HTC Hero :: Can't Send The Settings For Web
Sep 30, 2009Out of frustration rang o2,who have told me they can't send the settings for web as have not heard of or have settings for phoneAdvised me to return the phone for refund. FFS!!IS SHE RIGHT?

Out of frustration rang o2,who have told me they can't send the settings for web as have not heard of or have settings for phoneAdvised me to return the phone for refund. FFS!!IS SHE RIGHT?
Is there a way to send text messages automatically when entering sprint network. Sometimes I send text messages while on the train. I set it to Sprint only to avoid roaming charges. My old phone would automatically send. This one I have to resend. Are there settings to auto send when entering the sprint network?
View 1 Replies View Relatedso from what I've read in this forum (yes, I've tried), I need to do something to my APN settings to get my MMS to work. My questions are:
1) How do I change the settings? I only have one (Telus SP) and it's locked. I can't change anything whatsoever
2) What are the right settings supposed to be?
3) Does the phone need to be "rooted"? I don't even really know what that entails, I just know you need to root a phone before you can do some things.
I can't get MMS working yet on my new Telus Hero on AT&T... 3G and HSDPA works great but no MMS... anyone know the correct settings?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow do you adjust the settings in order to send video. I tried sending a 20 second video to my wife's storm and it says file to big to send? I remember my old storm had different format settings but I can't locate anything on the Incredible. If anyone has experience successfully sending video please let me know how you did it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have up til 2 weeks had no problems sending email via AOL on my incredible. Now all a sudden everytiem i go to send email it tells me the settings are wrong. I have
1. Let it check the settings and it goes through fine.
2. Delete the POP/IMAP account off the Inc and added it back
Still can't get it to email anymore...
I have had my mini pro for around 2months now, it is on o2. i have all the correct mms setting installed and yet i still can not send picture messages.i can recieve them fine..but CANT NOT SEND THEM.WHY, am actually debating about getting rid of this phone as i have tried everything and yet nothing works.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was playing around with my settings and changed my smsc number. Now I cant send texts! Is there a way to find out what my original number was, a way to reset it, or a way for me to send text again?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor some reason I'm unable to send mms but i can receive it just fine. I tried changing the apn settings to and but nothing works.
View 2 Replies View Relatedjust a quick question, I exchange files via bluetooth for work purposes just wondering iff there is an application to send files to all types of phones as Im having problems sending photos, videos, music to various of phones i.e. Nokia, Blackberry, Samsung and so on.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I send an email without invoking any activity (with Send/SendTo action)? Just compose a mail and send to recipient from my application.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to send picture messages on my UK Three Hero.It looks like the message has gone and it shows the time send but the other person just doesn't receive it.If I go into my conversation there does appear to be a speech box with a timer at the side of it. What on earth does that mean?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I have a US Hero and am using ATT, anyone know the 3G settings?
View 7 Replies View RelatedTried the ADB thing as posted
Uploaded with
Think I did something wrong can an ADB expert comment please.
HTC recommend a backup before installing a ROM. Is there a HTC backup tool? I know my Google account is online so I'm not worried about contacts and address book but what about the settings?
Android market? Will all my paid for apps still be available to me after update? Are all my installed apps memorized by the market? So finally what's the difference between Mybackup and Sprite backup or is there a better one that someone wants to recommend? My phone is not rooted and its not something I want to try at the moment.
I would like to use my Hero on our company wifi network. We use WPA2-enterprise with TLS. There seem to be settings for this in the wifi settings menus but the drop-down for certificates only show "none". Where do I put these certificates? Or how do I import them?
View 10 Replies View RelatedPost network settings for specific carriers here.
View 23 Replies View RelatedHave a HTC Hero locked to orange but I'm currently using it on o2 PAYG via a rebel SIM (o2 claim not to support the hero). Have never had functioning MMS and mobile internet although I can connect using wireless. I have changed my APN settings.
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo I'm trying to figure out how I can get English (United States) set up on my new Hero. I've looked through the Locale Text settings and found a few English settings, but they were all for Poland or Czech or wherever, no US. With my current setting, it connects me to UK versions of sites, and apps like ShopSavvy returns products in Pounds. I want USD please.Does anyone have a solution for this?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've noticed in the last few days that my display turns off after 1 minute when idle, even when actively running Googlemaps with directions, etc. This is overwriting the 10 minutes in settings - very annoying.Am also running PowerManager and TaskPanel, but haven't changed any of the settings for ages, so I can't see if these can be interfering.
View 3 Replies View RelatedInstalled vr12 last night and loving it. Only one problem so far, the weather settings for update automatically and how often have become greyed out. Also on the home screen the weather info keeps disappearing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got a new, unbranded, unlocked Hero (my first, so I have no idea how things are supposed to work), and can't seem to get anywhere:After start I get language settings, then select "next", then a request for a SIM card. I don't have that card yet, but I can't skip this window. According to HTC-support, a SIMcard is not necessary for setting up the phone, using many of the functions, and using WiFi. But they didn't tell me how to solve the problem.After a lot of fiddling around, I managed to find the WiFi settings and got connected there. But there simply is no Home Page (or whatever its called, the main page that you see in all the adverts), I can't get to settings, there are no applications.I did a hard/factory restart, but no joy - the problem stays the same.
View 15 Replies View RelatedBeen having some weird MMS related problems in the last couple of days. To try to resolve them i've been trying to edit the APN settings, however, i've got 4(!) APN setttings on my phone which are locked, can't be edited or deleted. I'm sure i could edit them at some point in the past, but now all of them have little padlock icons next to them.
Phone was purchased unlocked but pre-configured for vodafone uk. Am i missing something obvious or has my brain gone wrong?
What is the best settings to have the camera on so when i take pictures it comes out great.
View 12 Replies View Relatedi know theres been a few posts about mms settings but im still having trouble. I have an unlocked Hero currently on O2, ive tried several mms settings and have now just erased them all as non seem to work. Does anyone have some settings that work which i can copy? And also when i goto the htc hero isnt selectable to be sent the settings.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor some reason I cannot send or receive MMS on my Hero. I can surf the web and send regular text msgs without a problem but no dice with MMS. What gives? Anyone have MMS working on At&t on their hero?
View 10 Replies View RelatedWith any other phone, if an SMS fails to send due to no signal, it stays in the outbox, and is automatically retried when there's a signal again.
So why not on Hero? I tried to send a message just now, it failed. When I find a signal... nothing happens. MOREOVER, when I bring up the failed message, and hit SEND, it says "invalid content"... I eventaully worked out this is because it doesn't think I'm re-sending the failed message, it thinks I'm trying to "REPLY" to it with a fresh message.
Is there any way to resolve this very basic issue?
Like is there away where when u have a ringtone to send it to someone like via sms or mms? I download all my ringtones from and it always seems to save to my music folder and i don't want that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't send SMS (but can receive). Can someone tell me how to find the settings in the Hero (and possibly confirm the O2 settings)?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy hero wont let me send texts out, i can receive them, i just cant send any out, ive tried turning it off and on, but it hasn't cleared the issue, and i have a strong signal too (im on the three network)..
View 5 Replies View Related