HTC Droid Eris :: Search Button On Google Mobile Won't Link?
Feb 14, 2010Anyone else having an issue with this? Not that I need it since I mostly use the search button on the phone. Just curious.

Anyone else having an issue with this? Not that I need it since I mostly use the search button on the phone. Just curious.
Lots of people underestimated Apple and thought Android phones were ahead of the game. Judging by this video, it seems like a tie if not Apple has the race still won. I mean, the fluidness of iPhone is just amazing, which honestly makes it look more intriguing.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am getting a new phone because mine got broken in half. I am torn between the X and the Fascinate. I am leaning toward the fascinate but want to know how to get google search on touchwiz because i don't want to switch launchers. I don't like adw or launcher pro. If I have to switch launchers to get google, I'll just get the X.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo I just got my Google Voice invite today, and rushed through the setup process. I now can't for the life of me, figure out how to NOT use my Google Voice voicemail and just use the standard Verizon voicemail.
When I go to Settings>Call>Voicemail Service and toggle it back to "My Carrier" and then dial *86 instead of getting my Verizon inbox choices it gives me my Google Voice voicemail greeting and prompts me to leave a message.
I've toggled the "Google Voicemail" and "My Carrier" setting back and forth a few times to no avail, tried to reboot, unlinked and uninstalled everything and still can't seem to figure out how to get back to the normal Verizon voicemail box. I know I'll eventually get comfortable with GV that I'll just want to use that, but for the time being I'd like to use my Verizon voicemail. Not to mention that there were 4 messages in that inbox that I hadn't listened to yet and now I cannot find them or access them anywhere.
Does anyone else have problems with this not working? I have a shortcut on my main screen to this and all of a sudden since yesterday I have to hit the network button like 10 times for it to turn on or off. I have to keep it off at work otherwise I won't have enough beattery life in it to get past 3 o'clock due to signal loss in my building.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a question regarding a feature that just seemed to disappear from Handcent SMS.
Before, when I composed a message in the app or using quick compose (long press search button), there would be a drop down list of possible choices when I began typing in the "To:" field. For example, if I typed "k", it would show names beginning with "k". But now the feature is gone and it really sucks when I want to compose a text.
Does anyone else have this issue? Is it Handcent's problem or a software problem (v2.1 bug?), and does anyone know how to fix it?
Google has released a Search by Sight application using the camera to detect and search! Search By Sight With Google Goggles. Unfortunately the fine print reads "Available on phones that run Android 1.6+ (i.e. Donut or Eclair)" so we'll have to wait until the 2010 update that @HTC promised. Still pretty exciting technology here! Maybe by the time we get it, the bugs will be worked out. It's a labs product still after all.
View 12 Replies View RelatedBefore, when I pressed the search button (the one with the magnifying glass) it cued up the google search bar. Now, after theming, the search button does nothing from the homescreen, but does still work while in applications, the browser, the market, etc. I am running launcher pro, deodexed w/ revolution.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm curious why anyone would use the Google Search box (and take up that home screen space) when all you have to do is press the magnifying glass for the same feature (and on any home screen, without having to scroll back to the widget). A long-press opens voice search, so I see no benefit in even using the widget at all.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI set Dolphin as my default browser. If I use the Google search widget, it opens up the stock browser, then if I click a link, it opens the link in Dolphin. How can I make the search default to Dolphin? What is the pay version of Dolphin and is it worth it?
View 43 Replies View RelatedHow do i set the Google search bar widget so that it opens in the dolphin browser? is this possible?
View 6 Replies View RelatedAre there any custom Google search bars that you can install on your phone instead of the plain white search bar?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCurrently using Dolphin HD on my desire. When using the soft search button is there anyway of changing it to search via and not Its really annoying when your search results are all for American sites. The stock desire browser uses co.UK but I much prefer Dolphin HD.
View 3 Replies View RelatedYou would think since Google has their own web browser Chrome they would have made a mobile version of it and included it as the stock browser. I use Chrome on all my machines and would like to see it on my Eris. Does anyone have any info or idea when this will happen?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI need a link for the google app pack so i could start using my roms normally.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy status on Google Talk never changes despite the fact that I have the settings checked in settings to "go to away when I turn off the screen" as well as "show mobile indicator to friends". This wasn't functional in 1.5, 2.1v1 and now 2.1v3 on my Eris. Has anyone had success? I've seen this function work on a TMobile rooted G1 but that's it.
I can watch the indicator change on the web when I change it manually (signed in as another user), and its very responsive. However, no auto-away when i lock the phone, and no indication that I'm on a mobile phone.
Is there a way to clear the search history in the market search engine?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there is a way to change the google search bar. I made one but how would I go about installing it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedOk so google just announced the new Voice Search and Google Search apps, that work only on Froyo (2.2). I'm on that OS (yeah!) but can't install the apps? Anyone have some clues? Neither app can install successfully. I'm on CelebFroyo 1.9 for full details on the new function: Just speak it: introducing Voice Actions for Android
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to disable the search button at the bottom? I keep touching it by accident and it screws up my navigation.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm using android qsb feature in my app. Qhen user click len button on hes keyboard, i open quick search box with one input box and one button.
I want to know if i can add another button in qsb.
I think it is possible, Google has added search by voice button in qsb.
I couldn't find anything on this so here we go.We all have the hard button for "Search".is it possible to have it search EVERYTHING but not give you Google suggestions first? (I can uncheck Google in the settings, but I want those suggestions as well, just not to clutter the top of the search) Let's say I want to find a Pizza place down the street from me.It's very possible it's already in my contacts, so when I type in "Johnny G's", I'd rather see any possible contacts first, and google searches after.But instead I get all google and youtube suggestions first and have to scroll through a long list to see if the contact is in my phone.This is the same for Songs and Artists as well.ALSO, anybody have a problem using the search button in Landscape?I type in something, then hit the back button to drop the keyboard, and it returns me back to the home screen.This works for dropping the keyboard in text messages because it's quicker than Holding the menu button.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUsing G1, go to Notice the site is able to detect the user agent from the browser and provides a link to search the MySpace application on the Android Marketplace. Google's publishing provides options to search, e.g.<package>. This does not work for me.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to create a search in my app which acts like the map search in the Google Maps app. I have creates an an auto complete text view which updates dynamically based on the results of the Geocoder.GetLocationByName() Method. However the results retrieved from this function are really bad and not at all consistent with the text I pass to it. Is there a better method of doing this to achieve accurate results?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen the phone is locked, but the screen is on, if you hold down the search button for a couple of seconds and then say something, the voice search will run. when you unlock the phone, you will see the results. when the screen is off however, it doesn't work. it only happens with the screen on and the phone locked. i thought that none of the buttons should work when the phone is locked?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to start MyActivity class when the user clicks on the search button on the handset.
Are there any strategies you can suggest for this? Any code examples would be very useful.
You must be on the 2.1 OTA or 2.1.3 leak. This link will take you to information of how to get back to stock to receive this update.[url]
1. Download and re-name to
2. Turn your phone off, and then back on by pressing Vol-Up & End/Power until the phone starts.
3. Wait 15 seconds.
4. Then press Vol-Up & End/Power again - you should get a short menu, one entry of which will say something about ""; choose that.
5. After the update applies itself, reboot.
This will change your Settings>About Phone to
Firmware 2.1
Baseband Version
Software Number: 2.37.605.4
Link courtesy of gr8grumpy on XDA
Tutorial courtesy of EU
Post-OTA Software information from Praetorian
Only providing link, no support, use at your own risk etc..
Reasoning behind March 31st coming and going and nothing OTA? Looks like we've been bumped from Eclair to FroYo and this is the projected version. Root files are included as well.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo Google has finished their announcement and it's Chrome to Phone & Google's One-Button Voice Actions. Basically my question is are these features that would just need to be turned on in the ROMs or are these things going to be released in future Froyo updates? I understand for Chrome to Phone it's going to be a plugin in Chrome and a download from the market for the phones.
Chrome to Phone on Gizmodo
One-Button Voice Actions on Gizmodo
After doing some research I've found Chrome to Phone available in the Market and in the Chrome Extensions. Works perfectly
Initially got the package signed incorrectly error for the Voice Search, did a nand backup, used titanium to uninstall the default voice search, rebooted and installed voice search through the market. Worked perfectly. I'd assume this would work for any Froyo ROMs but haven't tested.
Everybody with a Verizon account can get to this page by clicking the "more support" link in their overview page of their Verizon account, but I thought it would be handy to have the generic link bookmarked to check at various times.
Software Update: DROID Eris by HTC<br>Coming Soon!