Motorola Droid :: Secure Web Login ?
Dec 2, 2009
On my droid, i need to access a https website that asks for login credentials. when I attempt to use this site, I get a certificate error(normal for our site) then I should get a username and password prompt. Instead, I get a server communication error. I can use this site using a windows phone, as well as any computer browser, but cannot get the user/password prompt from the browser in android. has any one else had a problem like this? the site address is
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Jan 22, 2010
So I loaded Wave secure beta to my Hero a couple weeks ago. I had occasion to travel to the west coast since and the phone locked as expected and unlocked when I entered my PIN. However, I wanted to test the remote locking feature and when I enter my login and password at the Wave secure web page it telss me I've entered incorrect info. I've verified the info multiple times but still can not login. I sent a msg to TenCube but haven't received a reply. Anyone else have this problem or know what the problem might be?
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Oct 7, 2010
I have been rooted since shortly after 2.2 dropped and it broke the SiriusXM app. I love having the ability to do so much with the phone . My question is kind of specific to an application and general to the nature of a rooted device. I have been playing World of Warcraft for 5 years now and with the always present threat of being hacked and all of my in-game items, characters and account being stolen I added the mobile authenticator app as soon as it was available for Android devices. For those who don't know what this is, it is an app which you add to your in game account and will generate a key which you put in upon login that adds an extra layer of security to your account.
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Jan 28, 2010
Are there any Droid users out there that are having trouble tracking and locking their phone with the Wave Secure? It backed up my info fine but it can't locate or lock my phone in both Firefox and IE. I installed Mobile Defense before I installed Wave Secure to test them both out but I've heard of ppl running them both with no problems.
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Mar 19, 2010
I installed a trial or free version of Wave Secure to my Droid for the purpose of backing up SMS messages. I used it once or twice. Now it's locking me out of my phone. It's asking for a PIN, and I don't know it. If you go to the Wave Secure website, there is a page for resetting the PIN, but I can't seem to enter an email or phone # with international code that it accepts.
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Sep 17, 2010
Can anyone tell me how to setup a google apps (no gmail) account on a Droid X? I set it up on my Fascinate easily. I need to set SSL for outgoing, and TLS for outgoing. The Droid X only gives me the option of "use secure connection". The thing is, I got it to work as a regular email account last night, but then it stopped working. We have one ATT account through yahoo, and the google apps account from our private website. I tried setting it up as a gmail account since the settings are the same, but get the error "cannot establish a reliable data connection to the server."
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Aug 17, 2010
Cannot log into Facebook at all. Yes, I have the correct e-mail and password. What's the secret to login from an android phone? I can't even get to 'visit our Help Center'. WTF? Tried thru the browser and then the Facebook app. Actually you get to the same login page.
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Oct 8, 2010
I have a youtube account and have it linked to my google account but I can't login to it on my phone using the youtube widget. I can login on my pc but I can't on my phone widget. Is anyone else having this problem and what kinda of fix can I do? I did a factory reset for another problem and I still can't login into the youtube account after that either. I have also tried changing my password and it didn't work either.
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Aug 6, 2010
I was playing around with my phone today, just trying to create a cool symmetrical pattern on my droid. Mind you this was just on the screen where after about 5 tries it locks you out for 30secs. So i keep playing around with it and than the email and password screen shows up, saying i have to log in. Alrite sure, so I just put in my credentials and it fails.
Things I have tried:
2. password null
3. case sensitive
4. playing around with people calling me and emergency dialer, etc.
5. changed password
6. battery pulls..............
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Dec 4, 2009
So, I'm having a small issue trying to share videos on Youtube. Essentially, I'm forced to log in every single time I want to upload a video. Here's how it happens: I take a video with the stock camera app. Go to the gallery, and click share. Choose Youtube. It asks me to login. I do, and it uploads fine over wifi. Take another video, same steps, and I'm asked to login again. The problem is, I have a long username, so this is really annoying. I'd think it would cache my username for at least as long as the youtube app is still open in the background, or gallery, or something. I've tried going into the youtube app directly, logging in, and then doing all this. No matter what I do, I have to login to youtube every single time. There are other Droid threads about login errors to youtube via the app, but I'm not experiencing that - I'm able to login fine, I'm just annoyed I have to do it every single time I want to use youtube, be it via the app or sharing through gallery. I'm learning to Cut All when I login the first time, then pasting each subsequent time, so at least I'm only retyping my password each time. Which makes it not a huge deal, but still an annoyance Especially since I tend to upload in batches. Anyone else experiencing this? Is this a security thing or did they just forget the "remember me" checkbox?
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Dec 10, 2009
Will the droid use your default gmail account as youtube login? 'Cause my youtube and gmail account is not the same and never will be!
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Jun 26, 2010
In order to connect to my school wifi I have to signin using my web brower. Is there an app or setting where I can just auto logon to the wifi.
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Aug 6, 2010
My husband's Droid was factory-reset by Verizon yesterday, and he lost all of his apps and also forgot his Google login for Marketplace. We set up a new account, but then realized that he can't get his apps back. I figured out his original login, but cannot figure out how to log him out so we can log him back in using his original account.
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Jul 1, 2010
I managed to create the logic for the function but I have no idea how to match it with the database. I only know how to do it the hardcoding way.
Below is how I did it. I believe an sql statement should be inserted there am I right? And I know I missed out something. Before I match the username and password, I should check whether the user exist in the database first, and then check whether the password match with the username.
So in conclusion I need help on the 'if else' statement.
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Aug 24, 2010
I've downloaded a few networking apps (games) that have you log in, then take you to a "home" type screen where you can change your settings, or start a new game, or view your buddies etc.My question is two-part:
1) how are these "multipanel" apps created? Is each panel its own activity? I've tried adding different panels through Views, but on the apps I described above, when I hit the back button on my phone, it takes me to the previous screen and in my apps, it just takes me out of the app when I hit back (again I'll I've done are add separate views). Can someone point me in the right direction of what I need to do to create a multipanel application that when I click a button, a new panel loads, then when I hit back on the phone, it takes me to the previous panel?
2) one of my panels will be a login page which I will post the log-in credentials via http post to my server for authentication. I would like to remember the log-in "token" that is passed back to the client so they don't have to log in every time they use my application. Again, referring to some of the apps that I have, they offer this feature but I can not locate anything on the phone where it would be saved. Is this done with xml usually?
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Jul 27, 2013
I am doing an an android application on student app. I have managed to make the buttons, however i need submitting the login details of a s creenshot where a user can login to their account. With listview in making a good one displaying list of students registered in an IT course. These are the codng that has been used so far, which have worked perfectly fine
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View; [code].....
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Mar 5, 2010
Many of my users have requested a password protection for various data elements in my database. Unfortunately, one of my existing features is backing up the database to a public location (SD Card) for data redundancy, so my database isn't secure.
So my question is two-fold.
How can I encrypt or secure a database on android?
How can I store user created passwords on the device in a secure, inaccessible way.
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Apr 8, 2010
When purchasing the eris I had it in mind to possibly trade stocks from scottrade mobile, or pay my cell phone bill via it. How secure is this device to put important passwords into it?
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May 22, 2010
I was finally able to come up with secure way to mount my Eris to my Road bike, although I believe it is secure enough to work on a mountain bike to but I will have to try that later. I had been looking for a while to find a way to attach my Eris to my bike without the use of bulky devices like the universal one from the bike store. I finally saw the Shell / Holster Combo at Verizon and decided to give it a try.
I purchased the Combo from Verizon for $23. Here is a link to the Combo. I have attached pictures. This Combo seems very durable so I think it is a good fit for this job. It says the phone is supposed to be faced in, but the holster doesn't appear to be causing any problems with the phone its just a snug fit. Which is what I want anyway..................
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Dec 8, 2009
I'm sure I'm not the only one with naughty pics of my girl friend or other girls on my phone that I don't want the girl friend, other girls, or friends and people in general to see...
Is there a way to put these files in a secure/passwored folder on the SD card that the "Albums" or any other video/pic app can't access? Besides keeping my phone locked, I don't want someone accidently flicking through the photo album and stumble upon these. Also I noticed even switching the Wallpaper shows all the pics on the phone.
I have an idea of an app called "Stash" where you can move any files (maybe even contacts/texts) to a particular place on the SD card that the phone can not find.
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Jan 19, 2010
It gets annoying each time i restart my phone that my Aim and Yahoo msg app would sign on automatically. How do i disable this?
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May 7, 2010
What is the secure way to store passwords on android device?
I found same topic in "Android Developers Group". Steve918 kindly shared a sample code for it but I can not download it anymore.
Does anybody know how to encrypt/decrypt password using Android supporting secure algorithm?
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Apr 23, 2010
I need to develop an application that will check whether the phone is in roaming. If it's in roaming then the application should block internet for all applications except several from white list. In non-roaming mode it should allow all requests. There should be no way for user to kill or suspend the application or turn internet on.
I'm not familiar with android much so I really don't know whether it possible to implement without modification of OS. Is there any way to do this?
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May 30, 2010
I have a problem with my Motorola Droid; When i try to go onto one of my droid apps; and when i log on... it says "Login fail" WHat cando i have to do in order to go back to being able to login to my apps? This includes my Meebo app, Yahoo Messeneger app. and my photobucket app will not let my download a pic. to my phone, I use to be able to do all of this, but now it isnt working.
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Apr 15, 2010
I want to create Login option in my application , so that once a person gets login that device creates token which is saved over server. From next time whenever he/she operates the application, directly goes to next label by checking that token keyvalue pair over server.IT requires login page only when that keyvalue pair is deleted from the server.
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Nov 14, 2010
I have a login database,from my android client i have to pass the password in a secured manner, how to implement the security encryption in my application(i.e) i want to implement a login screen which is capable of doing encryption. how to build a best encryption algorithm in Java?
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Jun 21, 2010
I have a android application which needs username and password to login, i need to save the username and password locally in phone or some where to use them when the user opens the app next time and logins to the app automatically without showing the login screen.
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Aug 22, 2010
Ever since a few days ago, every time I turn on my phone (from being turned off, not waking it up), I have to re-enter my username and password on the official Twitter for Android app. Has anybody else experienced this problem, or does anyone know what's causing it?
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Dec 11, 2009
I received my wife's Eris last night and was setting it up for her. For some reason it wouldn't let me log into her facebook under the social network settings. She wanted to do this so she can see birthdays and have contacts connected with their fbook profiles. It would not let me log her in. It says that the service is currently unavailable. I can log her into the android facebook widget and the mobile site but not this. I started messing around with my Eris to see if I could figure out what is wrong. I logged myself out and now I am getting the same message. I have been using this setting since day one with no problems. My wife has the update and I do not yet. Has anyone else ran into this issue.
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Feb 13, 2010
Does Wave secure work for Droid Eris?
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