General :: How To Make Shortcut To Desktop With Direct Access To Single Image
Jul 20, 2012How do I make a "short cut" to my "Desktop" with direct access to a single image

How do I make a "short cut" to my "Desktop" with direct access to a single image
Doesn't this phone support the direct dial shortcut on the desktop? I am trying to add contacts on my desktop that I would like 1-touch access to but the only way to add a contact is using the shortcut to contact. Clicking on that opens up the contact details and then I have to click on the number I want to call and select call or message. Is there any way to add a particular number for a particular contact directly onto the home screen? I know that the MT3G used to have a shortcut to direct dial option. Is there anyway to get that on this phone
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn the thread where some users where posting their screenshots, I saw what appeared to be contacts as a shortcut on one the main screens. I was just curious how or what program is used to do this. Any help? Here is an example.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've just published an app to Google Play. It is an app that allows people (mostly tourists) in my area to easily find businesses around them. One functionality that my app offers is to make a phone call to these companies by tapping a button in the app, including emergency numbers.
Google Play says that the app requires "direct phone access, it can call phone numbers without your intervention, which can lead to a high phone bill, but not emergency numbers". This doesn't completely fit my intention.
My app would work just fine if it had to ask the user every time it wanted to make a call, and it doesn't call anything when no buttons are tapped, plus I DO want the app to be able to call emergency numbers (with the user's consent off course).
I recently installed LauncherPro on my Droid and am trying to make use of the additional home screen space. One thing I would like to do is create a on-click shortcut to search for nearby hardware stores (I'm a contractor and sometimes need to pickup task-specific materials). I could swear there used to be a shortcut available called "Direct Search" or something like that, that would do just what I'm looking for, but I don't see it when I try to add a shortcut to the home screen. Did this used to exist, or was it just my imagination? Is there anything like it now? I know I could make a bookmark in the browser and place a shortcut to the bookmark on the home screen, but I was hoping for the results to come up in Google Maps.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for an app that I can create a shortcut on the home screen and it will automatically email a specific email address. I know there are things that are close to this (add contact to home screen) but then you have to click again to send an email, etc. I'm looking for the equivalent of a fast "note to self" application for quick capture of ideas.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a droid X running 2.1 update 1: I want a direct link to my universal inbox from my homescreen that drills directly into the inbox displaying all my messages. Currently, the best I can do is to use the "messaging" shortcut, which then goes and displays another shortcut to my "universal inbox" along with my individual mailboxes. I want to cut out the two-step approach, and get a direct shortcut.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've used XDA many times before, normally for specific questions on ARHD ROMs.
I work on a cruise ship and we're continually crossing time zones. Currently, to alter the time zone on my (rooted) HTC OneX, I need to pull down the notifications tray, select settings, scroll down and select date and time, then select time zone. I can't use the Auto function, as the network time on the ship (satellite) is only available over Wi-Fi, for which I have to pay an exorbitant rate.
I'm looking for an app that will allow me one-tap access to changing the time zone. 'Time Zone Widget Light' almost does the job, as a tap on the widget scrolls through pre-set time zones, but this only allows me to step forward, and sometimes I need to go backwards as well (sadly our ship itineraries refuse to follow pre-set time zones, although I'm working on it!)
Any app, or perhaps a toolkit that lets me drill down to sub-layers of the android settings menu and create a short-cut?
i am a youth sports coach and i need to be able to setup a direct message shortcut to my contact group. Has anyone been able to do this? i can setup indivdual short cuts but not a shortcut for a contact group. Am i doing something wrong? Also, is there a way to change the label on the direct message shortcut?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhen you create a shortcut for someone on the home screen is there anyway to change the size? I created a direct message shortcut.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got a Netgear Push2TV 3000, which not only encompases WiDi, but Miracast support in this version.
From what my understand is though, is that both these WiDi and Miracast technologies are basically just wireless HDMI anyway.
My question is if it's possible to come up with a mod to work to allow any (or at least most) rooted phones with a ROM like CM that integrate Miracast into their settings for every build?
I did try doing just that with my droid 4 running CM 10,1 with its wifi direct said it was connecting, amazingly...but nothing else after that.
G+ messenger app within android G+ app works fine. However, I would like to be able to run Messenger on my desktop computer as well. It is much less cumbersome to type there. However, I don't seem to find any possibility to access it via G+ app in my chrome desktop browser. Also, there is no external app to run it. The only thing available is google talk, which does not include/show any of my messenger-conversations.
View 11 Replies View RelatedOn XP is there a way to create a shortcut to an e-mail recipient on your desktop that will open up Gmail and place their e-mail address in the TO box? I love how I can create a shortcut on my droid, so it got me thinking that it would be nice to have for the people I email most from my PC.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got my first smartphone and downloaded some apps off the play market. However, an icon never appeared on my home screen that links to them. I can access them by opening the market back up, searching for the app, and running it there. But I can't seem to figure out how to make a shortcut.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI bought HTC desire. And I am in a very silly problem now with my phone. I mistakenly added some shortcuts of some programs along with the default 4 shortcuts in the bottom of the my desktop skin. Now, I am not being able to remove any shortcut from the desktop. I know, it's very silly question but I will be very happy if anyone help me out.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you make websites automatically open to desktop page not mobile pages.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a zillion labels. Only way to manage the old digital life Any who, it's a PITA going into GMail and scrolling through the astronomical list of labels to see what's in there. Needless to say, some labels are, to me, more important than others. With that in mind, what I'd like to know is how I can create a shortcut on the desktop that will go directly to a specific label in GMail. It's gotta be possible.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a way to make a homescreen shortcut to start the ics built in recent apps dialog.
How to start it via activity or intent?
I am using cm9 on a galaxy s2 with apex launcher
Does anyone know of a direct api that allows access to CPU usage statistics for different applications/tasks running inside android? All I can find is data available by accessing a file "/proc/stat" but this seems a little cumbersome. ActivityManager holds data about processes/tasks etc but no CPU usage stats.
View 12 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody know of a way to directly access the Video Encoders provided by the( API? I'd like to make changes to the raw camera data "before" it gets encoded.
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust found out that I don't need content providers if I don't need to share data with other applications. But since the examples I've seen all use content providers, I'm not sure how to proceed without them and populate activities with data derived from accessing my application's database directly.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm having problems with the Twitter direct access on the phone, I'm getting an error stating that my ID or password are incorrect, but if I go to on same phone using the web browser have no problem with my ID.
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan I access android MediaProvider (Images & Videos) databases directly from my code rather then through a content provider ?
I'm planning to have my own Cursor implementation so inside it I want to access the media databases directly, possible or android does not allow it ?
information on direct access to GEARS geolocation functions from an Android application. To date, I have not found any. geolocation includes three Android-specific public Java classes, AndroidGpsLocationProvider, AndroidRadioLocationProvider, and AndroidWifiLocationProvider. The fact that they are Android-specific and that they are public lead me to conclude that I should be able to use these classes in my application. However, not surprisingly, when I try to access these classes, my application fails (see log below) because, among other things, I have no way to correctly identify nativeObject in the java classes. At the very least, I would like to understand the purpose of the three Android-specific public Java classes, and how we should use them.
(Native Method)
Does anyone know how to make ALL calls go direct to voicemail? When i try to upload a large file to YouTube, FB, etc - an incoming call/SMS kicks me off; and, I have to start all over. I have found how to do this on the HTC, through Settings:Wireless:Mobile Networks.... but similarities stop there.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI understand, at least on paper, the basic difference between the Content Provider and just directly accessing the SQLiteDatabase. I have a functioning prototype for my application, and currently it is just directly hitting the database. I don't really have any experience using the Content Provider pattern, but I have found out that I will need to share some data with another application.
I will only be sharing about 2 out of a dozen or so tables, so I was wondering if I should be just completely redoing the data layer to follow the Content Provider pattern, or just expose only those tables via a Content Provider for the sake of the other application and still directly access the database in the primary application.
One of the issues I ran into with my prototype was that I have some fairly complex transactions, and the code I wrote to get that working is not designed particularly well and isn't reusable at all. As I add more functionality to this app, I'm going to need a better designed data access layer, before I set off writing my own, does anyone know of any good resources with design patterns for this type of thing already? Also, if I need to go the Content Provider route, am I going to have solid control over the database transactions?
I am new to Android. Does anyone know if there is a way to create a shortcut on the desktop directly to an Excel "documents to go" file that is stored on G docs?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI added and displayed set of images in my gallery. I made like at a time use can view three images. Now I want to do different Animation for these images?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to display images inside single select when it appears inside dialog. How can I do it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to create a scrollable map and trigger different actions when the user touches a different areas. With iPhone, it was easy by putting buttons on top of the image. How do I do it in Android? I used a custom view to enable scrolling in both directions. Now how do I make different parts of the image trigger different events on click?
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