Application To Print Data To Bluetooth Printer
Mar 13, 2013
I'm developing an application which will print to a blue tooth printer the data that iv'e gathered but i don't know where to start. I'm done with the application that will gather the data. But i'm on a deadlock now. How do i design the file that the printer will print?.
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Oct 4, 2010
Did anyone else see the article on how to print from your handheld to a printer...from anywhere? Uses dropbox. I didn't see a thread on it. I've got it working fairly well, although it doesn't seem to work for Excel files at all, and I do sometimes get a debug error. How to Print Files from any Mobile Phone using Dropbox?
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Apr 12, 2010
I think a great feature would be able to cable up to a printer and print documents. Can this be done on android now? This would be a great feature, maybe use for docs and down load drivers for printers?
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May 15, 2010
I have searched but found nothing on printing. Can you print directly to a network printer?
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Jul 20, 2010
Does anyone know an app to print from android to a network printer?
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Jan 7, 2010
I know that android sdk 2.0 has provided the new bluetooth API for developers. But I'm not sure if this can help me connect to bluetooth printers. Are there any protocol restrictions or device limitaion for this? Is it possible that the bluetooth device is undetectable by android phone?
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Oct 1, 2010
I would like to have the ability to print documents (docs to go), texts, etc., directly from my phone. I am guessing that if such an app exists I would have to have a WiFi capable printer? Is there an app to do this? If so what do I need to have once installing this app?
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Mar 24, 2013
Here is the code:
while (i < 16) {
result.setText("example " + i);
As you can see, in this example, the only result that is going to be printed out for user is "example 15", what I would like to do is to print out all of the examples to user example1, 2 and so on. How can I do that? I have one TextView block in my .xml. How to print out all those "example 1..15" without putting them in one big string.
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Jan 9, 2010
Anyone know if we can print screen (take a screen shot)? Any apps that would allow it?
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Mar 4, 2010
I'm making an Android Java app game (although this question applies to all languages really) and hope to release the first version soon. I'm nervous about how I save data in my game. My problem is that, if in a later update, I decide to store more data or store the same data in a different way, I need to be careful I don't lose or corrupt data for users that upgrade (i.e. I want users to be able to use data created by an old version in the new version, like their high scores from before).For example, say I want to save high scores in version 1.
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Jun 29, 2010
Any suggestions to print from evo to printer?
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Jun 23, 2010
to start with I've gone through the entire notepad tutorial, I'm a professional game programmer who has some extra time. (though most of my time has been in C++, I did take a year or two of Java classes in college, and remember some of it). I'm not sure the site is a good site to ask questions like this.. If someone has a Forum that might be a good place to ask these newbie questions, please feel free to point me in the direction. I've examined a few of the samples, and think I've a grasp of what I want to do. I've a three to four project plan for some Android releases to sharpen my skills, but since this is my first project and I have never really developed for a mobile phone or the android before, I'd like to make sure I have a solid plan.The first project is an example of the license plate game, however I want to do a few things to change it. Heck maybe when I'm done it'll become a bingo style game, with bluetooth connectivity, you never know. The base idea is I want to offer a list of states, with checkboxes next to them. so to do this, I'll be starting with a Linear List layout similar to the note pad example, and then have a row that is only a Checkbox. I can use text and call strike through if it's been checked off. Perhaps offer an option to not show them if they are checked.
But I want the list to be generated from a set of lists. Maybe all of America's states, maybe reasonable American states (no Hawaii, no Alaska) maybe a North American list, (add in Mexico and some Canadian provinces), a European list, who knows. I'd probably have to have a pop up window that lists all of the lists I suppose using a radiogroup of some sort. So then as far as the data, after weighing options I think best solution is to make a database with two fields, "checked" and "name".I figure I can use the menu for most of the user interaction (aside from clicking on stuff we want to check off) with maybe a few context menu items, I understand how to make all of those already so I should be good. The question I have is what is the best way to populate the lists? Should I create raw data, and have different files for all the lists? Or is there some other way to do this? I've seen this done on the searchable dictionary, but I'd like to hear what people who have actually generated the data like this before. In addition is there an easy way to look at the sql database these applications create, or do you have to run searches on them and output the data? Finally any other suggestion or advice? I definitely want to try to get something like this on the market so I can see the full life cycle and see if anyone actually likes it. (luckily there's not a plethora of them already) but I also want a few people to look over my code if they're willing when I'm done to make sure I've done this right or at least not missing any basic mistakes.
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Sep 8, 2009
I realise that I haven't seen references to printing from any apps. Is it possible to get printouts from a Hero via a WiFi network printer?
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Jul 20, 2010
This may be a ridiculous question but I am wondering of its possible to connect the incredible to a printer server? If anyone knows it would be awesome!
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Nov 24, 2010
Can one access and print to a printer from a mobile phone?
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Jul 14, 2010
Does any one came across any Android enabled thermal printer which can connect to Android device directly using a USB/cable/etc....
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Oct 12, 2010
I would like to know about the 'service discovery' mechanisms supported by android - particularly, Printer Discovery. Does android provide such a discovery option? example: support for snmp broadcast? I tried out an application "PrinterShare" link: where Printer Discovery is achieved through ipp.
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Oct 18, 2010
I am looking for a way to print Office Documents from my phone. I have a WiFi printer. Currently using OfficeSuite Pro. But it has no printing provision that I can discover. So far my workarounds are.
1. Transferring the file from SD card to PC. Opening the file and printing from there.
2. Attach the file and email to myself. Open the attachment and print from there.
I would like to be able to send the file directly from the phone to the WiFi printer. I saw some print apps in the market, but none seemed to do Office Documents.
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Feb 6, 2010
I want to add a flag that will tell how much time my application is running. This flag will have to stay even after the application is removed. And, if its installed back, i must have a way to recover this flag. What's a way to implement this?
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Oct 25, 2012
In the last 3 weeks, I've found that Chrome To Mobile has stopped working for my Chrome browsers on mulitple desktops, to multiple devices. "Print" requests on the Cloud Printer Beta page show my requests, stuck in a perpetual state of "Queued" ... until I delete them.
Deleting and adding the devices hasn't worked. Neither has stopping and restarting Chrome sync.
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Aug 20, 2013
I am trying to write a client application which talk to server application via bluetooth. Server application is running on embedded platfrom.
I referred bluetoothchat example for bluetooth data transfer. In my application I have two activities, Main activity shows list of bluetooth devices and when a user clicks on one of the devices it will open a new activity. Then it will open a bluetooth socket start thread to connect to server. I have a message handler which talks to the connected thread.
my codes looks like this
public class ConnectActivity extends Activity {
// Unique UUID for this application
public static final UUID MY_UUID_INSECURE =
Some times my UI hangs when I click a button, it takes ages to respond back. In my method for ledOn I call bluetooth input stream. Is this correct method to do it.
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Aug 18, 2010
I've been having an issue with data integrity using an RFCOMM socket over Bluetooth in Android. I don't have any issues connecting, but the data I receive is garbled and not the same as the data that is sent. The data is sent by an RS232 device over a Bluetooth adapter, which the phone connects to. There isn't a problem with the adapter as the data is properly received if I connect with a laptop.
My Bluetooth connection is handled based off of the BluetoothChat sample application found at the Android developer site(, with no changes. The data being sent is plain text and control characters (which are stripped out before display to the user). The specific problem I have is that some of the text is missing, some of it is repeated, etc. The funny thing is if I connect to a computer with a terminal app and type in there, the data is transmitted fine. Additionally, if I connect to the device using the GetBlue app [url] the data is received fine.
So I guess the issue is what does GetBlue possibly do different to handle it's Bluetooth data transfer, or is there another way receive Bluetooth data over an RFCOMM socket on Android?
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Sep 22, 2011
I have an application that receives data in binary form through bluetooth. I read the data using bluetoothsocket to an byte[]. But i must parse all messages, because they must have an given format and they are in binary.
My solution was to convert byte[] to a string and then split the string and parse all received messages.
An example of the data to parse:
I should know that the first 8 zeros are the header and 10000001 the real data.
My idea was to create a string that represents -> 0000000010000001 and then split the whole string in one byte and check the value, like:
string1 had 00000000
string2 had 10000001
I know that 8 zeros are the header, therefore string2 has the representation of the data.
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Dec 30, 2009
I want to implement an application which can successfully transfer a file from my android eclair device to any other bluetooth device.Please if anybody know the solutions, kindly help me out, mail me at or post back here please...
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Jul 7, 2010
Just taken delivery of a UK edition Samsung Galaxy S. Connecting it to my car audio via bluetooth no problems but it drops the 3G/H network connection as soon as it connects to the car. Disconnect the Bluetooth and I get the data connection back. Is this deliberate or a bug? It means I can't receive emails etc whilst in my car unless I turn off Bluetooth.
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Apr 28, 2010
I'm very new to the Android platform, but i was hoping to write a quick and neat little android app which will receive data from blue tooth and to graph the data. I'm trying to use a LM Technologies LM049 blue tooth adapter to send serial data to my HTC Dersire 2.1 android handset. At the moment i'm trying to just prove i can send ascii characters to the phone. Not quite sure where to begin.
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Nov 1, 2010
Iam implementing java code for MYGlucoHealth monitor. I have to catch the bluetooth data through my application and parse it to the readable format. (later i store that in SQLite database). But according to the protocol specification they provided, i cant understand how to read and parse it. i know how to pair the device with my application.But i don't know how to parse the data bytes as per the device specification protocol.Can anyone tell me how to do that. Anybody done with this kind of coding?
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Jan 20, 2010
I am trying to save battery and speed up my phone. I know that I can in to setting to disable all these extra features, but I heard from someone that, "even though you disabled it, the phone will still continue to try to pick up these services, like 3G). Is there a app that will fully disable these features?
Also is there anyway up speeding up my phone. I have a Rooted T-Mobile MyTouch 3G w/ the CyanogenMod 4.2.13. I heard that there is a "10MB Hack", but I also heard that it will slow down your games.
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Feb 26, 2010
I have a Sprint HTC Hero. Is there an Android app that easily and more directly turns on / turns off the phone's Blue tooth wireless connection? Right now I have three clicks to turn it on or off: Settings Wireless Connections Blue tooth (check box). I want to click an app that takes me right to the Blue tooth check box or something similar, or even easier.
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Mar 27, 2012
I am interested in making application that can control my robocar using Bluetooth But I am struggling with android application Basically the idea behind this app that I have to connect my mobile to robocar's Bluetooth module I have understood the code to switch on the bluetooth of mobile if it is not But I am not understanding the code for scanning nearby bluetooth devices, put their names in a listview and accessing those devices and also I have to send commands to car inform of single character.
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