HTC Incredible :: Battery Saver / Wifi Connections

Sep 20, 2010

This just popped up my on my twitter. Y5 Battery Saver Keeps Wi-Fi On Only Near Trusted Spot. When you connect to wifi, it'll remember the rough location (without GPS). Periodically it'll tap back into that location and if you are near it it'll flip on WiFi so you can connect. If you aren't near an area you've connected too before, it'll keep wifi off.

HTC Incredible :: Battery Saver / Wifi Connections

HTC Incredible :: No WiFi Availability / 3G Connections?

Apr 30, 2010

When Im at home, the phone is running on my wifi here at the house. Now when I got out, to a store or etc, will it automatically run 3G?? When it doesn't pick up WiFi or no WiFi avail?

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Android :: Power / Battery Saver

Nov 25, 2010

can anyone please help me with this, i am trying to find an app that you could turn off your wi-fi/gps/screen brightness etc etc it was about 6 boxes that went green when active across your screen.I did have this app but alas i had to do a full rest on my htc wildfire.

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HTC Desire :: Battery Saver Interrupt Internet / Why Is So?

Oct 21, 2010

I tried many free battery saver app but all of them cause interruption to the internet, the 3G link will not go up when needed, but this happen randomly so I can't tell which one caused that, and even I disable the saver my internet still down, I must reboot to use it again, but I need the saver as I have to keep my phone running overnight, any advise ?

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Motorola Droid X :: Battery Profile Power Saver

Aug 9, 2010

Does power saver just change the data connection stuff, or does it have any affect on performance?

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Android :: Possible To Have 3G / Wifi Connections At Same Time?

Mar 5, 2010

I was wondering does anyone know if its possible to open a wifi and a 3g connection at the same time on Android? Is there any way to control access to both Wifi and 3g/GPRS data connections and use them at the same time?

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HTC Desire :: Switching Off Wifi / 3g Connections

Jun 14, 2010

I am going to Spain next week and was warned if by the o2 people that I could be hit hard if I am using data abroad. Can I just have some help to make sure I am not using it while I am there, is just switching off the wifi and 3g connections enough or do I need to do something else too?

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HTC Hero :: Wifi Suddenly Stopped Seeing Connections

Jan 12, 2010

Was using wireless just fine for the past month up to about an hour ago. My router is still working and my laptop is working just fine through wireless so nor sure what the problem is. I tried turning the wireles@ on phone off and on.. no change. Tried powering off and,on. no change. Any ideas?

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Android :: What Happen To Existing Connections When Switch Between 3G / Wifi?

Aug 18, 2010

Assume that, I have a TCP connection that doing heavy data transmitting on my 3G network; and I walked home, Android switch to my home Wifi automatically. Now what happen to the existing connection? is it simply disconnect? or it will keep going, only the new connections will use wifi?

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Android :: Parallel WiFi / Mobile Network Connections

Sep 27, 2010

Are we able to establish both WiFi and 3G connections at the same time on Android 2.1? We are implementing a "make-before-break", so that WiFi can be switched to 3G before tearing the WiFi connection down. Please guide if you have come across this.

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Android :: Impact On Existing Connections When Switch Between 3g / Wifi?

Aug 18, 2010

Assume that, I have a TCP connection that doing heavy data transmitting on my 3G network; and I walked home, Android switch to my home Wifi automatically. Now what happen to the existing connection? is it simply disconnect? or it will keep going, only new connections will use wifi? In addition, what if I walk away from home, wifi lost signal and switch to 3g? It should be safe to guess the connection is dropped. For my application, do I need to handle the reconnection or there is a auto fall back solution.

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General :: WiFi - Avoid Poor Connections / Not Working Well Enough

Jul 28, 2013

I have some spots in office and home that WIFI signal is strong enough for me to locate it but not strong enough for actually having internet access, and so it causes me to not have an internet access at all since 3G is disabled for WIFI but WIFI is dead. The option on the Advanced for "Avoid Poor connection" seems to work only for REALLY BAD signal, and a little bit more than that it approves. Is there a way to edit it? re-arrange it so it will avoid "Fair" signals too? or set a minimum percentage of signal (lets say 50%) and less than that it forces 3G.

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General :: Switch CM 10 Profiles Based In WiFi Connections

Aug 8, 2013

I'm searching for an application that can switch CM 10 profiles based in wifi connections.

Thought [URL].... could do that, but it manages its own profiles.

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General :: What Android Phone Supports Infrastructure WiFi Connections

Nov 17, 2011

I really like my Droid X but it only supports Ad Hoc and this doesnt connect to a certain device I need it to. I want to make sure I get the right phone that does what I need it to.

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HTC Incredible :: Home Screen Space Saver W/ Time & Weather

Jul 30, 2010

I have always been a little uncomfortable with the HTC widget on the home screen that took a large 2x4 block (2 rows x 4 columns) out of the home screen to display the time and weather.. especially because I wanted a few more apps to be displayed on my home screen that I regularly use..

So I removed the HTC clock widget that displayed the large 4x4 clock and weather and instead dropped the HTC clock widget that is 1x2 (5 of the 12 choices available in that widget).. and the HTC weather widget right next to it (or even below it).. which is also a 1x2 size..(choice 3 of 3 in that widget)..

so I basically get the same information with regards to time and weather..and I also end up saving 1 row, which can be filled with 4 additional apps.

Another tip: Instead of using the HTC favorites widget to peg your favorite people to call a touch away.. use the shortcut/add person to peg them on screen. The favorite widget takes a lot more space especially when you don't fill it up.

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Android :: Power Saver Modes For Android (battery Life)

Jun 30, 2009

Here are the settings I am trying out as my "Power Saver Mode" for my HTC Magic (Rogers). Not sure yet how much of a difference this whole set up will actually make, but I'll try to make it a scientific study. Please take a look, I am interested in comments on the setup in general, and on individual settings (ie. will a particular setting really make that much of a difference to the over-all power usage?).As of the moment I changed all these settings, my battery is at 97% (After I turned on my phone this morning, all these settings were previously opposite so i could get my email, etc).
1. Screen Brightness 15%
2. WiFi = OFF
3. GPS = OFF
4. Auto-sync = OFF
5. "Enable always on mobile" = OFF
6. Background Data Usage = OFF
7. Use only 2G Networks = YES
I am also using these apps:
"TasKiller" to kill BG apps
"Useful Switchers" to modify settings.
It would be nice if there were an app that could work like the power setup in the system tray of Windows where you can choose different power modes for your laptop. A simple app with a Power Saver Mode, Balanced Mode, and Power User Mode that could all be set by the user.It would be nice to be able to run the app, choose the "Power Saver" mode and have it automatically change all the settings as I've listed them above, and then be able to choose "Power User" to reverse them easily so I don't have to go through all the separate steps to do it myself.

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General :: Android 4.4 - WiFi Is Intermittent / Buffering / Dropping Connections On Nexus Devices

Jan 6, 2014

I've recently upgraded my Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 all to Android 4.4 and as soon as I upgraded my Wi-Fi has been awful.The Wi-Fi is incredibly unstable, steaming media has major buffering / intermittency issues, messages sent over instant messaging apps are sometimes instant and sometimes take 30+ seconds to send.

Skype is the most telling of the issues as it randomly loses connection and my notifications literally never come through..Router Wi-Fi Settings: I've tried Channels, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 11

I've also tried adding

to the WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini file as found:URL>...Wi-Fi is Always On, Wi-Fi Frequency is Auto or 2.4, Wi-Fi Optimization is Off.The wireless / wifi works fine on other tablets, laptops and wireless devices just my nexus devices on 4.4

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HTC Incredible :: WiFi And Battery Consumption

Sep 26, 2010

As an experiment I set all my internet apps - backup assistant, gmail, people, calendar, news, weather, amazon, stocks, facebook, etc, etc, ETC, to not automatically update, sync, refresh or do anything on the internet without my say-so. I then turned off my phone, put a full charge on it and turned it back on again to reset the timer for Settings > About phone > Battery > Battery use. For the next 6 hours I made a few phone calls while I was not in range of any wifi; I used a few local (non-internet) apps like calculator and stopwatch and camera but I did NOT use any internet apps. At the end of that time "battery use" showed Wi-Fi at 30%, Cell standby at 28% and voice calls at 6%. So why is WiFi so high? Is that just from some "keep alive" or beacon or polling feature? Or is there some app or process I don't know about using the WiFi connection, and how do I tell?

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HTC Incredible :: Less Battery Usage / 3G Vs WiFi?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm watching the world cup on the ole droid incredible thought the univision website using skyfire and I know it's taking up lots of battery. I can use wifi or 3g where I am. does using the 3g antenna take up more or less battery than the wifi antenna when watching streaming video?

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HTC Incredible :: Battery Usage / Wifi Off But Still Using 2%

Aug 23, 2010

Sorry if this was already asked, but I did search.wifi is off, but when I check what is using the battery, it shows wifi using 2%. Is that normal? Why is wifi still using the battery? my phone:
HTC Incredible
Skyraider 2.5.2 vanilla
Hydra stock speed undervolt kernel

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HTC Incredible :: Wifi Battery Usage

Nov 20, 2010

I am using the Y5 app and my phone connects to my router when I am home. I just checked the battery usage and Wifi was showing 22%. My up time is right around 27 hours. Does 22% sound a little high or is that good?

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HTC Incredible :: How Much Battery Used During Wifi / 3g - Which One More Advantageous To Use?

May 3, 2010

I was just wondering how much battery is used during wifi/3g and which one is more advantageous to use? which one uses less strain on the battery? I live on a university's campus so i have widespread wifi all the time and it is most of the time faster than my 3g network... is it better for me to just use wifi all the time?

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HTC Incredible :: Different WiFi Networks And Battery Life?

Sep 4, 2010

I started using WiFi exclusively at home and my office after reading about the benefits on here. I noticed a tremendous increase in battery life. But when I'm on WiFi at my gf's parents house, the battery drain isn't even about the same as 3G it seems like it is much worse. What could be causing this? The signal strength is often better at this location than home/office so that shouldn't be the problem.

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HTC Incredible :: WiFi Connection Turned On Drain More Battery

May 8, 2010

I know the WiFi uses less battery than the 3G. My question is should I leave the WiFi on all the time if I only have WiFi at home? Will it be actively searching for a WiFi signal when I am out of range of my home network and drain more battery? I have the Network notification unchecked in the WiFi settings if that helps at all. Basically I just want to know if I should turn WiFi off when I leave my house.

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HTC Incredible :: Use WiFi / GPS For Location Setting? (Battery Life)

May 3, 2010

Do you use "Use wireless networks" or "use GPS" for your location setting, with an eye towards preserving battery life? I've heard that using GPS can be better on battery life because it only draws power when an application needs to use the GPS (which shouldn't be too often). I also heard that the wireless network setting uses more power because it is constantly using power.

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HTC Incredible :: VPN Connections On Rooted Inc - Quits Unexpectedly

Jun 17, 2010

After rooting my Incredible, I installed the only application that I needed from the root....VPN Connections 0.99

I am trying to connect to a Cisco ASA 5520, and as far as I know this is the only application that will allow group and shared secret.

As soon as you try to connect to a configured VPN server, I get the message:

Sorry! The application VPN Connections (process org.codeandroid.vpnc_frontend) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.

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HTC Desire :: Does Desire's Wifi Interfere With Other Wireless Connections?

Oct 20, 2010

I'm not sure if it's just me experienced this wired situation. I got TP-Link 108M wireless router at home and all my 4 PCs and 1 wireless cam connected to the router with no issues for 1.5 years. But ever since I brought in my HTC-Desire last week, I experienced dropped connections almost everyday. If I switch the Desire off, then every thing gets to normal. Have you experienced same? Is this something I can overcome by set some settings?

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Android :: Homescreen Saver

Aug 19, 2010

So I have App Monster, which is GREAT to redownload all apps after a hard reset or device switch, but setting up all my icons and widgets etc. on the various homescreen is a tedious task.

Any homescreen savers out there? I'm imaging a scenario where I could manually redownload the apps (using App Monster this is a piece of cake), and then activate the homescreen saver app to instantly populate my homescreens just as they were prior to a hard reset.

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HTC EVO 4G :: No Glare Sprint Screen Saver

Jul 22, 2010

Only bad thing is it makes the screen a bit grainy looking. It really cuts down on glare and full sun wash out.

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General :: How To Turn Off Data Saver

Sep 9, 2012

ics on motorola to turn off Data Saver?

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