General :: Removing Grid From Launcher Pro?
Apr 5, 2012Is there any way to remove the grid from launcher pro so I can freely position my apps?

Is there any way to remove the grid from launcher pro so I can freely position my apps?
All I can find is info about old modded versions of Go launcher, not even a download to try it out.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been searching for a launcher that allows me to change the grid sizes per screen but so far i have not found one.
I want one for use on a galaxy gear watch so that i can have the main screen set to 4x5 for the widget and then as the screen is so small i want the other screens to only have a 2x2 or 3x3 grid so the icons are big enough.
Is there a way to change the grid size in CM11 launcher? I am running CM11 official. I don't find launcher setting itself.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSince 12.12.13 there is a new update of google search in playstore.
If i install this update, the google experience launcher changes the grid size (now i have less icons) and some widgets disappear or are resized.
Is there a possibility to change the grid size of the experience launcher desktop with a hack?
I want to remove or hide an app from the main grid. Is it possible?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am running Apex Launcher Pro and have started to notice a problem. When I uninstall apps that I have in folders in Apex Launcher Pro, the icons for those apps are not being removed when i uninstall the apps. I uninstalled roughly 30-40 apps not too long ago and they are all still present in my app folders on my desktop. Is there a way to have Apex remove these icons when uninstalling apps? Currently I have to go and test icons to see if the apps are installed or uninstalled in order to test them, which can be quite annoying if you have a large number of apps.
I am running the latest Apex on a Verizon GS3 running Synergy ROM.
Have similar threads >(URL>...)I am looking for an alternative to GO launcher.I have not upgraded my GO launcher since 3.11 due to bloatware.I would like to ask is there any launcher that allows custom sorting of apps inside the folder?For e.g i have created a folder called Games in the app drawer and would like to custom the games sort them instead alphabetical order.
View 2 Replies View RelatedGSM Galaxy Nexus - Maguro
Latest GM 10 Nightly
Is it possible to modify the folder grid width within android. For example, by default if I have 3 apps within a folder it will be displayed within the folder in a 2x2 grid with the top two spots and the bottom left occupied with an app. Instead I would like to modify it to be a 3x1 horizontal grid.
Launcher or mods that would allow me to independently change the grid size on my home screens? By this I mean I would like to make my main home screen 4 x 4 but make all the rest 5 x 4.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my hands on a new S3 its an amazing phone and I love it. However, I cant stand Samsung's UI "Touchwiz" I tried looking here on how I can remove it but couldn't find anything. is it possible for me to run vanilla Android and remove Samsung's UI?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a problem in removing bloatwares from my HTC One S, i have an HTC One S "S4 Ville Model" with Stock 4.1.1 and ROOTED with TWRP as a Custom Recovery, i have installed Titanium Backup and i ended up removing some bloatwres like : 7Digital, Lookout ... ,it's OK they had gone away, but when i Reboot my Device they came back.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I am wondering if we remove a certain permission from an app, does the app still have the ability to use that permissions?
Example: Pandora can read contacts list, I remove that permission from the APK, Can Pandora still read my contact list?
My Wishlist that I am not able to get rid of. With most apps, I simply click on the menu part and I am able to Install or add to wish list, or to remove from wish list. But these two apps (Buzzfeed and Mokriya Craigslist) will not remove. I had them on my wishlist, installed them directly from My Wishlist, and then got tired of them. I uninstalled them, but now the only option for me is to Install them; I cannot remove them from my wishlist.
I tried to see if I could do it on my computer on the GP store, but i cannot. There is simply no box to the right of Install like there is in other apps.
I currently have a DROID Bionic and I gave my son a HTC Rezound for his birthday today. I wanted the phone to have a few apps and a few tweaks so I signed in with my Google account and went to the Play Store. After he opened it and added his Google account I was unable to remove mine.
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with some applications that simply disappeared. Some them did it after I moved them to SD card. I think (I'm not absolutely sure about it) that some of those "disappeared" applications were not moved to SD card.
The problem is, that if I try to install the application again, system tells me that it is already installed. If I choose to install it again (upgrade the app), the installation fails.
The problem is that I can't remove these applications because I don't see them listed in installed apps. I will have to remove the applications manually, but I don't know how to do it. I have root access, so I should be able to do it.
So I spent hours searching for the stock ROM for my HTC Desire 300, so that I could unroot it. Then I deleted the entire OS/Rom by mistake and was left with a brick. Finally, I managed to find this stock version. It's rooted, and has the same SuperSu error about updating. Is there any way for me to remove the root files from this zip? so that the phone won't be rooted when I flash the rom? Which files would I remove?
In the Zip I have the following items:
META-INF (Folder)
Boot (Disk Image File)
Recovery (Disk Image File)
System (Disk Image File)
I rooted my phone using Framaroot 1.8.1 and yes it was rooted successfully. Recently I updated my phone to version A706ROW_1_S_2_001_0018_130705, and because of this my phone became unrooted but still had superuser installed. I would like to re-root my phone using Framaroot again but it cannot be rooted due to superuser. How my unrooted phone with superuser's presence be removed completely.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a rooted pandigital star. Is there anyway to remove the apps that came preinstalled, like Getjar ect.?? i dislike them being there and taking up space
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View 1 Replies View Relatedit is possible to freeze an app without remove the icon from menu? all apps I tested just remove the frozem app icon.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a new phone, that came with android 5.1 (Ice cream sandwich) and it came with a trial of plants vs zombies. I enjoyed the trial and tried to upgrade, and it just gave me a network error. So I went to the google play app store, and bought the full version there. But now I have two copies installed, one that is still the trial, and one that is the full version. How I can remove the trial version from my phone?
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor some reason I'm having problems deleting the widgets by dragging them into the bin. 9 times out of 10, the rubbish bin refuses to appear when I long press on a widget.
Is there another way - eg some settings menus somewhere or maybe a file that I can edit.
I am rooted
Samsung GTi5500
Android 2.2
I want to create a light rom for my RK2818 tablet. I removed lots of apk's, and it works fine. Now, I want to delete the unnecessary languages and dictionaries from the keyboard (LatinIME.apk).
How can I do it? Can I simply remove the folders like resaw-da with Total Commander (compression set to 0)? I want to keep English and Hungarian languages only.
I'm also interested in more tips to speed up this unofficial cyanogenmod 2.3.7 rom, because this old chinese tablet with 256mb ram is only used to watch movies and browse the internet. I've already updated the hosts file with the adfree version, and removed the following apk's:
ADWLauncher.apk (replaced with LauncherPro)
Bluetooth.apk (no BT in this device)
Camera.apk (no cam...)
Can I remove any of these? I want to remove everything wich is not important.
I am curious about necessity of stock apps..
i.e I want to know ,
Which stock apps can be uninstalled ..
i.e which apps aren't necessary for system to run ..
ex. I hv deleted some apps like Youtube , +G etc..
Running Samsung Galaxy S III with CyanogenMod 10.
One day I made a backup of my phone via ClockWorkMod like every good boy should, and updated to CyanogenMod 10.1
After a few minutes I realized I didn't exactly what 10.1 just yet, and wanted to switch back to 10. So I went to ClockWorkMod and restored my backup.
Now in my folder, I have all of the normal folders in the /sdcard/ directory, but I also have a 0 folder (which I found is a feature in 4.2.1 to allow for multiple users or something of that sort?).
Basically I want to safely remove the "0" folder, but merge all of the goodies in it with the stuff in my /sdcard/ folder, so it will be back to the way it was before I got 10.2/4.2.1 and just have all of my stuff on my /sdcard/ area.
I recently installed Android bootloader interface to make possible rooting of my phone. However, can I reverse somehow the process and remove the android logo and bootloader interface?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have Karbonn A9+ and my mobile got locked because of multiple wrong pattern unlock attempts, Now I cannot unlock my phone using gmail username and password since data/wifi is not enabled. Also I cannot use ADB method since I have not enabled USB Debugging. Is there any other way to unlock my phone other that hard reset/factory reset since there is some important data present in phone, particularly some important SMS.
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