HTC Desire :: Wifi Authenticating - Pages Won't Load
Oct 6, 2010
However my phone will connect to my wifi at home no problems, it automatically switches when it's in range, but after about 20-30 minutes it stops working (pages won't load etc or get an error message saying I need to be connected) and when I go into wifi in settings it says 'authenticating' instead of connected. It doesn't change back if left you have to turn it off and back on and then it works fine for 20-30 minutes and back to the same problem again. I have never had a problem with the internet connection and there is no interuption to it or anything.
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Jun 10, 2010
I have a problem with the wifi... its able to connect to my router but im not able to use the internet. web pages wont load, ebuddy wont connect, fring wont connect, android market wont load. the wifi internet was working before and now its not. currently my laptop is connected via wifi and its confirmed I can browse websites and chat through aim. 3G network works fine but I want to save battery life when I'm at home.
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Sep 23, 2010
A few days ago I was using my schools wifi with no issue (its unsecured)
Now I can connect to the wifi but pages will simply not open (try again later or whatever the generic error message is)
I reset everything I could find still nothing.
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Nov 21, 2010
For some reason today my phone wont load web pages or facebook app while im on my home wifi. I have never had any wifi problems before this. Actually the only problem I have had is sending and receiving picture messages. Anyone know what may cause this? The phone says its connected and full strength signal also.
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Mar 10, 2010
Web pages seem to load very slowly on my N1, when not using wifi. I use an orange SIM card that I got with my old nokia N82, which was a 3g phone. I always struggled with internet speeds with that phone too. I do get the "G" and the arrows below it flashing away as suggest 3g is working. Maybe I expect too much, but Jesus it can be frustrating!
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Oct 25, 2010
Everything else on my HTC HERO seems to function normally. But starting yesterday, any effort to call up a webpage, either using the browser or using the bookmarks on one of my home screens, fails. The page tries to load but then the phone just jumps back to the bookmarks home, or the home screen. Any ideas?
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Jun 25, 2009
When Im connected via the mobile network, the default browser wont load pages with SSL (secure pages).
It just shows the padlock and nothing else.
The default browser loads SSL pages when connected via Wi-Fi.
Opera browser load SSL pages both via the mobile network and Wi-Fi.
I tried resseting to default in the browser but it didnt help.
I find it really odd.
If I uninstall the browser, can I reinstall it from market (I didnt see it there).?
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Jun 14, 2010
I've been trying to stream videos on my phone--not Youtube, and I just can't get the pages to load. I've been trying to watch stuff on using Dolphin browser HD. Can the evo not load content on this site, or is it the browser?
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Jan 20, 2010
Title stated, Google search, Google home search, etc. Wont load(blank screen after progress bar fills.) What have I done now.
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Apr 6, 2009
Can one use an Android phone to access basically local (think intranet for example) web servers to view pages? I ask this question because some cell phones with some phone network appear to use a special server to funnel cell phone requests thru and that the server offloads from the browser part of what a browser normally does. I get the impression that the Opera mobile browser works this way.I want to talk to local devices that serve web pages and connect directly to them from phones. Does the Chrome browser in Android have the full functionality that Chrome has on a PC? Can it parse HTML, do XMLHttpRequest, and otherwise act like a modern browser?
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Jul 31, 2010
long time reader, first time poster here. i just came from the HTC incredible where the browser was super fast.. and for some reason it seems extremely slow on the X, i am literally waiting and counting Mississippi's for the pages to load.. does anyone out there have the same problem? and if so.. what is the solution.
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Jul 5, 2010
I have a Vodafone prepaid sim and live in bangalore.I got the sim recharged for rs 95 for the unlimited GPRS pack.The phone shows the "E" EDGE symbol but when i open the browser the pages dont load. Please give me the APN settings which will work.
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Aug 21, 2012
Within the last week my tablet stating running very slow.
Pages take a long time to load Apps take forever to load Apps crash every other time I open them.
I thought it was my router (netgear n600) but my iPad and cell phone.
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Dec 26, 2009
I've been working for the past couple of days to allow users to login to an android app with their gmail account and pass the authentication token to my app hosted on app engine - so i can download xml from my web services hosted on app engine as if the user logged into the app directly. There is a lot of info on ways to get the google auth code and the auth cookie and then pass the cookie in the header of an http request - but no info out there on doing all of this from android and going as far as to add the cookie to the remaining http requests. So, now that's it's working, i thought i'd compile it all together and post the solution here in my blog - enjoy.
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Feb 27, 2010
I'm writing an Android app that, among other things, uses the GData libraries to upload videos shot with the camera to Youtube (code below). However, I'm a bit confused about how to authenticate my users. Can I simply assume that they are already signed in to Youtube, since they're using Android? Or do I need to ask them to authenticate? In which case, should I use ClientLogin? There seems to be little example code on how to use ClientLogin in Android, and since it's using people's Google account passwords, it obviously needs to be secure. I'm a bit concerned at the prospect of writing my own authentication code without much guidance, and at the extra step required from users.
It seems odd that I have to ask people to authenticate for a Google service, given that they are using Google phones and the inbuilt Google apps don't require external authentication. Why is this? It seems to put my app at a disadvantage to Google's own apps.
Here's the code that I have, below:.....................
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Jul 19, 2010
I wonder if it's possible to authenticate an app with a http server. THe server API does not require user name or password, but I'd like to expose the server API to a particular app only (so that it cannot be abused by other program). At this point I think it's impossible but figure it won't hurt to ask.
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Aug 3, 2010
When I view web pages its quite a few is there an easier way to get to my home screen than pressing backup all the time passing all the pages I've seen before I get back to the beginning,
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May 20, 2010
I had a quick browse of earlier and with just a few pages, I'd used near on 4.5Mb. Is there any way to streamline web page downloads other than to not download images? Either that or are there any other browsers available that might not download in as high a resolution as the default browser or Dolphin?
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Jun 21, 2010
When I connect to the internet with 3G, the HTC browser don't open any pages but Opera Browser does, note that HTC browser works fine on WiFi!!!
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Sep 10, 2010
For some strange reason, since the 2.2 update. My shortcuts on my pages keep disappearing & in there place is a deleted box, which is unusable. I create the shortcuts using folderorganiser & it only happens on a few.
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Jul 16, 2010
I had my desire only a few months and Im having a few problems. Even though it shows full signal I lose calls halfway through people try calling me only to get my answer phone but phone is next to me showing full signal. If I try and use the internet it won't upload pages unless I put wi-fi on. It's not where I live as husband on same network and his phone is fine. What should do.
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Sep 6, 2010
I have been using LP Plus and absolutely love it, transformed the phone IMO. I am however, having problems with the bookmark display in that it is not displaying the web pages in the widget as it should be, it just comes up with the name and a standard image. I have tried just going into the page but it doesn't work.
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Aug 29, 2010
Problem is, any page on the BBC News website containing a Flash movie crashes the stock browser . So, while this and this are OK. This, this and even the mobile help page crash the browser (links included for you to try ). No force close, the browser just vanishes and I get returns me to the phone home screen.
I've cleared the cache and cookies and even restarted the phone to no avail (and no, I'm not doing a hard reset ).
iPlayer pages are OK as is YouTube.
Is this a BBC problem? Is anyone else having the same issue or is it just me?
Running stock browser on LauncherPro on FroYo.
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Nov 20, 2010
Probably me being picky but I've noticed when scrolling through menus or web pages the images are blurry until you take your finger off or the image has stopped moving in which the image re-adjusts it's self.
My Hero never had this issue, much more smoother looking when scrolling. I just wanted to check that others where experiencing this and that it was the norm or not?
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Oct 11, 2010
I have two options to share web pages, facebook and friend stream. Can someone tell me what the difference is please?
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Oct 4, 2010
Just bought my Epic over the weekend, love it so far.
However, the WIFI will connect, obtain an IP address but doesn't work. Pages wont load, marketplace wont connect etc.
Home network is WPA2 TKIP and AES
Work network is wide open
I tried kicking it into airplane mode and then turning airplane mode off, doesn't seem to matter.
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Aug 21, 2010
I'm using Dolphin HD and I'm wondering if there's a way to load images when on wifi, and turn them off when on mobile network. I'm on a very limited data plan (20mb) but I don't want to have to turn off images every time I'm connected to wifi.
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Dec 9, 2013
I own HTC Desire (Bravo). I rooted my phone year ago or so, tried different ROMs etc. I dont remember when exactly, but my Google play store is loading pages really slow. I am not in US, I doubt its carrier based issue..
Currently I'm using CM..I think its 8 or 9, not sure of the version because recently my ROM manager app stopped working. (Will try to reinstall it when I get calm enough to open Google Play Store again )
On the startup it says CM 7 (mod) but I think it does so for all versions. I flashed CM using clockwork mod.
To solve issue I've tried clearing cash/data but it didn't work . Btw I use wi-fi mostly, but issue is the same whether I use mine or some other wi-fi.
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Jun 11, 2013
I am trying to compile a WiFi driver (ath6kl) for my Sony Xperia E (Android version: 4.1.1, compilation: 11.3.A.0.47). I have downloaded the source code for compilation 11.3.A.0.47 from here:
I have compiled required kernel modules (cfg80211 and ath6kl_sdio), but I have encountered some problems during this proccess. I don't understand why on my android device (in /system/lib/modules/ath6kl) there are two modules: ath6kl_sdio.ko and cfg80211.ko (first one depends on the second one). But when I look at my sources, I see the following module dependencies for ath6kl: ath6kl_sdio -> ath6kl_core -> cfg80211. So there are 3 modules instead of 2. Anyway, after some modification (I merged ath6kl_core and ath6kl_sdio into one module) I managed to compile ath6kl.
I have replaced compiled modules in /system/lib/modules/ath6kl on my android device, then rebooted and I got the following error:
<4>[ 23.055226] ath6kl_sdio: disagrees about version of symbol cfg80211_sched_scan_results
<4>[ 23.055251] ath6kl_sdio: Unknown symbol cfg80211_sched_scan_results (err -22)
I am very desperate cause I want to modify this driver (to be able to calculate some network statistics) but I cannot load modules at all so I am stuck.
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May 24, 2010
I'm having to move networks from Virgin back to o2.
I'll be returning the Virgin Desire and just received the o2 Desire today.
Setting it up went well, accounts added etc. but I'm having trouble with the WiFi - I can't disable it, every time I do it switches itself back on - I'm assuming that's something to do with the o2 firmware and it wouldn't be a big deal if the WiFi worked properly
I set it to install all my apps, but wouldn't over Wifi, only over 3G, I can't browse the internet or check for software updates in settings... I've got 2 email accounts set up - Gmail & Exchange (just as I did on the other handset), and it's just told me it can't sync to the Exchange server now though it seems to have been fine so far...
Yet I've just sent myself a test email over WiFi successfully - it appeared straight away in the webmail and then back on the handset, so some part of it's working...
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