Motorola Droid :: Lost LauncherPro Plus Widgets?
Sep 2, 2010I lost all the extra plus widgets? like bookmarks/calander/weather/etc. but it says i have launcher pro plus installed?

I lost all the extra plus widgets? like bookmarks/calander/weather/etc. but it says i have launcher pro plus installed?
All of those with Launcher Pro Plus, check out the update. I bought the Pure Messenger widget strictly to have an integrated Facebook/Twitter feed. I am strictly an idle browser of both feeds - that is, I don't take them very seriously and just scroll through them occasionally. Consequently, I have no need for advanced tools, just an updating feed that I can peruse once in a while. Now LPP has a "friends" widget that is not only a free update to the app, but is faster and smoother than the Pure Messenger widget.
Also, LPP now has customizable rows/columns so you can set as many rows/columns as you want on the homescreens. This is super convenient because I always thought there should have been 5 columns on the homescreens.
Every time I reboot my phone, any widgets that were on my screens prior to the reboot will have the "Problem loading widget" message when the phone boots back up. I'm running BBv0.2 with the Clean Black theme by Team Chaos. Using Chevy 1ghz and LauncherPro home replacement. All of the widgets apps are stored on the phone's internal storage, NOT on the SD card. Is this a common issue? I have the sneaking suspicion that LauncherPro might be the culprit. Every time I boot up, upon the initial opening of the lock screen the default Froyo launcher comes up. I have to hit the home button and wait a few moments before my LauncherPro screens come up.
View 8 Replies View Relatedjust got my first Android phone today - a Captivate. I've been doing some reading and think I might want to try out Launcher Pro (the paid version?) and Beautiful Widgets. I just want to make sure there wasn't a whole lot of overlap in these two products. Do they work well together? Do most of you run both of them at the same time? This could be a pretty silly question as I totally not even sure what exactly both of these apps do.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI loved the HTC sense music widget, but I lost it on Launcher Pro. I was now forced to resize the stock google one to fit the same area, but does anybody know of any music widgets close to the HTC one, with artwork, back and forward?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to use the samsung widgets (daily briefing) in the launcherPro, but i cant figure out how to... is ther a way?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI've been running launcherpro on the latest kangerade and I've been having some widget issues. On every reboot, my widgets fail to load, I get the problem loading widgets screen, and I have to uninstall and reinstall the application to fix the problem. Any ideas on what could cause this and how to fix it. Launcherpro and those apps were all installed on the phone. I had a similiar problem with the default launcher, and I must say its the only drawback I've seen with android so far.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just installed LauncherPro Beta and I am having some trouble figuring it out. All the HTC stock widgets appear to be gone (such as the clock). Is there any way to get those while using LauncherPro or are they only compatible with Sense?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI really like Sense but I really want to try out the transparent widget mods for launcherpro plus (which I already bought). Is there any way to get the launcherpro widgets in sense? I know the opposite can't be done, but I figure since I paid for the extra widgets, it would be cool if I could use them outside of the launcher. And I know, launcher pro is awesome...I have beautiful widgets and I know that is almost the same but the weather animations are a pain because they come up on any screen and in my apps and I have to tap to clear them and then I can scroll. With sense I just unlock and scroll and I like that alot better right now.
View 17 Replies View RelatedLast week I started using LauncherPro Plus - excellent app and everything has been working well. until I installed Beautiful Widgets this morning.
1. Takes a long time to navigate from one menu screen to the next, often with a FC due to timeout.
2. When the widget finally appears on the Homescreen, it can't find my location (yes, I've tried all combinations of geolocation, GPS, town search, etc)
3. Weather will not update and the moon is always showing even though it's midday here.
I was so impressed with the skins for Beautiful Widgets - it's the last thing I need to complete my custom look using LauncherPro, and I'm very disappointed that they don't seem to work together
So i removed the widgets yesterday for some reason and forgot to put them back on one of my screens. I went to do it today and now i can't find them anywhere? Not in the Widget / App / Shortcut sections anywhere. Does anyone know why or where they are?
View 1 Replies View RelatedGot my Desire 2 weeks ago on T-mobile from the Carphone Warehouse. This morning I downloaded the over the air update and it all installed ok but I have a problem. For some reason, my desk clock, people and htc music widgets have vanished from my homescreens and widget menu.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI couldn't find anything directly pertaining to this on the search. On both the HTC style and updated Beautiful Widgets, I've lost my sun/moon graphics in both the widget and the weather screen that pulls up. Everything else functions correctly, so I'm assuming the weather server is functioning as it should (location, time, weather info, etc.)Any help would be greatly appreciated.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got my Galaxy S3 (custom build cm10.1) from my pocket to notice it said "safe mode" on the bottom. It might be that I accidentally pressed buttons to get into safe mode; but thats not the problem here.
I noticed that all my custom accounts were now missing (Caldav, Carddav, Xing, and some more). Only the google accounts remain. As all my contacts and calendar entries are on the caldav/carddav server, they went missing, too (of course, they will come back when re-adding the account). I didn't know about the existence of safe mode, I thought like "what the...", and restarted the phone, and it came up without safe mode now. But - the accounts are still missing, and taking a closer look I noticed that some customized or account-related widgets (K9 for example) are also missing now. At least most of the app data seems to still be present; even the Xing app works as expected, even though the related account is missing from the settings. It seems all the account related data is still there.
I've got three questions now:
1) Is it normal, that the described accounts/widgets get permanently lost when entering safe mode?
2) Is there a way to restore these without manually entering/configuring them again?
3) What _other_ data/settings I perhaps didn't notice until now can go missing when entering safe mode?
This might be a stupid question, but im new to smartphones and android. Where do you find launcherpro plus. I see launcherpro on appbrain but thats it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIm dont do a lot of customizing. I can't stand stock so im currenly using launcher pro. What's the main differences? What would u prefer?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was thinking about getting the Pro version, but when I try to install it, it says install failed. I figured it was because I was running LP at that time, so I switched to another launcher and then tried to uninstall LP, but could not find it.So I have LP, I just can't install it. Any clue on what's up?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhen I install LauncherPro it doesn't allow me to switch back to Stock without uninstalling LP. I've tried everything I can think of, including downloading the app Home Switcher, nothing seems to work. Has anyone else ran into this issue, or know how I can fix it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCant access homescreen, get launcherpro's "This version of launcherpro has expired please go to LauncherPro to get the newest version" I do, and launch the download via the notification bar-> "Replace Application":: OK -> "Do you want to install this application"::Install-> "Application NOT installed":one
LauncherPro 0.8 doesn't install correctly i take it.So i cannot access the homescreen settings to uninstall 0.7 because of the silly update message.Any ideas?
Today I rebooted my phone and LauncherPro got stuck starting, only displaying a window in the top left corner, like it couldn't finish rendering the preview screen, and it never starts on that anyway. I was totally stuck without access to the menu buttons but still had the notification for WidgetLocker, so I was able to get to that, unlock it, restart the Moto launcher, and disable WidgetLocker. Now that it's disabled, I seem to be able to make LauncherPro my home again, but it looks like I'll have to disable WidgetLocker, which I really liked.Not sure what else could be causing the problem - probably something to do with WidgetLocker's home launcher sub-app.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI think, because of it's memory management, BB v0.4 keeps killing LauncherPro on me so that when I go back to my homescreen, LauncherPro needs to reload itself. Is there anyway to specifically exclude LauncherPro from being killed by BB? I know it's not another task killed b/c I don't have any others installed.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI would like to see what custom icons everyone is using. Also post a link to where you downloaded them from.
View 21 Replies View RelatedI replaced a lot of the .png's in Ander Webb's ADW.Launcher and resigned it, so it is installable. It should look a lot more like the stock Blur launcher, but with much better performance
Be sure to support Ander Webb if you like the launcher!
File is attached to the bottom of this post
I'm having a problem with the launcherpro + calendar widget. When I add an event by selecting a day in the future, it opens an agenda but the start/end date is always the current date. Anybody else with a DX have this problem? Am I doing something wrong? Or is this a known issue that will be fixed in the future? I checked the LP forum and didn't see this issue.
View 5 Replies View RelatedBefore my current setup I was using CyanogenMod and their custom version of LauncherPro. It had been updated with new icons, which were similar in shape to the defaults, but had much more detail and color/shading to give them a slight 3D effect.
Well, recently I switched to Dew's smoked glass ROM and was getting stuck in never ending loops with a message stating my current version of LauncherPro had "expired" and I had to finally remove it and DL the current app store version. Ok so thats fine, except its so boring now... function-wise its as awesome as ever but its just so BLAH.
I am looking for icon packs that I might be able to use with the new version of LP, but it seems none of them on the app store have preview images. I am trying to get it to look like this. If you know of a similar icon pack.
Anyone know how to sort alphabetically shortcuts with LauncherPro? Is it even possible?
View 3 Replies View RelatedRooted Motorola Droid 1 running UD8. Having trouble with my apps that are on the SD card not appearing using LauncherPro. Getting to be very frustrating. Appears that LauncherPro loads faster than the SD apps. I have been successful in "Restarting" LauncherPro in the "Setting, Preferences" tab. When LauncherPro restarts the apps are then their for use. This does not happen very often when I aas I go on. Very, very frustrating to have apps on Droid and not being able to use them. Any help will be appreciated. Ready to move on to something else if I cannot get a working runnaround. This is what the window with the SD card apps that do not work looks like. This is the message I get when I try to use one of the SD card apps. This is what it looks like when I go into "Menu, Applications" to look at my apps. Stays this way forever. This is what it looks like when I try to move an app. Never changes.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI was using my phone this morning and when I tried returning to my homescreen I had a box pop up that had two options, 1 with LP and the other that said Home. I just hit the Home and when it went to the home screen everything had reverted back to the original blur. My question is how do I get LP back?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am curious what people have their memory settings at and so forth.Ever since I rooted when going to the home screen I will sometimes have a 3-5 second delay before it pops up.I know it has to deal with the memory usage.What about the keep in memory feature? Just curious what other people are doing.I am not a big fan of the features that LauncherPro gives you.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I get this to add a clock like the HTC sense one? I see it in the example in market and it says you can but I dont see it under widgets after I download it and restart my phone.
View 5 Replies View Related