HTC EVO 4G :: WAVESECURE - Appears To Work Properly Until You Turn The Phone Off
Aug 18, 2010The application appears to work properly until you turn the phone off (all the way off). I have decided NOT to root my phone at this time.

The application appears to work properly until you turn the phone off (all the way off). I have decided NOT to root my phone at this time.
On my HTC EVO Wavesecure works well normally, but if you turn the phone all the way off, it can not be located, or locked or anything else. I haven't rooted my phone and I believe that there may be no solution to this problem. Any info at all on this would be appreciated. I also posted this under HTC EVO and hope that the redundancy is not a violation (I just joined the forum today).
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View 22 Replies View Relatedif anyone has difficulty playing games e.g. drving games, dont know if its something i'm doing wrong, but I can turn left or right, i.e. the car keeps steering to the left and tilting the phone isn't working. It is something I have not setup or am I doing it all wrong
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy son was playing with my phone a few days ago. When I got it back, and turned the screen back on, wavesecure had locked the phone. I asked my son how he turned it on, he said all he did was put the phone into airplane mode. Wierd I thought.
Was flying yesterday. Purposely put the phone in airplane mode. Turned phone back on, and wow, wavesecure had locked it again.
I know this isn't a feature! Has this happened to anyone else. I have uninstalled Wavescure. BTW, this issue of airplane mode and wavesecure has not happened to me until this week. I have had wavesecure on my phone since nov, and have used airplane mode without these issues.
Is there an app that will allow me to turn off all data and have just the phone work?
I love all the notifications I get but when I'm sleeping I need to hear the phone ring if someone calls but I don't need woke up everytime a sports score is posted or I get an e-mail.
I have developed an application for Android and do not know yet whether its graphics are displayed properly on EVO 4G.It works fine on devices that have medium density screens, but I have no exact idea how the app's user interface might behave in EVO 4G's category (high pixel density).Can anyone help me and make some test? It would help me a lot. You can find my app in Android Market (free) under the name 'Sticky Note Cork&Orc'.
1) Do you see the wooden edges if you scroll the cork board entirely to the bottom/ or to the right edge.
2) Are the graphics (cork board background/ buttons) strongely fuzzy or sharp enough?
3) Are some graphics cut out of display?
4) Does the virtual keyboard (partly) overlap the text box if you make some input? (important)
i have is the desire on wifi does not work properly, i get good signal (router in same room, d-link 615 with 50Mb connection) some sites work works like normal but when i brows other sites, facebook, talk.maemo, quidco, ebay.. u get the idea it does not load or takes ages , we are talking mintues 1-3 mins. this applies to apps too, some times it updates and some times it does not. now for the funny thing. when i'm one floor below the router location everything works. Now i have changed channels and security settings with no joy, all other device on the same router work fine, nokia n80, n900, ps3, netbook and main PC wired.
its bugging me, dunno if i should take the handset for replacement. On 3G it works fine, actually works GREAT! on voda (got the phone simfree from CPW) Oh router is using Firmware: DD-WRT. does desire have multi notifcation LED or just green and orange?
i recently bought an evo 4g ( great phone ! ) and i have been looking at the forums on how to properly get it to work. I downloaded the snesnoid lite and androzip. Then i downloaded the rom ( that i have ;p) off a couple of sites. Everytime i do download the rom, it ends up as a " .bin" file. Is this uncommon? im not sure as wheither it's the site or just a setting in my phone thats making it a bin file.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been messing around with NinjaMorph, and I can't get it to work properly. I've been trying to edit a widget (Touchdown universal widget), and edited the .png files, but it doesn't work after I repackage it whether it's zipaligned or not.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've already rooted my Nexus 7 2012 using Wugfresh's Nexus Root Toolkit, I've also already granted access to a lot of root needed apps through SuperSu, I also have busybox installed. For some reason I just installed Gamecih version 3.00. Life. The app still says error need root even after I granted access to it through the supersu root permission prompt.
View 3 Replies View Relatedsince I have rooted my device (iMiTo AM801 running Android Gingerbread 2.3.1) I'm not anymore able to power off it properly.After pressing for some seconds the power button and after I confirm the message asking if I want to power off the device, it never actually turns off and I need to press the reset button.The problem is that quite often the reset button restart the device! after I start the procedure for normal turn off (pressing the power button for some seconds, and answering the confirmation message) in the background I see a a message appearing just in the bottom toolbar of Android, but I cannot see what is says as the power off message is a modal window.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone who's GPS that may be working know how turn by turn with google maps or whatever works in egde or even non service areas? I used to be on verizon and never had this issue on their much better network, but I was just curious how good it is on AT&T, I have yet to find out because of the GPS issue on this phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedA quick list of why this is not working to my knowledge, then a list of things i have done. All of which could be solved if we could reflash roms. Sadface,I got my phone and rooted, system dumped. So i have every apk.I cannot use default messanging.apk it fc, calendar was fcing on opening events or adding new, it now works i, reinstalled all calendar apks, and started using jorte so it did not matter anymore. I cannot add new accounts, receive mms (fixed post 3). Handcent can do everything but recieve MMS with out the stock messaging application. I cannot open stock messaging (fixed post 3), or the stock home application. I have to use launcher pro.I installed the core bloatware city id and blockbuster. And hard reset that's when alot of this default apps stopped working. The phone was worse before the hard reset. I think if i uninstall all my apps. Leave su and busybox, install all the system apks, format sdcard, reload su busy box, and any additional all root files that are needed, i can hard reset to a perfect stock phone with root and start over only renaming system apks one at a time with a reboot in between to guarantee things work properly.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have read through many similar stories on here, but none are resolved. I restored an old backup from rom manager and now my gmail doesn't work properly. It wont send mail, it won't properly archive mail, the notifications don't work, and on. Did this happen because I restored an old version? Does gmail update itself or can I push a new update?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having a small problem with some onClick events, it's probably my .java file, the problem is once i test the app, virtual or real device, there are 2 buttons, 1 for Facebook(button1) and 1 for Twitter(button2), the Twitter one won't work until the Facebook one has been "clicked" and then you have to press back to then "click" the Twitter button.
I'm new to this so knowing my luck the java file is stating that "button2 will only work once button1 has been clicked"
I'm trying to schedule my alarm manager to fire up an intent every hour in a day. this is what I do , and it doesnt work properly.
new code after edit:
I have this ImageView block inside a Relative layout:
This draws the image right where it would be expected in both normal and high density resolution screens on Android 1.6 however on 2.2 it seems to ignore the layout_marginBottom and always draw the image aligned all the way at the bottom. Has anyone seen this before, and if so do you know a fix?
Edit 1:
It sits inside a RelativeLayout declared thusly:
Edit 2:
Here's the full layout code:
Can anyone help, I have been looking up this problem for hours now and have come up with no answers... My lock on phone randomly works. Sometimes I turn on phone and its there and sometimes its not. I have phone set for a pattern lock and to set up after 5 minutes.I just turn my desire on sometimes by pressie the top bottom and the finger slide thingy..isn't even there.This can be after 10 minutes or 3 hours no difference.
View 6 Replies View Relatedmy galaxy grand duos received firmware and software upgrade. After that, some applications no longer work properly, for example, the planner lost all the characteristics. It doesn't shows weeks. The contact application lost things like favorites.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have Tablet PC Q8 model gs701b. Firstly it worked properly but i decided to change rom. After i install new rom Front camera stopped to respond. Tablet didn't recognize it. (It thinks that front camera doesn't exist :X ) And the other problem is that rear camera doesn't work properly either. It shows show image such as in mirror :X I have tried to install on it many other roms Such as 1) (Doesn't work touchscreen) (Doesn't work touchscreen). (Works) and Now I have OVO light Update 2 It works great but camera still doesn't work properly. :X what to do ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to do a demo just like WaveSecure, which win Android Develop Challenge 2 with a third place. Now I have a problem in locking the screen customly, so I want to know how WaveSecure achieve its locking function, as the following picture show:
When the mobile is locked, WaveSecure can require customer to input their own password. So I think WaveSecure must replace Android's original locking function.
And I also google it, but I didn't find anything helpful. I only find two packages may be helpful.
They are:
When I include <style> elements from /res/values/styles.xml the Layout designer/preview within Eclipse doesn't update with these styles, but shows as it would be without any styles.Can anyone confirm this issue? If so, Is there a way I can fix this myself easily? If not, where's the appropriate place to sumbit a bug report?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen apply the white theme, the text views and scrollviews display black background....and its very hard to read the text. The same app works fine on the 1.1 SDK. I am running the application on the Dev Phone (but emulator also have same symptoms)
View 15 Replies View Related I've seen in the WhatsApp+ themes thread an interesting theme:
As you can see, it has both translucent nav and status bar. I know Xposed Framework has a plugin with this function but it does not work properly with WhatsApp, for example. My question is: How can I get this effect properly?
Is there a way to upgrade the Rom on the Cozyswan CS102 II android smart tv dongle? It runs very slowly on the pre-installed Rom (version 4.04). And Netflix doesn't work properly.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an LG Optimus Elite and when I first set the phone up with WIFI, the bars were green and everything worked, but then I powered the phone off and the bars turned white and my WIFI status says that I'm connected but nothing (except the browser, Skype and sometimes Youtube) works--they all mostly say "authentication required" or "not connected." I have multiple laptops, have had two iPod Touch devices, and friends' devices work just fine on my internet, but this one won't--the time/date isn't even correct.
I've rebooted the phone about 4 times and each doing different things, like signing in to Youtube with Google account, syncing my Google account, and just trying different things with the WIFI (airplane mode, turning off sleep), and I've restarted my modem and router. I logged in at a restaurant and the time was correct, but I wasn't able to check more than that. I've been searching for a fix for a few days now and nothing has worked at home.
I don't have the phone plan connected so there's nothing that I can do with the 3G connection. It's just really frustrating because I bought two of these phones (one for myself, and one for my girlfriend) and only one phone works, even though we've checked to see if all our settings were exactly the same--which they are.
Edit: Each time I power the phone off the WIFI bars turn white and the internet doesn't work good (like I wrote above). For the amount of time that there is internet (after factory reset) the time is wrong. I forgot to mention this.
Edit 2: I cleared the Google Services Framework data and, after doing that, the WIFI works until I power the phone off and on again. I'll add more information as I try more things.
Just finished unlocking the boot load and rooted my GN using the GNEX toolkit, and restored my apps fine.
However, Dropbox did not seem to work properly. I was able to login, but couldnt access my files correctly. For example, I was able to open my Keepass file, but not able to save any would just complain about not being able to save.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled both Dropbox and KeepassDroid, with no success. The wieird thing is I also tried to browse the SD Card using ES File Explorer, and I'm not able to delete the Dropbox .thinkfree directory, nor am I able to delete/copy/move/rename the local Keepass directory and just complains that it cannot perform the operation
Can I bypass the phone log page that appears after all phone calls? I'd much rather finish talking and be back at my home page without pressing the home key.
View 2 Replies View RelatedPhone tells me there is an update and I updated it.But nothing appears different. Anyone know what the update was?
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