Motorola Droid :: POP3 Unable To Work Properly On Phone
Jan 19, 2010
Why does POP3 suck on droid? why did motorola release a pda that has such a problem with simple emails? Its not like theres even pictures or detail in the email. whats the problem? i hate buying the latest and greatest and discovering its not as good as years ago. even my gmail doesnt alert me half the time when i have mail. blackberry was alot slower but a million times faster with important mail.
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Jul 26, 2010
I just set up my main email account, and made sure both the email addy an passowrd were right several times, yet it can't seem to connect.
Is there a better app?
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Aug 10, 2010
A quick list of why this is not working to my knowledge, then a list of things i have done. All of which could be solved if we could reflash roms. Sadface,I got my phone and rooted, system dumped. So i have every apk.I cannot use default messanging.apk it fc, calendar was fcing on opening events or adding new, it now works i, reinstalled all calendar apks, and started using jorte so it did not matter anymore. I cannot add new accounts, receive mms (fixed post 3). Handcent can do everything but recieve MMS with out the stock messaging application. I cannot open stock messaging (fixed post 3), or the stock home application. I have to use launcher pro.I installed the core bloatware city id and blockbuster. And hard reset that's when alot of this default apps stopped working. The phone was worse before the hard reset. I think if i uninstall all my apps. Leave su and busybox, install all the system apks, format sdcard, reload su busy box, and any additional all root files that are needed, i can hard reset to a perfect stock phone with root and start over only renaming system apks one at a time with a reboot in between to guarantee things work properly.
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Aug 25, 2010
I have read through many similar stories on here, but none are resolved. I restored an old backup from rom manager and now my gmail doesn't work properly. It wont send mail, it won't properly archive mail, the notifications don't work, and on. Did this happen because I restored an old version? Does gmail update itself or can I push a new update?
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Aug 18, 2010
The application appears to work properly until you turn the phone off (all the way off). I have decided NOT to root my phone at this time.
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Jun 22, 2010
I've had my Evo working well with two POP3 accounts. Twice in the past few days I have not been able to send email from the POP accounts, but I can receive email. The first time it happened I cleared the cache on HTC mail program and everything worked again, however that didn't work this time. I have no problem sending email through an active sync account.
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Sep 18, 2010
if anyone has difficulty playing games e.g. drving games, dont know if its something i'm doing wrong, but I can turn left or right, i.e. the car keeps steering to the left and tilting the phone isn't working. It is something I have not setup or am I doing it all wrong
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Jul 22, 2010
So when are you charging your Droid x.
#1- Are you waiting until it dies completely and shuts off before you put it on the charger?
#2- Are you putting it on the charger when the warning pops up that your battery is almost dead?
#3- Are you putting it on the charger when ever you get a chance to give it a charge.
How long are you letting it charge for?
#1- Are you letting it charge to 100% with the (check mark) before you remove it?
#2- Are you letting it charge all the way through the night? (so like for 6-8 hours while your sleeping)
#3- Are you pulling it off before 100% and if so do you do that every once in a while or all the time.
This is my first smart phone so I am trying to figure out how everyone else does it. I have had the phone for 2 days now and have already downloaded the new OTA update. So with me being on it pretty hard core I am getting about 15 hours of battery life. I think that is really good. But I let the phone die all the way and shut itself off before I put it on the charger and I pull it off right when it says 100%. Is that bad? Should I not let it die every time and should I let it charge longer even though it says 100%?
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Jul 26, 2010
Has anyone else noticed that when they turn WiFi on through the widget (either android or motorola one) it doesn't always actually turn on wireless?
I usually have to go to WiFi settings and then once I do that it connects to my router. This will keep happening until I restart the phone and then the widget will work another 1-2 times and then I'll have to go into the settings menu until I restart again.
Unrelated: Has anyone else had their 3G dropout today or is it just me? I'm in the northeast.
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Feb 13, 2010
So I am trying to root my phone I am at the point where I am rooted and I have made a nandroid backup. I have moved those files to my computer and put the bugless beast nandroid files in their place. The problem is when I go to Droidroothelper and select reboot/recovery my phone reboots and the /! comes up on my screen and a line on the bottom says E: can't open /cache/recovery/command......
any tips I dont know what to do to load the nandroid backup of the bugless beast.
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Aug 17, 2010
About two days ago, my speaker phone stopped working properly.I can hear peole, but people can't hear me when in speaker mode on phone calls.Anyone else having this problem?
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Feb 24, 2010
1) What, if any, is the BEST ROM based on these criteria
b) supports all features of a NON rooted Droid phone properly - can be v2.0.1 for all I care, I would just re-run this same list at a later date for a custom ROM running the official 2.1 or later equivalent I suppose.
c) while accomplishing all other criteria listed, still allows for overclocking by the USER - i don't mind using another app to do this - allows tethering and other applications which would typically require ROOT access
d) Accomplishes or at least allows for VOLTAGE and/or PROFILE adjustments to help fine tune battery life while balancing performance - again, doesn't really matter to me if I end up having to pay for an app to addon to accomplish this................
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Nov 8, 2010
These little bugs are starting to get annoying. This morning no sound on phone. Restart the unit and all is fine. If people had to restart and pull the battery as much on a BB Storm, they'd be complaining like crazy. Actually I rarely had to pull the battery on my Storm. Of course the Storm sat for a long time trying to load a website, but it did.
This thing is starting to bug me. It's official now. Open media and Camera Roll doesn't show it's icon half the time. Start it up and everything on SD card takes a while to show an icon. Go to Market and every other time nothing loads. This little stuff is adding up. Feel free to add your little bugs.
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Nov 30, 2009
I have K-9 set to check mail every min. I see in the notification where it says "sending mail", but it does not check incoming mail. I have tested both the incoming and outgoing ports and they both pass. What do I have to do to get it to check my incoming mail? If I do a manual "check mail", then it receives it fine.
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Apr 22, 2010
I can't seem to find a good email set up on my Droid. When I got my droid I set up my email for POP3 since I have Yahoo Mail Plus. I do not want to use imap for many reasons. It set up no problem, put it constantly pulls old messages from the server or ones that I deleted off the phone (not the server) days earlier. So then, I switched to having gmail pull my yahoo mail via pop3. That solved the old message issues, but if anyone know about gmail, you can't set the frequency by which it pulls from the server. I would always get my email anywhere from 30 minutes to and hour and half after it was actually received. So today I tried the new imap set up. It works except I have a computer at home that's pulling the message via POP3. When it does that, it marks them as read on the server. Because of that I don't get notified of new messages. When the Droid syncs with yahoo, it shows that the message is already read.
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Mar 30, 2010
New user and new Droid owner here. As a previous BB Curve owner, I was pretty excited to drop the clunky BB OS in favor of a more user friendly device. I am trying to get my email set up on my Droid. I have my personal email through my webhost ( which allows us to have either IMAP or POP3 email access. I have attempted to set up each on my phone and still have similar issues.
1. Emails constantly show up dated 12/31/1969 - typically these are auto generated emails from eBay or CRON based emails from some applications I have developed. Is there an known issue with the way the OS reads auto-generated time stamps?
2. Multiple notifications received on same emails. Once again tied back to my additional POP3/IMAP account, but I receive the notification icon of new emails after I have read them - and even sometimes deleted them from my Droid.
3. Not so much an email issue, but a general question. Is there a way to "unlock" the phone other than sliding the screen up or pressing the top botton?
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Aug 24, 2010
I have a pop3 email account with my local ISP. I am unable to send mail from my Droid 2. Any advice? What am I doing wrong. I have all the settings correct as far as I can tell.
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Nov 19, 2009
I have two pop3 email accounts set up on the Driod and I'm wondering if there is a way to set it so the last 30 days or so of emails are saved on the droid, even after dowloading them at home and deleting them from the server?Right now, the droid only shows email that is still sitting on the server. On the BB i had, it used to download a copy of all pop3 email to the device and the copy would stay there unless i manually deleted in on the BB.
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Nov 9, 2009
Yahoo IMAP: Motorola Droid - Setting Up Yahoo Mail IMAP | Mobile Technology Deals and Help
Microsoft Hotmail POP3: Motorola Droid - Setting Up Hotmail POP3 | Mobile Technology Deals and Help. Other settings.... IMAP & POP3 Mail Server for Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail 100% Working - Mobile Phone Applications Mobile Games and Mobile Programs On
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Aug 22, 2010
I am having some very annoying email problems that I have fought with for almost a week, researched and tried multiple programs, and followed about every tutorial on this and similar sites to make work. My school system's email provider is junk, but since I'm a traveling teacher (I bounce between schools) it is very important that I be able to receive and reply to emails from administrators and other teachers. I'm coming from five years of Blackberry email, where all it took was inputting my address and password in the BIS email page and never having to give it a second thought.
So far, here's a rundown on what's happened and what I've tried:
1. Using My Accounts and the stock email program, my email address has been added. It will not connect when set up as a POP3 account; I must set it as an IMAP account to retrieve any emails. No matter what port setting I use (25 or 587), I cannot send or reply to email.
2. Using K-9 email, I am able to download email as POP3 with standard settings (port 110). As with the built-in client, I am unable to reply to or send emails.
3. Before you ask, 587 never worked. I've tried.
4. The email address is configured in accordance with our service provider's instructions..
5. This issue has occurred in the same manner on both 2.1 and 2.2.
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Nov 18, 2009
I was under whelmed with the email client which handles POP3 (hotmail, yahoo, verizon, etc.) accounts, and was looking for an "Outlook Mobile" type client, coming from my Moto Q. The stock client just seems to limited, aside from having some issues. Looking around, I came across the K9 Mail client and found that it was available in the Android Market. Its only been installed for a few minutes but in checking the settings/features, its much more robust than the stock client. Many more check intervals, options to set default number of messages, delete from server on delete option. The only caveat on install stated that it may have issues with Hotmail (i.e. Plus or paid accounts may have connection issues) but my basic free Hotmail came thru fine.
Text is much easier to read with the white background, black text and 2 line info display. You can also manage identities, and has more features I don't understand, and probably wont use. With my check interval at 3 hours, I sent a test message from my comcast account (not involved with DROID) just now and got some certificate error message from the program (has its own mail folder for errors), when I performed a manual check/sync. I just ran it again and the message came through. I think it may have been SMTP setting issues, but they seem resolved. Based on the the interface and options alone, I think I'll work with this app.
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Mar 3, 2010
I was frustrated with our droids ability to use multiple pop3 email accounts at once. Sometime my emails would arrive hours after they were sent, which in business is unacceptable. Multiple pop3 accounts and gmail through activesync worked so smooth on my windows mobile Omnia i910. I am now trying to use mail fetcher integrated in gmail. I like it ok, and it's polling interval is getting shorter all the time (since google automatically calculates how often it should do it). I setup the pop3 accounts to get Labeled as the email account they come in on and auto Archive. I Archive the mail because I do not like a common inbox. Call me old school or whatever but I like to keep my buisness and pleasure separated. Here is my question:
My real question is now on my phone how can I automatically tell when a new email arrives from one of those other accounts (since it auto archives under it's label and hence doesn't show up in my inbox). If I can get this working my phone will be everything I always wanted.
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Nov 16, 2009
I want to compile phone app in eclipse but after downloading and building project ,i have so many compile errors. it seems that the functions in sdk is not enough for compiling,should i add anything else to build path?
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Jan 25, 2010
Everything seems damn fast and it's so simple to set up. Only problem is that I have set up my work e-mail (which sits on a server and is a POP-3 account I think!...can you tell I'm not technical?!?!) using the in-built client on the phone, trouble is that it keeps crashing and has to do a force close on me pretty much every time. I've looked for this same topic in the forum but cant find anything which answers the issue. Is the next software release likely to fix this bug?
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Feb 25, 2010
A few weeks ago, a friend and I went through the process of making my Behold 2 think it's a Galaxy (thanks to all who made that possible!). Now, after having played with it for a while and the lack of vibration annoying me, I've decided to try to use Odin to revert to the standard Behold 2 ROM.This is where my problem comes in: I am unable to get any USB Driver for the phone to work. In USB Debugging, out of debug, in download, or any other way I can think of. The phone just doesn't seem to want to connect. When not in USB debugging mode, I can get my computer to recognize the SD card and access files, and it'll charge, but, I can't get any other USB functions to work.
I'm not sure if this is a driver issue or if this is an issue with the phone itself.I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64bit.Could someone walk me through troubleshooting this?
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Jul 26, 2010
Cant seem to get my wiimotes to connect to my new Cappy, i dl the free versions of the market place but none work. My BT does see them just wont connect via the program. any ideas?
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Jul 22, 2010
I have developed an application for Android and do not know yet whether its graphics are displayed properly on EVO 4G.It works fine on devices that have medium density screens, but I have no exact idea how the app's user interface might behave in EVO 4G's category (high pixel density).Can anyone help me and make some test? It would help me a lot. You can find my app in Android Market (free) under the name 'Sticky Note Cork&Orc'.
1) Do you see the wooden edges if you scroll the cork board entirely to the bottom/ or to the right edge.
2) Are the graphics (cork board background/ buttons) strongely fuzzy or sharp enough?
3) Are some graphics cut out of display?
4) Does the virtual keyboard (partly) overlap the text box if you make some input? (important)
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May 7, 2010
i have is the desire on wifi does not work properly, i get good signal (router in same room, d-link 615 with 50Mb connection) some sites work works like normal but when i brows other sites, facebook, talk.maemo, quidco, ebay.. u get the idea it does not load or takes ages , we are talking mintues 1-3 mins. this applies to apps too, some times it updates and some times it does not. now for the funny thing. when i'm one floor below the router location everything works. Now i have changed channels and security settings with no joy, all other device on the same router work fine, nokia n80, n900, ps3, netbook and main PC wired.
its bugging me, dunno if i should take the handset for replacement. On 3G it works fine, actually works GREAT! on voda (got the phone simfree from CPW) Oh router is using Firmware: DD-WRT. does desire have multi notifcation LED or just green and orange?
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Sep 28, 2010
i recently bought an evo 4g ( great phone ! ) and i have been looking at the forums on how to properly get it to work. I downloaded the snesnoid lite and androzip. Then i downloaded the rom ( that i have ;p) off a couple of sites. Everytime i do download the rom, it ends up as a " .bin" file. Is this uncommon? im not sure as wheither it's the site or just a setting in my phone thats making it a bin file.
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Aug 16, 2010
I've been messing around with NinjaMorph, and I can't get it to work properly. I've been trying to edit a widget (Touchdown universal widget), and edited the .png files, but it doesn't work after I repackage it whether it's zipaligned or not.
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