HTC Desire : Can I Make Move From IPhone 3GS
May 26, 2010
Just wanted to say hello! I'm making the move from an iPhone 3GS to a Desire, and found this forum while googling!
I'm due to receive my Desire on Friday, and franky I cant wait. I love my iPhone, and its given me a great year, but I got fed up of the lack of user control. I jailbroke it, but thats a pain as you're frequently chasing updates etc. So Im taking the plunge and moving to Android ( much to the disgust of a couple of my Apple loving friends!).
I still think the iPhones an amazing piece of kit, but its just not for me anymore. So its just a long 2 day wait now!
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Oct 4, 2010
I want to make a map move. Q: How best do I make a map move as I drive?
Everything I know about Android maps, I learned from HelloMapView. I have all the GPS LocationManager working aok, I just need help in the map part.
Eg, is there a nudge mechanism? or something to assist me?
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Jan 26, 2010
I have a LinearLayout, when user selects my AutoCompleteTextView(ACTW) I want to move the whole layout upwards, so that the ACTW is at the top and there is space between the ACTW and software keyboard for suggestions. 1) How to do this? 2) How to make this animated (but this is not necessary)?
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Jul 29, 2009
Is there an sms app or anything that can make the text messages more like the iphone style? like its really handy when u can see what u typed and what the person replied with rather then it being in one huge pile kind of thing. i have handcent sms and it doesnt do what im quite looking for
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Nov 11, 2009
I had an iPhone until I got the Droid yesterday. I absolutely love the Droid and would never go back to an iPhone. However, the iPhone integrated well with my car radio, which has a USB port. The radio can play from USB, but then I have to navigate my folders from the radio. It's difficult, unintuitive, and less functional than playing music directly from the phone.
Is there an app that would fake out a connected device to make it think the Droid was an iPhone, and would let me use the Droid's music player interface to play music through the USB?
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Aug 16, 2010
I played with my friend's piece of shit iphone 4 (haha jk) the other day and couldn't help but notice how fluid the screen transitions were. Just wondering if it's the 30fps cap that makes my EVO the way it is and if the ROMs that break the 30fps cap makes the transitions smoother.
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Jan 27, 2009
Is it possible to make TextView to break words in the middle and then move to another line, instead moving whole word that doesn't fit to the new line ? I have a width and number of lines of the TextView and a long string and want to calculate which portion of the String will fit exactly. the code is TextView vTextShort = (TextView) findViewById (; int lineHeight = vTextShort.getLineHeight(); int nmbLines = mesuredHeight / lineHeight; Paint mPaint = vTextShort.getPaint(); String shortTextStr = mStoryText; mStoryBreakIdx = 0; vTextShort.setLines(nmbLines ); int breakText = mPaint.breakText(mStoryText.toCharArray(), 0, mStoryText.length(), mesuredWidth, null); mStoryBreakIdx = breakText * nmbLines; It seems to calculate number of chars accurately but not accounting for the space that left after word is moved to a new line if it doesn't fit fully. And i'm looking on how to either break words in the middle or how calculate a width of the text that will fit correctly.
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Aug 19, 2010
I used a ScaleAnimation to make a timebar shrink in a game. When the current level was finished, I wanted the timebar to quickly shrink to the bottom. So what I did was that if 30% of the time had passed, I assumed that 30% of the timebar was gone. So I just started a new ScaleAnimation that started at 70% of the timebars original size, assuming that this would look like a single smooth animation that speed up when the level was finished. Unfortunately the scaleanimation does not move evenly. It moves slower at the start and end, and faster in the middle.
So now I have three choices: Either I figure out how to make the ScaleAnimation move in an even speed, or I figure out the formula of how fast it moves, so I can determine exactly how big it is when a certain percent of the animation has played. Or, I find a smarter way altogether to do this timebar.
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Feb 22, 2010
Just curious, found a couple that I would like to have (sports related) that Android Market doesn't have anything close to.
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Apr 20, 2010
How can i make a dynamic flipping screen(like that of iPhone) in Android
I am parsing data through the web service. I want the flipping horizontally rather than vertically. Here is a tutorial where ViewFlipper is used but it is for static data.
Suppose we have 2 activities with their respective xml files: Splash Activity ->splash.xml Menu activity ->menu.xml Now how we can flip between these 2 activities? That is from splash to menu and vice versa.
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Mar 11, 2010
In the iPhone or Android, if you have a JQuery Slider, it doesn't quite work (touchscreen will move the screen instead of drag the slider.)
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Oct 30, 2010
Is there a quick way to change the order of the screens? For example, I'd like to move my current screen 7 and make it screen 2.
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Aug 13, 2010
for(var myLine = 0; myLine < 100; myLine++)
document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML += "line " + myLine + "<br>";
<div style="position:...etc; overflow:auto;" id="myDiv"></div>
this works without a glitch in every browser on all non mobile platforms. However... when this is implemented on iPhone (Safari) or Android (webkit) the div gets filled up with the text but no scrollbar is generated when the text runs past the height of the div and the user can't "push" the content down either. So effectively overflow is always "hidden" no matter what. I'm curious if there's some alternative approach that I'm overlooking or if this is just a bug I have no way to get around at the moment.
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Aug 6, 2010
How to make a text entry fields move up when on screen keyboard is present?
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Dec 23, 2013
I bought Cubot c9w android phone, i install 2 gb SD card on it, i can not install some apps on it for example facebook. after i tried to move apps from phone memory into SD card but impossible, there was not activated move to SD card button.
what have to do how to install or move after that apps to SD card to make phone memory free?
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Sep 26, 2010
I've created a ext 2 partition 512mb, installed a custom Rom, but when i try to move the apps 2 SD i don't have the option... Why?
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Aug 31, 2010
Anyone know where the option to move apps is on 2.2? Apparently it is possible with google sky maps? As a side note, sky maps is really cool, thought it would be better though. Imagined being able to zoom in more and click on stars for information about them like on google sky on the PC.
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Apr 2, 2010
design and build website to make usable on both IPhone and Android?. Does it have to be pure html?
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Sep 15, 2010
I was recently in a debate on a linkedin forum over HTC Desire v iPhone. My view is the people who chose the android device do so because they like the better technology and hate the closed nature of the evil Apple empire. His view was that the only people who buy the android are kids who would really prefer an iPhone but cannot afford it! I was therefore wondering if there are any desire users out there who have converted from iPhone and if so which device do they prefer.
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Jul 13, 2010
Does anyone know if the htc desire will get the skysports app as the iphone has it
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Sep 26, 2010
How can I move my images onto my SD card as I am running out of space. It looks like it's not possible in which case what's the point of adding a card in the first place.
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Aug 11, 2010
I've ordered the 16gb class 10 to replace the default 4gb one (using navigation alot), is there something which can help me to move to new card one easily? I mean, with 2.2 - I moved all my apps to SD, and if I turn it off, would they just ... die somehow? Or it's enough to just copy all content from old SD to my PC and then back to new one? No tricks?
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Nov 8, 2010
Is there any way of moving whole apps to SD without rooting?
I've recently picked up a 16GB SD card, but I can't move whole applications to the SD Card.
Rooting or forcing apps to SD card is looking more and more likely. Especially when T-Mobile are yet to release the correct 2.2 update.
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Jan 11, 2013
I have a rooted HTC Desire HD with a custom ROM (Android RevolutionHD).
I have heard a lot of about moving the apps to the SD card to save space in the memory's phone, but does it really usefull apart of "saving memory"? or it can make slower the phone's boot because loading apps from the sd?
Need to know more about advantages and disadvantages of moving apps to the SD.
My priority is a faster / smoother phone UI and boot, being the memory space not so important.
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Oct 30, 2010
I cannot get my Iphone 3G and DHD to sync my contacts using the "Transfer Data" function. I follow the on screen instructions on the DHD. Set the Iphone to 'discoverable' but cant get any further. Usually the Iphone doesn't even appear on the DHD Bluetooth devices list and on the odd occassion that it does, as soon as i go to connect it drops out and says i should restart both phones. I have done this numerous times to no avail. Has anyone managed to do this same transfer? And if so can they provide a little assistance?
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Aug 15, 2010
I had my HTC desire for a month, but I'm sorry to say that I will go back to iPhone. Don't get me wrong, the device is amazing, super smooth and fast, good camera, internet loads faster than my old 3GS and open apps in matter of seconds. Most importantly, it offers me endless possiblity of customization.Even having all that great features, there is something that lacks, and it makes me regret of my purchase sometimes. I tried to make it work, I tried to adapt and change my preferences, but I can't do that anymore.Today I was in the market because I just got bored of the only 5 good games for android. So I entered looking for soiemthing new. Seeing apps like "shinobi barrage" and "ghost chaser" being 4 stars and topping the games list, it made me sad. Games like those only get 2 stars in apple market. And I don't like having such a powerfull device just to play a game with 10 years old graphics. Then I encountered with the nazi theme and ringtone apps.
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May 8, 2010
I come from the so closed iPhone world. I'd need to import all my contacts from it to my HTC desire Android driven. I could use gmail to sync... But I only want to have gmail contacts in my contacts list and not Facebook contacts, Flickr contacts etc
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Aug 26, 2010
Im choosing a new mobile phone from theese 3 smartphones (galaxy s vs desire vs iphone 4). I need good music player, good gps, fast and good functionality, internet browsing. I like samsung, but i heard that galaxy S lags, and gps lags. Is samsungs lags fixible ?
And what is the best choice from these smartphones ?
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May 21, 2010
I'm really interested in buying a Desire although, unlike some, I intend to buy the phone outright with no contract as I already have a contract I am happy with.However, despite people saying this phone is cheaper than the iPhone, average prices are about 400 which is about the same price you can pick up a 16gb 3Gs. So, am I missing something? Whilst here, am I correct in thinking HTC offer a 2 year Warranty? For 400 I would like at least some safety in case it breaks through no fault of my own.
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Aug 18, 2010
I am soon going to be going for a contract phone in the UK. The main reasons are for the internet, apps and GPS. Right now I am considering either Android or iPhone. Right now I am considering the iPhone mostly because of it's popularity and I own an iPod Touch so I am familar with iOS. I would if I got this iPhone immediately jailbreak it regardless of warranty. However, I am also considering getting an Android phone because I know that it offers similar capabilities and can cost allot less while offer more. I also hate the feel of Android 4 while the HTC Desire for example felt allot more comfortable.
I was wondering if you could answer some questions:
1. Can I sync Android phones with iTunes? I have all my music on there so it makes things allot easier.
2. How good is the web browser? The demo unit had no internet access so I couldn't test it out
3. What apps are there?
4. Is there anything similar to the following apps on a JB iPhone:
Use volume controls to change music tracks
Youtube downloader
Free Tethering
loads of games e.g. Peggle, Tetris, etc.
Listen to music while in any app
5. Is there a chance that updates will stop being released, like with the iPhone 2g?
6. What does rooting do?
7. How hard is it to develop for?
8. How good does it run compared to iPhone 4? e.g. is it sluggish, etc?
9. What does Rooting do?
10. How hard is it to get apps and what is compatibility like? One thing I hated about WM6 (my dads) is how hard it is to get working apps.
11. Is there a good shop which will let me have a really good go with it including internet access, etc?
12. How good is GPS on the go?
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