General :: Switch CM 10 Profiles Based In WiFi Connections
Aug 8, 2013I'm searching for an application that can switch CM 10 profiles based in wifi connections.
Thought [URL].... could do that, but it manages its own profiles.

I'm searching for an application that can switch CM 10 profiles based in wifi connections.
Thought [URL].... could do that, but it manages its own profiles.
Is there a way to automatically switch between profiles based on a schedule or location? Like set the Night Profile from 12:00 AM to 8:00 AM and set Work Profile from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAssume that, I have a TCP connection that doing heavy data transmitting on my 3G network; and I walked home, Android switch to my home Wifi automatically. Now what happen to the existing connection? is it simply disconnect? or it will keep going, only the new connections will use wifi?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAssume that, I have a TCP connection that doing heavy data transmitting on my 3G network; and I walked home, Android switch to my home Wifi automatically. Now what happen to the existing connection? is it simply disconnect? or it will keep going, only new connections will use wifi? In addition, what if I walk away from home, wifi lost signal and switch to 3g? It should be safe to guess the connection is dropped. For my application, do I need to handle the reconnection or there is a auto fall back solution.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan someone recommend a good app to automatically toggle wifi based on when I leave my house, which is the only place I use WiFi.
View 26 Replies View RelatedFor those of you trying to squeeze as much time out of the battery as possible, I came across this nifty program which I don't think has been mentioned yet: AppBrain: Y5 - Battery Saver - Android app on AppBrain Official: Y5 Battery Saver: Home. When you connect to a Wi-Fi network, it uses the GSM base tower identifier (CellID) to determine the location of the Wi-Fi network and stores it in memory. It does not use the GPS. I saved my home network earlier this afternoon and went out, Wi-Fi was turned off while I was out, then after I came home and started using my phone, I was connected again, so it seems to be working so far.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to be able to set up my phone, Verizon Galaxy S4, to have different profiles, I guess you would say. For instance I want to be able to set up a home screen, wallpaper, launcher etc. to look real classy/minimal at times, then at other times I want everything on the home screen, different wallpapers, icons, etc. and maybe a different launcher to boot. A completely different look. I would like to be able to just switch between the setups quickly and at will. The more profiles supported the better..
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan anybody give me the Exact methodology for Connecting through Android Browsers and also Exact way for making the Map application work in my "Proxy Networked Machine"
None of the methodology in the below are working for me....
1. placing the http_proxy in settings.db 2. -http-proxy in console
My rooted device is shared. I already set-up multi-user profiles for each of us:
1-Family mode
2-My mode
How is possible to switch profile based on lockscreen pattern?? example: "pattern1" triggers My mode while entering "pattern2" triggers Family mode.
So I will have certain apps automatically blocked when in family mode (hides some applications, sms, calls, and/or maybe starts a blacklist?) But unlocked in My mode
Is there a way to do this? or is there an app/hack that can closely do some of it?I don't need exactly the multiuser feature. but at least a way to start an app or two (maybe a blacklist, lock gallery/other app) with the pattern2 of the lockscreen.
I have some spots in office and home that WIFI signal is strong enough for me to locate it but not strong enough for actually having internet access, and so it causes me to not have an internet access at all since 3G is disabled for WIFI but WIFI is dead. The option on the Advanced for "Avoid Poor connection" seems to work only for REALLY BAD signal, and a little bit more than that it approves. Is there a way to edit it? re-arrange it so it will avoid "Fair" signals too? or set a minimum percentage of signal (lets say 50%) and less than that it forces 3G.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan someone post the different types of toggle switches you can get for this phone? I was looking through the 'post your screens' thread and I see all of these cool toggle switches for silent mode, vibrate, airplane, etc. But no one post the names of them or where to find them.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI really like my Droid X but it only supports Ad Hoc and this doesnt connect to a certain device I need it to. I want to make sure I get the right phone that does what I need it to.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've recently upgraded my Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 all to Android 4.4 and as soon as I upgraded my Wi-Fi has been awful.The Wi-Fi is incredibly unstable, steaming media has major buffering / intermittency issues, messages sent over instant messaging apps are sometimes instant and sometimes take 30+ seconds to send.
Skype is the most telling of the issues as it randomly loses connection and my notifications literally never come through..Router Wi-Fi Settings: I've tried Channels, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 11
I've also tried adding
to the WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini file as found:URL>...Wi-Fi is Always On, Wi-Fi Frequency is Auto or 2.4, Wi-Fi Optimization is Off.The wireless / wifi works fine on other tablets, laptops and wireless devices just my nexus devices on 4.4
I don't own an Android 4.3 tablet yet but I need to know the following things.I wanted to restrict my device so that a user is unable to change any settings (in particular turn on/off WiFi) and disable all applications except one.How strict is the restriction?
If I disable all apps except one what will the restricted user be able to do?
In an ideal scenario I'd like the restricted user to do only 3 things:
a) turn the tablet on/off
b) turn the application of my choosing on/off
c) all other options would be disabled
d) the restricted user should NOT see any data of the administrator
1. Web browsing. Especially if I go to the Facebook website, when I click on some buttons, lilke "Search", nothing happens. It is as if it is a dead link. My only solution is that I reboot my phone, and then clicking on links work again. Anyone have this or no a solution?
2. I am going overseas to South Africa - what is my best option for using my phone? I wanted to just use it for Wifi capabalities, but do not want to incur any data/roaming charges. How do you exactly disable these features so that I just have Wifi?
3. When I go to "People" I see all my contacts, and there pictures are their Facebook pictures. However, if someone updates their profile picture on Facebook, it does not show their new picture. How does this get refreshed? I went to synch and made sure Facebook was synched, still have this problem.
4. What is the most efficient/easiest way to text message, and switch between sound profiles?
When Im at home, the phone is running on my wifi here at the house. Now when I got out, to a store or etc, will it automatically run 3G?? When it doesn't pick up WiFi or no WiFi avail?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was wondering does anyone know if its possible to open a wifi and a 3g connection at the same time on Android? Is there any way to control access to both Wifi and 3g/GPRS data connections and use them at the same time?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am going to Spain next week and was warned if by the o2 people that I could be hit hard if I am using data abroad. Can I just have some help to make sure I am not using it while I am there, is just switching off the wifi and 3g connections enough or do I need to do something else too?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAny app which allows to set the preferred wifi network to connect to?
specifically, I want my phone to always connect to network "A" whenever it becomes available, and even if it is currently connected to other networks with a stronger signal.
Was using wireless just fine for the past month up to about an hour ago. My router is still working and my laptop is working just fine through wireless so nor sure what the problem is. I tried turning the wireles@ on phone off and on.. no change. Tried powering off and,on. no change. Any ideas?
View 6 Replies View RelatedThis just popped up my on my twitter. Y5 Battery Saver Keeps Wi-Fi On Only Near Trusted Spot. When you connect to wifi, it'll remember the rough location (without GPS). Periodically it'll tap back into that location and if you are near it it'll flip on WiFi so you can connect. If you aren't near an area you've connected too before, it'll keep wifi off.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAre we able to establish both WiFi and 3G connections at the same time on Android 2.1? We are implementing a "make-before-break", so that WiFi can be switched to 3G before tearing the WiFi connection down. Please guide if you have come across this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI seem to have a weird problem on my HTC Sensation. I have been noticing that when the phone switches from Wifi to 'H', the mobile data stops working. I can see the signal bars so no problems with making calls, text etc. I have tried putting phone into airplane more, resetting mobile data and a couple of apps that reset the mobile data stack. None of that has worked. The only way I have made it work is by restarting the phone - quite frustrating. The mobile data then starts working. It has only happened when 'H' is displayed as the mobile data.
View 1 Replies View Relatedbasically I have 2 routers with different SSIDs set up in my house.
I was wondering if there is a way I can have it automatically switch to the one with a better connection through an app or script of some sort or a way that I can at least make a shortcut on my launcher to do this?
now that I think about I could toggle wifi off and on but is there a better way?
Wifi is not working i Cant switch the Wifi on. I have a Note n7000 android 4.2.2 cyanogenmod 10.1 nightly.
Can't press the small wifi button on dock it will not recognize on the other hand i can press the Bluetooth without any problems and when i go to the settings the small _OFF_ button will not recognize me pressing it.
I found that when my WiFi is on, when screen is off due to screen timeout, when I try to open screen again by pressing menu button or power button, nothing happened, I need to switch the mobile on again by pressing power button long press (not normal press to open as usual if you switched off manually)
someone told me because mobile is duos, may be you have only two gateway, when WiFi is one with access of data plan of two Sim cards, may be doing conflict, actually last week I switch data plan access between two Sims last week and I think this problem came with this action, I delete APN access points from one of two Sims but it didn't solve this problem.
I am searching for a app that will automatically switch my WiFi signal from one signal that is weak or getting weak to another signal that is stronger. Example I am at work and I will be connected to a hot spot on one side of the building, I go over to the other side of the building and the signal strength is weak and there is a new hot spot next to me that is extremely strong but the phone stays connected to the weak signal until I go and switch it manually to the new hot spot.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am thinking of using Llama to switch on and off automatically the WiFi Hotspot function on my Mototola Razr XT910.
I have watched some tutorials but cannot understand, or maybe I have watched the wrong ones. I have tried to do it but I cant find how...
I've just rooted and Villian 2.1ified my Orange Hero.Now I swear there was an easy way to link contacts to their fb profiles, but now I can only find a way to manually do it one contact at a time. With alot of contacts, this could take somewhere between three to four years.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm not sure if it's just me experienced this wired situation. I got TP-Link 108M wireless router at home and all my 4 PCs and 1 wireless cam connected to the router with no issues for 1.5 years. But ever since I brought in my HTC-Desire last week, I experienced dropped connections almost everyday. If I switch the Desire off, then every thing gets to normal. Have you experienced same? Is this something I can overcome by set some settings?
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