way to get rid of it since it's useless when you have only one home screen?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI notice that the home screen is customizable but not the four applications on the bottom, the call, email, browser and applications. How would I change those icons with different icons? Mainly the email and browser. How do I turn off or at least severly limit the data that goes to and from my phone. I do not have wireless and am just a bit paranoid about going over my data limit. I got the phone from work and this is my first smartphone so I am a bit nervous about anything I do on it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to view the home screens/apps in landscape? Do I have to install a theme for this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe one you cna access once your low battery warning comes up. It shows which apps are using how much battery power. Allows you to kill or review each process.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've spent hours setting up my screens. I want to try out adw launcher but will it change anything on my screens?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been experiencing a problem where the phone vibrates in short pulses and returns to the home screen. The home button also vibrates at the same time. It hasn't happened much maybe 7 times or so since Sunday. Curious what it could be.
View 25 Replies View Relateddoes anyone know where the setting is to change your exchange password / pin that is required by IT teams at most large corporations? I've been in to Email > Account Settings, and also to the general Home > Settings and can't find it anywhere.I set it up the first time I set up the account on the phone, but can't find anywhere to change it or to change the duration in which the pin should be input (every thirty-minutes, hour, etc.).
View 1 Replies View Relatedusing stock home screen: replacing the stock 4 icons on the bottom. Please help! Was using adw launcher but had to go back to stock home screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOkay so here is another strange thing I noticed with the update.2 of the 3 phones that got the update now have a little home icon on the bottom of one of the touchwiz screens when you are in the edit mode. This page with the home icon can now be moved to whereever you want it in the positioning of the 1-7 screens you have and when you click on the "home" key at the very bottom it will go to that screen. Previously there was no home key and your home screen was either the middle or far left screen depending on the number of screens you had.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I change the icon that is used for bookmarks added to a home screen? I has the favicon really tiny in the corner of the red bookmark icon, but I want to replace the entire red bookmark star icon with a better icon or a large version of the favicon.
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