HTC Incredible :: Virtuous Custom Kernel That Save Battery Life
Oct 9, 2010Just installed the custom kernel that save battery life but I am curious as to what it actually does to save battery anyone know?

Just installed the custom kernel that save battery life but I am curious as to what it actually does to save battery anyone know?
I was wondering which Roms with Kernels combo has the best battery life? Right now I'm using MIUI v0.2. Just came from newest ShadowRom which I may go back to and use SurfaceFlinger to see the battery life on it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor battery life and speed?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have not really noticed any real improvement in battery life using the undervolted hydra kernel. Am I doing something wrong, or has anybody else noticed this?
View 16 Replies View RelatedI just installed the Virtuous 2.6 ROM and tried to install King BFS Kernel 4 but it put my phone in a reboot loop.What kernel should I use with this ROM?
View 31 Replies View RelatedI have the latest version of Virtuous and the custom Rom from Rom Manager. Just wondering what's your favorite Kernel and why? Whats your battery life? Also, would I just leave the kernel I have on now and install a new on over it?
View 39 Replies View RelatedSounds like the Eris has a feature to disable 3G, which saves tons of battery life. Anybody know if the Incredible will have the same feature? Seems to involve disabling a "mobile network" setting:
Just wondering if underclocking my Incredible will save battery life during the day-I can't use my phone much at work-maybe when I go somewhere to pee or grab something to eat-that is about it. I wouldn't care about speed during the day..say if I underclock it to like 400 MHZ, would that save a lot of battery life? I would set it to normal once I was done with work.
View 17 Replies View RelatedI'm liking Virtuous, but I much prefer the stock battery widget which just shows a qualitative, graphical battery level. Being aware of the instantaneous percentage of remaining battery at all times makes me properly crazy.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI did unrEVOked 3.21 and applied OMJ's 2.2 netarchy kernel ROM. I am not sure what my battery life was at this point but I was now on 2.2 after using eclair 2.1 for so long. I wanted to go to the new stock kernel so reupdated to OMJ's stock kernel 2.2 ROM. I also added back the Sprint TV Widget. Ever since, I have noticed a major drop in battery life. I usually get 30-40 hours on a single charge. Now I'm down to about 10. It is REALLY screwed up. I have CWM backups of all of the phases, including my 2.1 ROM. I might experiment rolling back if nobody else has any better ideas on how to debug?
I am using ATK but I make ATK kill itself so it is only there to help me kill procs. I noticed QIK and FRING seem to run all the time now whereas they didn't before I updated them. Not sure if that is related. TOP app shows me nothing special but system_server taking up most of the CPU like maybe 6% peaking while idling. Otherwise I just can't figure it out!! I used to be the one bragging about how awesome my battery has been (running original OTA1 which let me still use unrEVOked 1.0 to get simple root all this time). I am finally on 2.2 and I'm disappointed with battery life now. WiFi is WAY better but that is about it. My Nexus One does not suffer from 2.2 battery blues.
I have the droid rooted running lfy 1.7. My battery life has been ok but not great. About 10-12 hours of life when I send about 3 texts one or 2 calls and an occasional download. I have also run udx 8.0, cm6, charity, and bugles .5. Udx has about 8-10 hours, cm6 has about 6-8 hours, charity has 10-12 hours and bugless has 5-7 hours. I was wondering what Roms you are using and what battery life you are getting. Please include the kernel, your speed you run at, and your usage.
View 17 Replies View RelatedI installed Fresh 3.2 and have used both netarchy-toasted and kings #8 (and9) kernels. With both combinations I've noticed that my battery drops 10-13% over night while i'm sleeping. I looked at Spare Parts and SystemPanel and nothing stands out, no app or service is taking over during that time. I did not have these problems when I was on the stock 2.2 unrooted setup.
View 31 Replies View RelatedDisable the auto-screen-dimmer, immediately. Remember, even though this shows no process it still has to compute how much/little light it sees and then apply it to the screen. Kicked the brightness down to the lowest and my battery usage went from 60% screen to about 25%, how it should be.
View 10 Replies View RelatedThe issue started happening last night after I had tweaked a couple settings to save battery life. I was on a job site today and the phone rebooted 4 or more times within a 2 hour time period. It absolutely killed my battery too. I took my phone off the charger at 9am and by 12:30pm it was @ 15% or so. Luckily I had a spare battery in my pocket. I have since turned back on the "enable always on mobile data" and haven't had any issues since. Battery usage seems a little bit excessive still though. I have had a few smart phones so I know what to expect as far as battery usage.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAs I just got my phone with installed rom 1.6 for the Behold 2, I am frustrating when the battery life drains so fast after last night. I was playing a bit with the WiFi and the battery status bar was still less then half bar. After I woke up today, the battery has shown that the battery is less than 5%. I did turn off my WiFi and using only 2g network to save battery life. I clicked on "why", it showed the Green Bar with the word Android System 95%. What does this mean and how can I save more battery life since I don't use it the whole night. So the phone suppose to be less than half bar battery life at least.
1.Putting the phone in sleep can save battery life or not on the Behold II?
2.What are some ways that can save the battery life on the Behold II?
3.Does the charging technique can at least save some part the of the battery life? If so , How do I charge my Behold II ? Leaving it all drain out, turning off the phone and then charge it ?
Here are some ways that I have read in android forums
1. use spare app
2. use task manager
I didn't try these two.
So Do I charge my phone while it off or on? When I turn on 2G , it ask the DATA is still on activation, do you want to disconnect the service? " YES OR NO " what should I do. I just got this phone, so everything is still new to me. What are the based best android apps for this phone so that I can install?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to know what are the most helpful and useful app for my huawei ascend especially one that well save my battery life or help my battery last longer or something similar.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAPNdroid is a great android app and comes with a widget that effectively turns off data but still enable text/voice. It's great for a day of snowboarding when you only need the essentials but need the battery to last! The battery was only at 75% by the end of the day for me. Check it out, it's a very high quality and professional app.
View 5 Replies View RelatedJust got an HTC Desire through O2 in the UK as an upgrade to my old SE P1i. Happy with it so far, still going through it trying to turn off and disable loads of stuff though. Here's some initial questions:
1) I got the Force Close Button program from the marketplace. Should I be using that to close programs to save battery life?
Or should I just leave everything running in the background? Camera, web browser, email, calendar and whatever else I've ever used since I last cycled the power.
2) Is there a particular Task Manager program I should look at? I've got ES File Manager and notice they do a Task Manager as well but didn't know if there's any others that people recommend.
3) Is there a way to disable the SMS threaded/conversation view in the stock SMS program?
4) And to supress the deletion prompt in SMS?...........
I've read that BLUR refreshes all the info it needs for it's social widgets every 15 minutes even if you don't have any widgets placed on your home screen. I'm thinking about buying a Cliq but the fact that BLUR is a battery killer turns me off since the main reason I want to upgrade from my G1 is to have a phone with a keyboard that has better battery life. Is there any way to turn this "Auto refresh" feature off or at least make it longer than every 15 minutes? Even better are there any BLURless roms out there? has any1 tried deleting the BLUR widgets apk? would that make it so it doesnt have to "refresh"? having more memory available from being BLURless is just icing on the cake what really matters to me is battery life.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan anyone detail the differences between these? Im on 2.7 now, what will i notice that is different?Also im not sure what the difference is between the kernals offered as well. There is stock, and custom. Is there also a kernal optimized for battery? or is that built into one of the others?
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo I was under the impression that you could use ROM manager or ClockWork mod to install a custom kernel that I had downloaded to my SDcard. I downloaded a low-volt, overclock kernel and I have discovered that I don't quite know to flash it to my phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I rooted for the first time today, and tried to install Hydra Kernel's #1 & #3 kernels. The system seems completely stable with each kernel, except when I open the Camera app, the camera view is completely blank. Almost as if something was blocking the lens. Then when I try and take a photo, it locks up. I tried closing all apps, and restarting the camera, but this didn't work. Once I run a Nandroid restore prior to installing the kernels, the camera works fine.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy battery life was bad, but it was OK, but in the past few days my battery life is 10% per 30minutes(Just over 5 hours on a charge).I used to get 8-10 hours on a charge.I noticed last week that while it was charging the status of the battery was "Overheat".I think I somehow cooked the battery?I use TaskKiller and kill 95% of apps automatically, I have bluetooth,wireless,GPS disabled and the screen dimmed.I have not changed or installed any new apps.I have not changed the way I use the phone at all.My battery was dead, 0%, and it charged to 95% in about 45 minutes.Is this even possible?In fact in the past two days I have not gotten the charge above 95% at all.
View 10 Replies View RelatedThinking about getting the extended battery for my new htc incredible. Just wondering how long the battery lasts when you use the phone. Not just standby?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi just recently ditched my droid x for a droid incredible and like it a good bit. The only problem im having is that my inc has been off the charger for 4.5hrs and has 53% battery life. Why is my battery life so bad? I'm rooted running redemption rom, stock kernel, and the 2.15 radio update. Is it my setup or should i get a new battery?
View 8 Replies View RelatedAnybody have recommendations for a rom and kernel combo that would give some good battery life to our battery vampire of a phone?
I'm a heavy user, and I just think the incredible can be more efficient than it currently is.
I'm running the Skyraider 2.5.2 vanilla rom and King Kernel BFS #1.
The King Kernel is great when the phone is on standby, but when I am doing some web browsing or more, it drains the battery very fast.
I've also tried the Hydra Kernel stock speed undervolt. That seemed to give moderately better battery life than the regular .32 kernel.
I don't care about overclocking, 1ghz is plenty fast for me.
I get about 4 to 6 hours. Moderate use.
View 14 Replies View RelatedThis thread along with the other is being created for the purpose of merging all battery threads into three. It will keep the forum clean and will also serve as a one stop information collective. This particular [Battery] thread is for Fixes and Tips on how to increase battery life. If you have found any ways to help get the most out of your battery please share it here and help other members if you can. Please don't get angry or upset with another member if they disagree with your fix or tip.
View 49 Replies View RelatedFor those of you who rooted how much extra battery life do you get now? I go about 12 hours right now and have 20-30% left with stock if that is any indication of my usage.
View 4 Replies View Related