Motorola Droid :: Way To Print Google Contacts With All Phone Numbers

May 25, 2010

Has anyone figured out a way to print google contacts with all phone numbers?

I see how to print them all one one sheet but it only print one phone number for each contact. some of my contacts have several phone numbers asigned.

verizon back-up sucks so I'm trying to do it with google.

Motorola Droid :: Way to print google contacts with all phone numbers

HTC Desire :: Brackets In Google Contacts Phone Numbers

May 13, 2010

I added a contact on my PC ( which then got sync'd to my phone. I pasted the phone number in from a website, which began something like this: "+44 (0)207..." When I dialed the number on the phone, a recorded message told me that voicemail settings had been changed, and to hang up and dial again in five minutes. Immediately, an SMS message arrived from ">pers", saying "Network message - please delete", followed by a load of random gibberish. Looking in the Call History, it appears that the phone ignores the brackets, and dials, "+44 0207..." which is incorrect. It ought to know that numbers in brackets after the country code are only used when dialling locally without the country code. Calling that incorrect number (I don't know if it's the specific number I called, or just that prefix) somehow connected to some aspect of the (T-mobile UK) voicemail system. I wonder what setting I've changed?Googling suggests that the SMS from ">pers" is some sort of phone-configuration message that is normally supposed to be intercepted by the phone. Anyway, bottom line is this - if you add contacts to your Google account on your PC (which is sometimes very convenient, and a great feature of the Google system), be careful to remove any unnecessary area prefixes.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Only Display Contacts With Phone Numbers?

Mar 15, 2010

I have the Motorola Droid and my roommate just bought the HTC Droid Eris. He has 1000+ contacts in his Google Account and only wants to display ones with phone numbers. The MOTO Droid does this easily - Dialer > Contacts > Menu >Display Options > "Only display contacts with phone numbers" I'm baffled - the Droid Eris doesn't have this option? Is this an HTC Sense thing or an Android 1.5 thing? And, have any Droid Eris owners found this annoying and found a work around?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Too Many Contacts Deleted - Phone Numbers Missing?

Feb 11, 2010

My fiance and I both got the Eris last week, and we both got our contacts transfered from our old phones (hers was LG EnV Touch). We both had existing Gmail accounts which were setup by the Verizon techs at the store as well. The other day, she started telling me that she was getting this weird message on her phone "Too Many Contact Deletes" or something to that effect. I disregarded it as nothing, and carried on until tonight.

She called me freaking out that all her favorite people in her HTC Favorites Widget were gone, including me, and that my number just showed up when i called her, no name, no picture, just number. So I had her check her People list and she said they were all still there, except that all their Phone Numbers were missing. I quickly logged into her GMail account to confirm, sure enough, everyone was still there, but all the numbers were gone.

I did some research and found a little bit on the error message she got originally, but nothing about random deletion of contacts phone numbers. I still have her LG EnV Touch here with all her contacts, and am contemplating deleting all of her Gmail contacts, all of her Phone contacts and then importing the list into GMail, and syncing with the phone. Is that what you would do? I'm worried that this will happen again. What is this caused by and how does she prevent this in the future?

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Motorola Droid X :: Get Google Contacts To Phone List

Jul 19, 2010

So I realized last night that if you make a group in Contacts, that group is created on the Phone Contact List, not in your Google Contacts, and those contacts are then copied to the Phone Contact list. Thus, you can add all the contacts you want to the Phone Contact list, which has the side effect of being able to use the Verizon backup app to make a backup of your contacts.Kind of pointless, but might be useful to people who want to change their default Google account for whatever reason and get some crucial contacts back after a hard reset using Verizon's MyBackup.

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Motorola Droid :: Saving Numbers To Contacts (on The Fly) Moto Droid

Jun 30, 2010

Every time I type in a number and then go to 'Add To Contacts' my phone NEVER saves the number. if that person calls me the correct info will show up but for me to call them is impossible... because they are not on my list. I have searched everywhere for a fix for this. All the correct display option are checked (for gmail i have EVERYTHING checked now)

This drives me absolutely insane. Ive added the same contact several times... and when i hit 'done' they don't show up. PLEASE HELP


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Motorola Droid X :: Google Contacts Groups Not Syncing To Phone

Nov 15, 2010

I have searched but I wanted to ask specific to DX to make sure I wasn't missing something simple. Google Contact Groups don't appear in my contacts on the DX regardless of sync. One of the group names I created did transfer over and Organization name.

I cannot sort the contracts by group on my phone. I either have all or none. Did I do something wrong (most likely yes, this was much easier in the BB world)? Am I missing a step, this appears to be a problem on all Android OS. So do I need an app to fix this?

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Contact Management - Google Contacts Dumped On Phone

Oct 28, 2010

Nothing seems to be working, so I figured I would give this a shot. I have a new Droid 2 from Verizon and it is a Motorola phone. ALL my Google contacts have been dumped on the phone. I have already verified that is ALL contacts, not just "My Contacts" and there doesn't seem to be any way to get it to just My Contacts.

I tried creating a group in the GMail contacts list for just the phone numbers I wanted, but there is zero way to get to that list. The only options I have when I open up Contacts in terms of filtering is All Contacts/Google contacts/Phone contacts. (The latter has no contacts in it because I prefer to have my phone numbers synced as a backup.)

My contact list is so large that when I go to text someone or pull up the contact list, it takes about five minutes for the list to propagate. All I want is my own user-defined list -- and have NO other contacts on the phone (not just filtered out, although I would take that, but not existing, period). The GMail app would be able to find any other contact anyways, so I don't need it in the actual phone book. I've looked everywhere on Google and it seems like no solutions out there seem to exist for me. All I want is to limit my contact list. I used to have Facebook and Twitter under Social Networking as well, but that just made my contacts list even worse so I got rid of those. Ideally I would like to get these back as well and just have them leave my contacts list alone.

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Motorola Droid X :: Delete Up To 1500 Google Contacts From Phone At A Time?

Oct 6, 2010

I use Outlook/Exchange as my primary contact database, so I only wanted to sync my DX with Exchange for contacts. However, before I was able to get to my Google account settings on the X to tell it not to sync Google contacts - it had already synced them. Now, my contacts are a mess because of the damn "linked profiles", so practically every contact has some trash from my unmanaged Google contacts. Old email addresses, dupes, mislabled phone numbers (work, home, etc.) It's ugly and frustrating, since I keep my Exchange contacts perfectly edited and managed.

My problem is that I can't figure out how to delete the Google contacts from my DX other than doing it one at a time. (Since I have over 1500 contacts, that would be a huge pain.) Is there any way I can purge these? I'm a power Gmail user, so I can't just delete the entire Google account. (Not sure that's possible anyway.)

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Motorola Droid :: Contacts Only Syncing To Google All Contacts Not My Contacts

Jan 16, 2010

I seem to be having a sync issue with my Droid.When I add a contact to my phone, it doesn't sync into "My contacts" in Gmail; it'll sync into "All contacts". So, a couple of questions:

1) How can I get the phone to add new contacts created on my Droid into "My contacts" in Gmail?

2) I'm trying to understand the point of "All contacts". Why does Gmail want to keep a list of anyone that I've ever sent an email to? Otherwise, it'll be simple enough to just merge the two groups and call it a day.(Note: When I bought my Droid I did NOT have the VZW sales person transfer my contacts or any data from my old Blackberry to my Droid. I used Google Sync on my BB and synced my contacts from my BB to Gmail, then when I got the Droid, it automatically pulled my contacts from Gmail.)(FWIW, yes, I did a search and found two great threads: and but I have a different situation than most of those guys and I'd actually prefer to sift through and merge a couple of contacts from "All contacts" to "My contacts" every once in a while than deal with a backup and factory reset.)

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HTC Droid Eris :: How To Convert Phone Contacts To Google Contacts?

May 16, 2010

I did my update manually earlier today without any problems (all of my contacts were Google).I have a question for my sister's though:How do you convert all of your Phone contacts to Google contacts? I don't want to do the .csv backup and all that just sync all Phone and Google contacts to Google. The reason is because when Verizon transfers your numbers, they get saved as Phone contacts but from what I understand,the update only re-syncs your Google contacts.So is there a quick/easy way to do this?She is not very tech-savvy.I just want to make sure she does this before she upgrades,so she doesn't lose all of her phone numbers.

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Android :: Get Phone Numbers Of Contacts

May 24, 2010

I am new to Android and have been working on an app that needs to get all of the user's contact's phone numbers. Apparently the code I have does not work with the 2.1 SDK. So far here is the code I am using:

String[] projection = new String[] { Phone.NUMBER };
Cursor c = managedQuery( Phone.CONTENT_URI, projection, null, null, null );
int colIndex = -1;
try {
colIndex = c.getColumnIndexOrThrow( Phone.NUMBER );
} catch( Exception e ) {
print( e.getMessage() ); }
print( "Column Index = " + colIndex );
//count is equal to 3
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ){
try {
print( c.getString( 2 ) ); //the 2 used to be colIndex
} catch ( Exception e ) {
print( e.getMessage() );} }

It seems that no matter what I pass into c.getString() it keeps telling me that I passed in -1. But I even hardcoded the 2, and it says the same thing. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Motorola Droid X :: Sync Only Facebook Contacts Who Are Also Google Contacts?

Jul 16, 2010

On my Droid there was a setting to only sync Facebook data for contacts who also were Google contacts. On the X, there doesn't seem to be that option anymore. I don't want all of my Facebook "friends" to show up in my contact list on my phone but I would like Facebook data to sync for my actual contacts in my Google contact list. Has anyone figured this out?

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Motorola Droid X :: Phone Sync Facebook's Pictures Without Other Junk Like Their Phone Numbers?

Jul 21, 2010

Is there any other way on the X to sync FB's pictures without it syncing the other junk like their phone numbers? I've tried Syncmypix but the quality of the pictures are kinda crappy.

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HTC Desire :: Contacts Not Showing Phone Numbers

Jul 30, 2010

I ve with my HTC Desire. Let me explain : When I go on PEOPLE I see my contacts there , if I click on them I cant see any phone number or mail nothing it just show me the contact name then under the name I see DETAILS then INFORMATION and down I can read ringtone and send to voicemail and then last Edit. Why is that? I dont think is normal and honestly makes me really depressed coz I cant call normally.

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HTC Hero :: Show Only Contacts With Phone Numbers

Aug 9, 2009

I just installed fatal1ty's hero rom version 1.4 last night on my rogers magic(a version modified for 32a) and I have a couple questions about the different apps. First of all, is there any way to make it show only contacts with phone numbers? Every time I send a message with gmail, that email is automatically added to my contacts but I don't really want to see it there when I'm looking for phone contacts. It makes my list very long. I know I can do this with apps like aContacts but I want to use the HTC contacts app if possible. Second, I was playing some music and then my lock screen wallpaper suddenly decided to change to the album art. I assumed that it was supposed to do this but then after I stopped playing the music it stayed. I then changed the lock screen wallpaper but it did no good. Finally, how do I add words to my dictionary. The keyboard seems identical to the one that I had as a stock rogers magic except the "add word" button has disappeared.

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HTC Legend :: Contacts - Mainly Phone Numbers - Into Groups

Jun 23, 2010

Ive not found any specific in depth instructions with my phone so here goes my question...I have managed to sync al my email gmail facebook and phone contacts to my handset, I want to put my contacts (mainly phone numbers) into groups so its easier to group SMS people etc, when i try to add contacts to a group it only seems to come up with my Gmail added Email addresses, i have gone into the relevant menu and selected display phone contacts only (or something similar) and re tried but still i am getting just my Gmail addresses as the only option to add to groups. Any help would be greatly appreciated and im sorry if its blurringly obvious!

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Motorola Droid X :: How To Copy Phone Numbers?

Sep 7, 2010

So there was a couple times i wanted to copy a persons phone number from my contacts so i could text message it to someone but, i cant do it. i guess i can send a name card but i'd rather be able to copy the contacts phone number. I try long pressing the number, but no luck. Any tips on how to do this?

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Motorola Droid :: Lost All Phone Numbers

Nov 17, 2009

I totally love the droid. but there is one thing that has been bothering me. It synced all my goggle contacts to my phone, and but then deleted them all from g mail. luckily I had all my contacts backed up on my computer and entered them in. Once I did that all my contacts from my phone got deleted. Every contact (other than face book and g mail contacts) that I had in my phone is now gone. What do I do?!

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Motorola Droid :: Google Contacts Overwrite Contacts

Dec 24, 2009

I use a Droid and Google contacts. I hate Google's contact interface - it crashes Internet Explorer half the time - so I want to edit my contacts on my Droid and have them get updated on Google contacts. I tried this, but when I sync, the google data overwrites what is on my Droid. I've lost a lot of changes already. I tried deleting the contact in Google thinking the Droid contact would then become dominant, but the contact just got deleted on my Droid. But when I add a new contact on the Droid, it does go to Google. So it seems that all the existing Google contacts only sync one way - from google down to the Droid. I must change this. I need updates to happen both ways or else I need to make changes only go up to Google from the Droid.

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Motorola Droid :: Contacts - Google Contacts And Backup

Nov 6, 2009

I have contacts in my phone that Verizon brought over from my last phone (a regular phone phone... I carry a BB for work, have for years. I also have Google Contacts I spent hours getting in order in anticipation of getting this device. I can not, for the life of me, figure out how to back up the contacts now only on the droid to the cloud OR how to get the Google contacts information down to the phone. What I want to do is keep them in Sync and do the cleanup from a laptop/desktop one time, once the nasty merge happens.

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Android :: Transferring Contacts - Phone Numbers Format

Jun 19, 2010

I'm currently a Blackberry 8330 user and will be upgrading to either the Droid X or Droid 2 later this Summer. It will be my first Android phone and I'm looking forward to it! I have one simple question about this transition. I already have a Google account and have all my contacts saved there. I read a post a while back on here that if you don't have your phone numbers formatted in a certain way in your contact list, it may cause issues when transferring them to a new Android phone (multiple entries, missing entries, etc.).

Maybe that wasn't a correct statement, but I wanted to ask the question anyway. Are Android phones picky about phone number formats? For example, should I save them online as xxx-xxx-xxxx or maybe 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx instead? Or should I not save them with any hyphens? I just want a seamless transition of my contacts from my Google account to the new phone without a bunch of re-typing or deleting, etc.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Importing Contacts Only If They Have Phone Numbers?

Aug 8, 2010

Is there any way to import contacts from face book only if they have their phone numbers in their account info? I don't want to have to sort through all of the contacts with no numbers.

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Android :: Query All Phone Numbers Of All Contacts In Database

Jun 5, 2009

Can you please tell me how can I query all phone numbers of all Contacts in the Database? Where can I find some examples for that?

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General :: Any Way To Copy Facebook Numbers To Phone Contacts

Feb 25, 2013

I got all my Facebook contacts numbers synced and it comes in contacts but its not coming as phone contacts. Only when it comes as phone contacts i can use them in other apps like Viber and Whatsapp. Its not practically possible add and each very number manually (1800 friends ). Is there any way to copy Facebook numbers to phone contacts or likewise?

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Motorola Droid :: Multiple Phone Numbers For Same Person

Jan 23, 2010

I have several contacts in my phone where I have multiple phone numbers but the location does not always match up with Google choices (MOBILE, WORK, HOME etc) Or in the case of a store like Costco, a different number for each department - Main, Pizza, Pharmacy etc. On my Palm I just used to put initials next to the number to remind me which was which, but that does not work on the Droid - it would not call the number with extra letters. Other than putting the information in my notes, has anyone found a work around? Ideally, I would like to change the words, WORK, HOME, MOBILE, etc to better reflect the ownership and location of that particular number. But that seems highly unlikely since it's connected to Google Contacts. Just wondering how others handle multiple numbers besides a totally different entry, or by adding the info in notes.

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Motorola Droid :: Put Numbers Back On Phone From Backup?

Mar 15, 2010

I am going for the root and a new ROM, the one I will be choosing is CyanogenMod V5.0.4.2 for Droid. What will become of my contacts and my texts. Also when I put the ROM on my phone is there a way to put the numbers back on my phone from a backup or something...?

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Motorola Droid :: Phone Numbers Not Copied Over Correctly?

Nov 29, 2009

So, as of today I have a Motorola Droid coming up for my old Nokia phone. I had BestBuy set me up with the Droid, but when they tried to copy over my contacts to the Droid, they said it failed 3 times and just wouldn't go. They said they COULD get the contacts off of my old phone, but it didn't seem to go over to the new phone for some reason.

Well, I called a number that I knew was in the contacts of my old phone just to test the phone to make sure the phone itself was working when I got home, and when I hung up the call I noticed that it actually showed the name of the person (not their actual name, but the nick-name that I gave them in my old phone) and also showed me the alternate phone number to contacts them with (their cell number). Sooo... it looks like SOMETHING was transfered to my phone, but when I go into "contacts" there is nothing listed. Even when I view the call log, it doesn't show their name anymore, only when I first hung up the call did it show me their name.

Is there a secondary contact list somewhere that they could possibly have been copied over to, and not the main contacts section? I'd really love to get all these phone numbers in there with out having to do it manually.

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Motorola CLIQ :: Any Application For Print Screen On Phone?

Jan 9, 2010

Anyone know if we can print screen (take a screen shot)? Any apps that would allow it?

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LG Ally :: Can't Edit Contact Phone Numbers For Imported Contacts

Jul 28, 2010

I own a Droid, and consider myself fairly savvy in the Android world, however my wife recently got the Ally and is having a problem editing her contacts. So when she initiqally booted up the phone it walked her through logging into google and facebook, etc, and it imported all those contacts into the phone, however, she wants to add in their phone numbers now, but its not letting her. We click on the menu button, click eedit contact, but then there is no way to edit or add phone numbers.

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