Motorola Droid :: Warning To UD Users

Aug 30, 2010

Don't use bgill55 themes for your UD ROM, they're bricking your phones. ATTN mods: meant to post this in "All Things Root" subforum.

Motorola Droid :: Warning to UD users

Android :: Users Receiving Warning On Update

Oct 13, 2010

I've released an update to our app in the market but users are receiving an extra dialog warning stating that their previous version will be replaced. The upgrade happens successfully and data is retained but I'm at a loss as to why this dialog is coming up.

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Android :: Useful Switchers / Warning For Users / Message To Devs

Sep 10, 2009

Recently the Dev of the AWESOME app "Useful Switchers" made a change to his free app.If you update the app now through the marketplace, it will turn it in to a "trial version" which will expire Sept 14 2009. You will then have to get it for $0.99. Note that it won't be a better version, or a pro version, it will be the same thing. Here is what the Dev (turmeric on these forums I believe) says in the updated description in the marketplace:"Now I develop new version 2.0. If you donate, big thanks for support. I really need some money. I especially make smaller price ($0.99). This version is trial now (expired Sep 14 2009)."As you might imagine the reaction in the comments has been very harsh, and a lot of people are reducing their rating for the app.Before anyone attacks me (or others) with suggestions that we are freeloaders, pirates, or mean for trying to stop the Dev from profiting from his hard work, let me be clear; I _completely_ support any Dev's right to make money from their app. If it is valuable to me, I am even more than willing to pay for it. We aren't talking about a lot of money, it's only 99 cents, and useful switchers is a great app (I use it all the time, every day).

Most people in the MP comments are upset not that the Dev wants to make money, but that it seems like a tricky, underhanded way to do it. The app they have used will suddenly expire after an update. It seems almost like a bait and switch. Yes, the Dev does explain in the app description what will happen when you update, so users who updated without reading it really only have themselves to blame (Caveat Emptor after all). The Dev maybe could have gone about this better, perhaps making it clearer (large words in bold) that the app would change to trial software after the update, and maybe he could have extended the trial period (it ends VERY shortly), but still, it's there to read.
My_ problem with the Dev's actions are really more a problem with the Marketplace in general, and how Google and phone carriers are handling it. You see, I'm in Canada, and apparently in Canada we can't be trusted with our own money, so we can't have access to paid apps (yes, that's me being snarky). Many other countries are in the same boat.So, turmeric, I'm talking to you now (and all other Devs who might read this); Your app is great, and I would GLADLY pay for it... but I can't. Once it becomes a paid app I will not even be able to see it in the marketplace. Even if I were to send you a donation now, if I update the app it will stop working on Sept 14 and I will be screwed.

Some will argue that it's still the Dev's right to change it to a paid app, and boo hoo so sorry, too bad for me. Well, i agree 100%. I agree the dev has the right, but there is something else to consider... customer service and his reputation as a dev.There are LOTS of users who, if they update, will lose the app on Sept 14, and not be able to get the paid version because they can't access paid apps. These people are lost potential customers for _future_apps when they can eventually access paid apps. You will turn they away.So, what are the alternatives? Do what many other Devs have done. Make a free version and a paid "pro" version so those without access to paid apps can still get a very useful app. Or, if you don't like that, and insist on making the app a paid app only, surely there must be a way (as with software for computers) to use an unlock key to get the full version? that way users could download a free "locked" version from the store, and pay the dev separately through his web site for a key that could be typed manually into the app to unlock it.

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Motorola Droid X :: Warning - Upgraded To OTA 2.2

Sep 22, 2010


Be careful with you phone for the time being!

Bootloader Error Message

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Motorola Droid X :: Warning - Cannot Downgrade From 2.2 Ota

Sep 22, 2010


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Motorola Droid X :: Warning For Ppl Updated To OTA 2.2

Sep 22, 2010

Do not try to SBF back to 2.1 if you did the OTA 2.2 update. It will brick your phone completely. New bootloader version is 30.03. I tried to SBF back to 2.1 after doing to OTA 2.2 update and you cant. RSD finishes the SBF, but when the phone is suppose to reboot it wont. Instead you get an error "Err:A5,70,70,00,1F" on the bootloader. Won't let you boot to recovery or nothing. Just boots to bootloader. So Im bricked till theres a fix..

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Motorola Droid X :: Low Memory Warning From Blink App

Aug 10, 2010

I'm occasionally getting an alert from the app Blink that tells me i'm running low on memory. What exactly does this mean? Are too many apps running, or is too much simply installed?

How do I go about reviewing the memory being used, and then how to free some up? What amount or % of memory should be free?

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Motorola Droid :: Warning About Some Holster Cases

Nov 9, 2009

I have an HTC holster that I used for the last year. The Droid JUST fits into it. However, I kept having the Droid come on in my holster and it was driving me batty how it would unlock on it's own. Then it hit me. The holster clips shut MAGNETICALLY.The Droid thought it was in a multimedia dock so it stayed on while on my side.THAT's why my battery was draining so fast.So, be sure to get a velcro or other type of holster, nothing with magnets.

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Motorola Droid :: Outlook To Gmail / Calender Warning

Nov 16, 2009

Got the new Moto Droid which is spectacular. The Gmail sync with Outlook is brilliant. My old HTC Windows Mobile that held 87 appointments for the next year was synced with Windows Outlook which was then sent to my Gmail calender.The Droid automatically listed all appointments seamlessly.When I listed my HTC on eBay, I had to clear all contacts and appointments. This is very labor intensive to do on the phone one by one. I synced the HTC with Outlook and erased all info on the old HTC. I did not think much of it when a window popped up indicating that my Gmail calender would erase these items too and IIRC I clicked OK.A funny thing happened the next day when I plugged the Droid into the computer. The auto sync with the Gmail calender updated my Droid calender with the newly erased Gmail calender. It erased every appointment on the Droid as the calender auto transferred.After I changed my undershorts, I was able to restore the Droid by going to Outlook "deleted items", move them back to the calender folder in Outlook, sync with Gmail, and finally sync with the Droid again.

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Motorola Droid :: Warning - Battery Life Is 15% And To Plug It Into Charger

Jun 25, 2010

Has anyone had this happen to them. My Droid was sitting on my desk next to me, it had about 80% battery life left, I get a few txt messages, and then its giving me the warning that my battery life is 15% and to plug it into the charger. Well I put it on the charger, and not even 30 seconds go by, and its fully charged. This has only happened once so far, but I am concerned is the battery slowly dying out, or is it just a glitch in the phone?

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Motorola Droid :: Weather App To Display Watches And Warning On Radar Map?

May 1, 2010

Is there a weather app that will display the watches and warning on the radar map?

I use the Weather Channel app, Weatherbug, and IMap weather, but none of them display like Tornado and Svr Thunderstorm warning boxes.

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Motorola Droid :: Users Who Use Quicken On Their Pc?

Nov 15, 2009

Those who use Quicken on your pc, what are your options on the DROID to keep up to date your checking / savings account? I know there is not quicken app for the droid, so I'm at a loss of what I can use to keep me up to date with my accounts.

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Motorola Droid X :: Apps To Think About For New Users

Nov 30, 2010

so im a huge fan of android and especially the Droid X. Im here to help those of you who are newbies to the Droid X or really any Droid. So here are some apps that have really made my Droid X a very great machine:Non-rooted phones: Astro file manager- simple app that lets you take a look into your phone and sd card memory and its free. Beautiful Widgets- a very nice clock widget similar to htc's stock clock but comes with other widget buttons like wifi and bluetooth etc. Costs about $1.50 but i stole my copy. Cherry Rplayer- a free satellite radio app. ChompSMS- a free txt message app that lets you totally customize how u send and read texts. Gtunes- free mp3 search engine where you can search and download music. HistoryEraser- erases history from your browser and even the market place.Yahoo! Mail- if you got Yahoo! this free app will let you know if you have a message in your yahoo! mail like Gmail does.PdaNet- free tethering app to give your computer internet thru your phone. It is free but you can not access private web pages but you can pay a one time fee to unlock all features. Power Control Plus- instead of the lame stock power control widget that came with the phone you can get this for .99 cents or steal for free and customize your own power control widget. Ring droid-free app which lets you customize your music into ringtones. TiKL touch to talk-if your on a strict calling plan get this..its a free walkie talkie type app that will let you talk to friends anywhere for free as long as your friends have it too. Wheres my droid?-if you miss place your phone and have it on silent this free app will make your droid ring untill you find out where its at.Lancher pro- there are tw versions of this home replacement app there is the free launcher pro and the paid version..paid version gives you access to your facebook and twitter on a single widget so you can update your status or post something on your wall all at once. It also has other widgets such as: twitter, facebook, calendar, friends and others. Free version does not have any of that. Now for you out there wanting to root your phone i have only a couple of apps that are really worth the download: Z4root- free rooting app that gives you the choice to temporary root or permanently root with one click. You can even un-root with one click. Droidoverclock- .99cents gets you this great overclocking app that can make your droid x go from 1000mhz(1ghz) to 1450mhz(1.45ghz) or even underclock if you wish. DroidX Bootstrap- $2 app lets you go into recovery mode to install themes and or ROMs. Well i hope i did some good for you newbies who are looking fir good apps to get the best out your droid x's. Stay Avid!

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Motorola Droid :: 2.0.1 Users Try Out This 2.1 Keyboard?

Dec 8, 2009

When the HTC Hero 2.1 was leaked out I immediatly pulled out the new HTC_IME.apk file (the keyboard). I figure that it will be updated for bigger, high res screens since this is whats going to come on hte Bravo/Passion/Dragon. I was sad to find out that the version number was higher than my droid so it would not install. When I peeked into the Manifest file I could see that it is SDK level 6 where Droid is on SDK level 5. At the time I assumed 6 was 2.1. However, Google has already released the 2.0.1 SDK and it is level 6.So, since I haven't gotten my update to 2.0.1 yet maybe someone else wants to see if the HTC_IME.apk will now install? You can either pull the file down from the web, install it with a file manager like Astro, or push it to the phone with "adb install HTC_IME.apk" if you have the SDK installed.

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Motorola Droid :: Do Users Have 3D Menu On 2.1?

May 8, 2010

you know the menu that you drag up to see all your apps? Well it still looks Old Style...It dosnt look like when I had the N1 where the menu looks like a 3D cube, whats going on? In Videos ive seen on 2.1 on the milestone it looks like the N1, I updated through the Moto site, did I do something wrong? Also in the settings I have 2.1 update-1.

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Motorola Droid :: Rooted Users Have It Made

Aug 23, 2010

So I get the Droid Inc. and begin to fish around the Incredible forum for ROMs and kernels. It's very limited over there (short supply probably means less devs.) and the ROMs are far less polished with even less theming options. I'm lucky I can still troll around here because my girl has the D1 and it gives me an excuse to keep her phone updated until more things come around for the Dinc.

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Motorola Droid X :: Incredible Users Upgrading To X

Jun 29, 2010

side note: i posted this in the moto x forum too. Thought i'd post here since i know alot of you tried to switch out your order for the droid x.Waited since june 4th for my incredible to get here by my promised ship date of 6/25. 6/25 passed and while calling to bitch about the wait, they said i could swap out my order for a droid x. That i could just have them cancel my incredible order and preorder the x. I did it. She said she didn't have a confirmation number for my preorder or anything but that she would text it to me the next day (this was sunday, so the text would've come monday). Well, it never came. So i called verizon last night to confirm my preorder of the x and they said they saw it in the system and all was good.

Just a few minutes ago i got an email saying my droid incredible has finally shipped. WTF?! The incredible was all i could think about for weeks and weeks and it didn't ship. Now that i have another phone in mind, it finally decides to ship? So i call 611 and she tells me i can reject the shipment, BUT...that "the other reps that told me i had a preorder for the x were wrong. I don't. Because nobody can preorder the x from verizon and that i'd have to wait until it's release on july 15th to order it."what the hell is going on? I'm gonna call verizon back a couple more times and see if i get different answers. But really, their inconsistencies are giving me a headache

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Motorola Droid :: Emails From TMobile Users

Jan 7, 2010

So when I get an email from a Tmobile number, nothing is displayed. just a bunch of small blue boxes with a "?" in them. Looks fine on the web GMail but not in the GMail client on the phone. No option to show pictures or anything like that. Any ideas? Tried to take a screenshot but the stupid screenshot option only works on the home screen Email shows that there is an attachment but there is no way to open it, any ideas would be great

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Motorola Droid :: 3D Launcher For None Root Users On Market

Apr 6, 2010

Haven't seen this posted yet so here it is. 3d launcher 2 for non root users running OTA 2.1. Search for "Clockwork mod Launcher" Or "launcher 2" on the market. It will cost you but the devs deserve the donate cause it's not an easy task to get a working 3d launcher on droid let alone one that runs good.

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Motorola Droid :: Google Voice Users Post

Nov 18, 2009

If you view your call history with verizon, do you see the majority of your calls as SCRM MAIN from 9165383466? Or do you get some other number labeled SCRM MAIN.

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Motorola Droid :: Wireless Tether For Root Users App

Feb 5, 2010

I am able to detect and connect to my phone with my computer. The problem is I cant get on the internet with it. It acts like its crunching away when I open the browser and then I get a "limited connectivity" pop up on the computer. The phone only shows like 3kb downloaded and 30k uploaded. Any ideas or is my connection just that slow? I am using bugles 0.8.6. on the droid.

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Motorola Droid :: Work For Casual Phone Users Too

Feb 7, 2010

I really like the device but to be honest it seems complicated and it would be my first smartphone. I was wondering would this be a good smartphone for someone who really just wants a phone for texting and surfing the web? I'm pretty tech savy with computers I suppose but I wouldn't want to be overloaded I guess I'm trying to say.

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Motorola Droid X :: Performance Of Wireless Tether For Root Users?

Aug 23, 2010

I've been trying to use Wireless Tether with my laptop and have noticed that it is extremely finicky. It usually works for a minute or two but then I can't load anything at all on my laptop. I'm not doing any heavy activity or anything, just browsing some websites, but it does this consistently. I have to toggle it off and on and reconnect my laptop before I can use the internet again. No error messages or anything, it just gets stuck at 0.0 kbps on my phone as if my computer isn't communicating with it anymore.

Does anyone have this problem or is this just a common limitation with ad hoc networks? Is there another solution out there? I'm using the leaked Froyo rom but noticed this with the official 2.1 rom too. Doesn't 2.2 come with built-in hotspot capabilities? I wouldn't mind using wired tethering either, but it looks like that won't happen until we can get a custom kernel?

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Motorola Droid :: Why Not More Excitement Over 5 Home Screens For Stock Users?

Feb 9, 2010

I know this is becoming quite a root-centric forum, but for us non-rooters, I think getting 5 home screens will be the biggest upgrade in 2.1. It hasn't been confirmed though so as soon as someone finds out, LET US KNOW.If we get all the multi-touch + 2.1 Gallery + 5 home screens I will be a very happy camper.

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Motorola Droid X : Evo Vs DX Users / Quality - Internal Memory Features

Jul 17, 2010

For those who returned their Evo for the DX, how are you liking the DX?

I returned my Evo due to build quality and got the DX today. I'm going back and forth on whether to keep the DX or going back to the Evo or perhaps going for one of the Galaxy variants.

Here's my personal take on Evo vs Droid.

Pros for Droid.

1. Build quality. The DX just feels more solid than the Evo. Only concern I have about the DX is that the physical buttons feel a little me wondering if they are going to hold up over time with repeated use.

2. Internal memory. Out of the box with no apps installed, the Evo showed internal memory of around 350mb; the DX is showing around 6.8gb! Not sure what I would use all this for but nice not worrying about clearing out cache to free up memory.

3. Smoother scrolling, particularly noticeable in the app drawer.

4. Camcorder shoots much better video than Evo and audio quality is night and day between the two.

5. No 30fps cap. I don't know how significant this is since I dont play games on my phone but probably has something to do with the smoother scrolling.

Pros for Evo.

1. Sense UI/eye candy. The droid x's UI seems like a hodgepodge of the stock UI and motoblur. Sense just seems more like a "finished" product. I know there's ADW or Launcher pro but I don't think they measure up to Sense IMHO.

2. Camera. The Evo camera seems much faster than the DX. The shutter lag was almost non-existent on the EVO. I am getting a slight lag on the DX. The lag isn't significant for most shots but trying to snap pics of my 5 yr old son requires a little more planning . Wish the DX had a shutter button on screen (I think the stock android has an on screen button. Don't know why it was taken out on the DX)

3. Browser. Reformatting of pages on zoom is a two step/two hand process on the DX (pinch/tap) whereas on the Evo it was just tap OR pinch. Also, copying text in the browser was really well done in the Evo (hard press/highlight)...still haven't figured it out on the DX but once again, I think it's a two hand process.

4. Keyboard. The htc keyboard has hard press for alternate input (eg. symbols/numbers) in addition to changing to numeric input. From what I've seen, the droid keyboard doesn't seem to have this. (btw, if anyone likes the HTC keyboard, I think there's an apk for it on xda developers called htc_ime mod. I have it installed on my G1 and it works quite well).

One other thing I noticed is that the DX seems to get warmer during fairly normal use. I wouldn't say it gets "hot" but it's definitely noticeable and something I didn't feel on the EVO.

And then there's still the issue of build quality on the Evo which doesn't seem to have been fully resolved based on what I've been reading. So anyway, I guess there's no one "perfect" phone...give up something to gain another. Still debating which features are most important to me.

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Motorola Droid :: Official Froyo Users Manual From Google 336 Pages PDF

Aug 3, 2010

http ://'s%20Manual%20For%20Android%202.2
Link is fixed and works.

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Motorola Droid X :: Custom Boot Animation For Non-Rooted Phone Users?

Sep 11, 2010

On previous phones such as the Droid Eris and Droid 1, users were able to use custom boot animations without being rooted. All you had to do was push the new file to the boot animation location and it would over ride the old one. I really want custom boot animations on my X but am not rooted. Does anyone know a solution to this other than rooting and how to install without being rooted?

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Motorola Droid :: Youtube App Constantly Stopping And Loading For All DX Users / Better One In Market?

Nov 24, 2010

EDIT: I only watch in HQ. but that shouldn't be an issue with 3G speeds.

I'm on Verizon 3G with 700-900kb DL with the most recent version of the "official" Youtube app and the video will take 30 seconds to load, play for 30 seconds, load for 30 seconds, and play 30 seconds and on and on...

I even pause the video for 2 minutes and when I press play it still only plays like 30-60 seconds and stops to load.

I can play flash videos and they will only load once and play right through to the end but with this app it seems like they are purposely loading the videos in 30 second increments to discourage watching videos on 3G.

Is everyone else having this issue? Is there a better youtube app in the market?

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Users Who Upgraded To Droid 2

Sep 13, 2010

Just a tip, you can increase the capacity on your Droid 2 if you swap the microSD cards from your Droid 1. The Droid 1 comes with a 16GB microSD card while the Droid 2 only has 8gb (because it already has another 8gb internally).Also, another nice perk to doing this is the 16gb card is a Class 4 while the 8gb is only Class 2 (Class 4 has higher transfer speeds).

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Motorola Droid X :: Droid X Users That Will Be Sending Off For Their MIR

Jul 15, 2010

Just before I put my MIR in the envelope to send away I noticed there was a box to check for verizon to send you emails to update you on it's status. Just letting you guys know it's there. Have fun with your X today!

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