General :: Prevent Single App From Updating?
Nov 1, 2013
I tried to Google this but just kept getting results about what phones have what Rom updates and how to update apps.
The recent updates to the Trillian app are pretty terrible, I and many others are choosing to stick with the older version. Problem is I have many apps installed on this phone. I am no longer able to hit "UpdatecAll" as I do not want the Trillian app to update, so I am forced to manually open the page for each app that has an update and update them one-by-one. A very annoying and tedious processes, especially since if I wait so much as a week there can be up to 20 updates to install.
Is there any way I can somehow block this one app from being updated or put it on a no update lust or something?
I don't like to have my apps auto-update.
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Mar 29, 2010
In the application I am working on now I came up with the following problem. I have list view which is displaying items with images in most cases it will be different image for different items (thumbnails about 60x60 pixels). So the problem is how can I handle image processing for the view. For know I have the following variants:
1. I can cache all bitmaps and when I try to display view I get bitmap from cache synchronously and display it. The problem is that 60x60=3600x4=14kb per bitmap which is waste of resources.
2. When I need to display view I can register event to some thread to decode the associated bitmap which will decode it in background and than to update gui. This sounds good for me the scrolling is still smooth because all image processing is done in background. Updating list view is bit jerky for now I am doing it view notifyDataSetChanged which is updating all visible views although I can update thumbnail for a single item.
So question one is is there better way the update single listview element than calling notifyDataSetChanged.
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Jul 24, 2010
Anyone having trouble with widgets stop updating? Like my clock/calendar/weather/news/pretty much any widget i have stops updating after an hour. So i look at my clock widget two hours later and it is an hour behind. Happens to ALL my widgets.Even the quick turn on/off wifi,bt,gps and such. They just stop updating/showing animation.I have ADW launcher installed. I am wondering if it is that. I do not really want to remove it as i hate the stock 3 button interface at the bottom (why do i need a contacts and phone, just use the phone to look thru contacts, wasted space IMO) and am quite keen on keeping the 5 button.Any ideas? If i power off the phone and turn it back on it's fine again for about an hour. SOmetimes randomly thru the day it will start updating and working fine again then randomly stop again.
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Feb 3, 2012
I was sleeping so wonderfully at 1:30 in the mourning when my phone rang, but the odd part is. I had no notifications, nor was I receiving any calls. To make things weirder my phone made ring that was not even set as my ringtone and wasnt even a ringtone. To describe it, it sounded like a standard digital ring with a frequency at what i could guess 750hertz and it only rang once. Another odd thing is after that it seemed to have put my phone on vibrate. What is going on?
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Dec 13, 2012
I use Gentle Alarm as my clock, and I want a way to have just Gentle Alarm without any other apps running, and without even being able to run anything else. Basically, I want to convert my smartphone into a dumb alarm clock at night, and make it so that I have to reboot it to start messing with email, twitter, etc.
The reason I don't use a regular "dumb" alarm clock (which is ideal for me, really) is that I need something that vibrates and doesn't ring.
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Feb 24, 2014
i need recovery for my desire 500 single sim the only one i found was cwn you can fined it wz name:
CWMRecovery_D500_Philz.img ) it's not just old and uses volumes & power buttons, it's not very much compatible wz my phone i mean: the commands out of the sid of my screen, it's not easy to deal wz.
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Apr 5, 2012
Is it possible to prevent a user from uninstalling an app and then re-installing it?
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Oct 2, 2012
There are a no. of apps out there for finding lost devices, but they would all prove useless if the thief disables the GPS.
So, is there any way to prevent GPS from being disabled?
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Sep 19, 2013
Any app that would allow me to keep a single string available at all times, so that with a key combination I can paste it whenever I want? I don't want a password manager or a bells-and-whistles clipboard app, I just want one single password available to paste whenever I need to.
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Nov 28, 2012
I find that several apps save pics in different directories. I would like to be able to consolidate all these images into a single directory that will be opened by the standard Gallery app. I have used a file manager to move .jpg and other files into the /DCIM/Camera directory, but the Gallery app does not show them. What am I doing wrong?
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Sep 6, 2013
For some reason on my Nexus Galaxy I get SMS notifications just fine for everyone, except my wife.
I have done the following things that I have seen in other threads but none of them seem to have worked
1. Checked to ensure notifications were on
2. Installed handcent and made it my default SMS client (got notification of SMS from my wife)
3. Uninstalled handcent and reverted to the stock SMS app (did not receive notification from my wife)
4. Installed Textra and made it my default SMS client (got notification of SMS from my wife)
5. Uninstalled Textra and reverted to the stock SMS app (did not receive notification from my wife)
6. Disable Messaging App
7. Rebooted Phone
8. Re-enable Messaging App
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Feb 5, 2013
I want to install 2 copies of fb messenger, 1 for each of my 2 can I make this possible......I tried decompiling the app, changing app name in manifest.xml and again recompiling. the app installs but when I try to open this, it force closes with an unexpected error......
I know many would suggest to use different messengers for different accounts....others will refer use of multiple profiles of titanium backup.....
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May 11, 2012
Any cable is available where you can plug multiple devices into one end of the cable, the other into the computer, and when you install an application from say, Eclipse, it installs it to all the connected devices in one go?
I have about 4 devices running various versions of Android I use for testing, and when I have them all set up together, it gets tedious manually pushing the code from Eclipse to all the devices.
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Dec 16, 2012
How to port Roms from Single to Dual sim phones?
What changes do we have to make?
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Jan 1, 2012
My 3 y/o daughter loves watching cartoons (Barbie) on my Galaxy Tab and Galaxy Note. However she often accidentally deletes the movies (she's only 3) while changing cartoons. I keep the movies on my micro SD card but unlike the SD card the micro doesn't have a lock to prevent deletion.
Is there a way or app that can prevent her from accidentally deleting the cartoons?
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Nov 24, 2013
Is there any way or application that when someone connect my phone to pc , it showes drivers and files but can not copy files from pc to android or android to pc.
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Jan 25, 2012
What exactly can keep an app running in the background, regardless of what efforts your take to disable it?
If I don't use an app much and don't want it running, I normally freeze the app. If it is an app I tend to use a bit more frequently, I take other measures such as an app manager that allows me to be extremely precise as to how and when it should run such as on startup, battery level, configuration change, application change, etc. I really don't have the time to do this for every application.
With that said, I'm wondering what other methods, other than freezing and the other mentioned above, I can take to prevent an app from running in the background?
I will give you a perfect example...
There are some third-party apps I have downloaded that I know I will use occasionally. One example is CamScanner. For the life of me, I can't get this app to stop running in the background without extensive efforts mentioned above. No matter what I do, it just pops up again in running applications.
How can I ensure the app will not run in background while not resorting to freezing the app, which will prevent me from quickly accessing it when needed?
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Jun 8, 2014
I've just bought an Android phone (JIAYU F1 - link here), and it's really great.
Thing is, I have special SIM from my carrier, that allows me to use only certain models of phones, and not others.
I moved the SIM from the old phone to the new one - and for the first 10 second - it was great.
I could dial numbers, and recive call from other phones. BUT - after like 10 sec's or so - I saw the words "USSD sent" on the screen, some blank message appears, and since I clicked OK (no other choice...) - I couldn't make and receive any calls.
My guess is that this "USSD message" is responsible for the whole mess, reporting to my carrier which phone model using the SIM right now. This is why I want to find a way to prevent it to be sent to my carrier.
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Sep 27, 2012
Is there an app or a script I could run to tell my phone not to connect to wifi when 4G is available..? I run with wifi on all the time and have a handful of networks I connect to but would like the phone to automatically disconnect from wifi when 4G is available then reconnect if it is lost. This is useful for me at work because depending on where I am in the building I may have 4G/3G/no data but the wifi is everywhere but it is unsecured so I'd rather not use it if I don't have to.
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Apr 20, 2012
Some apps seem to install to internal memory by default, and some to sd card if one is present.
Even more annoyingly however, many of the apps that default to SD card if you move them to internal memory MOVE BACK TO THE SD CARD when you update them.
Is there any way to prevent apps from automatically installing to the SD card? Or at the very least, installing to SD card is fine... but to prevent them from moving BACK to the sd card when you update them?
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Dec 18, 2011
Is there a way for sending a single message to multiple recipients for the message to be placed inside the conversation for each individual instead of creating a new thread for that one message?
I downloaded the Handcent App and even it does the same thing as the stock app. It appears there's an option to split the message up as described when sent to a group. But it still creates the new thread whenever sending to individual names.
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Feb 12, 2012
I'm having issues receiving text messages from a single contact.I'm using the Huawei X1 - running Subpsyke's latest rom. I use GoSMS.The thread I speak of has 5522 messages in it - and I am unable to recieve messages. They send fine and I can't get them.
I believe that this may be because of the huge thread size. Is there any way of preserving these messages but creating a second, new thread for the same contact?
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Apr 19, 2013
how to root Sony Xperia E?
Sony Xperia E (single card)
Android 4.1
1-GHz-Singlecore (Qualcomm)
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Jul 26, 2013
1) Buy accident, within a conversation, I hit reply all, which created a draft. I want to delete that singular draft message, but I see no way of doing it, short of deleting the entire conversation or going to a computer to do it. (Come to think of it, I don't see a way to delete any of the emails within a conversation). Am I missing something on how to delete a single email within a conversation?
2) on an email thread, when I hit "previously read messages", it shows the messages in oldest to newest order, meaning I have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see the latest emails from a conversation. Is there a way to change the sort?
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Oct 19, 2013
How to port Roms from Single to Dual sim phones?
What changes do we have to make?
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Mar 15, 2012
How can I prevent the browser from saving the tabs I last had open? It's annoying to open the browser and have stuff from a week ago still there
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May 2, 2012
I am planning to factory restore my phone. I have purchased lots of apps from Google play store. I do not want all the apps to be downloaded. How can I prevent all apps from getting downloaded to my phone? There is a firmware upgrade waiting to be installed right now. is it possible to delete the firmware? I do not want to put that on my phone....
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Jul 4, 2013
I'm using a device with 512mb RAM. Now facebook uses up to 80mb, and notifications, and messages aren't even shown properly, actually only if you go into the app.
Now my question is - is there any way exept android manifest changes to prevent any facebook services? It lowers the performance a lot, and is really on of the baddest apps ever seen.
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Jan 17, 2013
We just implemented Exchange 2010 at our company within the past year, and up until now, we weren't enforcing a security key for devices with Exchange accounts attached to them. Our systems team is currently implementing some security features including the required security key and a remote-wipe tool.
I tested the remote wipe tool on my Asus Transformer, which is running a custom Jellybean ROM and Rogue Recovery, and the wipe actually worked. I was a little surprised to see it work, I figured the custom recovery would cause it to fail.
Is there anyway to screw over the remote-wipe tool?
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Aug 24, 2012
This question seems a little (a lot) odd. because naturally we want our battery to get fully charged to get the most stamina out of it.
but i read a while ago that for Li-Io batteries the most efficient charge range are 10%-90% so basically that means the full charge -discharge cycles aren't good for the battery but harmful as it cause them to die faster..
anyway i considered this reading as a good theory until i bought a sony vaio laptop which had a battery preservation feature (it limits the maximal charge to 80% or 50% depending on the option) and for more that a year and a half my battery still performed well (less than 4% degradation) so i thought this was a real deal after all.
still the use cases for a laptop and smartphone are vastly different (the laptop can sit with 50% charge just fine since it will be on charge most of the time while the smartphone has to get the maximum amount of energy to last without a charger)
so is there (or can it be made) an app that can limit the charge (to 80% or 90%)
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