HTC Hero : WiFi Wont Turns Off While Phone Sleeping / Way To Setup?
Jan 3, 2010My WiFi wont turns off while the phone is sleeping. Is there any adjustments in the settings for this?

My WiFi wont turns off while the phone is sleeping. Is there any adjustments in the settings for this?
Does anyone know how to setup Hero for making sip calls through wifi or 3G?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had just posted on these forums about my phone not sleeping. That was with 1.5. The next day, I put the 2.1 leak on my phone. And that seemed to fix the problem and the phone's up time was far greater than its awake time. A couple days later - and once again, the up and awake times are the exact same and my battery seems to be going down faster. I've been poking around for any other posts with the same issue - but haven't found any.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMobile phone. I bought it year and a half ago, and have changed operating systems few times (custom roms). Now I have Pristine JB Slim custom ROM, i have installed it 1-2 months ago (cant remember exactly), and everything was okay for first half period, but then it started to crush after mobile data/wifi was turned on.
When I turn on MD/WIFi, its usually okay till 76% of battery, but then screen starts to blink for few seconds and turns off immediately after. When I turn it on again, it turns off again after 1-2 minutes, and sometimes even warns me that i have to charge it cause battery has only few % left (most of time just 1). And I have to charge it again to work normally (well, until it starts to go crazy again )
Before i start to install other roms again. So. Is it faulty battery, bad ROM or something else?
When i am: -downloading -uploading -watching movies -checking network And my phone will get auto in sleep mode it blocking wifi. My downloads, uploads are stopping and waiting for my reaction to unlock phone and restart wifi to continue. Online movies are "false rendering" to max and blocking so need restart movie.
Wifi network need be restarted.
Wifi sleep policy is on never disconnect.
Samsung galaxy s2 - android 4.1.2 - rooted
Is there any way to set up WiFi so that the phone automatically connects to a saved WiFi signal? Example. when I walk into my house my phone auto detects and switches to WiFi without me going into settings?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI bought my Xperia x10 mini yesterday, and one of the first things I did was to set it up for WiFi in my house (which I already have 2 laptops and a stationary PC connected to). Setting it up was easy and quick, but my phone doesn't find the network, not even if I am standing right beside the router. I have tried to restart the WiFi connection, restart my phone, delete and re-add the home connection, but the phone still doesn't connect to the network.
The network's SSID isn't broadcasted for security reasons, could this be the problem? When I search for networks, it doesn't find any 'unnamed' networks like the windows pcs do. (which is normally the one I need to connect to.) Is there something wrong with my hardware? Or my software (my phone is completely up-to-date)? (Except broadcast the SSID, which is not an option..)
I've noticed recently when I take my D1 off of the home dock in the morning, that the wifi has turned itself on. Has anyone else noticed this? Any idea what's causing this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a moto droid 1 and my wifi keeps messing up. When I go into wifi to turn on, it will say "turning on" but then immediately say "turning off." It will continually do this over and over again until finally saying "error." Not really sure why or how to fix this, but it is pretty annoying that I can't use my wifi.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIts been a week since I am facing this issue.When I sleep and the phone goes into stand by mode, it automatically turns on WiFi even though I have already disabled the option saying, KEEP WLAN ON DURING SLEEP.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an issue with my i9001:
I installed CM9 (2 RCs) for a while but it was still buggy for me. Then I decided to go back to GB. Since I went back the wifi switches off immediately after switching it on. I switch it on. It starts scanning and it switches off again. The device does not connect to a wifi AP.
Currently it is running GIGABREAD+, but it did exactly the same with the original stock ROM which I saved on the SD card and installed again.
If I do a WiFi driver test (*#*#526#*#*) it states that the wireless driver loaded successful.
I recently flashed kingcobra ics 1.5 in my htc EVO 3d gsm
My Signal is gray and i dunno why. Its Not saying Not avaiable or so, it detects my Provider and it has 4 bars but its gray
It turns blue as soon as i turn on WiFi and connect to the Internet.
Im also not able to use Mobile data due this problem...
I got the samsung captivate for AT&T a couple of weeks ago and have run into a few problems with it:
1) Wifi worked great for a while, but now it says unable to scan for networks and turns the wifi off...this wouldn't be too bad if I had a big data plan but I do not.
2) Battery Life...fml
3) I cannot find ANYWHERE any supporting software to sync media files with my PC
4) The drivers will not install on my computer
5) Way too many apps are using data without me even opening them (navigation, yahoo mail etc...) I have AdvAppKiller but that gets old
It is wonderful having such a wonderful, fast device with 16 gb of memory, but these shortcomings are making me realize why I enjoyed a flip phone for so long.
Anyone know if there's an app that can enable wifi when charging and disable when removing from the charger?
View 14 Replies View RelatedAfter reading a great post in the forum I setup my HTC Inspire 4G phone to works great! I followed the same steps on my fiancee's Inspire 4G and it didn't work so well. When I click the Portable Wi-Fi hotspot box in Settings > Wireless & Networks it turns on the Wi-Fi...and it is detectable by other devices...but then it immediately and automatically turns off.
We have the same phone purchased on the same day and I used the same Access Point Name settings as detailed in the excellent Android Forum thread. I even deleted and re-created the Access Point to make sure I didn't mistype anything but the same Portable Wi-Fi turns on then immediately turns off problem exists.
I noticed today that when i use the default GPS widget, the gps will turn off and take network location and wifi location with it, however turning it on with the widget does not restore those options. Is there a better widget to use, if that's how it works? I didn't notice this in 2.1. Those seemed to be on all the time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am new to smartphones and thought that this might be good for others who are new and don't have the unlimited data plan grandfathered in to know.
This was posted in reply to another question I had had about Pandora so the credit goes to poster MeVirtually.
By default the wi-fi setting is set to go to sleep (and use cellular data instead) when the screen is off, which will most likely happen while you are streaming music as well as other things. To change it so the wi-fi never turns off, to into the phone's menu -> wireless and network -> wi-fi settings -> tap the menu button and select advanced which has an option for wi-fi sleep policy that had been defaulted to sleep "when screen turns off". There you have the option to change it to "never" or "never when plugged in".
I have had my phone sleeping correctly for three days. Today I installed task killer, and it hasnt slept since. I tried to uninstall it, but no luck. I reset the phone and only installed handcent and its normal again. I also noticed my battery was lasting very well untill i installed task killer....shortly after installing..the battery was dropping quickly.
View 27 Replies View RelatedSo, from what I am aware of, HTC Hero is able to use multiple email account (gmail and not). will I be able to set up a MobileMe account on it?
View 4 Replies View Relatedis it possible to set a static ip address on my hero for my home network as i find that when i use wi-fi it takes a fair bit of time to connect to my network while it is obtaining an IP address.
When i connect via 3G its much quicker to initially connect..
I took the plunge and finally rooted my phone (hand clap!!). I flashed a custom kernel (by NETARCHY[4.0.3a]). At 1st everything worked fine (followed EarlyMon's "How to Fix FROYO"---since i lost all my data). The following day i tried another kernel (baked kernel #5). That kernel didnt work to well on my phone so I reflashed NETARCHY's kernel. When i noticed that my battery was draining quickly, i looked in my SPARE PARTS and noticed that my phone is not sleeping---problem is I dont know what it is. Do i need to do a hard reset again---or should i flash another kernel?? Stuck between a rock and a hard place
(Mods--did this in a rush, please excuse if this is posted in wrong forum)
Does anybody know if I can perform the initial setup without a having a Sim card?
I will only have the sim card available in a couple of days, and I was wondering if I can setup my Hero via wireless without a sim card installed.
Which one is sleeping? I feel like my phone is not sleeping when i press the lock key... it says phone standby uses 27% power and phone idle is 4%
View 1 Replies View RelatedA few days ago I after reading some threads on reboots and decided to check the awake time and found that phone wasnt sleeping. Battery life wasnt affected all that bad I thought, lasting throughout the day, however I did an FDR reloaded only a few programs and the problem went away (along with the reboots that occurred nearly everytime I started navigator and only navigator). Battery life was exceptional afterwards, still having at least 60% remaining after unplugging around 8 am and checking later than 7pm
I reloaded the following apps
xing barcode scanner
LED desire
Google Earth
Spare Parts, and just now sys panel lite.
Today I experienced another reboot, checked awake time and found it to be at 100% again. After unplugging at 8am and checking at 7 pm, battery remaining is at 36%, way under normal (im usually at 60%+ with heavier usage). Very moderate use today , maybe a dozen short calls, a couple emails, no browsing, took 1 picture and sms'd it, and LED desire (first time used since re-installed) I do keep both my wifi and BT on, 4g off. Ive been in good signal range all day.
Is there a way to set the phone to not give me notifications while i am sleeping?? lol i get woke up every night from some stupid spam email!
View 9 Replies View RelatedI got my HTC Hero yesterday and im pretty impressed. There is one thing thats bugging me though..
Is it possible to set up multiple facebook / twitter accounts on the phone? I mean I have one account for personal and one for business, i would like to be able to switch between the two...
I've configured all my emails up fine but it seems i can only have one facebook and twitter account. So at the moment Ive only got my personal account set up. Any thoughts?
I've created service which has LocationListener in it. In order to keep service running the service is set as foreground. I have some questions about phone power management and sleeping in that circumstances: Will phone go to sleep while such service is running? How can I save power in this stuation?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am developing an application, for an optimal operation I need that the app prevents phone from sleeping. How can I do it? It has to be like google maps: System Tools prevent phone from sleeping
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have BH Man 1.6 factory and my phone won't sleep anymore I read about some sleeping problem awhile ago and now I can't find it again could anyone help me get my phone to sleep!
View 15 Replies View Relatedso I have spare parts installed and my running time is usually 100% or close to it. I'm assuming there is a stuck process or something that is keeping the phone from sleeping. Is there an easy way to find and kill it?
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