HTC Desire :: How To Clean Desire Especially Battery Cover?
Sep 26, 2010How to clean htc desire especially the battery cover, it is very hard to clean

How to clean htc desire especially the battery cover, it is very hard to clean
I have a HTC desire and have droped it does anyone know where I can get a replacement battery cover from.
View 11 Replies View RelatedIs it just my Desire or does the battery cover click and pop once you taken it off like it never quite fits tight?
View 6 Replies View Relatedif you look under your battery door, there is like abit that sticks out, and i accidently peeled a bit away, and it reveals a copper...sheet ...type it some sort of signal booster? what is it doing on the battery door? you can see the little shiny thing in the middle left area?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI took off the battery cover today when my phone wouldn't turn off. It was in shutdown mode for about 25 minutes, so I just pulled the battery. This is the first time I've taken the cover off. I've spent over 45 minutes trying to get the cover back on correctly. What a piece of trash! All the connectors are still there, but when I put the cover on, it not longer has a "smooth" feel, but its clunky since the top left side (near the volume key), as well as the top right side straight across. No matter what I do, those parts of the cover will NOT stay down. I've tried connecting the cover every different way, as well as pressing down on each connector after its on to see if I can find a lose spot. No luck. 45 damn minutes and I'm about to throw it across the room. Seriously, I love this phone but if something this stupid is going to happen, I may as well switch phones because this is the most frustrated I've ever been with a cell phone.
View 38 Replies View RelatedOrange are replacing my Desire, and I asked for a Black, but have just realized they told me to keep the BROWN battery cover.
Are they different or is it just the front? Will the Brown cover look stupid on a black? It looks black-ish, maybe a tiny brown tinge.
I have just noticed over the last few days that when I change my battery and put my battery cover back on that the left side in the middle is slightly raised. I have made sure that I have pushed down enough but no good. I have even bought a new battery cover but still the same problem.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHey all. I noticed in the top right hand corner underneath my battery cover on back it says the word void. Surely this is only meant to show If I have moved anything. Only had the phone 2 weeks.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo, how do you guys and girls keep your desire-screens clean? What are the do's and dont's of good screen-keeping?
View 13 Replies View RelatedMy memory is getting very low.I know about all the move to SD methods; I want to try and get rid of some unused data first.I always see posts about clear data and clear cache.Yes, this frees up space but do the apps actually need this data? What is the difference between data and cache? e.g.If I clear data from my contacts app, will all my contacts be deleted?What am I safe to clean up? Is there a way of cleaning up everything at once? Is there an equivalent to defrag and disc clean up? Any advice on getting some memory back without moving apps would be great.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that enables a clean up of old unused files, cache, internet files, etc
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was running rooted 2.1 and then did a clean install to 2.2. I went to marketplace, and SOME of my previously paid for apps showed up as 'purchased' which I then reinstalled fine, but a lot of the rest are not even appearing when I search for them, although their free demo versions do appear. My google checkout lists all the apps I paid for no problems when I look at purchase history on a computer, but still, I cannot even search for these paid apps, let alone attempt to install them!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've made the mistake of dropping my desire and now it has a few scratches,particularly on the bronze part. Is there anyway to replace this cover or buy an official version of it? I already have the case for it but I dropped it when it was outside the case.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy battery cover doesn't seem to fit flush on the corners (camera end), has anyone else had this problem and are there any remedies for it?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI've had my Desire for just over 2 months now and like to think I look after it - i.e. it doesn't get dropped or thrown about etc. However I've noticed that the rear camera lens cover is already badly scratched which is having a detrimental effect on any photos I take - they have a slightly 'misty' look to them. Quite disappointed by all of this as I owned a SE W880i for 3 years and the lens is still as good as the first day it left the box Just wonder if anyone else has experienced this problem and if there is a fix? I could pop out and buy another cover but I fear it would only last another 2 months and using a protective case isn't that appealing!
View 33 Replies View RelatedI'm thinking of getting the HTC desire when it releases in the US and I know it has already in Europe. I'm one of those people that would use the phone for internet, texting,probably not emailing.I'm interesting in what you guys' batter life is.Like if you had 3g off and all those battery saving tips.Like manual switching 3g on when needed etc.Since I want an accurate time to go by because I'm going to do the exact thing when I get mine.Using battery saving tips for max.As well if any hardcore power saving iphone users can post their times as well since I can't find anything on the web relating to that.
View 27 Replies View Relateddoes anyone know where to get the best extended battery for the HTC Desire?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHTC desire users. I often charge my phone rather frequently like once it twice a day. Sometimes I charge even when the battery is only half full as I am going out. Will this spoil the battery or phone? (If I charge when the battery have not been all used up).I heard from people that it might spoil the phone if I charge in this manner frequently.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI've only opened it once while on the phone with sprint activating it. It felt really hard to take off and put back on. Is there any tip on best way to remove and replace the cover without feeling like it's going to break?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI lost my battery cover (or someone stole it) from my birthday party. I cannot seem to find one online. I called HTC and they dont have one available, but maybe I got the wrong rep? I called ATT and they were no help. There is an HD Mini (somewhat of the same phone) battery cover on eBay but it doesnt have the metal connections since the battery cover of an Aria is part of the antenna. Please help me find one! Even if I have to buy an extended battery (with battery cover) so be it. I just need my phone back.
View 8 Replies View RelatedWouldn't it be sweet if some manufacturer came out with a transparent battery cover? I think the back looks so cool.
View 22 Replies View RelatedThe battery cover is terrible. The rest is outstanding though. 1 feature I didnt know it was gonna have is the FM radio which works excellent.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFinally got my replacement EVO yesterday was all excited until I just noticed the battery door cover does not fit tight! There is a gap along the whole right side. big enough for dirt and dust to get into the phone. The build date is 7/05/10. Also, the camera lens is not centered in the cover hole. There no red showing on the bottom of the hole and a big red gap on the top of the hole. I cannot believe HTC lets phones like this out the door! Where is the QA/QC?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying but I just don't want to break it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have a problem with how the battery cover fits? If I squeeze the phone on the opposite side of the volume button towards the bottom of the phone, the case squeeks and flexs inwards. Being the OCD person that I am, I am constantly sqeeking the case and I am pretty sure that I am going to break it soon. I want to take the phone in and have it replaced but would like to just have the cover replaced rather than the whole phone.
View 18 Replies View RelatedWhat are those 3 little soft-touch squares on the back of the phone that say G, R1, and R2?
View 15 Replies View RelatedIs it just me, or does anyone else's battery cover come off way too easily? I'll accidentally slide it off when pulling my phone out of my pocket all the time... and sometimes it gets pulled off in my pocket so I take the phone out and the cover falls on the ground I really don't want to put a case on my phone just to hold the damn battery cover on.
View 47 Replies View RelatedSorry to bother you guys, but I purchased a Motorola Droid about a month ago and since then the battery cover has fell off about 5 times. The last time it fell off while I was walking and talking in the street and I couldn't find it to put it back together. So now i have a droid without the battery cover. Is anyone else experiencing this problem as well? If yes, does anyone know a solution?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone ever have trouble taking the back battery cover off? I just got my phone on Monday, and ever since I put the cover on I've wanted to take the cover off to see if I can find where the SD card is (which if anyone could point that out for me that would be great). However, when I get where only the part where it has the slit open, I feel like I would break the rest if I keep pulling that is how good it is on my phone.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI lost the battery cover for my droid. Not sure how, but tried searching online for a replacement.
View 27 Replies View Related