HTC Incredible :: Turn Off GPS To Save Battery

Jul 7, 2010

I know a lot of people suggest turning off the GPS signal to save battery. My only question is to turn off the gps signal you go to settings->location and then do you just uncheck use GPS satellites, or should you have use wireless networks unchecked also?

HTC Incredible :: Turn Off GPS to Save Battery

Android :: Turn Off Push For Emails (Save Battery)

Aug 29, 2010

Follow these steps and you could save yourself the hourly push for emails. (This works for GMail). It sends you a text alert everytime you get an email. Most of the time in a matter of second. I used this method on my iphone to save battery life from email pushing.

- log on to you gmail account
- click on settings on the right top corner
- click on forwarding and pop/imap tab
- in the forwarding section click the "forward a copy of incoming mail to (at this point enter your 10 digit phone
- click save changes

You will now recieve a text message whenever you get an email. So all you battery hoggs can keep your push off if you want.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Turn Your Internet Off To Save Battery?

Feb 9, 2010

Do you turn your internet off to save battery? I started doing this and works great. I got the widget on my home page and turn it after use.

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HTC Incredible :: Disable The GPS To Save Battery?

May 4, 2010

I have seen allot of posts stating that you should disable the GPS to save battery. I may be mistaken but if no apps are actively requesting positional data is it not off? I have mine set to on and it does not even register on the battery usage screen.

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HTC Incredible :: Is Night Vision Mode Save 50% Battery?

Jul 3, 2010

Surface flinger turns off all pixels except for certain colors on OLED displays. Turning on only the red display results in a MUCH increased battery life. Looks like something to be included as an option in new Roms & such.

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HTC Incredible :: Disable 3G On Phone To Save Battery Life

Apr 9, 2010

Sounds like the Eris has a feature to disable 3G, which saves tons of battery life. Anybody know if the Incredible will have the same feature? Seems to involve disabling a "mobile network" setting:

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HTC Incredible :: How To Underclocking Phone During Day Save Battery Life?

May 8, 2010

Just wondering if underclocking my Incredible will save battery life during the day-I can't use my phone much at work-maybe when I go somewhere to pee or grab something to eat-that is about it. I wouldn't care about speed during the day..say if I underclock it to like 400 MHZ, would that save a lot of battery life? I would set it to normal once I was done with work.

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HTC Incredible :: Does Unchecking Network Notification Save Battery?

Oct 5, 2010

Under the WiFi settings "Network Notification - Notify me when a network is available". If checked, I know that it will continuously check for open networks when out. Personally, I forget to turn my WiFi off immediately most of the time when I leave the house and may remember later. If this is unchecked, does it help save battery life by keeping the phone from searching for networks?

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HTC Incredible :: Hydra - Run Undervolt Version To Save Battery

Jul 17, 2010

I want to run the Undervolt version to save battery (Even tho I got a 1750) annnnd I was wondering if I had to delete Memory and Cache like when installing a Rom.

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HTC Incredible :: Virtuous Custom Kernel That Save Battery Life

Oct 9, 2010

Just installed the custom kernel that save battery life but I am curious as to what it actually does to save battery anyone know?

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HTC Incredible :: Draining & Turn Of Battery

May 4, 2010

Over the weekend my battery was pretty good until I started playing with google maps. I accidently turned privacy on to lattitude and my battery was draining even though GPS was off. Lattitude will find you through tower location whcih uses cellular power! Much better this morning when I turned this feature off. In fact google sent me an email letting me know I forgot to turn it off.

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HTC Incredible :: How Long Before I Can Turn On Phone (battery Charging)?

Jun 17, 2010

Just got the phone an want to turn it on. the manual however states to charge fully before you turn it on.

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HTC Incredible :: Weather Set To Sync Every Hour And Have 3g Turn Off Does It Drain Battery Cos

Sep 12, 2010

So if you have your weather set to sync every hour or whatever. and you have 3g turn off, does it drain your battery cos its trying to syn and it cant cos 3g is off and i shuold change that setting, or does it just not sync?

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HTC Incredible :: 2.2 Navigation Turn By Turn Voice Kills Music Player

Aug 28, 2010

We'll this is a deal breaker for me, after being pretty happy with the RUU update and the speed improvement it brought to the stock music player.When using the turn by turn navigation, every time the voice comes in the player puts itself on pause.After the instruction is over it remains paused instead of resuming.Then I have to manually hit play again to resume playback.This is a big deal while driving since I don't want to be fidgeting with my phone every couple seconds.This was not an issue with 2.1 , since as soon as the turn by turn instruction was gone the music would automatically resume.

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HTC Incredible :: Virtuous 3.1 And Google Turn-by-turn Navigation

Nov 29, 2010

in Virtuous Rom 3.1 the Google Maps turn-by-turn navigation voice doesn't work...instead of speaking the directions, the voice rambles on about XML versions and a random website in a slow-motion voice. I'm shocked that I can't find any information at all about this on XDA or here.Does this happen to anyone else who uses Virtuous Rom 3.1? I tried to contact RMK via XDA PM but he hasn't responded yet, sent last night. I would really like a fix for this, Google maps navigation is fantastic.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Will Using WiFi Actually Save Battery?

Jun 7, 2010

Ok I'll admit it I've been watching Engadget's live blog of the iPhone 4 debut. Something interesting stuck out at me however. In one of the keynote slides, Jobs pointed out the iPhone actually gets better battery life while on WiFi vs 3G. Normally I switch WiFi off when I'm not using data, syncing will still access 3G when I'm at home and I'll do occasional browsing at home as well. Would I be better off accessing data using WiFi when available rather than 3G? I guess a better way to pose the question is, does the 3G radio use more power then WiFi?

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Android : Way To Save Battery?

May 2, 2010

I'm getting pretty crap battery life out of my desire and I've had it over a week now. I'm having to charge twice a day, if not three times a day as I'm canning the hell out of it!) But now as my usage starts to drop, what's the best way to conserve the batttery with quick touches when its not being used? I press and hold the power switch and then select to turn off internet. Does this also prevent stuff going on in the background like sync auto update etc. ? I'm seeing roughly 30 to 40 percent battery being used by the Android system, and about 20 to 30 percent being used by cell standby. There's various settings and ways to stop internet I've found, but is there a way to nip all that energy zapping stuff quickly when the phones not being used, and then activate it again quickly when you wanna have a play. Us there anyway to get those percentages for the Android system down?

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General :: Best Way To Save Battery

Mar 19, 2013

what is the best way to save battery?

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HTC Desire :: SetCPU - Save Battery

Sep 11, 2010

Ok just installed this on my Desire and wondering if my settings seem ok.

Initial set up set to ondemand and ticked Set on Boot.

On Profiles I have set as follows;

Sleep/Standby - 576 Max, 245 Min
Power < 80% - 806 Max, 245 Min

Both of these are ondemand also.

Should this be enough to notice some significant battery savings?

Do you reckon I will run into any problems in terms of performance as time goes on? (seems ok just now)

How to save battery but not lose out on performance?

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Motorola Droid :: How To Save 30% Of Battery Life?

Dec 11, 2009

Disable the auto-screen-dimmer, immediately. Remember, even though this shows no process it still has to compute how much/little light it sees and then apply it to the screen. Kicked the brightness down to the lowest and my battery usage went from 60% screen to about 25%, how it should be.

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Android :: Application Killers - Save Battery

May 11, 2010

I have Open Advanced Task Killer on my HTC Desire and wondered whether it was actually worth keeping. I usually have quite a lot running most of the time it seems, and I thought perhaps killing some apps every once in a while if I'm not using them would save battery. But is it worth it and is there a better app for this out there if it's worth having one at all?

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HTC Eris :: Undervaluing / Battery Save Without CPU Killer

May 4, 2010

Ok, so im not really as concerned about overclocking the CPU, but since the phone is basically a computer. I am curious if anyone knows how to undervolt the CPU? This can easily be done on laptops with the help of apps like rightmark CPU. Basically you keep the clock speed the same (or overclock it) but you reduce the voltage at each cpu cycle. You do this on a laptop with an application such as rightmark and you continue to undervolt until your system crashes. Which basically means your CPU has become unstable. Then you raise the voltage a few notches back up to the point before the crash and run it for a few days.why would anyone care? Well the effect is you keep the same speed (or faster) BUT you use less energy.... which means longer battery times. I've undervalued the last 3 laptops I've had two half the voltage. Now my hunt begins for an undervolt app for Android. The semiconductor manufactures leave a "generic" setting. But, each piece of silicon is different, and came from relatively different parts of a wafer. So some parts can hold up to less voltage without becoming unstable. Hence why one cpu can be undervalued dramatically and others (of the exact same chip set) can barely get undervalued without crashing right away. This is why they leave it at a generic safer voltage.

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Samsung I7500 :: Best Way To Save / Utilize Battery

Mar 12, 2010

Almost 8 hrs, I am seriously looking for the best way of utilizing i7500 battery. I got confused with many advise and setting. Could anyone give a brief of what the setup do we have in samsung?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Random Rebooting After Setting To Save Battery Life

Jun 7, 2010

The issue started happening last night after I had tweaked a couple settings to save battery life. I was on a job site today and the phone rebooted 4 or more times within a 2 hour time period. It absolutely killed my battery too. I took my phone off the charger at 9am and by 12:30pm it was @ 15% or so. Luckily I had a spare battery in my pocket. I have since turned back on the "enable always on mobile data" and haven't had any issues since. Battery usage seems a little bit excessive still though. I have had a few smart phones so I know what to expect as far as battery usage.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: How To Save Battery Life With Android 1.6?

May 15, 2010

As I just got my phone with installed rom 1.6 for the Behold 2, I am frustrating when the battery life drains so fast after last night. I was playing a bit with the WiFi and the battery status bar was still less then half bar. After I woke up today, the battery has shown that the battery is less than 5%. I did turn off my WiFi and using only 2g network to save battery life. I clicked on "why", it showed the Green Bar with the word Android System 95%. What does this mean and how can I save more battery life since I don't use it the whole night. So the phone suppose to be less than half bar battery life at least.

1.Putting the phone in sleep can save battery life or not on the Behold II?
2.What are some ways that can save the battery life on the Behold II?
3.Does the charging technique can at least save some part the of the battery life? If so , How do I charge my Behold II ? Leaving it all drain out, turning off the phone and then charge it ?

Here are some ways that I have read in android forums
1. use spare app
2. use task manager
I didn't try these two.

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Android :: Using Weather Bug Shortcut Instead Of Widget Save Battery?

Feb 27, 2010

why does weather bug show up advanced task killer even inside the 6 hour time frame I set up for it to update. Wondering If I use the weather bug short cut on my home screen and not the WB widget will that stop it from ever opening/updating unless I open it by tapping the shortcut icon.

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Android :: Need App For Auto Brightness Modification (save Battery)

Dec 17, 2009

But is there an app that will only allow the auto bright to go up to max 50%?

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HTC Incredible :: Turn Off WiFi When I Turn On 3G

Jun 19, 2010

Whenever I am on a WiFi network, I keep my 3G mobile network on. Mainly for visual voicemail purposes. So, does that mean that I am wasting my battery by having it on?

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HTC EVO 4G :: ROOT - Using SetCPU - Perflock Disabler To Save Battery - Underclock

Jul 8, 2010

I'm sure many people has seen the thread where OverclockWidget was claimed to have increased the battery life for some people. Near the end of the thread I became skeptical and proved that it had in fact no effect on the CPU speeds at all, and so can not save battery life. Well, good news is that a new function in the competing SetCPU app will now get you a real, tested increase in battery life.

According to my tests, my Evo with the screen off should theoretically get a 64 hour battery life!

Know what you're doing? Short version: Get latest SetCPU (version at least 2.0.0) and use Menu -> Perflock Disabler in the Main tab to enable underclocking.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Good, follow this tutorial:

Prereqs:You need to have ROOT. Unrevoked root method is confirmed to work, and so is Toast's root method.

Usually I wouldn't recommend using Unrevoked, but it's just so fast to set up, and perfect for those who have no clue what ROOT means.

Buy SetCPU from the market, or download it from XDA forums for free. Please support the developer of this incredible app! The version must be at least 2.0.0b

Be on the STOCK kernel. If you're on a custom kernel, chances are that perflock has already been disabled, and you won't need this tutorial to underclock. Some custom ROMs come with the stock kernel (like Fresh 0.5.3) and some don't (like Baked Snack .9.6)

Alright, got the prereqs down? Lets start this.

HOWTO:Open SetCPU and give it root permissions as necessary. As a control, go into the Info tab and do the Long Bench a few times. You should get around 1000ms.

Go to the Main tab, hit MENU, hit Perflock Disabler (read the warning!), and hit Disable Perflock Beta: May crash!

It will work for a while, and then say it's successful. You can then click the X on the top right to exit the Perflock Disabler.

Go into the Main tab and drag Max: all the way down to 245000 (245Mhz). Make sure the green xxx max xxx min label above the sliders show 245 for both and also disable any Profiles you've set. Go to Info tab, then hit Long Bench again. This time you'll get something ridiculous like 5000ms, meaning that the Perflock Disabler has worked!

Change your settings Profile tab to something similar to my settings. You can mess around with the Battery < xx% profiles to fit your needs. Your exact Profile priorities do not matter, it's only important that some have HIGHER priority than others. On the Main tab, set Max all the way to the right (998400) and Min all the way to the left (245000), Scaling to ondemand, and check Set on Boot. Do not check Set on Boot yet if you're the super careful kind. You can check it later when you've tested that your phone isn't crashing

The last entry is Battery < 100%, set at lowest priority, with MAX as the highest value, MIN as the lowest value, and scaling as ondemand.

Congratulations you're now able to underclock your Evo!

The only applicable parts is after the charging finishes (after the solid green bar ends)

Before Perflock Disabler:

After Perflock Disabler:

See that little dip at the end? That's when I was turning the screen on and messing with the phone for this tutorial. What a difference.

Disadvantages:Yes, not everything is happy and pretty. As the Perflock Disabler warning says, you HAVE to apply the Perflock Disabler on every boot. If you forget, then your SetCPU settings will have no effect on the Evo. Install a custom kernel that already has Perflock disabled if you do not want to do this on every boot.

Also, since this clocks the Evo down when the screen is off, you may get a slight (super slight!) delay when you turn the screen back on. This is because the profile changes from Screen Off to Battery < xx% and SetCPU needs to clock the CPU from 245mhz to 998mhz.

What is Perflock Disabler?
HTC added a "perflock" in their stock kernels to prevent over/underclocking. SetCPU's Perflock Disabler, like its name implies, disables this restriction.

How come your screenshots show that you can go down as high as 1.19Ghz and as low as 128Mhz?
I'm using this custom kernel.

Will this work with OTA update
Yes, as long as you have root, and don't lose it when you update (do your research!) then this will work.

What are your settings?
Wifi ON, Bluetooth OFF, GPS ON, Mobile network Data OFF (ATT contract with dumbphone still not over), Screen Timeout 1MIN, Brightness AUTO, Advanced Task Manager set to SAFE kill tasks when screen is off.

What is that cool looking battery monitoring app?
That's SystemPanel, paid on the market. A free alternative is JuicePlotter, also on the market. Screenshots were taken with Drocap2.

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Samsung I7500 :: Data On Demand Application Allow To Save Battery

Oct 10, 2010

Ever since I got unlimited data plan my battery life reduced by 60%. Before I would charge my phone once in 3-4 days, with 3g on all the time I could barely go through one day.
"Data On Demand allows you to save battery by turning off your (2G/3G-) data connection manually or automatically if your device goes to standby-mode (display turns black)."
The best features of this prog is that when u put it on auto mode it will only disable 3G when ur phone goes to standby mode thus saving u a lot of battery.

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