General :: Does Password Do Anything To Secure Device From Remote Attacks

May 30, 2014

Does enabling a lock screen password do ANYTHING to protect the device from threats? Other than someone with physical access, obviously. Would it make installing malware or exploiting a security flaw any more difficult? Assume the device in question is not rooted, if that makes any difference.

General :: Does password do anything to secure device from remote attacks

General :: Set Device To More Secure Setting When Using Public WiFi?

Dec 2, 2013

My laptop has 3 security levels for when using WiFi. For a home WiFi the least secure and a public WiFi the most secure. I'm using a public WiFi now and have searched my tablet settings for those sort of options, but can't find anything.

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Android :: Incorrect Wave Secure Login / Password?

Jan 22, 2010

So I loaded Wave secure beta to my Hero a couple weeks ago. I had occasion to travel to the west coast since and the phone locked as expected and unlocked when I entered my PIN. However, I wanted to test the remote locking feature and when I enter my login and password at the Wave secure web page it telss me I've entered incorrect info. I've verified the info multiple times but still can not login. I sent a msg to TenCube but haven't received a reply. Anyone else have this problem or know what the problem might be?

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Android :: Encrypt / Decrypt Password Using Droid Supporting Secure Algorithm?

May 7, 2010

What is the secure way to store passwords on android device?

I found same topic in "Android Developers Group". Steve918 kindly shared a sample code for it but I can not download it anymore.

Does anybody know how to encrypt/decrypt password using Android supporting secure algorithm?

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General :: Remote Control Android Device

Mar 23, 2011

I am looking for a way to remote control my android device (Motorola Xoom & Motorola Droid). I assume this will have to occur via Bluetooth but I am open to any option (wifi?)I'd like the following functionality in the remote:

- Launch Music Player
- Launch Maps / Navigation
- Play / Pause / Next Track / Previous track
- Launch Voice Search
- Launch text search

The official motorola Xoom Bluetooth keyboard has physical buttons for many of these operations (maybe not navigation or voice search) but this device is far too large to use as a 'remote'

My ideal situation would be to find a small Bluetooth remote designed for something like this. I've been looking at getting a Wiimote and the app that allows you to map its keys to keystrokes. Are there keyboard shortcuts for these operations?

I also noticed many of the keyboard shortcuts require the 'Search' key (i.e. Search+'b' launches the browser). What if I got a generic bluetooth keyboard without a 'Search' key - what is the alternative keypress?

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General :: Remote View One Android Device From Another

Aug 10, 2011

I am looking for a way to remote desktop my android phone (atrix) from my honeycomb tablet. Preferably over LAN, as I only really do it at home but not really close enough for bluetooth, however with bluetooth I could make do. Something like what the atrix can do with the dock.

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General :: Physical Remote Control To Work With Android Device

Nov 11, 2012

how to setup a infrared remote control to use with android instead of keyboard or mouse.I thought in lirc but the several ports that I found for android are working to send infrared signals, not to receive them.I was wondering if there is some project or program to allow infrared remote controller manage the android device.

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General :: Enter Password To Use Encrypted Device Storage

Dec 16, 2013

I have a Galaxy SII i777 4.1.2, rooted. Things were going ok after the factory reset, but I noticed that the battery was taking forever to charge and was draining extremely fast. I don't know if the fact that the telephone was running my data manager, data usage defender, battery doctor, watchdog and memory booster for one day has anything to do with this (although the battery drainage and high consumption of data was before I installed those apps and it was the reason why I did installed them this time). But today (hours after I uninstalled battery doctor, data usage defender and memory booster) the battery got quickly drained and the phone seemed dead (it didn't want to turn on and i couldn't see the icon indicating it was charging when connected). So, I inserted my sister's battery, took it out, and put my battery again. This time the phone turned on, BUT I see a message saying "enter password to use encrypted device storage." I only use four passwords for all my accounts but none of them work. I have tried different wrong passwords (as recommended) like 30 times, and nothing happens. I read somewhere that I could start ODIN, which I'm not knowledgeable of. But I don't know what to do. I pressed the power button and the volume keys, and all is showing is a green man icon and a "Downloading" message. It's been like an hour already and it keeps "downloading."

I don't remember having encrypted my phone. And if I did, I could have only used one of my four passwords.

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Motorola Droid :: How Secure Is A Rooted Device?

Oct 7, 2010

I have been rooted since shortly after 2.2 dropped and it broke the SiriusXM app. I love having the ability to do so much with the phone . My question is kind of specific to an application and general to the nature of a rooted device. I have been playing World of Warcraft for 5 years now and with the always present threat of being hacked and all of my in-game items, characters and account being stolen I added the mobile authenticator app as soon as it was available for Android devices. For those who don't know what this is, it is an app which you add to your in game account and will generate a key which you put in upon login that adds an extra layer of security to your account.

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HTC Droid Eris :: How Secure Device To Put Important Passwords Into?

Apr 8, 2010

When purchasing the eris I had it in mind to possibly trade stocks from scottrade mobile, or pay my cell phone bill via it. How secure is this device to put important passwords into it?

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General :: Retrieve Stored WiFi Password From Android Device Without Root And ADB?

Mar 26, 2013

I have a GS3 connected to a wifi network. I want to reteive the wifi network password from it. I know we can do it if the device is rooted. I also dont have access to ADB. Is there any other way to retrieve the password from the device without Root and ADB??

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Android :: Protocol To Secure A Connection Between A Mobile Device / A Web Service?

Jun 30, 2009

I'm looking for a protocol to secure a connection between a mobile device and a web service. I want to ensure that only the mobile device can perform actions on the web service and vice versa. Data doesn't need to be encrypted. I know Oauth, but it seems that it's more used to secure connections when you got 3 different entities (Server, Consumer and Auth). Here, the Consumer and the User would be the same person. Is there a simple protocol to do that (without requiring the user to login and then authorize the access token like it is the case for Oauth)? I need to use it on different plateforms, so the protocol needs to be available at least on iPhone and PHP.

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Android :: Bind Remote Service - That Installed On Device

Sep 5, 2010

I have coded this service, that computes stuff and i want other applications to be able to bind this service, i.e. i want to enable other programmers to communicate with this service. problem is, this has to work without these other programmers to get access to the source code. just the (installed) apk with the remote service is given (and of course a detailed description of the service' interface)...problem is, eclipse keeps braggin' about that the packages of the service are not available in source code...

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Android :: Generate Databases On Device Using Remote Tool?

Aug 25, 2010

I managed to configure iJetty on the emulator and I am setting up both a REST-based and SOAP-based services on it.

Regarding sqlite3. I am able to run and control it remotely using the shell. is there a way to generate databases on the device using the remote tool? I didn't find any evidence that that is possible and I think the only way may be through the API. I just wanted to double check in case I missed this.

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Android : Send Message From One Application To Another On Another Device - Remote - Communication

Nov 8, 2010

I want to create an application that can be interactive with another Android device that could be across the room or across the country. For example, imagine playing Tic-Tac-Toe; but I'm the X's on my phone and the O's are my brother on his Android phone. I think it can be done via application specific messaging. Looking to see if it is possible, and, if so, how to send a message from one application to another on another device.

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General :: LG Optimus V - Set Boot Password Like BIOS Password On PCs?

May 1, 2012

I'm new to android but just used the guides at this forum to root my LG Optimus V. I was wondering if now that I have root there is a way to install a boot password similar to the one I have on my computer. Before it loads the operating system, the BIOS asks for a password. Is there any similar functionality for android?

Also, is this possible on other devices even if it is not on mine? It's one of my favorite laymen security measures.

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Android :: How To Store Username Password In Device Memory

Jun 17, 2010

How to store username password in device memory.Even after the user closes the application and returns back , he should be able to authenticate his username and password. Right now I am testing in Eclipse. so please help me with some pointers/links which will allow me to test in Eclipse and eventually run on Mobile.

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Motorola Droid : 2.2 Enforce Password On Device Not Being Enforced

Aug 16, 2010

I was under the impression that droid 2.2 (FRG01B) was going to enforce "Enforce password on device" through Exchange Active Sync security policies.

Our policy on our exchange server forces mobile devices connecting to use a PIN for the device before it starts to sync emails. (Works perfectly on WinMo 5,6 and iPhone devices). You are prompted to set up a PIN.

I just received 2.2 OTA this morning and installed it. When adding my exchange account I am not forced to enable a PIN for the device.

Does anybody have this working on their Motorola Droid 2.2 yet?

I know that a newer build (FRG022) will be pushed OTA soon but from what I have read that build does not address Exchange issues.

Also - The remote wipe feature wasn't what I expected. It appears to just break the connection between the client and the server. Nothing is wiped. Any messages already synced to the phone stay on the phone.

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Android :: Mobile 'Web Wrapper' Framework Allowing Device Access To A Remote Site?

Jan 3, 2010

When I first ran across PhoneGap, I was excited because I envisioned simply dropping in the URL of a mobile site and simply updating the mobile site to use the devices capabilities when available.

Alas, it seems it is not that easy.

From what I understand (and I could be incorrect), any HTML/JS access to the device's hardware is limited to local 'pages'. So essentially create a HTML/JS local 'web' app to access the 'real' mobile web app by AJAX like calls. It seems a little redundant (at least to me) when the point is to simply extend the interface an existing mobile site.

Not trying to knock PhoneGap here, just wondering if there's a similar framework that allows a remote site to access the phone's hardware directly. Or if I've missed how that can be done with PhoneGap.

(Sure, I know "allows a remote site to access the phone's hardware directly" sounds scary - but the URL is hard-coded in the app, and HTTPS could provide authenticity. Of course, security is probably why this isn't supported by PhoneGap.)

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Android :: Debug App On Device With Eclipse And Password Protected Keystore?

Feb 17, 2010

I uploaded my application to Market and then downloaded it to my phone. Now I'm unable to use debug keystore which is used by default by Eclipse ADT Plugin (Re-installation failed due to different application signatures) and when I'm trying to setup own keystore in Eclipse->Windows->Android->Build->CustomDebugKeystore, I'm unable to enter password or accept keystore and type password later. Is there anything I can do or only way do debug app on device is to uninstall market version and deal with default debug keystore?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Password Screen Locks And When Asks For User Name And Password It States Invalid User Name / Password

Mar 3, 2010

I have had this same problem happen twice to me on 2 different phones on 2 different Verizon accounts!

The password screen locks and when it asks for the user name and password it states invalid user name / password!

Is this a known problem since when I called and talked to both Verizon and HTC the only thing they could tell me was to do a hard reset and they weren't aware of this problem?

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Android :: Android Bluetooth Crashes Application When Remote Device Closes Socket

Feb 16, 2010

I have connected my Android application to a Windows desktop machine via Bluetooth. The application interacts with the machine. At the end of the interaction the application on the desktop closes the socket that was opened between the Android and the desktop application. Right when socket.close() is called on the Windows machine my Android app pops open a dialog saying that the application has stopped unexpectedly and then it quits. I have a breakpoint on the line in the ConnectedThread (like in the BluetoothChat sample) where I read the InputStream on the Android and that is not hit. I also have a breakpoint in the catch statement for the try surrounding the place where I read the InputStream. That one also does not get hit. So I have no idea how I can catch this error. Is this a bug?

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General :: Is It Secure To Install ROM Via Recovery Over 2.3

Jan 18, 2012

I have installed CyanogenMod 7.1 on my P350, but I didn't liked it at all. How can I downgrade it back to 2.2? Specially because I have here a Custom ROM named SigneMOD, and it's based on 2.2.

Is it secure to install the ROM via Recovery over 2.3?I have a Nandroid Backup from the original FW. Can I install it over 2.3? how can I get back to 2.2?

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General :: Secure Android Phone Clone?

Sep 2, 2012

App that tunnels my text and whatsapp message to another android device.

Like this scenario:

3G --> message ( whatsapp or text ) --> android device 1 ( proxy ) --> encrypted -->WIFI ( internet ) --> Android device 2

This way i can send and receive messages trough another android device that acts as an secure message proxy.

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Android :: Total Control Remote Edition (IR Remote) Video

Jul 26, 2010

added a quick demo video of our upcoming Android Infrared (IR) Remote.Initially it will support a full IR dbase of 300,000+ IR codes, IR learner for any code not in the dbase, Pre-Built GUI so it is simple to setup. Will add rs232, relays, and other tcp options also after initial release.

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General :: Samsung Galaxy Nexus - SSL For Secure Webpages?

Jan 2, 2013

My work is setting up a secure webpage and we are expected to be able to access it 24/7 to log alerts received when there are server errors at work. To access this secure webpage we were given two certificates, one for windows (home use) and one for mobile ( a .p12 file which I've read is compatible). I cannot access the webpage via Android browser or chrome browser (or any other 3rd party browser). I've imported the certificate using the import feature in Settings->Security and it showed a brief notification that the import was successful. However, the certificate isn't listed in the "User" section of the trusted credentials list. Now, I would suspect that the certificate wasn't made correctly, but the same exact one works on a co-workers iPhone (pains me to say that). I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Nexus, rooted, but otherwise stock.

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General :: App To Secure Phone While Surfing On Public WiFi

Mar 30, 2014

I am using WiFi as a Guest with guest password qt my office. But dont want to open/show my ID / mac address or any Detail to administrator.

Q1. Is there any APP which can keep me & my device detail invisible while i am surfing / downloading any file via browser or torrent?

Q2. Gmail etc sites are blocked in WiFi , is there any app which can browse to these URL's.

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General :: Can't Get Into Recovery Mode Without Secure Kernel Fail

Feb 12, 2014

I have a verizon samsung galaxy s3. I'm planning to upgrade to the kitkat 4.4 but I was going to do a nandroid backup first. Using rom manager I am attempting to go into recovery mode but everytime I try I get this message:

System software not authorized by Verizon Wireless has been found on your phone. Please turn off your phone and go to the nearest Verizon Wireless store for support.

I disabled the knox sensor and then totally removed it and it's components. I don't know what else to try.

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General :: LG Optimus LTE Su640 - Secure Booting Error

Jan 4, 2013

I new in "rooting phone", I rooted my phone LG OPTIMUS LTE SU640, but not now the problem is that I cant boot in recovery mode or DL mode, when I try it shows:

Secure booting error!
Cause: boot certification verify

Enter the fastboot...
Enter the fastboot...

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General :: Does Bootloader Unlock Secure Delete Files

Aug 2, 2012

When you 'fastboot oem unlock', does it perform a secure delete (completely unrecoverable) of all files? Or are the files still kept until overwritten, like with normal delete?

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