General :: Disable Screenshot Button In Status Bar?
Jan 18, 2013I hate the screenshot button in status bar. I want to remove it but can't. I'm using Android 4.1

I hate the screenshot button in status bar. I want to remove it but can't. I'm using Android 4.1
When I make a phone call a facebook status bar pops up at the top of the screen for that person. I constantly hit my cheek on this and I find it annoying. Is there a way to disable/remove this "feature"?
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the three squares in the pic
I have a Galaxy Note II. When I have it in the side pocket of my pants I sometimes reboot the damn thing by crouching down. I listen to audio books when renovating my cabin (which is going to take a month or so more), and this has happened 4-5 times today! So I'd like to disable that button all together. It just has an idiotic placement on the phone. I prefered my old HD2, that had a power button on the front that actually took a bit of pusing. This thing is pressed by looking hard at it!
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter having an IPhone 4s for two years i decided to switch to a galaxy s4 to see what it was like. My first touch screen device was a cheap rubbish MID rocketchip tablet running android 1.7. Every since then and seeing my friend using his HTC wildfire and how laggy it is in things like scrolling i always though iphone was better until i got the S4, realising that with the latest android scrolling was smooth (although can still be laggy at times but rarely) and with all its customization etc i don't like iphones as much as i did but don't completely dislike them just don't think i'd go back to one. That said i do miss some of the apps that i can't get on android.
Anyway whilst i love the galaxy s4 i found what you could say in a design flaw but it's also a good design at the same time. Samsung as positioned the lock/power button on the right side of the phone. Which ok is more natural when holding the phone and other phones are the same too but i've noticed a problem although it could just be me. Whenever i play a game or use any app in landscape mode i've found myself accidently pressing the lock button so i have to make sure that i haven't placed my finger on top of it as where it's placed is natural for my fingers to hold the phone in landscape mode. As i say might just be me that can't hold it properly. Anyway i was wondering if there is a way i could disable the power button in landscape mode so that if i press it, it won't do anything. I was thinking of using tasker but doesn't seem to be away to disable buttons.
My kid keep switching my phone off ...
Even when I have a password or pattern ..the power button work..
I can edit any file in android system if required .
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Is there a way to do it? I'm on CM10 - FXP - Ion lt28h
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View 6 Replies View RelatedI am developing an Application for SMS.
1. Can i have only my own notification in status bar not native android one while receiving a SMS? Currently it is showing both. I think if i would disable the notification then it could also disable my one too.
2. Can i receive my sms at any custom port? If yes then how and while receiving that would i see the native notification in status bar?
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Innos i6c (Xperia Style)
I want make screenshot from CWM. How the make this.It is possible.
View 4 Replies View Relatedin my android application there are number of images in drawable folder. in my layout two buttons:back and forward button.on clicking next and back buttons different-2 image get loaded on the same layout(common for all images).i am able to load images in next/back button click but after reaching to the last image i want to make my next button click disable and same for the back button.As the user is on the first image the back button would be disable.
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I didn't do anything intentionally to disable the back button - what could be causing the back button not to work?
One thing that's bothered me about samsung phones is the 1+ second lag between pressing home and power for screenshot. Is there some manual way to change the amount of seconds it takes for it to register a screenshot? Or a mod?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an application, when it launches I have to disable all the buttons, I successeded in disabling end call and other i need to disable home buttom if I click it, It should not produce any action.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've developed and app that is a slide show of pictures which each play a sound when you tap them. It's like a picture book for ages 2-4. The problem is, since android won't let you capture a home button press and essentially disable it, when parents give the phone to their child to play with unattended (brave parent), the child can inadvertenly exit the app and then make calls or otherwise tweak the phone. There are two other apps that currently have a psuedo fix for this issue. The apps are Toddler Lock and ToddlePhone. I've tried contacting the developers of these apps for some guidance but they haven't been willing to disclose anything, which if fine, but does anyone here have any suggestions?
It looks like both of those other apps are acting like a home screen replacement app. When you enable the "childproof mode" on those apps the user is prompted to chose and app for the action and the choices are "Launcher, LauncherPro, etc." plus the toddler app. You then have to make the toddler app the default and voila, the phone is "locked" and can only be "unlocked" using a key combination or touching the four corners of the screen, etc. when you "unlock" the phone. your normal home screen app default restored. You don't even have to make the toddler app the default the next time you enable the "childproof mode". I have read that these two apps have problems with Samsung phones and they can cause an an infinite crash-and-restart-loop that requires a factory reset to fix. Obviously this is not the ideal solution to the problem but it looks like the only one availiable at this point. Does anyone have any ideas on how to implement a "childproof mode"?
How to i disable the keyboard when a button is pressesd.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to disable me having to push the unlock button on the top? My droid already has a lock on the screen the little swipe thing. I dont need two. I would rather do the swipe thing on the screen the button lock is sort of a pain the but.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to disable that stupid button? I hate the location of it. Also, is there some kind of slide-to-unlock feature for these phones? I know we have the slide security pad thing, but I was wondering more along the lines of the iPhone and Droid... slide a button across the screen to unlock.
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View 6 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a stratosphere 2 and cannot seem to figure out how to take a screenshot. I've tries the home and loco button at the same time and still nothing. How to take a screen shot on this phone
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo my trouble here is about screencaptures, snapshots, screenshots... etc..
To take a screenshot on a Gingerbread Samsung Galaxy S "for example" you'll need to hold home and Back button.. well.. you can't do this in some apps as they exit :/
So is there anyway to change my Gingerbread's screenshot's hotkey to Vol+ and Home or such?
How do I take a screen shot on my Motorola Droid X? I did it once before but now I cant remember how to do it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedRooting phone and probably installing some APKs just to take screenshot of any screen on Android phone. How to take screenshot on an Android Phone?
Ans -> Press power button (mostly present on top of phone) and keeping it pressed, quickly press "Home" touch key on front screen. That's it. That's all you needed to take screenshot. Image is saved in Gallery folder of your phone. This pretty much works in Gingerbread and ICS, if not other versions of Android.