Motorola Droid :: Way To Getl Widgets Pack
Dec 27, 2009Can someone recommend a silence toggle switch that is not part of the Beautiful Widgets Pack. I like the one in that pack but it is no longer on the market.

Can someone recommend a silence toggle switch that is not part of the Beautiful Widgets Pack. I like the one in that pack but it is no longer on the market.
Ok so I have created about 8 different clock widgets and I am trying to combine all of them into one clock pack... Is there anyway to combine 8 clocks into one apk file to put on the market place?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using Desktop Visualizer and downloaded iBox icons. Go to create shortcut>DV>Icon>Icon Pack>No icon pack detected.
View 7 Replies View RelatedR2-D2 DROID 2 Wallpapers Pack. Another day, another leak from the special edition R2-D2 Droid 2. Download Here. So you should now have the official boot animation, live wallpaper set, and now the static wallpapers. Is there anything else you can think of?
View 4 Replies View RelatedStargate theme. Please give me your FeedBack. You need MetaMorph.apk to load this pack. Here are some screen shots: Credit goes to KRON2 on xda dev and myself for porting it over to cliq as well as the boot screen. People are download my Stargate theme but no one is leaving a comment of what they think of it. Please let me know what you think and what improvement or request you have for these themes.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or the current economic crisis. Please do some research if you have any concerns!
Click to download
I did a factory rest and lost Beautiful Widgets (among other things...). I don't see it for free on the Market though and I don't recall paying for it before. Did it recently change? It appears to be available free off the web, can I DL it from there safely?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI was looking thru the review of the droid x and i noticed that it has some pretty sweet social networking and news etc. widgets. does anyone know if we can get thos yet or and apks for em?
View 29 Replies View RelatedIs there any way of getting the HTC apps/widgets, such as the messaging widget, and the social networking widget on the droid?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm currently using bugless beast v0.9 but i really like the transparent widget of another rom (DesireRemix). is there anyway to get the power/music widgets from that rom onto my current rom? or is the only way to switch roms and use the other one?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've seen various screenshots of people's phones that have shown their widgets to be pretty close to each other. Mine seem to not like being butted up close together, and when I attempt to resize them with LPP, I notice they like to have a lot of blank space around them. I thought maybe a LCD density change would help with this, but it doesn't. If you understand what I'm talking about, any advice? If you're confused, I'll provide a picture later.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI actually was loving Launcher Pro on my Droid, but after I got my DX yesterday and installed it, I got really frustrated with it all last night. It took away the ability to resize the widgets....something I was really excited about. I also couldn't tell that I could any longer set up pictures of my contacts for direct dial or just as a contact and see the options once I touch the picture. So I bought the full blown version and I'm still not convinced. I want to resize my widgets. Since the Moto Blur (or whatever you want to call it) actually is customizable somewhat, and has the phone and contact pictures at the bottom of all screens, plus gives you the option to choose which screen to go to, I decided to go with that for a while. Since I own LP now, I may go back. I just got really frustrated. Anybody know when and if LP will allow the widgets to be re-sized?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI would love to know everyone's favorite widgets..
I'm using
Beautiful Widgets
Gizmodo News
I want to create language pack for android. How can I do this. If anyone knows how or where to find info about this topic please share your knowledge. I'd appreciate any pointers to the right direction.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have not seen anyone mention anything about this.... What I am looking for is another way to add new widgets to the multimedia dock. Specifically, I have "Beautiful Widgets" installed, with the nice "Silent Widget" on my home, but I would like that to be a widget on my "Multimedia Home". Is there a way around this, or does someone actually have to create widgets specifically for that screen?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have never used Widgets before I thought the icons were those LOL. I now have an SMS widget on my main screen along with a lot of others. My phone is also set to 5 pages. Now my phone is suffering major slowdowns. Is it a bad idea to go over 3 home screens and is there a program to monitor for Widgets using to much memory.
View 7 Replies View RelatedAll of those with Launcher Pro Plus, check out the update. I bought the Pure Messenger widget strictly to have an integrated Facebook/Twitter feed. I am strictly an idle browser of both feeds - that is, I don't take them very seriously and just scroll through them occasionally. Consequently, I have no need for advanced tools, just an updating feed that I can peruse once in a while. Now LPP has a "friends" widget that is not only a free update to the app, but is faster and smoother than the Pure Messenger widget.
Also, LPP now has customizable rows/columns so you can set as many rows/columns as you want on the homescreens. This is super convenient because I always thought there should have been 5 columns on the homescreens.
I lost all the extra plus widgets? like bookmarks/calander/weather/etc. but it says i have launcher pro plus installed?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWidgetLocker is a great app that allows you to put widgets on your lock screen and add more sliders. you can also change the style of the lock to the sense style.
View 39 Replies View RelatedI have home, home++, and GDE. In all three when I am trying to place a deleted shortcut in it does not even show up. For example in home++ I deleted camera thinking i wouldn't need it. Now i need it for screenshots how do I get that icon back on? Sorry for making a whole thread for this.
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust an FYI, there is a new version of Beautiful Widgets on the Market that fixes the weather update issue so many people have been reporting. Open the Market, hit the options button and go to "downloads", and you can update from there. Just got the update myself and among some other neat changes, the weather actually updates properly now.
View 49 Replies View RelatedHow to properly skin weather widgets? I keep getting invalid file type and all im doing is writing over the default files...
View 3 Replies View RelatedAccording to the latest update (2.36) the developer noted that he received a ceast and desist letter from HTC regarding the application. He noted to use a backup program to save the application if you want to use it going forward.Quite unfortunate, but figured it was worth mentioning if others haven't seen it.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI did not see this mentioned but I know it is a feature that many have been waiting for. You can now center the weather icon in the widget to give it more of a Sense UI widget feel. Widget skin shown is airportone.
View 26 Replies View RelatedHow do you resize widgets launcher pro? I'm LP newbie!
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I just installed launcher pro and installed my cuztomized docks but now I cant resize my widgets? I want to resize my quick contacts but it will not let me do it. I cant even resize any of my widgets.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI purchased Beautiful Widgets last week so I could check it out before I got my Droid X. I get my Droid X delivered tomorrow and I want to know how I can get Beatiful Widgets (on my Droid currently) on my Droid X without purchasing it again? I know it is only $2.00, but if it can be done easily, hey why spend the money.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have been avoiding all widgets except the clock because i want to squeeze every bit of battery out of my droid. but does any know (someone who has alot of experience with android phones) how much widgets really drain on your battery. i mean do they really make a difference, or is it minscule. any advice?
View 9 Replies View RelatedLooking for quick and easy access to media volume. Its annoying to go into settings everytime to adjust. A nice widget would be like a switch that lets me use my volume rocker for phone and then when I hit the widget, I can use the rocker for media volume and vice versa.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI've noticed that when I click on the time, the alarm no longer comes up like it used to in 2.1. I couldn't find a way to set it to do this in the settings either. The only "fix" I found was to download a 3rd party alarm off the market and set that application to open when I click on the time. Anyone else having this problem?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHTC debuts widgets for Sense-equipped Android phones -- Engadget.Engadget-"HTC was already in the Android software game by virtue of the fact that it drops a fully-customized UI and widget suite on some of its models, but this is new: they've migrated over to the Market. Now, what'd be insanely awesome here is if you could, say, buy Sense for $9.99 and install it on any Android device, but yeah, not so much -- what we've actually got here is a four-pack of free widgets that are compatible with the Hero and Droid Eris. Dice, Today in History, Tip Calculator, and Battery are each downloadable individually; none are particularly exciting or different than what's already available in the Market, but they've all got that famous HTC high style and the exclusivity of knowing that Motorola, Acer, Samsung, and Huawei riffraff can't use them. All four are available now."
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