Motorola CLIQ :: Any Application For Print Screen On Phone?
Jan 9, 2010Anyone know if we can print screen (take a screen shot)? Any apps that would allow it?

Anyone know if we can print screen (take a screen shot)? Any apps that would allow it?
We are new to this droid market along with touch screen. She has a problem with hanging up or muting a call due to the touch screen. Is there an app or adjustment to lock the screen while on the phone? Sorry if this is a duplicate thread, I attempted to search. Not new to forums but new to this one.
View 4 Replies View Relatedmy phone has been running really slow lately. Especially with text messages and phone calls. Sometimes it doesn't even respond to my touch on the screen nor keyboard.any similar stories or solutions?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am looking for an arm band for the cliq xt. Something that allows for full screen to be seen and used. Something good for running with. If anyone has any recommendations.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you delete apps out of the Application Tray?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHas anyone figured out a way to print google contacts with all phone numbers?
I see how to print them all one one sheet but it only print one phone number for each contact. some of my contacts have several phone numbers asigned.
verizon back-up sucks so I'm trying to do it with google.
Is this normal for CLIQ owners. Granted, my phone lives in my pocket, but none of my others ever got dust in the screen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDo you think at one point there will be replacement parts like the glass screen for the cliq? My aunt had the phone for a day and sure enough some how she cracked the screen phone still works great touch screen fine picture fine just cracked glass. I was hoping just at one point I would be able to have my cliq again without the crack.
View 18 Replies View RelatedCan Someone recommended an unlocking site for Motorola Cliq (T-Mobile)? Would be highly appreciated.
Also can anyone vouch or confirm the legitimacy of the following sites?
3.Unlock Motorola
4. Unlock Cellphone Code
I have a motorola cliq and it has a cracked screen I found a replacement screen on ebay so that was a relief. now my issue is how do I remove the broken screen? does anyone have any tutorial or manual on how to open or remove the screen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if anyone was able to get their T-Mobile/Motorola Cliq to work on T-Mobile's basic data plan? They now have a specific Android data plan. I can't believe that they raised the data and unlimited text message plan to cost $45/mo. in total for Android phones! I'm using the $19.99 unlimited data/messaging plan now and would like to continue to use it. If anyone has successfully done this, please let me know how you did it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it normal in all Cliqs for the screen-half to be very slightly moveable in the up-and-down vertical direction, both in open and closed position? I'm not talking about inward and outward, but rather up and down on the vertical y-axis like from the ear speaker at the top to the mouth mic at the bottom. And I'm only talking about a millimeter of very slight movement if you hold your thumb down firmly or grab it with two fingers and try to move it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just bought this phone off of CraigsList.When I try to launch the camera, whether using the dedicated camera button on the side of the phone or using the icon on the screen, the display goes blank for one second and then goes back to the Home screen.I called Tmobile, and they just had me do a hard reset which didn't have an effect.
I'm having trouble with one thing on the Cliq - hanging up calls. Since the end call button is on the screen, 2 things keep happening:
- I hang up on someone by mistake, because my cheek touches the button while I'm talking
- By the time I am done talking, the screen has gone black, so I have to hit the menu button to turn the screen back on.. but that takes me back to the home screen, so I have to navigate through to get back to my call and hang up!
Is there some sort of setting or app that could change the end call button to a hard key, like the back button, so we can hang up that way? It would be a tremendous help!
I installed spare parts and my screen goes in circles now when it switches to landscape it just swings untill it stops before it will completly open the page. So I un-installed the app amd still the issue is there . I have tried everything I can think of other than a master reset.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering what is the benefit of rooting a moto cliq. Will I be able to up grade to 2.2? A buddy of mine claims I could run other apps such as the sprint nascar app is this true?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am using an unlocked Cliq on AT&T network. All my data works fine, but I'm having trouble with text messages. Normal texts come and go fine it seems, but I'm unable to send picture messages. I assume I'm also unable to receive picture messages, though I haven't specifically tested that. The bigger problem is a random text I keep getting. It comes from 11-216-116-11, and always says the same thing, "error invalid number please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number or valid short code." They always come in threes, and I always get them when I reboot the phone or sometimes they come randomly. Can anybody help with these issues?
View 10 Replies View RelatedWhile I understand the purpose of the CLIQ is its social networking aspects, I am thinking of buying this phone for my wife who does not use Facebook, etc. The reason for this phone is the keyboard, she is not fan of touch screen and I think the G1 is just too bulky. This brings me to my question: Is there a way I can kill all the networking settings and extra on screen buttons so it will be closer to the MyTouch that I have?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm developing an application which will print to a blue tooth printer the data that iv'e gathered but i don't know where to start. I'm done with the application that will gather the data. But i'm on a deadlock now. How do i design the file that the printer will print?.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHere is the code:
while (i < 16) {
result.setText("example " + i);
As you can see, in this example, the only result that is going to be printed out for user is "example 15", what I would like to do is to print out all of the examples to user example1, 2 and so on. How can I do that? I have one TextView block in my .xml. How to print out all those "example 1..15" without putting them in one big string.
On my 2nd day of having the Cliq, I started receiving this error:
The application Home (process com.motorola.blur.home) has stopped unexpectedly.
and gives me the Force Quit button.
It usually happens when I'm texting or using the Messaging widget on the home screen and today it has been happening very often!! Starting to get annoying.
I've had my cliq about a month now, and I love the phone! it's perfect for my needs, but im having alot of issues with it.
1: Sometimes my phone will sometimes just ignore a phone call. I'll receive it, it will ring for literally half a second, then the call will stop and will show as a missed call. This used to happen on my RAZR, too, so I think it's more a T-mobile issue than the phone.
2: My CLIQ keeps combining, moving, or changing my contacts. For example: A few weeks ago, I added my new bosses' phone number, labeled him as my boss, and then went about my business. Later that day, I was texting a friend, only to find out that her Phonenumber/information had meen stored under my new boss' name!
Another similar Issue, I added 2 people: A new friend's cell, My boss' cell, and my boss' office (all under seperate contacts). Then later that day, suddenly my friend's contact information is merged in with another friend's, and my mom's text messages are coming in under my boss's office information! (Needless to say, I was VERY confused to receive a text saying that he loved me)
3: Sometimes the phone is super slow/crashy. I get a lot of "this program is taking too long. would you like to close it?" Messages. I make use of advanced task Killer to kill off apps i'm not using from the background (Games, Facebook, ect) Why is my phone always so slow?
Way i have my CLIQ set up and some things that I have and to me, this is the ultimate set up (with very simple tweaking).
For starters, we aren't able to root yet (maybe in a month or so?) so I need my phone to run as light and fast as possible.
The MotoBlur is a great feature to attract people, but the service isn't full Twitter, FaceBook, or Myspace. I personally think you'll get a much better experience from getting these applications separately.
I have MotoBlur still signed in (just so it can sync my contacts, settings, etc.) however, I did sign out of my facebook and twitter accounts (I dont ever use mysapce) and that meant no need for those stock widgets (the status, happenings, messages). You know what that means? Not so much data interaction even when I'm not using my phone aka longer lasting battery!
So I put the widgets in the trash and made my homescreen how I want it. My phone moves faster and lasts longer, as well as shows the freed up memory with those cancellations (about 8 to 10 MB).
Now, in my opinion, the facebook apps arent needed. The web browser on this thing brings out the website beautifully, especially in the touch interface of facebook.
Twitter does too, but it wont move as fast. So I would suggest going into the marketplace for your twitter apps. Also, I will list below the applications I have as well as why, and the amount of space they take up. Remember, the more memory used, the slower your phone performs.
Ready? Here we go...
1. "AppManager": simply manages your 3rd party applications. It enables you to install from the SD, or uninstall with ease. Also, it allows you to move and uninstalled app to the SD card, just in case you may want to re-install later on. This keeps you from having to search through the marketplace again.
Memory used = 99kb
2. "Nice Battery": One of many great battery managers out in the market. I like this for its simple battery status as well as 3G/2G shortcuts (some people don't realize you can turn 3G off to save on battery). I didn't know how to turn it off and use 2G (EDGE) until I got this app. Also, one touch bluetooth, wifi, GPS, and cell location switches are used. The application says it will notify you if you overcharge or leave services on (both optional).
Memory used = 24kb
3. "Swift Twitter": Great, light, twitter app. All the capabilities of the apps you want. If you use twitter then you know what I mean, you know what you need, and this does it. Done.
Memory used = 460 kb
4. "Rings Extended": this application allows you to use custom ringtones with much ease. If you, like myself, have downloaded ringtones from a website directly to your phone then you notice you can use them as ringtones. However, if you turn your phone off then back on, that ringtone is gone out of the phone memory. This application allows it to save the tones and directly pick them from anywhere on the SD card. Great stuff. One of my favorite apps.
Memory used = 75kb
5. "OI File Manager": OI manages your files on your SD and in the phone with simplicity and ease. There are also some great apps that do the same job, but to me, some of them have really unnecessary functions and can become confusing after a few clicks. Need to move, copy, delete? There's an app for that (suck it iPhone!)
Memory used = 149 kb
6. "TasKiller": this is the app I speak about most. This is my tiny terminator. It kills any application running in the background that you may be unaware of. You can go into the application and choose which functions to kill (and by "kill" I mean stop it from running, not eliminate it from your phone, as I think many people misinterpret). My favorite feature of this lies in the one touch killswitch widget. I have it on the 5th screen so I dont touch it by accident. It knocks everything out and you can just hit the home button and start off running only the necessary apps. Significant speed difference people! Like I said you can kill one or all functions, it's up to you.
Memory used = 171 kb
7. "SMS Backup": I haven't noticed a way to save SMS on this phone which is fine. SMS Backup does something very simple and unique. It backs all of your SMS to your Gmail folks. It creates a folder, SMS (rename it if you'd like) and stores them all conveniently in your google mail account where you can go in and view, delete, lick the screen at, etc.) Pretty sweet if you ask me. Once again, keeping internal memory free. Yes!
Memory used = 661 kb
Those are some of the great functioning apps I have running. And my phone moves very fast! I have no lag. Occasionally the accelorometer may take a half second longer, but that's about it.
As I'm sure most of u know the Motorola Cliq doesn't allow you to set individual text notificications.Like how you can set each contact with there own ringtone, you you can't give each contact there own text notification.Does anyone know of an App or anything that can rwmwdy that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted phone running the standard TMobile 1.4.8. I just checked for a system update and I selected to install the update that was available OTA
However, my phone is now stuck at the Android Recovery screen because the error message is saying something about how it can't mount the (not the full real filename) and installation was aborted. So when I choose to reboot the system and it loads up my phone... but only to have to self-reboot a few minutes later
pretty much, my phone is stuck in this endless loop of restarting because I choose to do the system update...
Anyone use an app for print screen on the Incredible?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't know if this has been discussed in other forums, but I've only been able to find two custom ROM's for the cliq. TheDudes Cliqcake and Demoshadow's one. I've been hearing about others, but haven't been able to find them. Is there a way we can get a list of ROM's available and what they do. People can even announce their own ROM's. Seems like this could be a good resource for Cliq owners.
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