HTC Incredible :: Used My Camera For Less Than 5 Minutes
Apr 30, 2010So I just used my camera for less than 5 minutes and here is what battery use reads:Is this normal? How does everyone elses camera consumption compare?

So I just used my camera for less than 5 minutes and here is what battery use reads:Is this normal? How does everyone elses camera consumption compare?
Ok, my camera is slow! It takes a couple minutes sometimes to open, if it even opens at all! Everything else on the phone works fine, but this slow camera is very irritating. Any ideas on what I can do to get it running a little quicker?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I went into Meijer and my little white satellite with the green bars was on for 15 minutes straight. What would cause this? I have the weather channel widget. It looked like beautiful widgets was using the GPS while I was in there but I don't even have that widget on any screen. This was after looking at what was using the battery up. It showed Beautiful widgets. BTW, I am new to smart phones. I am trying to figure out what to leave on all the time. It's a smart phone for goodness sake. I believe I have pretty much everything on except bluetooth. I only turn this on when I get in the car.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just took my phone off the charger from a full charge. My battery is down 12% with 15 minutes of use. All I did was check emails and this forum. Do I have a bad battery or am I over reacting? I don't want to exchange my phone for another incredible but if I have to I will. Maybe Verizon can swap batteries?
View 15 Replies View RelatedWhen I charge my Incredible with the AC charger, it is fine. But right when I unplug the USB (at 100%), the battery would drop to 92% in 2 minutes with me not doing anything at all. Then I plug it in my CAR charger and when it reaches 100% everything is perfectly fine. The phone still last all day with a lot of usage. But just wondering if anyone knows why the battery drops to 92% so fast?
View 19 Replies View RelatedI am using like 1% per minute or less Is it only me? This seems just nonsense. iphone 3gs can last 5minutes with 1%. can you guys tell me how long does your Dinc last?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know this topic has been discussed at length, but in weeks of searching, I can't seem to find any help with my particular problem. I've had my phone since July with no issues whatsoever. It's never been rooted. I got the Froyo update with no issues. I hadn't installed any new apps, just updated the ones I had as normal. Now, after a few minutes of use of basically any program, the phone reboots itself and gets stuck in a boot loop. I've done factory resets, and the phone is now completely stock - the only "extra" thing is my email accounts through Google. I got stuck in a loop last night, powered the phone off through HBoot and let it charge overnight. When I got up this morning, unplugged it, powered it on, within a few minutes, it's rebooting again. It seems if it was a hardware issue, it would've come up before now. I should also mention this happens with our without SD card, after formatting the SD card on the phone and the computer. I hate to say this, but I'm kind of missing the days of BB where I could wipe the OS and start with a clean slate. It almost seems like something in my OS is corrupt, but I haven't messed with that side of the INC to know how to fix it. I just noticed this morning that my signal shows no bars, but I'm able to make calls, texts, etc. Also, it hasn't (knock on wood) rebooted during a phone call, but will immediately after hanging up.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have google voice and I first added my google voice number onto my friends and family thinking it would give me the free minutes. I just read that I need to add my gogle voice routing number instead (which i got as 916-538-xxxx) so I went to add that but my Dad who also has google voice has the exact same routing number. So do I just add the one number as friends and family and we both get free minutes?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just noticed this since the latest update, not sure if it was there or not, and not sure if there is an app that may have recently been updated causing this, but every 5 minutes or so, my screen will flash on for a second or so, and then turn off again. It's rather maddening. Anyone have any idea what might be causing this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm curious to know if there is a way to increase the LED notifications for emails and texts to anything more then 5 minutes. It seems kinda pointless to notify for only 5 minutes especially if you are away from your phone or did not hear any notifiers. After 5 minutes you will still need to unlock the phone to check for something. I have just moved from the Motorola Droid to the Incredible and noticed that the Droid's LED notification blinked until the message was open regardless of that duration. Any ideas?
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs it normal for push email to take 3-4 minutes on an android device? I just sent some test emails from my laptop. They arrived at 6:33 pm and the timestamps show the were sent at 6:29. Maybe I'm just spoiled from having a blackberry because I'm used to push email being immediate, not 3-4 minutes later. Is anyone else experiencing this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo I spent the last hour or more in my backyard in 107 degrees taking pictures of flowers at stock settings with both phones. NOT an easy task I will tell you that. My back hurts, but besides that... I did my best to show the best quality of BOTH cameras, because they are both great. I realize that not everyone will agree with me, or will think I messed with something in my pictures. But these are all completely stock settings, not messed with at all. I only touched the flash on/off button.
My decision is I like the X camera better, it is easier to focus, and much snappier. Plus designated camera button! I found on the Incredible while the pictures look great on the phone itself and in gallery, that as soon as they were uploaded the colours looked washed out and not as great. I know this is due to the AMOLED screen. But both overall great. My decision is the X though.
NOTE: Inc would NOT focus any closer without being extremely blurry, tried a gazillion times.
Outside Panoramic View from X NO FLASH (Just for fun):
Outside Normal View from Incredible:
For example, I want to parse the string below:
Tue Sep 28 18:02:24 GMT+08:00 2010
And I use the pattern for the SimpleDateFormat:
new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzzzzzzzz yyyy");
But I keep getting the ParseException.
My camera stopped working. When I click my camera application I get the message "The application camera (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again". It's just a blank screen?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I either reinstall the incredible camera apk, or install the evo apk like i had originally wanted to? I no longer have a camera app at all.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI took several shots of the same inanimate subject (Crayons) at different ISOs under "perfect" light conditions. I also took several shots of a different inanimate object (baby chew toy) under slightly less "perfect" light conditions (namelly I moved about 6 feet deeper into my house). All 100% crops. No retouching of any kind. The shots can be found here:
HTC Incredible Shot Comparison - Imgur
regretfully imgur removed the file names. But to give you an idea, the shots taken of crayons taken @ ISO 100, 200 and even 800 were nothing to write home about, but photographically acceptable. Noise is visible at all ISOs and @ ISO1250 things fall apart at the 100% scale (chromatic aberration, destructive noise, etc.). The chew toy shots were very telling. Light conditions were good and yet the camera had a hell of a time focusing. Took me several tries to get an acceptably in-focus shot at each ISO. And then I tried photographing my kids. In short, the came failed miserably, in every setting, to get a decent picture: this due to the fact that shutter speed cannot be changed (but this is a HUGE, drawback as it this pretty much puts taking pictures of moving subjects out of the question). Even though children portraiture is a challenge even with pro equipment, my piss-poor point-and-shoot can get a few remarkable pictures of the kids (posing) and yet the Incredible built-in camera could not get a correct focus reading to save its life.
IVMHO, it's a nice add-on camera but with severe photographic drawbacks when photographing moving objects (or even inanimate objects under less than perfect conditions).
I'm here here and got my HTC Incredible last night (I'll refrain from making any incredible jokes, though it's far too easy given the amazingness of this phone). I've hit one small bug though, the camera will temporarily freeze when I take a picture and none of the menu options will pop up. It's only happened a few times, I was just wondering if anyone else has hit this same snag? Anyway I'm glad to be on here and hope I can learn a thing or two from you guys about this phone. I converted from an LG Dare and finally decided it was time for a real phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan anyone recommend a good flashlight app that uses the camera flash LEDs that works with the Incredible?I miss that functionality. Had it with my Nokia 5800.I've searched here without much success. Most of the apps I've seen discussed are for other Android phone models.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMotorola DROID X: camera features and settings walk through Boy Genius Report
I just watched this video on BGR of the Droid X camera and I was wondering about the Camera App; there's some really cool features. I'm not looking for 720p just yet hopefully that will come to our Incredibles soon. But I would like the Panoramic, Steady Shot and Multi-Shot functions.
Do you think this we could replace our camera.apk with this one?
I know that the camera is good as is, however, I was wondering if anyone played with camera setting to come up with the best settings as most of the stock settings set at neutral.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe camera flash on the Incredible is killing me, it basically blurs out everything in the picture, especially a face! Anything white in the picture will have not detail or definition when you use the flash to take a picture.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI love my HTC Incredible, but I've compared my Incredible to my friend's Incredible. The camera quality is TOTALLY different. We set both phones on the same setting. His picture is crisp and can take detail quality picture without any flickering or noise problem, but mine totally craps out.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone think the reason is because HTC expects many people to get an extended battery with the larger back case? One that will probably extend enough so that the camera sits flush and is better protected?
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy camera lens is kind of broken. Well, technically it's not broken. If I push the lens with my thumb, it makes "tick" sound and I can see the gap between actual lens and cover. It shouldn't make a gap, isn't it? If this is not normal, where should I go and fix it? is there any service center to fix this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCool pic I took this morning of the Shuttle External Tank coming off the barge heading to the VAB to be stacked.
View 7 Replies View RelatedAre there any additional options that I can use when taking a picture? I hate that if my hands are shaky the pictures turn out blurred. Is there an app I can download that would add more options?
View 29 Replies View Relatedso far I'm using the FxCamera app. Just took this shot outside work
View 9 Replies View RelatedIt seems like the 8mp camera is very sensitive to just a little bit of camera shake, is there any way around this? I don't see an option for stability control at all?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I just got my Inc on the 27th. was checkin things out today, and noticed my lens is bcasically coming apart I noticed this because a piece of hair was stuck coming out of the area that is loose. any one else having this issue?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI tend to be pretty rough on my phones and this is the first one with the camera lens being an outty. Seems like the lens in particular could be prone to a little extra abuse. What will you do to keep it safe?
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