Samsung Captivate :: Any Apps That Use GPS Are Not Working
Jul 18, 2010Anyone having trouble with GPS on the Captivate? Any Apps that use GPS are not working.

Anyone having trouble with GPS on the Captivate? Any Apps that use GPS are not working.
The Swype Keyboard on my wife's Captivate is not working correctly. The SYM button and the one to the left of it are blanked out - meaning they are just black boxes and clicking/pressing them does nothing. She has had to switch to the default keyboard and she hates it.Any idea what is going on and how to fix this?
View 12 Replies View RelatedHas anyone tested the GPS yet? It appears that a lot of people have complained about the GPS on the SGS. How is the GPS working on the captivate?
View 26 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Android. I recently was an iPhone fan but thought that Android was a better alternative to iPhone. So anyway, I have a few questions about the Captivate. Does Android have support for apps that you can use to password protect certain apps on the phone? Like messages, and photos for more private stuff. Another question I have: is the Captivates reception really bad? I currently have the iPhone 4 while it doesn't have the best of signal, its not too bad either. And my last question is if the captivate has support for 32gb cards. I'm sorry if someones already gone over these but I could find anything right away. Anyways, I look forward to Android and the Captivate.
View 9 Replies View Relatedin about a month or so my cntract will be up and I was woondering bfore I buy the samsung captivate from att if it can download third party apps without havng to be rooted this will determine wether I get it or not because I nd wireless tether for my house I had it on my windows htc pure so.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf all you're trying to do is transfer files from/to your Captivate, and you're having trouble with the USB drivers, just download an app called SwiFTP. I got it and it took me half a minute to gain access to my files and MP3s on the phone, wirelessly, over WiFi, using Windows file explorer. Then just drag, drop, delete, copy, whatever.
No jailbreaking, rooting, sideloading or hacking required. I think this should be a sticky since so many people are having trouble with USB.
I swear that WiFi seems to quit working half the time. I'll be browsing the web, it will quit working, and I can turn WiFi off and 3G works just fine. When I re enable Wifi, it works for a bit and then does it again. I'm on a 24MB/s Internet connection, and everything else wireless in the home works fine(my iPhone 4 works flawlessly).
View 11 Replies View Related'I tried to open the tutorial programed to the phone and i can't get past the "begin" button. It says to click and nothing happens, i don't get to another screen by now i don't really need the tutorial but i am still bothered that it doesn't even work .
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt did this morning, I went to work, now its not working again.. It sees the wireless network, but keeps trying to "obtain address" I have a Linksys wrt "something or another" Router.?
View 1 Replies View RelatedNot sure this has been posted or not since I hadn't read all of the GPS threads up till now since I didn't think I was having a problem...
When I got the phone I wasn't using a case and the thing locked on to GPS right away. Then I purchased that clear plastic case at&t is selling in their stores. GPS was fine but I hated the case so today I returned it to get the rubber body glove one that was being sold. Tonight I tried using the GPS and suddenly it's not locking on, and when it does lock on it's way off...
Anyone else experiencing this?
I've been trying to use the phone as an MP3 player in the car, however, when I connect it to my USB port it juts sits there saying "USB Load". Has anyone had similar experience? Seen the issue with Honda Civic and CrossTour. Have tried using Media Player or Storage USB setting on the phone.
View 19 Replies View RelatedWireless Tethering now working
must be rooted.
Just installed this apk typing this wireless.
I did search and install wifi tethering but for some reason it doesn't work so this is what I have and my question:
1. I installed wifi tethering. The app seems to work and it indicates my laptop connected. My laptop wifi icon indicated connected but I can't get any internet on explorer. Is there something I miss?
2. I also heard that install USB driver from this forum will do the trick but I can't get it to work? Do I have to install Kies on my laptop?
3. I have a paid version of PDAnet but can't set it up.
I appear to have gotten one of the new Captivates where the volume and power method does not work. I've tried it endlessly for about an hour and I am getting nothing. Is there any other methods I can use?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was using my captivate last night and the 3g and browser suddenly turned off. I restarted the phone several times and let is sit all last night and all of today. I recently tried again but its still not up. I have no 3g or 2g (edge) I can still receive texts and call but nothing to do with the browser. I've tried flight mode and everything else I could think of but nothing is working.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI followed the directions for turning off 3g (to get better battery life) and now I cannot send text messages. I can receive but not send any messages. I have tried soft resetting, and putting things back to how they were before, but to no avail.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI used this method but altered a bit to install flash 10.1 for eclair and it is indeed working, here and there.
How To: Install Flash 10.1 On Android 2.1 Eclair Devices? It was a well understood myth that only Android 2.2 Froyo was capable enough to handle Flash 10.1. But now as the story unfolds, you can install Flash 10.1 onto your Android 2.1 Eclair powered handsets without any issues. The absence of a JIT compiler and other Froyo goodies might cause some performance issues, but in the end you will be able to surf Flash enabled websites without any problems.
Here is the step by step guide on how to get Flash 10.1 on your Android 2.1 Eclair geared phone:
The first step is to download to your computer and extract the .apk file.
Now navigate to the market and install "Apps Installer" utility to your phone.
Now connect your Android phone to the computer and copy .apk file to your SD card. Make sure that it is in SD card root and not in a sub folder.
After this launch "Apps Installer" on your phone and follow the on screen instructions to install flash_for_21.apk file.
After installation is complete, simply reboot your phone and there you go! You now have Flash 10.1 on your phone.
This method has been tested and confirmed operational for Google Nexus One, Droid Eris and HTC EVO 4G on stock Android 2.1 Eclair.
The apk download
The only difference is I used just the standard debug transfer to load it into my phone then used android centrals sideload wonder app to install it in debug mode.
The Android Central Sideload Wonder Machine - Android Forums
Had to have enable plug ins turned on in the browsers settings, doesn't seem to work on all sites but some sites that did not work missing flash before are for sure working now.
Rooted Galaxy S captivate running eclair 2.1. Using skyfire or opera. dolphin seems ok also. Seems to get better results than standard browser. Some pages seems like it works others it doesn't. I used and it reports I am using 9. I don't get it.
I just rec'd my captivate. Now, I've lived here all my life but still get confused going downtown. anyway, I voiced searched the hotel and the google found it on the first try. It navigated me all the way there with 100% accuracy.
The only issue is that when I took it away from the windshield area, to make a call, it lost signal. I didn't have a good place to put it, at the time, other than the dashboard - but it worked great.
I'll try it out again today & update.
Has anyone gotten the free version of where working yet? I have the apk but can't install because it says its already installed. I REFUSE to give ATT three bucks a month for something other carriers allow for free. I have not rooted this one yet because I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to have to exchange it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedNo sound from the speaker, just randomly happened. Rebooting doesn't work. I have not rooted the phone.
View 13 Replies View RelatedDidn't do anything different. All of a sudden it stopped working. It sees it and connects to it, but can't browse the web or update from other apps, etc. Rebooted phone and told it to "forget" my connection and reset it. Nothing helped. Other computers in the house connect fine.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy exchange sync worked after initial setup but after a couple of days it stopped working. Any idea what is going on here?I tried deleting and re adding but the problem reappears after a couple of days.Samsung Captivate running Android 2.1.
View 1 Replies View RelatedPhone gets to 15% (which is plenty of battery IMO) and I can't take a pic. Get in a car wreck and need to take some photos? oh no 15% battery because its the end of the day and you forgot your charger. Need to snap a pic of a deadly snake that just bit your dog to take with you to the vet's office? can't low battery. These 2 events happened to me (wasn't driving though). Please tell me this is a setting I can fix
View 7 Replies View RelatedHas anyone gotten their hotmail to work? I got it to work the first time using the POP3 and STMP method posted all over the net but then when I go to check again, I just get connection error. I tried setup again and I get the "ERR login allowed only every 15 minutes" message. I know I'm probably only one using hotmail these days but that's where most my contacts are.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have contacts set up on my phone and am trying to sync them to my google account but it doesn't seem to be working. I have gone into the settings and to account and sync, It shows the correct account in the "manage accounts" section. When I click on the manage accounts it shows that it is syncing contacts, gmail, and calendar.why it is not syncing. It is not syncing my calendar either.
View 2 Replies View RelatedVolume Buttons have stopped working. How annoying. Just got everything setup my invisible shield on. And I am going to have to get a new phone.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've got and paided for the full verison of TB. I want to freeze some of my apps and hide them. When I choose this it loads and says its freezing them but it just hangs their everytime, it will do it for like 20 minutes but nothing happens.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust wondering if anyone knew of any god arm sleeves that the phone can fit into for when im working out or riding my bike.... Im afraid it will fall out of my pocket.
View 14 Replies View RelatedNot sure if anyone has faced this issue on Samsung Captivate? I searched the forum but did not find this posted. So I took a flight and found out something weird
1. Enable Flight Mode
2. Turn Off the phone
3. Turn on the phone
4. Disable Flight Mode
-You see the 3G icon appear now. Try accessing the internet, go to the browser, or sync your email - it does not work.
5. Turn off the phone
6. Turn on the phone
-- Now everything should be working as normal
I tried it a couple of times again to be sure and every time the issue occurs. There was no wifi access when I tried the above.
Okay -- so I finally mustered up the courage to root and try a lag fix. I rooted using the unleash the beast files. And then tried the lag fix over at XDA found here: xda-developers - View Single Post - [UTIL] One Click Lag Fix 2.0
I ran the lagfix_ext2, like the forum says -- it took about 10 minutes to do some things ...There was an error message in the middle saying that it had to stop the process. I said okay, but the process kept working, finished, and then rebooted. It booted up, and I downloaded quadrant again (it was gone for some reason), ran it, and only ran an 895 -- this is 16 points less than what i ran just using the unleash the beast. Should I try the lag fix again?