HTC Incredible :: Realistically What Are You Getting With Battery Time?

Jun 8, 2010

How long does the battery last from the time you take it off the charger, 'til the time you have to charge back again?If you feel like explaining what type user you are (i.e. moderate, heavy, etc.), then be my guest.

HTC Incredible :: Realistically what are you getting with battery time?

HTC Incredible :: Battery Standby Time 2%?

Apr 29, 2010

This is probably a really dumb question but my battery life info says that the android system is using 96% of my battery and standby and idle are both using only 2%. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Should my standby time be higher? Or is it better that it is a low number when it is idle/on standby. First smartphone ever here and I just don't know if that is good for my battery or not.

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HTC Incredible :: Talk Time For Battery Usage?

May 6, 2010

Battery was at 24%. Talked for 10 Minutes. Now 18%. Really? 6 %. By that rate you can get 166.6 minutes of talk time. Does this sound right? No apps were running in the backround.

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HTC Incredible :: Battery Uptime - Awake Time

Sep 5, 2010

After I did a factory reset now my up and awake times are running exactly the same.

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HTC Incredible :: Battery Life Jumped Big Time

Oct 7, 2010

I don't know what happened different since I booted my phone yesterday at 7:00 am, but all of a sudden, my battery life has jumped significantly. I run the Seidio 1750. Yesterday, I went ALL DAY with normal usage (multiple texts, calendar appt reminders, a few brief calls with both wifi and bluetooth on constantly. My k-9 mail syncs with work e-mail every minute, and gmail wireless sync is on for two accounts) and I still had 81% battery remaining when I went to bed at 10:30 last night! I haven't shut it down yet just to see how far it will make it.Right now, my battery usage screen shows Up Time of 31:09 with Awake time of 4:16. I'm still showing 62% remaining battery!!!I'm wondering if one of the multiple automatic updates that occurred in the marketplace corrected a former battery hog (gmail maybe?)Anyone have any insight into this incredible improvement all of a sudden? I'm almost afraid to perform my usual overnight shut down and charge in case this is just a fluke occurrence.I'll post an update when I finally get a low battery warning to see how long she'll run on a single charge.

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HTC Incredible :: Battery Overheat Freak Out Crazy Time

Jul 14, 2010

i picked up my inc just a while ago, and it felt a little warm. didn't really think anything of it. then i went to the market and hit download and found a bunch of apps were ready with updates, so i sent them all to update. while this was happening, my phone seemed to get warmer. so i checked the battery status on the pull down menu, and it was "Overheat/120.9F/3.731V" (this is what i wrote down; it was 118 when i first looked, then went up to 120). i checked the battery usage, and it was totally normal, nothing running high, nothing that it doesn't usually say (cell standby, android system, whatever). i freaked out, so i turned off the phone, and then i pulled the battery. the phone still feels hot but seems to maybe be cooling down a little. the battery is warm. there is a "hot" smell, too. i am FREAKING OUT. what do i do now? seriously, i'm afraid to put it back's starting to cool down now. i'm using the htc 1500 battery i got from bidallies, it has been doing a really good job for the few days i've had it. oh, that's the other thing, the reason i decided to even check the battery on the pull down is because my battery seemed to suddenly drop over 10% while the market updates were downloading. like, it just really drained quick.

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HTC Incredible :: Suddenly Battery Time Decreased Twofolds

Aug 17, 2010

Last week I noticed that my battery lifetime decreased two folds. I used to be able to go by without charge for a good 24 hours if I used it moderately. Now all of a sudden my battery goes down 50% in less than 4 hours of same moderate use. I didn't install any new softwares, I tried closing running apps, I even installed task killer and tried using it to kill running on the back ground apps, but nothing helps (uninstalled task killer same result). What is wrong with this crap? I didn't root or did anything else different than two weeks ago... What a heck?
I know that 2.2 OTA release will help with the battery life (at least that is what they promise), but nobody knows when this release will be available and meanwhile I am suffering from dead battery in less than 8 hours of moderate use.

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HTC Incredible :: Do Battery Stats Reset Every Time Install ROM?

Oct 6, 2010

Do battery stats reset every time a install a new rom(not a restore just a fresh rom) or only when I clear them?

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HTC Incredible :: Recommended Wait Time To Put Battery Back In After Pull

Jun 15, 2010

Is there a recommended wait time to put the battery back in after a battery pull?

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HTC Incredible :: Actual Screen Time Out Time

Jun 21, 2010

Under settings theres a setting for screen time out..I put it to 30mins and leave the phone alone...the screen goes out in like 20 seconds...I'm pretty sure that's not this a software or hardware issue?

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HTC Incredible :: Awake Time And Up Time Are Same

Jul 28, 2010

Okay, I've tried everything. nothing is running in the background evidently but the awake time and the up time are the same. After i turned my phone off, and then turned it back on, they were the same. I've tried a task killer, the system panel, and I've tried turning it back off, and on, but nothing happened. I need help?! How do i fix this?

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HTC Incredible : Up Time Is Same As Standby Time / Why?

Jun 25, 2010

My batteries up time is the same as the batteries total on time, even when its off. Why is this?

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

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HTC EVO 4G :: Battery - Awake And Up Time The Same

Nov 23, 2010

I'm writing because I've recently removed the HtcLockScreen.apk file from my phone to get the vanilla Android lock screen, which I like a lot better than HTC's. However, someone mentioned that it could affect my battery life and to keep an eye out on my up time and awake time. Well, before and after a restart, the up time and awake time are exactly the same. Does this mean the phone isn't sleeping? If so, how can I fix this? I'm running a rooted EVO with 2.2 and no custom ROM's.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Battery - Awake Time - 4G

Aug 1, 2010

A little history: Had the phone since launch. Did most of the battery "tricks" when they came out: GSM fix, stop GTalk auto login, tried the on-off-on charge thing, but never ever got more than a minute of red LED before it turned green again, turned auto-sync off, etc. I usually have what I consider pretty good battery life. I've almost never run out of power during the day, and the few times I did it was because of pretty heavy (for me) usage. When I try to see how long I can go without charging I've usually gotten through 28-30 hours before I had to plug in. (please spare me the "your battery suxxx! I've gone 7 months since my last charge and I'm at 98%" posts)

So last night I charged to full battery, unplugged cause I had to charge my BT headphones too, then went to bed. 7+ hours later I wake up and my battery is around 10%. Usually when I unplug I lose less than 10% through the night.

So here is the obvious culprit: I've recently gotten stable 4G in my home and I forgot to turn it off when I went to bed. Easy game.


I went to look at a few settings to confirm that it wasn't something else and I see something really odd.

Up Time was 120 hours
Awake Time was 117 hours?

Now, if I am understanding this properly, this means my phone was booted up 5 days ago and of those 5 days my phone was only asleep for 3 hours? Is this possible? (I am no techie so I very well could be misunderstanding it)

I have not been having battery problems for all 5 days, only last night, but these numbers seem to indicate I should barely have been able to get through half a day without the battery dying for this entire period. I looked at my "running services" and there were a ton of things that had been running for the entire 120 hours. I have checked this in the past when reading battery threads, but since I have been satisfied with my battery life in general, it's not something I really check regularly, so I have no clue if this is a recent development or not.

The battery usage showed around 42-43% for both Phone Idle and Cell Standby since I unplugged last night.

I also noticed that I had turned off auto-syncing, but still had background data "always on". But again, this is something that would have been the case for the entire last 5 days (and more, really), so it should not be the cause of last night's drop.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Time To Battery Drop 10% In 4G?

Jul 11, 2010

How much time it takes for your battery to drop 10% when you're on 4G doing no downloads, no streaming, no Youtubing, nothing? In my case just 30 min. Complete discharge in approx 4 hours The temperature is very hot too. Do not put it under the pillow.check it out, this is ultimately just a 30 min test, and post it here (say to voice dialer "Open battery Info" for battery numbers and temperature instead of bars)

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HTC EVO 4G :: Battery Up And Awake Time Stats

Nov 10, 2010

is the awake time and uptime supposed to reset after every full charge? or is rebooting the phone the only way to reset these numbers? i just installed a new rom and i don't seem to remember them not resetting after each charge.

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HTC Desire :: Official Car Kit - Battery Time?

Nov 14, 2010

Has anyone purchased the official HTC Desire car kit (reference on the HTC website is CU S420)? If so, does the charger actually charge up the phone or just prolong the time it takes for the battery to drain like all of the unbranded chargers seem to do?

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HTC Hero :: How To Get Mote Battery Time?

Dec 17, 2009

Now i get like 1 day with my battery. I have wifi and gps on. Will this take so much battery?Can i stop more aps to get more battery?

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General :: Battery Drain App With Time Log

Sep 16, 2012

Android app that will use a lot of battery (maybe using the phones functions like wifi etc) to drain the battery and then when the battery reaches 1 or 0% it logs how long the battery lasted.

This could then be used to compare battery life on a range of Android devices.


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HTC Desire :: Wi-Fi Running Time / Possible Battery Drain

Aug 7, 2010

in spare parts, under other usage, My Wi-Fi on and Wi-Fi Running percentages are ALWAYS the same... right now sitting at 99% each. Surely Wi-Fi on should be at 99%, but Wi-Fi running should be considerably lower since I don't have any form of auto sync or location based things on.I can keep my phone on for 12 hours, Wi-Fi enabled, and Wi-Fi running is always full, at 99 odd percent. Nothing is using the wi-fi, even when i choose to forget my wifi details so there is no connection. I suspect it may have something to do with the root process "0" under Network usage under Battery history in spare parts. I'm thinking it's keeping my Wi-Fi active and draining my batt, even if it's not pulling any data.I've completely uninstalled every app (except spare parts), wiped cache and dalvik, put phone on Aeroplane mode, nothing changes. Facebook app isn't updated to 1.3 or 1.3.1 either.Really at wits end as to why my Wi-Fi is "running" at 100% all the time.Here are my details: HTC Desire rooted with Clockwork from latest Unrevoked. Rom is Official Sense + Froyo from OpenDesire Team v1.0c

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Motorola Droid X :: How Time Battery Take To Charge?

Sep 16, 2010

How much time does Battery Left say your stock batteries get when fully charged?Mine says 10:43. I'm curious if it is different for different people. (I've drained my battery a couple of times, so the widget says it's "accurate.")

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Samsung Captivate :: Low Battery Time - Replacement?

Aug 18, 2010

I think its totally died like 3 or 4 times now but it still seems to die very quickly. I have the adv app killer on there, i turn off bluetooth when not in use, brightness is as low as it will go, no hectic feedback, gps off and yet i still know that by the time i get home unless i charge it in the car, i won't be able to use my phone after work. so, i'd like your guys thoughts on whether it would be worth it to take back to the at&t store and swap it out for a new one?

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HTC Droid Eris :: How Much More Time With Extended Battery?

Jan 2, 2010

So I was thinking about ordering one of the sedio batteries and was wondering how much time I will gain with either of them?

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Android :: 100% Time Without Signal Ruining Battery

Jul 7, 2010

I have had the LG Ally for about a week and was expecting my battery to not last more than a day. When it wouldn't last for more than a few hours with light use I figured there must be something wrong. I have an app killer and make sure only the programs I need are running. The standby time is the problem. It is always taking up at least 65% followed by display which takes up less than 30%. When clicking on standby time, the time without signal is ALWAYS 100%. Doing research I haven't heard of anyone having 100% all the time. Things I have tried so far are airplane mode, turning the phone on/off, and dialing *#*#4636#*#* to change the radio thing multiple times. Nothing will take it below 100%. Strange thing is that I can still receive calls, texts, and use the internet. It seems unlikely that after only a week of owning the phone that I would already have to do a reset. Could there be a new bug different from the 50% TWS bug?Please let me know if anyone has had this problem and/or knows how to fix it.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Battery Life And Awake Time

Feb 28, 2010

I've read up on the battery life sticky and various other threads pertaining to battery life and awake time. But my phone seems to still be around 50-60 percent. I don't use my phone all too much, and neither do I have any programs set to auto do anything except for mail to go and do its thing. But I remembered I do have various Sense widgets... could those be draining my battery? I have the Facebook, Mail, Calender, Sense Clock, Music, Weather, A Calender reminder, and Bookmarks. I can't afford a better battery. Making 8.25 an hour really suckz. On a side note, I know that 8.25 is more than last year, and the year before that

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HTC Droid Eris :: Battery Life Leaving Wi-Fi On All Time?

Mar 23, 2010

This is kind of a detailed question, but basically, I have been reading through some threads and came across someone who wrote that keeping the wifi turned on to 'never sleep' optimizes your battery life by a lot (instead of using mobile connection). So I set this up, but I also have the app Advanced Task Killer and I am trying to figure out if I need to set the wifi to the ignore list (so that it doesn't get killed everytime) or if Advanced Task Killer doesn't effect this.I am just trying to optimize my battery so I can actually use the internet without it dying on me so quickly. I charged it all night and literally 5 minutes after I unplugged it, my phone was down to 90% life.

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HTC Desire :: 100% Awake Time - Short Battery Life

Apr 19, 2010

I got the fantastic Desire friday and I'm really enjoying it so far coming from iPhone and Hero.

Unfortunately I've run into a little issue: Up time and awake time (in Settings>About phone>Battery) are almost the same, meaning that the CPU never correctly throttles down when the phone is asleep. This is causing battery life to be rather short - On average I get 10-15 hours out of the phone with moderate settings.

By going to the battery info console (type *#*#4636#*#* in dialer) I managed to figure out that the calendar in some way is running and preventing the phone from sleeping (Partial wake in top dropdown). I did a factory reset and it hasn't seemed to help. There are 2 calendar related apps running: Obexservice and connectivityservice.

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Samsung EPIC 4G :: Poor Battery Charging Time

Sep 23, 2010

I am coming to the conclusion that the poor battery charge time is a result of the batteries and not the phone. The reason I believe this to be true is: I purchased the charger that comes with a spare battery and it takes a good 3-4 hours to charge in that, with no phone attached. Batteries in my previous phones would take an hour to fully charge in a dedicated charger. I bet when Seidio comes out with batteries for this phone, we will see much better charge times and possibly better battery life.

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Desire :: Time / Battery Icon Missing From Display On HTC

Jun 15, 2010

I have downloaded several games and have noticed that when playing, I can't see the time or the battery icon. These are two things that are fairly vital when gaming on a mobile, as I am usually killing time and don't want to kill the battery. Anyone know how I can get them back on to the display?

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Motorola Droid X :: Battery Life Improves With Time?

Aug 6, 2010

So I have had my X since 7/20. I have the OTA update. I was reading the X owner's manual and came across recommendations from Motorola to perform a soft reset (i.e. power off and restart) once a day to clear the cache or something like that. I think it was listed under tips to keep phone performance speedy.I have been doing this when i remember, maybe 2 or 3 times a week. The last few days, I noticed my phone had considerably more battery life when I got home from work. I have "smart mode" battery profile. No task killer.Right now I am at 90% battery level, 5 h 40 min since unplugged. I had bluetooth on about an hour, wifi off whole time, about 5 min phone calls and about 10 texts. I have checked e-mail a few times. Pretty light use but I have been busy at work this morning.

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