General :: How To Take Screenshot On LG F160L
May 20, 2014How to take a screenshot on LG F160L?

How to take a screenshot on LG F160L?
I purchased LG Optimus LTE2, F160L. I was trying to install ROM but as it rebooted it stuck on screen saying "LG Security Error"?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want make screenshot from CWM. How the make this.It is possible.
View 4 Replies View RelatedOne thing that's bothered me about samsung phones is the 1+ second lag between pressing home and power for screenshot. Is there some manual way to change the amount of seconds it takes for it to register a screenshot? Or a mod?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to take a screenshot on the phone THL w100s?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to take a screenshot while in cwm recovery?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I screenshot on HTC thunderbolt?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a stratosphere 2 and cannot seem to figure out how to take a screenshot. I've tries the home and loco button at the same time and still nothing. How to take a screen shot on this phone
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo my trouble here is about screencaptures, snapshots, screenshots... etc..
To take a screenshot on a Gingerbread Samsung Galaxy S "for example" you'll need to hold home and Back button.. well.. you can't do this in some apps as they exit :/
So is there anyway to change my Gingerbread's screenshot's hotkey to Vol+ and Home or such?
How do I take a screen shot on my Motorola Droid X? I did it once before but now I cant remember how to do it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedRooting phone and probably installing some APKs just to take screenshot of any screen on Android phone. How to take screenshot on an Android Phone?
Ans -> Press power button (mostly present on top of phone) and keeping it pressed, quickly press "Home" touch key on front screen. That's it. That's all you needed to take screenshot. Image is saved in Gallery folder of your phone. This pretty much works in Gingerbread and ICS, if not other versions of Android.
Im looking for an app or a way to share my screenshots by taping share icon after taking the screenshot. I want to get direct url as fast as possible. I dont want to go into dropbox, share, copy url etc etc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt did worked once but that i can't take any.Is there any other way to take screenshots.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI hate the screenshot button in status bar. I want to remove it but can't. I'm using Android 4.1
View 4 Replies View RelatedLooking for any way to do the following
Screenshot or cut and paste a part of google map
paste into a PDF
having a hard time trying to do it.
Is there any way to take a screen shot on snap chat with out the other person knowing?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI wonder whether there is a way to screen shot android programmatically without rooting the phone?
On Google play, there are numbers of screen shot apps saying "no need to root the phone". But actually, most of them do need to root the phone even they said no need.I can only do it by rooting the phone and pushing my app as system app.
I'm looking for an app that can take the screenshot from the phone camera and stamp on it the gps coordinates and compass bearing with time and date like the picture that I've attached.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that you would install on Tablet to run as service (and so small footprint), then you access a web page from PC or other device over internet, click a button and that takes screenshot of whatever there is on the Tablet with the server installed, downloads it and displays in a window in the browser?
So it doesn't need to stream or allow for remote control, only take screenshot of remote tablet and view it locally.Since ICS has screenshot feature built in, maybe it wouldn't even require root?
I have a rooted Galaxy S3 with Android 4.1.2, and for some strange reason they've changed the screenshot combination away from the Power+VolDown that other Androids use to Power+Home which can't realistically be pressed one-handed. How can I change it back to Power+VolDown?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway you can take a screenshot without rooting the phone? And without having it connected to your computer while you take the screenshot?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI'm curious as to how I can take a screen grab of my non-rooted phone since the update killed the use of the ShootMe app. No, I'm not interested in rooting my phone just for this purpose. Ever since the OTA update a few of my entertainment apps (soundboards and the like with lots of text and buttons) are having major alignment issues and I'd like to show the developers what they're doing on the Evo.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have a requirement to place 2 overlapping image view inside a web view.the upper image view can be moved using trackball and the lower image view is i want to capture the whole screen programmatically and save it as an image.i have referred this link but unable to get the solution.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I take a screenshot programmatically? So far I've learned that:
1) DDMS does it by sending "framebuffer:" to the adb service over a socket, which takes a screenshot in framebuffer_service.c that it sends back.
2) There are some proprietary screenshot apps out there that stipulate the user must have root access, I'm not sure why.
Would it be possible for an Android app to send "framebuffer:" to its own adb service and get the screenshot that way?
Anyone know how to Screenshot the Dx!
View 8 Replies View RelatedAll I keep seeing is people asking for an app that allow screenshots without root. The only solution all have given is installing sdk which is a pain in the bum to do. I have another mini-solution until such an app is developed.
Both Open Home and Home++ have this feature built in. Only negative to it is, you won't be able to take a screenshot of your HTC Sense UI home screen or Android stock home screen only the open home or home++ screen. But for many who are like me and could not run the SDK correctly, this works just fine.
I really want to post my Layouts, but I downloaded the SDK but I don't see a .dmg to open or "execute". (Gasp, I don't have have a PC, and would rather avoid turning on my fusion ware windows makes me feel gross.) Anyone else do it on a Mac, or am I the only one?
View 21 Replies View RelatedIs there an app that allows you to take a screenshot so I can post what the phone is displaying?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy goal is to be able to type a one word command and get a screenshot from a rooted Nexus One attached by USB. So far, I can get the framebuffer which I believe is a 32bit xRGB888 raw image by pulling it like this: adb pull /dev/graphics/fb0 fb0 rom there though, I'm having a hard time getting it converted to a png. I'm trying with ffmpeg like this: ffmpeg -vframes 1 -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb8888 -s 480x800 -i fb0 -f image2 -vcodec png image.png That creates a lovely purple image that has parts that vaguely resemble the screen, but it's by no means a clean screenshot.
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