Motorola Droid X :: Where The Red Spots Show Up If There Moisture Damage

Oct 9, 2010

I got my first smart phone on 15 July, a Droid X. Everything was OK till last week when it died. I took the dead phone to VZ and they examined it and said there was moisture damage. Seems like there are some places on the phone that turn red when exposed to moisture. Bottom line was they are replacing the phone, but I had to buy a new battery and sign up for the $US4.95 a month insurance.

I do live in Florida and it can get hot and humid in the summer here. So my question is just how much do you have to baby a phone like the DX?

I thought I was careful with mine. Did not every carry it with me in the swimming pool. Kept in a nice silicon case to protect from bumps, and had another old HP calculator case that I often kept it in for more protection. Never had anything happen like dropping a Coke on the DX.

The lady at VZ was kind of a bozo, she even wanted to over charge me for the battery; but some guy in a suit came out of the back room and said I was a preferred customer and gave me a discount. When I asked about buying a different case that would protect my phone from water (I have seen OEM water proof cases advertised on the internet) she said that was not necessary.

Do other peeps have "moisture" issues with their phones, and if so how do you deal with them? Now that I know where the red spots show up if there is moisture damage I will probably start checking them. But if smart phones are so fragile that I have to baby them so they last more than three months I may have to review my decision to buy one.

Motorola Droid X :: where the red spots show up if there moisture damage

Motorola Droid :: Inaccurate GPS - Random Spots?

Nov 14, 2009

Anyone else having issues with their GPS putting them in random spots. I open up GMaps and my GPS definitely has me in the wrong spot (off by a good mile or two.

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Motorola Droid :: Droid Doesn't Like Fog / Moisture

Feb 4, 2010

So I was walking the track outside for about an hour and it was pretty foggy and I had the droid in my hand the whole time so it was exposed to the fog. When I think about it now that was probably stupid but I never dreamed fog would have such an effect. After I got inside about thirty minutes later (Nothing happened in the fog mind you), the you tube app opened and when I went to press the home button it would press the play/ pause button and would not exit and then I turned the phone to silent and it started blasting the video at full volume while on silent? It would not return home or let me press any button and then it decided to open the camera and auto focus like 8 times and then back to you tube and played some very random video I have never seen or searched for and then back to the camera back and forth. I had a body glove case and I do not like ripping it off a lot so it took me a while to get to the battery. I tried to hold down the button to shut down but that would reopen the you tube app and hit play/pause like a person on cocaine!! Also after I finally got the battery pulled and restarted my email accounts have been erased and I can not set it back up! It keeps saying free yahoo users do not have access!@!@@@ I had yahoo this whole time since launch day!! Well any help on this freak out is appreciated and also it is fine now two days later so maybe it dried out? Also nothing else erased except for the email accounts with both g-mail and yahoo! So I am asking for help and offering this as a warning to fellow users.

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Motorola Droid :: Can't Clean Little Spots On Screen - Wavy Keyboard

Nov 6, 2009

I have little spots on my screen. They aren't dead pixels and they can't be cleaned off. It looks like they are like little spots of residue left over from the screen protector that was on the phone when you buy it. But they don't come off. They're only noticeable when the background is white.

Second, the keyboard is wavy. It's like the rows of the keyboard go up and down, almost like the keyboard didn't fit well in the area it's supposed to go. So the spaces between the rows are lifting up a bit and creating a wavy keyboard. This isn't really much of an issue, but just curious if other people see this as well.

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Motorola Droid X :: Any Water Damage Indication

Nov 2, 2010

How can you tell if your Droid X has water damage?

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Motorola Droid :: Where Is Water Damage Indicator?

Feb 18, 2010

where is the water damage indicator on the droid?

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Motorola Droid :: Damage To Speaker Mesh

Feb 3, 2010

So I know there are a few others in my boat with damaged speaker mesh. It pushes in very easily and although I was being careful I did it myself.My fault, my bad. Is a bummer.I contacted blue rocket from GrapiXpressions to see if they would be able to make replacement speaker mesh

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Motorola Droid :: Remove Water Damage Indicator

Feb 18, 2010

How hard is it to remove the water damage indicator from the back of the phone? What tools would I need?

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Motorola Droid :: Water Damage Now Stuck At Boot Loader

Aug 10, 2010

So as the title states my Droid has some major water damage, but after about 30 min of low heat in my oven and a few more hours of drying it now powers on. Problem it is stuck on the bootloader. So my question is do you guys think I screwed up whatever part of the phone that stores the ROM, does it need more dry time (this only happened about 4 hours ago), or should I just try reinstalling my ROMS off my SD card without waiting any longer? I'm planning on giving it another cycle of heat/dry time then reflashing everything but don't really want to go through all the hassle.

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Motorola Droid :: Water Damage Sticker Still Red But Phone Not Turning On

Dec 1, 2009

I was at the beach today and my sister dropped my phone in the water, and now it wont turn on. The phone is still under the 30 day return policy from VZW. Will they accept it, or do I need to spend another ridiculous amount of money for the phone? I was going to take the phone back anyway for massive amounts of dropped calls and desktop wont rotate horizontally. You can't really tell it has been damaged, it just wont turn on. The water damage sticker is still red.

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Motorola Droid : Overclocking Phone To 800mhz / 1000mhz Overheat It - Damage To It?

May 6, 2010

Does overclocking your droid to lets say 800mhz or 1000mhz overheat it? Or will it cause any damage to it?

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Motorola Droid X :: Phone In Cheap Hard Case - If Dropped Results In Damage

Jul 18, 2010

So I have my X in a cheap hard case till outterbox makes one. Has anyone dropped their phone yet? If so, how did it hold up? was there any damage?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Moisture Cause For Touchscreen Not Working?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a HTC Hero 6283 from Cellularsouth and was wondering if moisture is the cause for my touchscreen not working? I've had this phone for 3 months now, but I have noticed that everytime it gets some moisture on it, the touchscreen stops working properly. I've taken the battery out on numerous occasions and sometimes it works.

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General :: HTC One X - Water Spots On Screen?

Jun 1, 2013

so i got an HTC One X and first thing i bout for it was an invisible shield screen protector, so applied the screen protector and after letting it dry i turned my phone on and it seemed to go well but when i go on a white page i can see black streaks and on the bottom there is a big blue strip which i believe is water. The phone however works perfectly fine and i cant see the spots unless im on a white page but it is pretty bad so i was wondering what should i do to get rid of the streaks?

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Android :: WiFi Emulator - Scan - Discover Hot-Spots Or WLAN's

Mar 17, 2009

I am currently doing my Bachelor Project concerning Android Programming.

Therefore i need a possibility to SCAN/DISCOVER Hot-Spots or WLAN's where i can connect to.

In many topics i have read, that the EMULATOR does NOT support WiFi scan with WiFiManager. I also tried using ConnectivityManager or BroadcastReceiver. But it doesn't ever work.

So my question ist the following - is it CORRECT that the emulator does not support any kind of WLAN Scan/Discovery? I need as many comments on this as possible - because only if its REALLY true, that the emulator does not provide WIFI functioanlity, then i can ask for buying a Dev Phone.

And if so, WHY there is no WiFi support within the emulator...?

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Samsung Captivate :: Killing Auto Apps / Automatically Opens AT&T Hot Spots?

Oct 24, 2010

When I turn on my Captivate, it automatically opens AT&T Hot Spots, AT&T Navigator, IM, Email and about a dozen other apps. Is there any way to limit the apps that open automatically so that I don't have to use Task Killer every time to kill unwanted apps?

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Android :: Will Magnetic Damage The Droid

Dec 16, 2009

I have noticed that the magnetic flap of my droid pouch has activated the phone every time I insert or pull the phone in/out of the pouch. Even though, the screen will shut off as it supposes to be, but I just wonder will the magnetic will affect, or damage the phone, such as the GPS feature.

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General :: Water Damage Indicator Droid G2x Never Been Wet

Aug 23, 2011

I have been having problems with my G2x's this is the 4th G2x I've had. My first one had a short, second one would randomly flash when I didnt even have the camera on and the screen would flicker like crazy, third one gave me the black screen of death were it was just all black and the phone would not work at all. The fourth one I have now is constantly shutting off on me all the time. I called T-mobile and told them that IDK what the problem is... I don't DL anything crazy and I really love the G2x when it works could it possibly be the battery because that is the only thing that is the same with the phones. So they are sending me out a new battery. Fast forward four days battery still isn't here and I am having the same problems and occasionally have to take out the battery and put it back in so the phone will power on. This morning I noticed my phone did not charge at all. So I pull off the back and what do I see under the battery and small amount of moisture and the white water damage indicator is now RED!

My phone has never been in water or near water or in the rain hasnt even rained for weeks and weeks now. The thing is if it truly got wet wouldn't the white water damage indicator on the battery be red too? Because that one is still white. I called T-mobile and asked them and they said I would have to do an insurance exchange. I told them I am not trying to exchange the phone, but when my new battery comes in and if it doesnt solve the turning off problem I don't want to have to pay for a new phone when I never got my phone wet. The lady said well maybe when it gets humid but IDK. You will have to do an insurance exchange which is 130 for a phone I did not get wet. Experience this and never got there phone wet. Are there anymore indicators on the phone that would show maybe it didnt get wet like can I ask them to open the phone so they know I am not lying. I am getting sick of dealing with T-mobile now. I always have to fight with them about my rebates, getting phone replaced, bogus charges, ect... Now water damage for non-water damage phone.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Where Exactly Is Water Damage Sticker On Phone?

May 12, 2010

Where exactly is this sticker on the eris? I was having a conversation about phones earlier with a friend and I couldn't seem to find mine?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Screen Not Fully Working After Water Damage

Jun 14, 2010

I dropped my phone in a drink and I took out the battery and I let the phone parts dry overnight in a bowl of dried rice. After putting the battery in the phone, the phone works.. It's just the touch screen part doesn't fully work. Everything on the touch screen is fine except for the home button, the clr button, the menu button, and the search button don't work. Usually when you press them they kind of vibrate but they don't know and they just don't press basically. Is there anyway to replace the screen?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Water Damage / Turn On But Stuck At Boot Up Screen

Sep 29, 2010

Both of the stickers - the one on my phone, and the one on the battery still have red X's. I have read that this is good. I dropped my phone in a toilet (recently flushed thank god) in the Staten Island Ferry Terminal (see, nothing good comes of traveling to SI!) and grabbed it out as soon as I saw it. I had a plastic case on the back of it. Took it apart as soon as I got my wits about me. And no, I wasn't using it - It flew out of my backpack when I turned around.

It will turn on but has this odd boot up screen. I don't believe rice will get the water out of the inside, and I don't have a screw driver tiny enough. If I bring it to the Verizon store will they know it had water damage from the screen alone? It looks normal almost like the DOS blue screen of death sort. Also, the little tiny green sticker in the lower right hand corner that says VOID - is that a water damage indicator too? I don't recall ever caring what it was.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Water Damage Sticker Just Light Pink In Color

Aug 12, 2010

My eris water damage sticker is just light pink in color at the top of the sticker, but you can still see all the lines on the sticker. Would Verizon deny my insurance for this?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Way To Show Saved Contacts Picture To Show Up In MMS?

Dec 24, 2009

Does anyone know how to get your Eris to show the saved contacts picture to show up in MMS and Phone calls? If I dial their number sometimes it shows up and sometimes doesn't. In never shows up in text messaging.

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Motorola Droid :: How About Some Websites To Show It Off?

Jun 15, 2010

ok so now that flash is on our phones. how bout some websites to show it off? what are you guys using it for?

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Motorola Droid :: Some App Icons Won't Show Up

Mar 4, 2010

Instead, they are replaced by a generic green "Droid" icon. These are apps that are newly downloaded, and some that I've had for a long time. It's only a few of them, and it isn't a random thing- They stay that way, and the others still show up. I don't know if this is a Sweeter Home II issue, or a Sholes 2.0.1 ROM issue, or something that's up with these particular apps. In SWII, I do have the icons resized to about 75% of their original size. But even in the "Manage Applications" list, where they are all stock sized icons, they behave the same way. I've unloaded & reloaded apps to no avail.

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Motorola Droid :: LED For SMS Doesn't Show Up

Jul 21, 2010

I use the Handcent SMS and the LED color (blue) and it worked perfectly fine. I set the color to a custom color now and when I get a text, the LED for SMS doesn't show up. I also have the custom color off now too. I also have Missed Call. I used it to set a color for the SMS LED, but it still does not work.

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Motorola Droid :: Always Show Away In Gtalk?

Nov 7, 2009

Both my wife and I have the droid, no matter what we set our status to (available, DND) in the gtalk app we appear away to everyone. The status messages seem to update fine though. Is their a setting we're missing, or is there a bug in the gtalk app?

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Motorola Droid :: LWP Show In Battery Usage?

Mar 26, 2010

When hitting battery usage, would the LWP show up under display? I loaded in a new LWP from the market and checked battery usage and display was off the chart % wise compared to my normal use. And that was with some pretty decent phone activity. I disabled the LWP to check, but does anyone know if it will show here? Or anywhere?

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Motorola Droid X :: Gallery Won't Show Pictures

Oct 26, 2010

After i take a photo i go to view the photo in the gallery and i can see the thumbnail, like the small preview but when i go to enlarge the photo to make it full screen, its just a black screen until i restart my phone than it works fine any ideas?

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Motorola Droid :: How To Show Remaining Battery?

Jan 7, 2010

I am able to see how much of my phone is using the battery i.e. display 50%, but I can't find what my total battery remaining is. How do I show that?

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