HTC Hero :: Need Alerts Volume App On Phone
Aug 15, 2009Does anyone know of an app that makes the alerts louder on the Hero? I am finding them much too quiet.

Does anyone know of an app that makes the alerts louder on the Hero? I am finding them much too quiet.
Does anyone else find it annoying when your in a meeting or lecture or church and someone tries to turn down the volume on their phone, only to have the phone beep with every change in volume? Is there any way to turn off this volume response when using the volume controls on the side of the Sprint Hero? Likewise, any way to turn off the sound when turning the phone on/off?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to change alerts and ringer volume seperately using Audiomanager pro. Whilst at work i want to hear my txt message sounds (alerts) but not my ringtone, and i want the phone to vibrate with both still. However when moving the ringtone and/or alert slider the other one moves too, they can't seem to move seperately. Am i doing something wrong or does this app not do that, and if so, is there an ap that does?
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust wondering, on 1.5, the Ringer/Alerts volume was locked together so however loud the Ringer volume was, the notification volume would be the same. Since upgrading to 2.1 OTA, they are no longer linked together. Is there any way I can link them back together so they are they same volume without having to individually change each one? It's kind of annoying when I set my Ringer volume to low, and all of the sudden I get a text and it's almost 3 times as loud.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhenever I'm in area that doesn't get good service I put my phone in Evdo only instead of hybrid, but when I do the phone doesn't ring or and I don't get texts either is it supposed to be like this and is there any way to fix it? PS: I'm just running stock and not rooted or anything
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm writing an Android application that plays back voice mails using Media Player, which are just WAV files that have been sent to the device. When I play the file, it's played on the device's speaker, or else it plays through headphones if they're plugged in. What I want to do is play the file so that it sounds to the user as if it's at the same volume level as a normal phone call. Is there a way to route playback so that the file is played through the phone's ear piece instead of out of the speaker?
View 2 Replies View Relateddrooped hero now up volume button wont work anymore has this happen to anyone tho? and whats the easiest way to unroot sprint 2.1.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way of setting a calendar reminder so that it keeps playing until you turn it off? (like an alarm i mean).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've had my Hero just over a month now and yesterday for the first time i received a facebook notification on my Hero. Since i have had my phone I've never seen this. I normally get a notification telling me that i have a new email which sometimes is an email from facebook telling me i have a new invite or what ever. But this notification was a facebook specific one, it had an icon of an 'F' (of Facebook). Does anyone know what option needs to be turned on so that you get Facebook notifications on your Hero? I obviously switched something on which is no longer running cause im no longer getting this notifications.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to put my own sound for sms alerts if so how do i do it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan someone please point me to a website that explains how to add my own custom ring tones and alerts? Seems like I should be able to find that myself.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have the HTC Hero from Sprint. I am running the stock ROM from Sprint with the update that was released in Nov. Scenario:
Person X is in my contact list
I want sound file Y to play when I get a phone call from X
I want sound file Z to play when I get a text from X
(Note: For clarification Y and Z are not the same file. The sound file Z should be different depending on the person also. In other words can I set costume text alerts per person).
When you look at the contact in 'people' there is a setting for 'ring tone' I am not sure if this is just for incoming calls or if this is also for incoming texts from this person.
Is there any way to extract the ringtones and alert sounds from the HTC Incredible? Do you have to be rooted? Is there anywhere online that the collection or a zip of them is hosted?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to set the Captivate for continuous message alerts. I set my text message and voice mail alert, but it only chimes one time and that's it, so if I'm not near my phone at the time, I wouldn't know someone texted me until I go to use my phone. How do I set it to keep alerting me until I answer it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to have a different alert tone or ringtone for different types of notifications: a different one for texts, for emails, and for voicemails. I have been able to do this with just about every other type of phone I've had in the past; I can't understand why these more expensive, more technologically advanced phones dump them all into one category ("Set as notification tone"). Am I missing something here? Is there an app I need or a setting on the phone I'm not seeing?
Just to be clear, I care less about whether I can use customized ringtones for these alerts than just being able to distinguish between when I'm getting a text or an email. And if it helps to know, I have a Samsung Moment and my husband has a HTC Hero, and we are both having this problem.
When the phone is "sleeping" and a message comes through, I hear the notification. I don't see the flashing light (even though I have that turned on for everything) and the screen does not come on.
Is there a setting that I am missing?
Why won't the phone vibrate for text message alerts??? I'm using handcent, I've tried audio manager. All the settings appear to be correct. The phone will vibrate for calls... Rooted, running the latest Lithium Mod ROM with Chevy's ulv 1.2 kernel. I have no other issues with the phone and the ROM/kernel configuration have worked very well!
View 5 Replies View RelatedI wasn't sure where to put this but does anyone know how to stop my phone making double alerts when I get a text? Because when I get a new text, Hand cent will post an icon in the notification panel and there will always be another notification icon next to it, I think it is the stock app doing that. Now I have set Hand cent as my default messaging app and I am running the 2.1 v3 leak.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI would like the phone to alert me approx every 5 minutes that there is an unread text. My phone alerts that I have a new text but I also want it to alert me again if I don't hear the first alert. Is there a way to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDespite increasing the volume to the max on the side, the volume is still quite low for the Alarm. Does anyone have a suggestion in how to fix this?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a sprint hero and I think the volume is low even when it's all the way up. does anyone know if there is a fix ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can i fix the ringer on my hero? when the phone rigs is nice and loud but then the voume goes down real low.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhenever I put my phone on "silent," its not suppose to make a sound. I have my media volume all the way down. When I get a call, it doesn't ring or vibrate or anything, but when I get a text, it rings. I searched through all the threads about the apps for the volume, but I want to know which one is the best free one. I really don't want a repeat of what happened in my class.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there is a way of disabling the side volume control for the ringer volume because i keep hitting it when holding the phone and its starting to get annoying! Also is there a way to get a widget on the home screen to turn the 3G on and off there are ones for bluetooth and WiFi but not for 3G well not that I can find anyway!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am running into a problem with my in-call volume, its way too loud and can't lower it, anyone else had this problem? and what did you do about it?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI doubt it but it's worth a shot. Is it possible to have a different volume assigned to each app by use of a setting or app? I like plugging my phone into my car speakers and playing pandora while using gps. The only problem is that the music overpowers the gps voice. It would be nice to be able to lower the pandor app volume and raise the gps voice volume.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my app I am giving the option for users to share information with other users of my app. After two users decide to share, every time one of the sharers updates the app I need an alert/notification sent to the phone of the other user so that the app updates automatically with the new information. So basically I am looking for something along the lines of hidden text messages, which when received the app will automatically update. Can anyone point me in the direction of what to use? What Android has to offer to accomplish this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible (or is there an app available), to allow the volume up and down buttons to be used as a track changer if held down for more than a few seconds while playing a track when the phone is locked (similar to how some Sony Ericsson Cybershots work).
View 2 Replies View RelatedDont know how it happened . was never dropped and no physical damage to the phone but when i went to pick it up i noticed the missing piece.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI know this will sound like a weird question, but I was wondering if there is any way to reduce the earpiece volume? Even at it?s lowest setting it is a little louder than I prefer. Don?t know if there is an app or anything else that can be done to control the volume beyond what the phone does on it?s own? I know I could try Bluetooth, but that?s not always convenient.
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