HTC EVO 4G :: ROOT - Using SetCPU - Perflock Disabler To Save Battery - Underclock

Jul 8, 2010

I'm sure many people has seen the thread where OverclockWidget was claimed to have increased the battery life for some people. Near the end of the thread I became skeptical and proved that it had in fact no effect on the CPU speeds at all, and so can not save battery life. Well, good news is that a new function in the competing SetCPU app will now get you a real, tested increase in battery life.

According to my tests, my Evo with the screen off should theoretically get a 64 hour battery life!

Know what you're doing? Short version: Get latest SetCPU (version at least 2.0.0) and use Menu -> Perflock Disabler in the Main tab to enable underclocking.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Good, follow this tutorial:

Prereqs:You need to have ROOT. Unrevoked root method is confirmed to work, and so is Toast's root method.

Usually I wouldn't recommend using Unrevoked, but it's just so fast to set up, and perfect for those who have no clue what ROOT means.

Buy SetCPU from the market, or download it from XDA forums for free. Please support the developer of this incredible app! The version must be at least 2.0.0b

Be on the STOCK kernel. If you're on a custom kernel, chances are that perflock has already been disabled, and you won't need this tutorial to underclock. Some custom ROMs come with the stock kernel (like Fresh 0.5.3) and some don't (like Baked Snack .9.6)

Alright, got the prereqs down? Lets start this.

HOWTO:Open SetCPU and give it root permissions as necessary. As a control, go into the Info tab and do the Long Bench a few times. You should get around 1000ms.

Go to the Main tab, hit MENU, hit Perflock Disabler (read the warning!), and hit Disable Perflock Beta: May crash!

It will work for a while, and then say it's successful. You can then click the X on the top right to exit the Perflock Disabler.

Go into the Main tab and drag Max: all the way down to 245000 (245Mhz). Make sure the green xxx max xxx min label above the sliders show 245 for both and also disable any Profiles you've set. Go to Info tab, then hit Long Bench again. This time you'll get something ridiculous like 5000ms, meaning that the Perflock Disabler has worked!

Change your settings Profile tab to something similar to my settings. You can mess around with the Battery < xx% profiles to fit your needs. Your exact Profile priorities do not matter, it's only important that some have HIGHER priority than others. On the Main tab, set Max all the way to the right (998400) and Min all the way to the left (245000), Scaling to ondemand, and check Set on Boot. Do not check Set on Boot yet if you're the super careful kind. You can check it later when you've tested that your phone isn't crashing

The last entry is Battery < 100%, set at lowest priority, with MAX as the highest value, MIN as the lowest value, and scaling as ondemand.

Congratulations you're now able to underclock your Evo!

The only applicable parts is after the charging finishes (after the solid green bar ends)

Before Perflock Disabler:

After Perflock Disabler:

See that little dip at the end? That's when I was turning the screen on and messing with the phone for this tutorial. What a difference.

Disadvantages:Yes, not everything is happy and pretty. As the Perflock Disabler warning says, you HAVE to apply the Perflock Disabler on every boot. If you forget, then your SetCPU settings will have no effect on the Evo. Install a custom kernel that already has Perflock disabled if you do not want to do this on every boot.

Also, since this clocks the Evo down when the screen is off, you may get a slight (super slight!) delay when you turn the screen back on. This is because the profile changes from Screen Off to Battery < xx% and SetCPU needs to clock the CPU from 245mhz to 998mhz.

What is Perflock Disabler?
HTC added a "perflock" in their stock kernels to prevent over/underclocking. SetCPU's Perflock Disabler, like its name implies, disables this restriction.

How come your screenshots show that you can go down as high as 1.19Ghz and as low as 128Mhz?
I'm using this custom kernel.

Will this work with OTA update
Yes, as long as you have root, and don't lose it when you update (do your research!) then this will work.

What are your settings?
Wifi ON, Bluetooth OFF, GPS ON, Mobile network Data OFF (ATT contract with dumbphone still not over), Screen Timeout 1MIN, Brightness AUTO, Advanced Task Manager set to SAFE kill tasks when screen is off.

What is that cool looking battery monitoring app?
That's SystemPanel, paid on the market. A free alternative is JuicePlotter, also on the market. Screenshots were taken with Drocap2.

HTC EVO 4G :: ROOT - Using SetCPU - Perflock Disabler to Save Battery - Underclock

HTC Desire :: SetCPU - Save Battery

Sep 11, 2010

Ok just installed this on my Desire and wondering if my settings seem ok.

Initial set up set to ondemand and ticked Set on Boot.

On Profiles I have set as follows;

Sleep/Standby - 576 Max, 245 Min
Power < 80% - 806 Max, 245 Min

Both of these are ondemand also.

Should this be enough to notice some significant battery savings?

Do you reckon I will run into any problems in terms of performance as time goes on? (seems ok just now)

How to save battery but not lose out on performance?

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Samsung Moment : Does Setcpu Speed Up Moment / Use For Downclocking To Save Battery

Aug 7, 2010

Does setcpu speed up the Moment at all or is its only real use for downclocking to save battery?

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Motorola Droid X :: Which Overclock - Underclock Setting Uses The Least Battery

Oct 28, 2010

So I'm using jRummy's over/underclock app in conjunction with setcpu. Anyone know what the best settings are to increase battery life? Phone is fast enough so I'm not too worried about going under 1ghz.

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Motorola Droid :: SetCPU - Not Save Settings Across Reboots

Jul 11, 2010

With SetCPU? It does not save settings across reboots, so I have to go into it everytime and read just the sliders, even with "Set on boot" checked.

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Motorola Droid :: Setcpu Won't Detect Root / Why Is This - Fix It?

May 2, 2010

I am using bb v1.0 and setcpu won't detect root. Other apps will but it will not. Why is this. How I fix it.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Updated Set CPU / Not Able To Disable Perflock

Aug 2, 2010

After I flashed the 2.2 ROM the other day, setup was not able to disable perflock, so it was not working. Just got a notification of an update from the market and it now seems to be working with 2.2. Just letting people know. If this was an isolated issue and setup was still working for you, disregard.

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Motorola Droid X :: SetCpu Stop Working With 2.2 OTA Root Device

Oct 22, 2010

The SetCpu suddenly stop working with my Droid X 2.2 OTA. So I decided to troubleshooting by clearing the data, clearing the cache, uninstalling, reinstalling, un-rooting the device and re-rooting the device. I'm able to get other "Rooted Apps" to recognize permission ,but SetCpu wont even ask for permission during the installation process after picking "Auto Recommend". After "Auto Recommend" it just goes into the app and all I can see is a blank black screen. I'm able to launch the widget app once in a while but it seems like the program is working in the background. I have emailed the dev about this rare problem and sent him some logcat one being the installation process and the other one is adding the widget to the home-screen and then launching the app through the widget. I'll be including those attachment if someone with android code skills willing to help me solve this problem. Edit: I did a titanium backup of SetCpu when it was working fine 10/6/10. I did both the app +data restoration and on restart of the device it is able to ask for root permision and it shows the SetCpu bar notification icon. This tells me that the app is working in the background but when I launch it up all I'm able to see is a black screen.

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Motorola Droid : No SetCPU - Non Root Access To Device Correct?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a probably silly and stupid question. I did the sbf file to bring my phone back to stock (I have to give my phone to a family member, long story). Anyway, when I did the sbf file it recovered all my apps, and one of them was SetCPU.

SetCPU won't run unless it has root access correct? I mean the fact that it was installed (and then uninstalled) it can't change anything without root access to the device correct?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Rooted SetCPU Tweaked With Dmg Rom 3.2 Battery Issues

Jul 13, 2010

I want to state that I LOVE my phone and it perfectly does everything I need it for. I just have a minor problem. With all the tweaks I've done (and redone) I can't for the life of me get my phone to last more then 8 (or less) hours.

Here is my phone settings.

I'm rooted via the new root method (ota simple) from xda. It worked flawlessly and then I installed the dmg rom on the Battery Saver method. Got a little bit of time. THEN I purchased and followed the SetCPU program tweaks and did that to the T. I also have the following: GPS On. Mobile Internet on (no wifi or bluetooth).

I have all "Friends" syncing off but I have my gmail and work email on push (required via my job)

I have my brightness set to almost the lowest and I have to charge my phone about 2pm everyday otherwise my phone is dead.

Typical day: Wake up at 7am unplug phone. Check email/comics then go to work. I'm an IT sys admin and am required to have my phone/answer emails throughout the day. but at least 4 hours the phone is just sitting there or I'm lightly texting on it. But no matter how little or how often I use it it gets about 30% dead about 2pm with ALL the tweaks i've done.

This might make all the difference. I have LOW signal at work and home (1 little bitty bar to none). And my cell standby is almost always above 50%. But with all the tweaks (yes I've done the network app and yes its on CDMA) with PRL and profile updates (rooted and unrooted) it still has the problem.

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HTC Desire :: SetCPU - Increase Battery Life

Sep 6, 2010

SetCPU claims to be able to increase your battery life by limiting the speed your processor can run at. This seems like sound reasoning at first, but then I remember roughly what a CPU is and how it works...

So let's say you've set a profile so that when the screen is off it will be limited to half the clock speed; around 500mHz. Lets then say your email wants to get updated, so your processor chugs away that that. If it was set to full capacity it may take say, 1 second to complete the task then go back to it's idol state. With SetCPU limiting it, it would take twice as long and would still use exactly the same number of cycles as before.

In fact, when you think about it, it doesn't actually matter what speed your phones processor is running at all the time, what matters is how much work you're asking it to do. Surely the best and only way to increase battery life is to simply have your processor complete less tasks, therefore using less clock cycles? Sending a text message uses the same amount of clock cycles no matter what your max setting is, so as a result uses the same amount of power.

If anything, having SetCPU running all the time just gives your phone more work to do and therefore decreases battery life?

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Motorola Droid :: New Jit Enabler / Disabler App On Market

Apr 8, 2010

Yes for those who are running CyanogenMOD ONLY right now. Just type JIT in the market and it'll pop up. I've been running it with the heat turned down and so far it's behaving. I'm sure it'll explode tomorrow. All these apps have made my adb skills waste away. The best thing about it is you can turn it off without having to pull and editing the build file yourself which is sort of a pita Jit App In Market - CyanogenMod Forum Not supporting Jit by any means just forwarding the news.

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HTC Incredible :: Increase Battery Life - Is SETCPU Working?

Oct 7, 2010

I rooted my phone about 2 days ago and I did a nandroid backup, titanium backup, used titanium backup to freeze some of the bloatware.. Have not yet installed any ROMs or Kernels. I got SetCPU and made several profiles in an attempt to increase my battery life. I wanted to see if it was working so I set up a widget, and despite the fact that my battery was at 20% (I have a <25% battery profile setting) the max was still 998

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HTC Eris : Running Several Settings On SetCPU But Still Low Battery Life

Aug 16, 2010

I have tried several different Froyo Roms over the past very weeks. I still can't get any good battery life out of them compaired to running EE3.0. Yet everyone tells me they get better battery life while running Froyo. My phone has currently been unplugged for 9hrs 13 mins. It has a total of 50 mins talk time and I have sent 30+ text messages. My battery level is @ %73 running EE3.0

I can't get a total of 11hrs out of my phone when running any of the Froyo Roms. Ive tried running several different settings on SetCPU but nothing noticable. Only thing I notice is that when running Froyo the largest use of my battery is my Display. Yet when running EE3.0 the largest use is Cell Standby and Display is the lowest. But I have tried turning the brightness almost all the way down on the Froyo ROM but it doesn't make any difference.

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Samsung Captivate :: Installed SetCPU - Battery Saving Capabilites

Aug 26, 2010

I just rooted tonight and installed SetCPU. I want to use it for the battery saving capabilites. I created a profile for when the screen is off and activated it, do I also need to check "set on boot" on the SetCPU main page?

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Samsung Captivate :: Battery Report After SetCPU Application Downloaded

Aug 19, 2010

I figured I would throw my 2 cents in on my battery performance. I was mildly disappointed after the first week of use with my phone. It was without a doubt worse than my old iPhone 3g. I expected this due to larger screen, running widgets, ect. so I am not complaining. However, a couple days ago I downloaded the Set CPU app from the marketplace and set it to minimum every time the screen turns off. The difference is amazing, I have not charged since 7:30am yesterday and just now at 340 I plugged it in, it was around 5% left.

I really wanted to push it and see how much more I could get but I don't want it to die on me tonight, im going to a baseball game so I don't want to be stuck without it.As far as usage, I spent about 45 talking over bluetooth, I have sent about 15 texts and received about the same. I checked Twitter a few times, for a few mins each time. Spent about an hour browsing web, and downloaded a couple apps from the market. Before this I was charging my phone after an 8 hour day at work and had almost no juice left. YMMV but for me this has been well worth the 2 bucks.

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HTC Eris :: Way To Setup SetCPU For Optimal Performance And Battery Preservation

May 27, 2010

What is the best way to set up SetCPU for optimal performance and battery preservation. A balance between the two, I suppose. What profiles do I need to enable and how should I modify them?

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HTC Eris : Autokiller Vs SetCPU / Maximize Battery Life Of Phone?

Aug 25, 2010

I am trying to maximize the battery life of my phone. I keep coming across an app refereed to as AUTOKILLER?

Just what is this app, and what are the benefits? If I am running SetCPU, do I need to run both? Do I need Advanced Task Killer too?

(FYI, I am running Cyanogen Tazz 1.0, and besided not having the trackball light up, I am loving it. I just want to get optimized battery life)

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Motorola Droid : Guidelines Using SetCPU As Far As Profiles - Performance And Battery Life?

Jun 25, 2010

I was just hoping for some guidelines when using SetCPU as far as profiles, performance and battery life? I know it varies by kernel and right now I am using Chevy's uLV 1Ghz kernel.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Underclock Cpu

Aug 10, 2010

Any way to do this for us non rooted 2.2 evo people? it would be nice to have a way to preserve battery life when it's getting a lil low.

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Motorola Droid :: Root Option To Add Battery Percent % Symbol Over Battery Icon In STATUS Bar?

Aug 6, 2010

I know this comes in some ROMs and maybe some themes, anyone seen a stand alone option for people in root to add this ability in the MENU bar, not the task bar?

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HTC Incredible :: Underclock CPU

May 3, 2010

Is there a way to underclock the inc? I'm thinking in doing this when I will be away from a computer for long periods of time.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Underclock Voltage

Sep 12, 2010

Is their any app or a way to underclock the voltage I c that when my battery level drop to about 60% my voltage level lowers an my phone last longer compare to when the battery was full completely.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Darchdroid Underclock

Jun 15, 2010

I am running darchdroid 2.6.4 at the moment and it has setcpu already installed. well i might have messed with the clock and now i know the phone is wayyy underclocked. (unuseable) so how can I get rid of Setcpu and go back to default clocks? its running too slow to get into RootExplorer. I know how to push an apk thru adb but have never deleted one. is that what I have to do? Is there a link explaining how to do this?> and can I do it with the phone in recovery?

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Possible To Underclock CPU

Dec 1, 2010

I like to know if is possible to underclock the X10 CPU, I need more live on the battery.Is there some app thatÅ› make is possible?

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HTC Incredible :: Stock Kernel Underclock When Idle

Jul 19, 2010

Does anyone know if the stock kernel on the DInc underclocks the cpu when it has little or no lo load?

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HTC Incredible :: Rooted Stock 2.2 ROM - Free UNDERclock

Nov 1, 2010

Totally stock ROM and kernel other than being rooted.

Running Juice Defender and have noticed very nice improvement in batter life. Still want more.

Is there a free way to underclock the phone? I'm not looking for anything fancy, maybe two profiles: 384mhz with screen off and maybe 768mhz with screen on just to try it out for awhile. Overclock widget does not seem to work on my phone. Don't want to buy setCPU without trying first. Is there anything else simple and FREE out there?

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HTC Eris :: Way To Root / How To Save Apps To SD Card?

Apr 23, 2010

Is this possible with root? m thinking of going this route (hehe).

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HTC EVO 4G :: Will Using WiFi Actually Save Battery?

Jun 7, 2010

Ok I'll admit it I've been watching Engadget's live blog of the iPhone 4 debut. Something interesting stuck out at me however. In one of the keynote slides, Jobs pointed out the iPhone actually gets better battery life while on WiFi vs 3G. Normally I switch WiFi off when I'm not using data, syncing will still access 3G when I'm at home and I'll do occasional browsing at home as well. Would I be better off accessing data using WiFi when available rather than 3G? I guess a better way to pose the question is, does the 3G radio use more power then WiFi?

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Android : Way To Save Battery?

May 2, 2010

I'm getting pretty crap battery life out of my desire and I've had it over a week now. I'm having to charge twice a day, if not three times a day as I'm canning the hell out of it!) But now as my usage starts to drop, what's the best way to conserve the batttery with quick touches when its not being used? I press and hold the power switch and then select to turn off internet. Does this also prevent stuff going on in the background like sync auto update etc. ? I'm seeing roughly 30 to 40 percent battery being used by the Android system, and about 20 to 30 percent being used by cell standby. There's various settings and ways to stop internet I've found, but is there a way to nip all that energy zapping stuff quickly when the phones not being used, and then activate it again quickly when you wanna have a play. Us there anyway to get those percentages for the Android system down?

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