HTC EVO 4G :: Phone Not Sleeping - 100% Awake
Jun 22, 2010
A few days ago I after reading some threads on reboots and decided to check the awake time and found that phone wasnt sleeping. Battery life wasnt affected all that bad I thought, lasting throughout the day, however I did an FDR reloaded only a few programs and the problem went away (along with the reboots that occurred nearly everytime I started navigator and only navigator). Battery life was exceptional afterwards, still having at least 60% remaining after unplugging around 8 am and checking later than 7pm
I reloaded the following apps
xing barcode scanner
LED desire
Google Earth
Spare Parts, and just now sys panel lite.
Today I experienced another reboot, checked awake time and found it to be at 100% again. After unplugging at 8am and checking at 7 pm, battery remaining is at 36%, way under normal (im usually at 60%+ with heavier usage). Very moderate use today , maybe a dozen short calls, a couple emails, no browsing, took 1 picture and sms'd it, and LED desire (first time used since re-installed) I do keep both my wifi and BT on, 4g off. Ive been in good signal range all day.
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Jun 13, 2010
I left my phone on my dresser last night with the WiFi off, screen at the lowest brightness, no gps on etc... and it lost 30-40% of its battery just by sitting here.... This tells me one thing I think, the phone doesn't sleep? Isn't it suppose to sleep if not in use?
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May 28, 2009
Has anyone else noticed this? It's slightly annoying. I downloaded my version of 1.5 from
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Aug 31, 2010
I took the plunge and finally rooted my phone (hand clap!!). I flashed a custom kernel (by NETARCHY[4.0.3a]). At 1st everything worked fine (followed EarlyMon's "How to Fix FROYO"---since i lost all my data). The following day i tried another kernel (baked kernel #5). That kernel didnt work to well on my phone so I reflashed NETARCHY's kernel. When i noticed that my battery was draining quickly, i looked in my SPARE PARTS and noticed that my phone is not sleeping---problem is I dont know what it is. Do i need to do a hard reset again---or should i flash another kernel?? Stuck between a rock and a hard place
(Mods--did this in a rush, please excuse if this is posted in wrong forum)
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Aug 7, 2010
Which one is sleeping? I feel like my phone is not sleeping when i press the lock key... it says phone standby uses 27% power and phone idle is 4%
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Sep 20, 2010
I've created service which has LocationListener in it. In order to keep service running the service is set as foreground. I have some questions about phone power management and sleeping in that circumstances: Will phone go to sleep while such service is running? How can I save power in this stuation?
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Sep 27, 2010
I am developing an application, for an optimal operation I need that the app prevents phone from sleeping. How can I do it? It has to be like google maps: System Tools prevent phone from sleeping
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May 28, 2010
I have BH Man 1.6 factory and my phone won't sleep anymore I read about some sleeping problem awhile ago and now I can't find it again could anyone help me get my phone to sleep!
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Aug 19, 2010
so I have spare parts installed and my running time is usually 100% or close to it. I'm assuming there is a stuck process or something that is keeping the phone from sleeping. Is there an easy way to find and kill it?
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Sep 5, 2010
I had pretty bad battery life today, took off the charger at 11:30, just plugged in at 15% 11 hours later, with a short charge in the car on the way to a late lunch. No text messages, no emails, no phone calls . I got a few apps off the market, did a little web surfing, & watched one 4 minute youtube video. This is my first Android phone, I had a HTC Touch Pro before this. BTW - The lack of comms today is because I'm not working right now, but in the middle of federal hiring process with the next appointment on the 13th, wish me luck. Bluetooth, GPS, and wifi are always off. Screen brightness is left at the lowest level. This is all shown with the Power Control widget on a home screen. I also have the Samsung Program Monitor widget on the same screen, and nothing stays running. Auto sync is always off, I rarely actually use gmail. The stock email app is set to check two other email accounts every hour.
I tried a little test, but just don't know what to make of it. I have Battery Monitor and Android Manager Free installed. Whenever I mention Task Manager, I accessed it through AMF. Before beginning, I removed the Weather Channel widget from the home screen and terminated the app in the Task Manager. I had installed a BBC news app today, but uninstalled before testing; it automatically updated a couple times today and showed up in Task Manager after I terminated it. I made sure Background Data was turned off, I generally only turn it back on when I launch the Market (gives a popup saying it needs it). I plugged the charger in with the phone at 26% charge, just for a minute to reset the last time unplugged. Using Battery Monitor (which apparently just shortcuts to the built-in Android battery monitoring screens found through Settings) I checked the status periodically, along with seeing what was active in Task Manager. Every 5 to 10 minutes I would press the power button to turn on the display, then check Battery history - Since last unplugged. I'd check the Task Manager, terminate Battery Monitor and AMF, then press the power button to turn the screen off............
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Sep 1, 2010
I've been having poor battery life with my Droid Eris and downloaded Spare Parts to find out what was the cause of it. According to Spare Parts my phone is spending nearly 86% of the time without sleeping (Nearly 10h out of the 11 1/2h since my phone was unplugged) I tried to find a possible app that was causing the problem but couldn't find anything unusual.
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Aug 6, 2010
Ever since updating to Froyo earlier this week (official OTA update) I've noticed that my battery life seems to have gotten worse. I just checked my usage and am showing that out of 14 hours since reboot it's been awak for 11 hours. Eight of those hours were spent plugged in on my nightstand last night.
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Aug 21, 2010
I have an issue with my desire, as alot of people have reported my battery life has taken a significant hit since the 2.2 update. Prior to the update i was getting about 2 days usage out of the phone, its now struggling to last a day at times and by that i mean about 8-10 hours. I think there is an application or process that is stopping my phone from sleeping and i was wondering if you could help identify and then fix it if possible? Also, one of the things i have noticed is that my applications have started updating automatically...prior to 2.2 update I would get notified but could chose whether or not to download there any way i can revert the phone back to the original state?
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May 7, 2010
A couple of days ago I posted a question on what you guys did so that you could still receive emergency calls at night without the phone disturbing you letting you know you got a spam email at 3am.Several of you mentioned that I could go and change my notification volume, but doing that every night was too much work and I was bound to forget or silence my calls and forget to turn it back on in the morning.I found this wonderful FREE app called Sweet dreams. You set the time at which you go to sleep and it has several options such as disabling gps, wifi, bluetooth and putting your ringer and notification volume at whatever you want.You set the wakeup time as well so the phone turns things back on for you in the morning.
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Dec 14, 2009
Why do so many of the applications say they prevent the phone from sleeping? Is this a problem if the applications are left open or a problem with the applications all of the time no mater if they are open or not?
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Jul 28, 2010
I am concerned my phone isnt going fully to sleep. My battery seems to drop about 20% in about 4 hours of just sitting there not doing anything. It also takes a long time before the phone idle shows up on my battery use screen. Is there anyway to check awake vs asleep times like you can on the evo?
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May 19, 2010
I had just posted on these forums about my phone not sleeping. That was with 1.5. The next day, I put the 2.1 leak on my phone. And that seemed to fix the problem and the phone's up time was far greater than its awake time. A couple days later - and once again, the up and awake times are the exact same and my battery seems to be going down faster. I've been poking around for any other posts with the same issue - but haven't found any.
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Apr 29, 2010
I know that the LED is supposed to flash green when you have a notification, text, missed call, whatever. My question is does anyone's LED actually flash is the phone is sleeping? I figured that even though the screen was off the light would flash so you could tell something was there without having to turn the screen on, but I haven't noticed it. As soon as I turn the screen on, that is when it seems that the light will flash.
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Dec 6, 2009
As I continue to downlaod and try new apps, I notice that some of the permissions that some of them have are/is: "Prevent phone from sleeping". I didn't think much about it, but after conditioning my phone...for a few days I was getting around 11% awake time, now after a few of these apps after a recharge this AM I am showing 26%...before the charge my awake time was very high again. I always use Adavanced Task Killer after messing with the phone, 9/10 trials.
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Apr 10, 2009
I have a long lived service, it wakes up (via the AlarmManager) at intervals and connects to a web server. If the phone goes to sleep and one of my polling intervals happens the phone wakes up enough to let me attempt to connect to the network but the ConnectionManager claims there is no network. Given the system log this is correct, it was torn down. Pushing "Menu" once is enough to get the network back up and then my service can connect. How do I get the network to reconstruct itself?
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May 27, 2010
Is this an app that will stop phone from sleeping ?
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Oct 25, 2010
Late for work due to my cell phone alarm not going off. I know its a sad excuse lol, I have a alarm clock. However somehow I manage to shut off my cell phone in my sleep or occasionally in my pocket. Is there a app to make it perhaps one extra step to shutting down the phone?
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Mar 17, 2010
I noticed that if the Android phone is listening on a ServerSocket on the 3G network, and is then put to sleep with the power button, it no longer listens for incoming connections. The incoming TCP connection does not wake up the phone. Is this there a way to enable waking up a sleeping phone on incoming Server Socket connections, the way that incoming data on a regular Socket does?
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Jul 29, 2010
It showed my phone had been running (not sleeping) for almost all 12 hours since last time unplugged. So, I methodically plugged away to try to figure out which program I was running that caused the phone not to go into sleep mode and it looks like it's Maps. I rebooted my phone, plugged in (to reset the since last unplugged timer), turned the phone off for a few minutes a checked the running time and it was normal. I started maps, plugged in, turned it off for a few minutes, then checked the running time and it was pegged at 100%. I did the process a 2nd time and got the exact same results.
In addition, I think killed Maps using System Panel and that did not fix the issue. The phone still wasn't sleeping. I wonder if maybe Maps is calling up some other process and it's the other process that's causing the phone not to go to sleep. Anyone have any ideas? Can anyone else test this as well to confirm or refute? Perhaps this is why some people are getting way better battery life than others? I'm interested to see how my battery does tomorrow........................
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Dec 22, 2009
I followed Caddyman's instructions on what to do if the Native SMS app was keeping my phone awake all the time. After rebooting and letting it sleep for 10 minutes, my phone is still at 100%. I just got it last night so I just have Weather Bug, Handcent SMS, Facebook, Gmail, and Peep installed. I've never had a smart phone so it's possible on of the other settings is keeping it awake, but I have no clue which it would be.
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Apr 25, 2010
Does anyone know of an widget that i can put on the homescreen for quick access to stop for phone from sleeping?
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Jul 28, 2010
MY phone isn't going into sleep mode as much as it should I just rebooteb it a couple of hours ago and I get up time =1:53.03, awake time = 1:32:01. whe I check running services Toucch input has been running for 1:32:01....what is it can I turn it off?
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Oct 8, 2010
While my phone is in the locked/sleep mode, occasionally the music player starts up. I'm guessing I somehow push a button to start it - but can't seem to make it happen when I try. And - I don't realize it is playing until I unlock my phone, and see the music title scrolling across the screen.
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Apr 30, 2010
When the phone is "sleeping" and a message comes through, I hear the notification. I don't see the flashing light (even though I have that turned on for everything) and the screen does not come on.
Is there a setting that I am missing?
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Jan 3, 2010
My WiFi wont turns off while the phone is sleeping. Is there any adjustments in the settings for this?
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