HTC Hero :: (Uploaded) ADB MMS Settings
Apr 26, 2010Tried the ADB thing as posted
Uploaded with
Think I did something wrong can an ADB expert comment please.

Tried the ADB thing as posted
Uploaded with
Think I did something wrong can an ADB expert comment please.
I can't get MMS working yet on my new Telus Hero on AT&T... 3G and HSDPA works great but no MMS... anyone know the correct settings?
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy mom is using an HTC Hero from Sprint, and she really wanted to be able to have the stamp at the end of certain functions that says for example "Uploaded by Android" on Facebook, or "Mail sent via Android" when she sends mail on Yahoo Mail. Hers says "Uploaded by HTC Sense".The problem is that I have an HTC Evo and I use the Yahoo Mail app or Facebook App. I cannot find the same app on her phone, I think its because her phone uses an older version of the Android OS. Is there ANY way that she can get this stamp? Any way at all? She really would like this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to find an app that allows video uploading to Facebook so I went to the full site on my phone and selected video upload and that worked. Using WiFi the whole process took about 60 seconds. I didn't realize this was possible. If this is common knowledge then I apologize for starting a new thread.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs Their any reason why the droid cannot play mp3's that were uploaded to a website?? My Brother downloaded a track (hes a dj) onto this website Download Its Payday, for real.mp3 - and when I try and download it onto the droid it says "sorry the player does not support this type of audio file" yet its just a simple mp3. Any suggestions? Obviously on my laptop it works fine. I even tried renaming the extension but no luck. the "sorry the player does not support this type of audio file" error when I try to play the track)
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow many applications can I to upload in google play?
This is important to me because I've read that one can get only few dollars per year with ads. So if a develop just one, two or three apps my incomes will be poor, but... what about 10 apps? or 20 apps? or more... can I? what is the limit?
of course I'm not taking about junk apps.
you knows if is possible tags a friend in photo already uploaded?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOkay, 2nd day with this great phone. I have loaded a video onto it with no problem [into the media folder] but how do I watch it? Is there a video player on here, if so where? Is there a file manager? If so where? If not, can I get one?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am currently using the official Twitter app and it's not too bad on the whole. However, I was wondering if there is a way of being able to comment on photos which have been uploaded via TweetPhoto etc, from the official Twitter app? I know you can add TweetPhoto to your allowed applications via Twitter on a computer, but there doesn't seem to be a way to comment on the photo from my mobile. I could reply to the tweet, but that doesn't leave a comment underneath the picture of TweetPhoto. Hope all that makes sense.
View 8 Replies View RelatedInconsistently - when I send pictures to someone they come out sideways. I have read others having the same issue, but haven't read a fix. It happens sometimes when sending MMS and uploading onto facebook.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo, after a video is uploaded to youtube. I'm looking for a way to access its uploaded youtube id. My best idea is that this information might be stored in some content provider somewhere. Anyone have an idea?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a function I am using to upload files. How can I get the number of bytes of the file that have been uploaded (transferred)? Can I setup a timer that does this? If so, what variable to I read to get the number of bytes uploaded?
Here is my code:
For Wuzzle, the signed trial APK is 878KB and the signed full game APK is 934KB. I do have copy protection turned on for both and it did say it would increase the space needed. I figured that meant it would add an extra 10KB or something reasonable. They are listed on the market as being 1.71MB and 1.82MB respectively. I didn't think it would literally double the app size!
My other game, Light Racer has a signed APK of 288KB and is posted with no copy protection. It is listed on the market as 289KB, which is correct.
Has anyone else noticed this?
The application I have uploaded into my cellular device is shown without the pictures I have insert to it. While the APK runs without problems on emulator when installed on Motorola milestone picture and icon doesn't shown as they were on emulator.
Steps I have done in order to install:
- I have inserted the xxx.apk file into the device via usb
- I downloaded an apps installer via the Market
- I opened the app using the installer and instead of picture an white background appeared
when I opened the xxx.apk file using file system I found the pictures.
Note: even an application icon weren't appearing. Apparently the res library having problem to be bined to application.
- I might need to add something to my appliction manifest?
- I might need to change something on my device ? (I already made a change and enabled user's not Market application).
I also tried an example as shown in hello android book the same example worked perfectly on the emulator where on my android device (Motorola milestone) the picture and icon weren't shown. Please tell me what I might be doing wrong guys I need to apply my project back at uni (I was the only one in uni who did it on android and in my country most of pep don't even know what android is so getting help outside of forum's like this is not an option).
In my android application,I want to save some photos uploaded from a server on my database and then reuse them later. I think I should save them in a binary format and save their links into the database. Is it the better solution? Can you give some code or an example? now I only uploaded the image and display it directly using an ImageView but I want to make it available in my application when the user is offline.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThought I'd inquire here where perhaps some other dev is having similar problems currently. I've done this before (months ago) and as far as I can tell, I'm doing it the same way. My 480x854 24-bit PNG screenshots are being scaled/cropped by Market. Same with 480x854 jpgs. It looks like they're being cropped to 480x800 but of course, Market won't let me upload an image with those dimensions. Windows explorer confirms that my PNG file is of the proscribed size and bit depth.
The app is Metronome++ if you want to see what the problem looks like on Market. Do I really need to work around this by providing screenshots with margins? As 480x854 is a standard screen size, I am assuming the intent is for the screenshot to go edge to edge in both horizontal and vertical directions. Perhaps mistakenly.
Going to my gallery I "share" or "quick upload" to facebook it uploads, but it always appears sideways.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm having a problem with getting Facebook photos to upload to my wall. Instead they're just showing up in the Mobile Uploads section, without ever appearing in the news feed. I've searched everywhere online and found a few people with the same problem, but no solutions.
What's odd is I didn't have this problem when I tried the same thing yesterday. Yesterday was the first time I'd directly uploaded a photo from my phone to Facebook, though I've had my Droid for months. (Yeah, I'm a little slow with some of this stuff). I used the method of going to the Gallery, choosing my photo and then selecting Menu > Share > Facebook. I added a caption, and the photo & caption showed up on myFacebook wall, just the way I wanted.
Today I tried the same method for a new photo, and it didn't show up on my wall at all, just went straight to Mobile Uploads. As far as I can figure, I did everything exactly the same as I did it yesterday, but maybe I'm missing something. Can anyone think of a step I might have missed, or does anyone know a way to fix this?
I've uploaded videos from my phone to youtube before most recently the past couple of weeks. I go to upload one right now and it looks normal connected to my account and everything. It says complete when its finished, but when I go to youtube the video isn't there. Tried it about 5 times and same thing every time.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have uploaded my application's .apk file to a server. When i try to download that .apk file to my android HTC HERO phone then it gives error saying "file size cannot be determined". I also enabled settings to "allow install of non-Market applications" in my HTC HERO. Please help me if i am missing somthing. and is there any signing we have to do in android like symbian signing in Symbian Devices?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I get the photo I uploaded to my profile to appear as my avatar on my posts?
View 1 Replies View RelatedA couple of weeks ago I uploaded one of App which happens to be a widget. But from the time I uploaded it I have seen lots of cancellation. The only reason google gives me is this: You canceled this order. Reason: Other (describe below) Message sent to customer: Cancellation requested from phone.
I cant get heads or tail of it. What should I understand from this? There are no feedback, neither any ratings. Who is "YOU" here? I suppose this is not a programming question but this has raised after a lot of programming. Did anyone else also get something like this from Google and know what it exactly means?
I've just uploaded my application supports many languages. Android Market shows "Localized to: unknown". I have resvalues-fr-rFR, resvalues-es-rES, resvalues-ru-rRU etc. localized folders. Found that same issue has reported as issue 5930 but didn't find any responses.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI've been searching for a mod stock browser that can download from rapidgator or uploaded. but i cant find one. My question is, is there a stock browser that can download from rapidgator or uploaded sites? I know i can use opera browser or mozilla to download. but i dont want to use another browser.
ps. i also tried to change the user agent from mobile to desktop but no luck.
I lost my photos when i did a hard reset on my phone. Is there a way to up or download your FB photos back to your phone like u do when uploading photos to FB from your phone? HTC EVO Design 4G
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy phone is set to arrive tuesday, very excited. I was curious if I am able to upload full length movies that I download on my computer, onto the phone or SD card for viewing. I work in an ambulance lot of down time. If I can watch full length movies during my day this would be the greatest phone of all time.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI was just uploading music and photos to my Vibrant with DoubleTwist and I don't know what happened that now the phone says...
Can not mount external SD card...
I can't see any of the music or photos that I was uploading.
I did reset the phone and keeps doing it.
So I have a US Hero and am using ATT, anyone know the 3G settings?
View 7 Replies View RelatedOut of frustration rang o2,who have told me they can't send the settings for web as have not heard of or have settings for phoneAdvised me to return the phone for refund. FFS!!IS SHE RIGHT?
View 25 Replies View RelatedHTC recommend a backup before installing a ROM. Is there a HTC backup tool? I know my Google account is online so I'm not worried about contacts and address book but what about the settings?
Android market? Will all my paid for apps still be available to me after update? Are all my installed apps memorized by the market? So finally what's the difference between Mybackup and Sprite backup or is there a better one that someone wants to recommend? My phone is not rooted and its not something I want to try at the moment.