Motorola Droid :: Ultimate And Simply Stunning 2.1 ERE25 ROM?
Mar 2, 2010
Has anyone play with both ROM yet to see which one is better? Or any comment you guys think which one would be better? Or which one would you choose to go for? Or am I going to get "try both and see what fits you" answer?
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Aug 19, 2010
i flashed simply stunning a couple of days ago and at first my market was fine but recently i have noticed there are only like 5 apps available for download and when i go to my downloads it says i have nothing installed when i have over 50 apps installed. what do i do?
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Oct 26, 2010
So I just updated my rooted Droid from SS 4.7 to 4.8 and im starting to have major battery drain. Last night before I went to bed my phone was at 90% and when I woke up it was down to 40% I have no idea what is making my phone do this but it is getting to the point where I have to be constantly charging. I even have the ulowv 0.8 kernel as well, cause I thought that would get me the best battery life but it hasnt at all. I have the CPU set at max 800 and min 125. Does anyone know a fix for this?
Battery use it says was:
47% Android OS
18% Display
9% Android system
7% phone idle
7% Cell standby
4% Browser
2% Dialer
2% Launcher
2% Keyboard
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Mar 10, 2010
Been playing with Chevy's 2.02 ESE53 2.1 based rom and I am quite impressed. There was about an hour of false starts when he originally posted but it turned out that his server was not properly updating his newer file (drove poor Chevy up a wall). It is running fast right out of the box (141ms), cool (averaging about 82F) and his smoked glass blue theme is very pleasing on the eyes. As usual, I did a Nandroid restore and wiped everything first. This will deffinetly be a keeper (at least for the next hour until something newer comes along ). This one is worth checking out fellow flash addicts...
Simply Stunning 2.0.2 Release - ESE53 - (3/9/2010) - Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum
I then used this tweaked theme:
Blue ese53 theme - Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum (Blueese53 theme based on Chevy's ROM) which adds a little more eye candy.
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Mar 4, 2010
Those who have tried both (2.1 roms) can you comment on the differences? I've always run Pete's (using his new 2.1 ERE25 now) but my buddy recently went over to SS and says his battery life is A LOT better.
I haven't heard much discussion on the major differences in these two Roms (besides the authors).
Any comments would be welcomed.
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Jun 28, 2010
I just recently downloaded and installed Chevy's Simply Stunning (4.2) ROM, and I'm finding that some of my shortcuts (places in folders) are disappearing upon powering off my phone.
I have two folders ("Text" and "Call") on my home screen that simply contain direct call and direct message shortcuts to some of my contacts. Ever since updating to Simply Stunning 4.2, I've had issues. I'm not entirely sure that's what caused it... anyone had this problem before?
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Mar 17, 2010
Is there a known problem with syncing facebook on this rom? or am i missing something haha. I go to: settings, accounts and sync, add account, clikc facebook then it just reverts back a page.
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Mar 25, 2010
[ROM] Simply Stunning v2.2 ESE53 2.1 - (3/25/2010) - Helix Launchers 2D/3D - New Kernels
[Release] [UPDATE] New Kernels - Low Voltage + Medium Voltage - 3/25/2010
Downloading now. Will flash without wiping, but I will install one of the new low voltage kernels.
I'm loving 2.0.2, so hopefully this will be just as good. Good to see HelixLauncher 2.
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Mar 5, 2010
Flipping back nd forth between pages and forums etc, gets kind of confusing. I am running Smoked Glass 5.0, would like to try the 2.1 based ROM..
Can any one direct me to a link to find the download of the stable Simply Stunning, I believe it was the 1.2 not 1.25?
A link and if there are instructions great, if not well I will keep reading.
I have rooted by the way with DroidMod.
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Mar 3, 2010
I know there have been a lot of things said on this forum, and others, about blackdroid good and bad. That being said we all flash different Rom's because we want to see whats new and what fits us best. I have tried Ultimate Droid 5.0 (ERE25 Base) and it is very smooth with no FC's and runs extremely fast. Please dont turn this thread into a back and forth because that was not the reason I wanted to post this. I also want to give major props to ChevyNo1 for his amazing kernel (that my phone likes woo hoo). I know we all at this point have flashed many roms but I believe this is what I will stay with until something amazing comes out (senceUI, Flash....). Props to all the Developers for their hard work and giving us the many choices we have. Link: The Return of blackdroid - Ultimate Droid 5.0 (ERE25 Base) - Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum
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Mar 5, 2010
Ultimate Droid 5.5 (ERE25 Base) - Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum
Already updated, folks - since I missed out on 5.0, looks like I am jumping with both feet into the deep end for 5.5.
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Mar 4, 2010
Running Ultimate Droid 4.0.1 and tried going to 5.0, threw me into a bootloop, had to pull the battery and restore. Prior to this I was extremely stable, never an FC and OCd to 1ghz no problem running smooth 31-40C, can easily do 1.2ghz but I don't need the extra power. All with droidmod's kernel. So now after this debacle I can't even use the market, as anytime I try to install something I freshly download it FCs. (process I did do a wipe in SPRecovery before restoring. Any way to fix this constant FCing? It is 100% reproducible. I don't want to give up all my appdata, and unfortunately I don't have titanium installed, I tried but as I stated before that I can't install anything with market.
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Mar 4, 2010
How are you restoring your apps?
Titanium Backup?
If manual, do you keep a list of which apps you've got installed so that you can restore them more easily? Does anyone restore /data from 2.0.1? Or will that just cause more problems? I've used Astro in the past, but not for ROM purposes. And I've got Titanium installed, but have never used it. It seems like there are several options but I've yet to hear of any preferred option from anyone. Look forward to getting in on this ERE25 action!
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Apr 1, 2010
I understand that it is an update designed specifically for the Droid, but apart from having a Droid specific baseband (which can be flashed separately) is there actually any reason to base ROMs on ESE81 instead of ESE53 or ERE25?
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Mar 3, 2010
New release from Pete. No info at all, but what the hell. I'm going to give it a shot and see what happens. Charging my phone now (was almost dead, and don't want to update with a close to discharged battery). This is "Beta", so we will see what happens.
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Mar 6, 2010
I am running Ultimatedroid 5.x which is the ere25 base. Does anyone know or have WiFi tethering capabilities running a rom with the ere25 base? It will open and start it just wont actually draw data from your phone. Also I have ChevyNo1's 1.2 kernel and its says + WiFi module but maybe I am doing something wrong.
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Mar 19, 2010
I'm looking for blackdroids ultimate droid ROM. Specifically version 4.0.1. The newer versions have some features I'm not really interested in. All of the links I've found don't seem to work If anyone has a working link to his ROM's that would be great. I've looked everywhere though and I did find one site with links to his stuff, but got a 404 not found error on all of them.
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Oct 30, 2010
I switched back to Ultimate Droid 1.0.0 but not through nandroid. Just a start over. So for some reason I can install everything back except Angry Birds. I know that is really bad luck. Any app but angry birds. So I have tried all the ways I can think of. Through the market, downloaded from getjar and install through Astro, and I have put it in the system application folder through root explorer. Also tried installing through root explorer. And Angry Birds lite won't install either.
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Mar 25, 2010
I just flashed UD v8 last night and got into the LED hack and adjusted my settings so that when I dock it all LEDs turn off. Cool and the gang. Except now when I get an email or text message I don't get the blue or green flashing LED in the top right like normal. I actually love this cuz I can tell if I have an email/sms without powering up out of sleep mode. Granted, that isn't that big a deal, but I like my damn LED.
Anyone experiencing this or have any ideas on a fix?
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Mar 6, 2010
As soon as I saw that AD had released ESE53, I made a post about it in BD's U5.5 thread over at Droid Forums.His complaint? That he was getting no sleep last night.The result? Ultimate Droid 6.0 (ESE53 Base) - Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum.He says the new launcher in ESE53 is sick, so I am gonna check it out right now.
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Jul 26, 2010
Just like the title says, I'm at the laundrymat on my phone so I didn't have the option to search the forums. I wiped the data, and did a back up. But I would like to use chevys kernel vs a p3, just my preference.
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Mar 28, 2010
I did do a search, but didn't find anything. I had been running Cyanogen's latest I had also been using Ultimate Droid 8.1.1. I had decided to flash to UD from CM. I used ROM Manager. I had been using the Helix 2 launcher with UD. I decided to try the launcher2, so I checked that. The whole process ran apparently normally. Except it did lock up at the cache backup stage at the dalvik cache backup. I had to pull the battery and re do the ROM download from ROM manager. However, when the screen pops up after all of the boot antimation cycle, and you unlock, there is an immediate launcher2 force close. I can get to nothing in the phone. I do have the entire contents of my sd card on my laptop, which has all of the backups on it, not including this latest one.Power off and hold the X key does not work, so I can't get to reboot recovery that way. Multiple power off and battery pulls did nothing. Another point is that I had been able to download UD only if I checked AdamZ's 1.0 low voltage overclock kernel. I would get ROM download error with ANY of the other kernel choices. I tried this after the ROM Manager update I found tonight. This time I checked Chevy's 1.25 low voltage, and the process seemed normal, other than the lockup during cache backup noted above. However UD had been running just fine when I had used it. S
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Dec 31, 2009
Let's say I need to exchange my phone for whatever reason. Can I unroot by simply force updating to 2.0.1? If so, can someone post a link to the update file.
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Apr 7, 2010
Anyone know what happened to Ultimate Droid? Not appearing in my ROM Manager list at all.
I thought a new version of UD was on the verge of being released.
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Sep 29, 2010
I have CM6, but I hear the new UD 8.0 is quick and snappy. This is something I want, but don't have on CM6. Should I switch over to US 8.0?
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Feb 1, 2010
I have a HTC Droid Eris and Windows 7 32 Bit Ultimate Version. I am having problems using the HTC Sync software with my device. I have no problem using the HTC Sync software on my Windows XP machine, but I would like to sync it with my Windows 7 Laptop.
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Jul 15, 2010
This is my first android device and i'm loving it... but one thing that irks me is the use, or lack thereof, of the back button.
As I am navigating menus and options in the Settings, I cannot simply go back one menu using the back key. For example, if I go to Settings->Battery Manager->Battery Profile Options and want to go back to the Settings screen, I cannot.
Pushing the back button does nothing and I can only go back to the Settings menu by going Home, then re-entering.
Another quirk regarding the back button is when reading emails. Using a regular email account such as Hotmail, I cannot simply read an email and go back to the inbox using the button.
It makes navigating the phone very tedious.
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Mar 11, 2010
I'm having an awful lot of unwanted can I simply lock it?
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Nov 8, 2009
Way i have my CLIQ set up and some things that I have and to me, this is the ultimate set up (with very simple tweaking).
For starters, we aren't able to root yet (maybe in a month or so?) so I need my phone to run as light and fast as possible.
The MotoBlur is a great feature to attract people, but the service isn't full Twitter, FaceBook, or Myspace. I personally think you'll get a much better experience from getting these applications separately.
I have MotoBlur still signed in (just so it can sync my contacts, settings, etc.) however, I did sign out of my facebook and twitter accounts (I dont ever use mysapce) and that meant no need for those stock widgets (the status, happenings, messages). You know what that means? Not so much data interaction even when I'm not using my phone aka longer lasting battery!
So I put the widgets in the trash and made my homescreen how I want it. My phone moves faster and lasts longer, as well as shows the freed up memory with those cancellations (about 8 to 10 MB).
Now, in my opinion, the facebook apps arent needed. The web browser on this thing brings out the website beautifully, especially in the touch interface of facebook.
Twitter does too, but it wont move as fast. So I would suggest going into the marketplace for your twitter apps. Also, I will list below the applications I have as well as why, and the amount of space they take up. Remember, the more memory used, the slower your phone performs.
Ready? Here we go...
1. "AppManager": simply manages your 3rd party applications. It enables you to install from the SD, or uninstall with ease. Also, it allows you to move and uninstalled app to the SD card, just in case you may want to re-install later on. This keeps you from having to search through the marketplace again.
Memory used = 99kb
2. "Nice Battery": One of many great battery managers out in the market. I like this for its simple battery status as well as 3G/2G shortcuts (some people don't realize you can turn 3G off to save on battery). I didn't know how to turn it off and use 2G (EDGE) until I got this app. Also, one touch bluetooth, wifi, GPS, and cell location switches are used. The application says it will notify you if you overcharge or leave services on (both optional).
Memory used = 24kb
3. "Swift Twitter": Great, light, twitter app. All the capabilities of the apps you want. If you use twitter then you know what I mean, you know what you need, and this does it. Done.
Memory used = 460 kb
4. "Rings Extended": this application allows you to use custom ringtones with much ease. If you, like myself, have downloaded ringtones from a website directly to your phone then you notice you can use them as ringtones. However, if you turn your phone off then back on, that ringtone is gone out of the phone memory. This application allows it to save the tones and directly pick them from anywhere on the SD card. Great stuff. One of my favorite apps.
Memory used = 75kb
5. "OI File Manager": OI manages your files on your SD and in the phone with simplicity and ease. There are also some great apps that do the same job, but to me, some of them have really unnecessary functions and can become confusing after a few clicks. Need to move, copy, delete? There's an app for that (suck it iPhone!)
Memory used = 149 kb
6. "TasKiller": this is the app I speak about most. This is my tiny terminator. It kills any application running in the background that you may be unaware of. You can go into the application and choose which functions to kill (and by "kill" I mean stop it from running, not eliminate it from your phone, as I think many people misinterpret). My favorite feature of this lies in the one touch killswitch widget. I have it on the 5th screen so I dont touch it by accident. It knocks everything out and you can just hit the home button and start off running only the necessary apps. Significant speed difference people! Like I said you can kill one or all functions, it's up to you.
Memory used = 171 kb
7. "SMS Backup": I haven't noticed a way to save SMS on this phone which is fine. SMS Backup does something very simple and unique. It backs all of your SMS to your Gmail folks. It creates a folder, SMS (rename it if you'd like) and stores them all conveniently in your google mail account where you can go in and view, delete, lick the screen at, etc.) Pretty sweet if you ask me. Once again, keeping internal memory free. Yes!
Memory used = 661 kb
Those are some of the great functioning apps I have running. And my phone moves very fast! I have no lag. Occasionally the accelorometer may take a half second longer, but that's about it.
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Aug 11, 2010
Seems like most phones these days have a gimmick. My Vibrant came with Avatar preloaded and it is stunning on the AMOLED screen.
I would be surprised if some movie weren't thrown in on the phone on launch.
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