Motorola Droid :: Best Widgets Thread
Jan 30, 2010I would love to know everyone's favorite widgets..
I'm using
Beautiful Widgets
Gizmodo News

I would love to know everyone's favorite widgets..
I'm using
Beautiful Widgets
Gizmodo News
Does anyone know how to delete certain texts from a thread in an easy manner instead of having to delete a whole thread??
View 7 Replies View RelatedI thought maybe we should have a location thread to see if any other droidXers might be getting theirs at the same location.
View 49 Replies View RelatedWhat are your top 5 favorite apps!?
I don't have a top 5 yet since I just started using my phone an hour ago...
There are so many different roms out there right now. Not only is that confusing for new users. But the fact that there are so many different versions of each ROM that i cant tell which one is the latest version of each. For example. Bugless beasts latest version is 0.4. But their is 1.1, 0.3. Can someone make a thread for all the latest ROMS and when they were released? If there is already one. LINK please.
View 11 Replies View RelatedFor those of you who were unlucky enough to attempt an SBF Flash on your OTA 2.2, You would have found youself bricked and awaiting an Updated leaked 2.2 SBF.I'll be bringing news here as it comes in. As soon as it hits anywhere,
View 49 Replies View RelatedI did a factory rest and lost Beautiful Widgets (among other things...). I don't see it for free on the Market though and I don't recall paying for it before. Did it recently change? It appears to be available free off the web, can I DL it from there safely?
View 14 Replies View RelatedFirst of all chaps a big hello to the forum. I have been following the Droid/Milestone since it was but a twinkle in it's Motomothers eye, and for the most part was absolutely more than impressed with it's specs. Lots and lots of pros. very few cons other than the camera and the keyboard.The keyboard, ahh yes, often such a subjective topic. I see it mentioned in threads here and there, a couple of opinions but nothing hugely specific. So I thought I would make a thread DEDICATED to opinions and discussion about the thing and try and figure out once and for all, short of playing with it (hasn't come to my country yet), if it is any use for one such as me.*So, if you can, please answer the following:
*Do you like the hardware keyboard?
*Do you find tactile response and accuracy sufficient?
*Do you find it comfortable with your size hands?
*Do you use it more than the software QWERTY?
*Likes and dislikes about it?
*What other device would you compare it to positively and negatively?
Hopefully we can get enough people answering to build up an idea of common opinion on the thing. I'm looking forward to the Milestone hitting here with it's multi-touch. Hopefully it won't take too long before Sense UI is ported over and then it really will be the ultimate device.
Being that its now 12:01 A.M. here I went to Menu->about phone->System Updates and checked for updates.. Its currently pulling down an update as we speak! It looks like our update has finally arrived! I am non-rooted so Im not sure how you root users are doing!
View 49 Replies View RelatedHas anyone gotten any of these programs to work such as ahome, pandaome, sweeter home? If so what themes have you been able to get working on the droid?
View 29 Replies View RelatedOK, this isnt as stupid of a question as it sounds at first.I know how to actually do a factory reset.My question is, does anyone know where the thread is that explained all the steps in backing up your information (with certain applications) before doing a factory reset? There was a thread here that told you certain applications that will make sure your data was backed up so you can restore it all after the reset.I remember seeing on on this forum a while ago, but after searching a few times, I cant find it.I'm hoping a factory reset will help with my icon lag issue and the general sluggishness of my phone.
View 14 Replies View RelatedOccasionally I see thread execution hiccups on my Motorola Droid (currently running 2.1 but I saw it with 2.0.1, too). Normally my dummy thread (full tilt, foreground, not doing *anything* else) runs in about 5-6mS. However, I see a second hump around 13-14mS and stragglers anywhere out to 80mS (typically around 35mS, though). What is going on? Why is this scheduling so non-deterministically? What is the solution? I could deal with a couple mS slower if it would get rid of those stragglers that exist the whole way out to 50-80mS..................
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I thought to help the madness on the others threads that we could make one with all of the pros and cons we have seen in the new official update to help people see what they should do as far as force it or root and etc.Flash is not included so you have to find it in dumb ways and it is not in the market.No more vibrate and silent modes being separate.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI need to have each individual message show up in its own thread not connected to others from same sender. I get fire department texts that need to be read and replied to in non thread format. Otherwise I will be responding to the entire group of messages that could be sent from different users using the same name.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI figured that since most of us will be getting the Droid X next week, I�ll start up a thread for then, where we can post our pics thoughts and all that, I am not getting mine yet, I am taking summer classes so the X is an incentive, if I get excellent grades� So feel free to post pics, for those that already have them, just make sure it is appropriately sized� Enjoy your Droid X!Please post pictures and give a little opinion on what you felt, so others, like me, can benefit, and for those who have not quite made up thier minds, this might be all they need
View 49 Replies View RelatedHere are some wallpapers that I've whipped up (not all our my own designs, but some are). Others are just modifications of existing wallpapers, etc. Anyway, hope you like them. we're the ones that are also selling the droid screen back overlays, so check us out if you have a minute!Thread:
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've updated this OP to make it easier for new comers to find some of the most important posts as well as a few important outside links that inform this thread. It is my personal feeling that if you are reading these forums, and considering buying ANY Android phone, this thread is a very important one to read. It is far better to be informed than to realize after you buy a product that it wasn't what you expected (I almost made this mistake). The main purpose of this thread is to discuss what a signed (encrypted) boot loader is, what the implications of having a signed boot loader are, whether or not the Droid X may have one, why you may care, what you may be able to do about it if you do care, etc, etc. This thread is filled with a lot of long posts (including this one), so prepare yourself for that. Not all of them have tons of merit (mine included) so keep that in mind. Below are some of the most informative posts you'll find in this thread. That said, I highly suggest further reading: there are many great ones that I haven't linked to here.
View 49 Replies View Relatedjust thought i'd start a thread so folks with tight back doors could chime in...
View 49 Replies View RelatedI was looking thru the review of the droid x and i noticed that it has some pretty sweet social networking and news etc. widgets. does anyone know if we can get thos yet or and apks for em?
View 29 Replies View RelatedIs there any way of getting the HTC apps/widgets, such as the messaging widget, and the social networking widget on the droid?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm currently using bugless beast v0.9 but i really like the transparent widget of another rom (DesireRemix). is there anyway to get the power/music widgets from that rom onto my current rom? or is the only way to switch roms and use the other one?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've seen various screenshots of people's phones that have shown their widgets to be pretty close to each other. Mine seem to not like being butted up close together, and when I attempt to resize them with LPP, I notice they like to have a lot of blank space around them. I thought maybe a LCD density change would help with this, but it doesn't. If you understand what I'm talking about, any advice? If you're confused, I'll provide a picture later.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI actually was loving Launcher Pro on my Droid, but after I got my DX yesterday and installed it, I got really frustrated with it all last night. It took away the ability to resize the widgets....something I was really excited about. I also couldn't tell that I could any longer set up pictures of my contacts for direct dial or just as a contact and see the options once I touch the picture. So I bought the full blown version and I'm still not convinced. I want to resize my widgets. Since the Moto Blur (or whatever you want to call it) actually is customizable somewhat, and has the phone and contact pictures at the bottom of all screens, plus gives you the option to choose which screen to go to, I decided to go with that for a while. Since I own LP now, I may go back. I just got really frustrated. Anybody know when and if LP will allow the widgets to be re-sized?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI placed my order for a Droid X for me and my wife on Friday at 6pm and I got notification that I will receive them both TODAY.I am pretty excited to get rid of my iPhone 3G and her to get rid of the dreaded Sidekick. I think she might be the last person on Earth with a Sidekick. But this will be our first Android phones and I am sure there will be a learning curve but I am a pretty big computer geek so it should be fun. I am sure I will be asking plenty of questions as well.
View 17 Replies View Relatedi'm sure this has been asked before but, with 2.01 and 2.1 things may have changed and as these are/have *just* come out I felt it was worth asking:I'm looking at either a driod or HD2. Now I really like the HD2 BUT it has the usual HTC BS issues with a buggy frontend and generaly, like all HTC stuff, being excellent in principle but rushed out and becomes major fail. So, this brings me to a Milestone (i'm in the UK).I'm very tempted by this as its similar in form factor to my current Acer M900 - large screen and slide keyboard. But before I do, i'm a little confused by some stuff and was hoping you guys can help me please?
- I'm looking at a Milestone being a UK person, can I use ROM's for a Droid and still retain the multi-touch feature?
- I have read over the past few days that some Droids can auto-reboot. Does this also affect Milestones and have the new 2.01 updates fixed it? Do we know if the 2.1 will defo fix?
- I am a hardcore Office user on my WinMobs, can I get full office functionality on the Droid? I need full outlook sync including tasks. I need to be able to edit Excel and Word and at least look at PowerPoint presentations.
- I also need OneNote or something VERY similar on Android that will sync to my PC as well, can this be done
- I have read that the keyboard can be akward, sadly I have no idea where to try one in the UK so, honestly, is it useable or too cramped
- Battery life - i'd need full push email for 7am to 10pm, can the phone battery handle this
- The HTC HD2 has the usual issue where when locked it will require a reboot to "wake it up" again, does anything like this happen with the Milestone? Its highly embarrasing and VERY frustrating to go to take notes in a meeting only to find I need to reboot before I can....
I know you can only speak from YOUR experience and EVERYONE has a DIFERENT experience, so please, answer from your point of view.Mods, why can't you send a confirmation email to my private address? I have no blocking or junk filters in place ( email service - not too bothered about people knowing it)it appears the forum numbering doesn't work so changed them to "-"
when you go to: Text Messaging -> Person's name, it leads to the conversation you were having + the keyboard shows up. is there any way so that once you click the person's name, only the thread of messages show up and not the keyboard?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have not seen anyone mention anything about this.... What I am looking for is another way to add new widgets to the multimedia dock. Specifically, I have "Beautiful Widgets" installed, with the nice "Silent Widget" on my home, but I would like that to be a widget on my "Multimedia Home". Is there a way around this, or does someone actually have to create widgets specifically for that screen?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have never used Widgets before I thought the icons were those LOL. I now have an SMS widget on my main screen along with a lot of others. My phone is also set to 5 pages. Now my phone is suffering major slowdowns. Is it a bad idea to go over 3 home screens and is there a program to monitor for Widgets using to much memory.
View 7 Replies View RelatedAll of those with Launcher Pro Plus, check out the update. I bought the Pure Messenger widget strictly to have an integrated Facebook/Twitter feed. I am strictly an idle browser of both feeds - that is, I don't take them very seriously and just scroll through them occasionally. Consequently, I have no need for advanced tools, just an updating feed that I can peruse once in a while. Now LPP has a "friends" widget that is not only a free update to the app, but is faster and smoother than the Pure Messenger widget.
Also, LPP now has customizable rows/columns so you can set as many rows/columns as you want on the homescreens. This is super convenient because I always thought there should have been 5 columns on the homescreens.
I lost all the extra plus widgets? like bookmarks/calander/weather/etc. but it says i have launcher pro plus installed?
View 5 Replies View Related