HTC Desire HD :: Use Sync To Install Application?
Oct 25, 2010I got my DHD today and it's great. This is my first smartphone too. I am trying to install my first app but i have to use htc sync. The software provided is for windows but I use mac.

I got my DHD today and it's great. This is my first smartphone too. I am trying to install my first app but i have to use htc sync. The software provided is for windows but I use mac.
Up until today i have had no problems with my Desire, then i tried to sync my phone with HTC Sync and the phone couldn't see the software. done the usual and checked and double checked i had the right settings, also un installed it and re installed from the SD card and it see's it but won't allow apps to be installed from my pc 80004005 is the error i get when clicking on the application installer in HTC Sync. I have tried the updated HTC sync from HTC website and that won't even install to my PC, i get an error when clicking the .exe All this was working fine yesterday and now somethings wrong Any ideas guys?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm on Froyo 2.2 (stock ROM) and i have some .apk files on my computer that I want to install, how should I do this since I cant seem to get HTC Sync to work?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm new to HTC Desire, - tried to install some new applications, but got an error message on my phone "Parse Error. There is a problem parsing the package.
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2) How to change a song for incoming call and sms using a music. because original song in the phone is so bored.
I seen to have a problem installing and updating pretty much all apps from the market. I am running anbranded and unrooted desire on 2.2. I have successfully downloaded nearly 50 apps from the market but recently it doesn't seem to install any apps including updates. I did find one that was ok (retro camera which I tried just to see) but it wont update sppedview, folder organizer lite or quick system info pro. It also doesn't seem to want to let me install quite a few other apps that I have tried (some alarm apps and some poker ones).
View 21 Replies View RelatedMy phone sync wont work
Everytime i try, it says 'Sync is currently experiencing problens. It will be back shortly'
Ive had this problem for several days
I also cant download from the Market, the download appears to start & says 'Starting download' but never progresses, i assume this could be to do with the sync not working.
Anybody know how to sync with two different computers?
Can sync with outlook on home laptop, but cannot sync People and Calendar on works laptop. Am I missing something fundamental?
I want to root my hero. problem is i can't install htc sync
I'm using xp64 bit and it tells me my operating system is not adequate
on windows 7 i get it to install, but it won't recognize my phone
I've tried downloading different versions and it does the same thing
HTC Sync desktop program... I'm at a loss. My Aria never came with a CD to install software. Where can I get the HTC Sync software?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't install the Sync software to my pc. I keep getting this error "The Generic Device Manager Executable has encountered an error and install cannot continue.
I have tried to un-install and reinstall several times and even downloaded from HTC support and same thing happens, so I am assuming it has something to do with my pc.
The pc has reconized the phone and actually the HTC window pops up but I can't click on the Syncronize Now or on the HTC Sync, and on the right side bottom of that window it shows phone as disconnected.
I am running Window XP and don't know if this matters, but I am also running IE 8.
I am trying to install an application from within another application. I know the usual way it to launch an intent with Intent.ACTION_VIEW, present it to the user and let him agree and this works. What i would like to do is perform a silent install, with no user interaction. I'd like to mention that my application is a system application, it has system rights! Still i can't seem to install it using
in my manifest and used this code:
I get "No Activity found to handle Intent" on logCat. What is the correct intent to launch the installer?
I have downloaded htc sync 2.0.4 from htc support,
installed it n it recognized my HTC MAGIC on my pc.
still i have not been able to install any .apk files to my phone.
what might be the reason for this.
the icon picture of those .apk files r black n white picture.
when i try to install it via installer app it says " 80004005 unspecified error" .
I installed an app through HTC Sync Application Install.
How do I go about removing it? It's not in "my downloads" in the market. I guess because I didn't download it through the market. any ideas?
I've checked the forum and found a couple threads related to my question but they all seem to end without a definitive answer, so here goes.....
I'm looking for a checkbook register app that can be installed on 2 Android phones and will sync with one another. Example: My wife makes a purchase and records it in the application.....I am then able to open the app on my device and view the purchase she just recorded and vice versa. As I stated above, I have checked multiple recommendations from other threads, (e.g., cashflow, firewallet, financisto, etc...), but none of them are clear as to whether or not they sync between multiple devices.
I installed HTC Sync 2.0.28 on Win XP machine and Have HTC desire connected to it. Desire is able to connect to HTC Sync and works fine.
I have setup eclipse with Android SDK on the same Win XP machine.
Problem comes here ..
HTC sync works fine as long as i don't launch any Android SDK sample applications through eclipse on to virtual device. From that point phone no longer able connect to HTC Sync . Only Solution is i have to restart my workstation then only Desire is able to connect to Synch again. Restarting phone is not working.
Many people want to install the HTC Sync on their Sprint HTC Hero cellphone to contacts events on their PC with their phone. But do not know how to do it. Don't worry, here we will share you the way to do it...
5 Steps to Install HTC Sync on HTC Hero | Sprint Cellphone Blog
How do I install new apps to the nexus phone? If I download it on my pc how to sync it to phone? Sorry I am clueless how this works.
looking for task and notes softwares can any recommendations?
Can I install HTC Sync APK on my Galaxy (to connect my organization exchange)?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm having a strange problem with a new appointment I've just entered in my Desire.Problem shows itself as follows:
1 Go to Doctor, get new appointment for 8:30am next Feb 14th.
2 Enter appointment into Desire under PC Sync calendar. Shows up OK in calendar.
3 Go Home. Sync with Outlook (2003 SP3) on home PC (XP Pro SP3)
4 Outlook shows appointment as 9:30am on Feb 14th.
5 Correct in Outlook back to 8:30 and re-sync.
6 Desire now shows appointment for 7:30am.
7 Repeat...
Off the top of my head, I'd say that there's a Daylight Saving / Summer Time issue here, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to go about fixing it.I live in Qld, Australia. Qld does not have Daylight Saving during Summer, but other Eastern Australian States do. I've only had the Desire for about 2 weeks, but no other dates have been increased/decreased by an hour when I've synced them. Google doesn't seem to be my friend (at least with the key words I've used).
I bought xperia x10 last week and since then i've been trying to download some apps and/or games but i never sucseeded. i connected with usb on the pc, i downloaded the sony ericson pc companion i tried to install appbrain on the phone i selected sync on te settings.... But i never managed to sync the phone with the pc so i can install directly from the internet or to download some apps.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI cannot install any app it says "application not installed".I have miui v5.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs the market app the only was to install applications? The reason I ask is because I went to Android Market and was reference to BooRah but I could not find it within the market application.
Also, is there a way to clear out the search data from the market app?
Is there any howto on donwloading via HTTP an application package and installing it afterwards?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to start my application just after it gets installed on the device. Is there any way out in Android to do so. I was wondering if there is any receiver to get informed on package installed.
View 8 Replies View Relatedshall we use map application in android2.0?..
I tried to install map application in android1.5 , but it is showing "Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY".
In android1.1 it is working.
I have an application that differs for different languages by resources.
Is there a possibility to install the same application on Android several times?
So, as a result I will have German version, French version, English version of the same program, but each installed as a separate applications with different icons.
I get this msg.. install not found... su install Messaging.apk install not found
View 2 Replies View RelatedSince i am new in android OS just to ask when i install application at market the app directly install at phone memory .my question is can this app we install to memory card l ikesymbian OS and WINMO OS?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have developed an application using Android SDK 1.5, application works well on Android Simulator.
Now, I am trying to install application on actual device.I don't have the Android device. So, I am going by OTA way.For this, I have generated the self sign keystore using keytool utility.And, using Eclipse's "Eclipse Signed Application package.." option I have generated the signed .apk file and moved it to my web server.Also, i added MIME type on web server for .apk.But, when I am trying to download and install the same application on device, application get downloaded and it also prompts for permission. After thag when I click on "Install", it fails with error Application Install Un-succefull.