General :: Android Lagging While Gaming

Oct 20, 2012

I have Galaxy W but I noticed that the games have a little lag. That normal maybe because my phone is not dual core. But I have read that lot of people are complaining about lagging in games even if they have a phone with good specifications like Galaxy S2 & S3. I understood that this is from bad optimization for Android, cause the games are direct port from iOS.

General :: Android lagging while gaming

General :: Turn Old Android Phone Into Portable Gaming Device?

Dec 18, 2011

So I upgraded from my Droid X to an Galaxy Nexus. I have a perfectly good - freshly sbf'd Droid X that none of my family wants or needs so I'm thinking it could be a decent portable gaming device for my boys when we travel. Just toss it in the Otterbox and let em have at it.

I always see the iPhone folks talk about giving their kids their old iPhones to use as an iTouch and I'm thinking I'd like to do that with my DX if it's feasible.

I'm just not sure it would work as well. Can I simply create a new gmail acct to register it at when going thru the setup we we can download some free games from the Market? What about the phone activation process - can I just skip that?

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General :: Google Play Services Update Improves Multiplayer Gaming On Android

Jun 17, 2012

Google Play Services update improves multiplayer gaming on Android.

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General :: Block All Gaming Apps From Installing?

Aug 8, 2013

I am planning to buy my son and daughter the new nexus 7 for for education purposes, they are 6 and 7 respectively, so their frontal lobe is not yet developed to make sound judgement. It is against both our family code and kyokushin oath to engage in sloth, and I certainly don't want to buy them a device that would do more damage and good.

I have discussed this with my wife that the only condition we going to buy to the tablet is that we can be sure that no gaming app ever can be installed. If I let my children sign in with their own gmail account into the nexus 7, is their parental control that I can set up that would notify me that gaming apps have been installed on their account or better block all game apps?

If all else fails, I'll just have to periodically check the tablets for gaming apps.

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General :: Android Revolution HD 6.3.1 - Big Size / HD Video Songs Lagging

Jan 27, 2012

I have recently flashed my htc desire hd with Android revolution Hd 6.3.1 custom ROM, here is the link [URL] .....

Everything is woking great since i have flashed it, except for the video part. Before flashing my phone could play vvideos of of any size say 200 0r 400 mb without lagging. But after the flashing the same videos do not play. i have tried almost all the known players, i have also formatted my sd card. other than that the Rom seems to have no problem.

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General :: Will Jelly Bean Improve Gaming Performance

Jul 3, 2012

i have a GS 3 and want to know if Jelly bean will improve the gaming performance `framerates`???

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General :: How To Stop U8300 From Lagging

Aug 12, 2011

my phone (u8300) lags a lot and im just wandering if there are any apps or anything to make it faster and no lag

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Games :: WP7 Gaming And Android

Oct 11, 2010

Just saw the WP7 launch event via live blogging from WPcentral, and they said that 3D games like ilo and milo (which is like super mario 64/galaxy) runs very smoothly. If these WP7 phones have the 1GHz Qualcomm QSD8250 Snapdragon processors, then the Nexus One, HTC Desire, etc which have the same processor can run games of this quality at at the same speed right?

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Android :: Accelerometer For Gaming

Jul 10, 2009

I'm designing a game for Android and I would like to use the accelerometer for some aspects of control. Has anyone come across a tutorial or example for something like this?

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Android :: Social Gaming Platforms

Apr 11, 2010

I'm looking for cross-platform social gaming platforms, essentially for high-scores and achievements but also for multi-player.

Basically I came across two solutions: - ScoreLoop ( lots of features but is closed for new developers (temporarily?) - Casmul [url]: less features and looks a bit... amateur.

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Android :: 3.0 Gaming Smartphone Is Coming

Aug 12, 2010

Sony Ericsson will release a new product PlayStation phone, which will utilize Android 3.0. (news from Android 3.0 gaming smartphone Coming )It looks amazing, which looks like a mini play station.

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Android : Console Gaming News App

Jul 7, 2010

Is there a nice polished app that just gives game reviews/scores, new releases, basic news about Playstation, Xbox etc?

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Games :: Future Of Android 3d Gaming Is Better GPU Worth It?

Aug 26, 2010

so I wanted to get an Evo, but then I saw all these graphic tests and found The EPIC to have amazing GPU. Now I really like the evo for htc sense, bigger screen and looks. But I want the epic for its GPU. I dont care much for the keyboard. Im afraid the GPU on evo will be outdated and not run games anymore. Im afraid cuz my cousin got a Moment and he cant run any of the good 3d games, i got my pre before him and I can run better 3d games then him.Should I get the epic just for the GPU? Do you guys even see android gaming taking off and using the epic's internals or will the GPU of EVO(Adreno 200) be fine for current and future android games. As I see it, most devs are using the N1 to develop on, so im guessing the GPU in the evo should be fine right? or should I be safe and get the Epic GPU and be able to use the keyboard for gaming, but not be satisfied by looks? (maybe when i use it in person ill fine in love with the looks lol)SHORT VERSION Should i get the EVO and not be worried about highend 3d games sucking/being laggy? Is the GPU on the Evo good enough because it is the current standard for 3d games? Dont most developers develop on n1, thus the Evo gpu will be perfect? Also I think A lot of developers are optimizing games for the snapdragons. is any of this true?

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Android :: Snesoid Controller / Size Of My Gaming Platform

Oct 5, 2010

So I was thinking. Cause I got those fat thumbs, and playing mu snesoid can be tricky. I have a SNES controller. I also have a SNES controller Male USB. Now if I can find a R USB to M micro USB, can I plug that in on my D2 and use that? I realize this would effectively make my controller 3x the size of my gaming platform. But would it work?

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Games :: Score Loop Android Social Gaming SDK Open To All

May 14, 2010

Please note: Discussion for this thread has been shifted to the Developer category, since I realised it's more developer than gamer focused. Dear Developers and Friends, I'm Junde from Scoreloop and we're extremely pleased to announce the public release of our Scoreloop Core Social SDK for Android! (and iPhone) Along with the release comes an updated developer area to more easily configure game settings, and a new support forum/FAQ to assist with implementation. To download, just sign up at Scoreloop | Download At the same time we'd also like to announce the addition of the MySpace SDK, so that you can now enable your users to connect to their MySpace social graph. To reward the first developers to integrate this functionality, MySpace is offering 1M ad impressions on their Android/iPhone App to the best social integrations with the MySpace support by June 30th.
Our goal is to give game developers the tools and infrastructure they need to make better, more social games, in a fully customizable and modular way. With the public release of Core Social, every developer is now able to do just that.
Here's a brief list of some features you immediately have access to:
- Global Leaderboards
- Friend Finding
- Social Network Publishing (MySpace/Facebook)
- Social Discovery (Cross-Promotions / Friend Recommendations)
- Player Challenges
- Online Profiles
- In-Game Currencies
- Location Awareness
- Achievements (iPhone only, soon Android)
- Downloadable Content: Virtual Goods/Services (coming soon on Android)
With the Core Social SDK release, it comes with a default lightweight high scores board, where you can customise backgrounds and colours, as well as a more advanced and customised features version.Lightweight, very easily integrated High Scores board. (Colours and images customisable)Or a more advanced custom integration, with exciting gameplay challenges using coins. Screenshot from Toss It! and Jewels Do drop us a visit at We look forward to playing your exciting Android games!

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HTC Droid Eris :: Potential Of Android Decent Handheld Gaming Sytem

Apr 23, 2010

With the soon arriving Adobe Flash Player 10.1 coming out for 2.1 devices, Do you think the Android system will make a turn for the better supporting flash games and even AIR which will lead us to amazing places. Or do you think that with the low processor speed that Eris has that it will be a "meh" beneficial update that will help with certain webpage views but not full compatibility gaming.

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Android :: Desktop Lagging / Set CPU Settings?

Apr 17, 2010

I got the Droid from Verizon a couple days ago, and about two days ago I rooted it, and I'm now using Bugles Beast 0.9 with a 5 slot Chevy 1.2ghz kernel. I keep the CPU set to 800 because i feel like 1200ghz is burning up the battery unnecessarily when I'm playing games. However, I can't figure out why sometimes when I'm returning to the home screen, no icons will display for about 5 seconds (usually when exiting a program that eats up a large amount of CPU). Could it have something to do with Set CPU settings?

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Android :: OpenGL ES Lagging - Learn ES 1.0?

Jan 22, 2010

Why is support for OpenGL lagging so far behind with Android? I have ebooks that date OpenGL 1.0 ES back to 1997 or so. I don't understand why ~13 year old technology is what's being offered in the Android API. Could someone enlighten me? What's the best path for someone wanting to learn OpenGL ES 1.0? The ebooks I have are of course not oriented for Java/Android and most everything in them doesn't work when I try it. I can post some specific examples later but at this point I'm just wondering if I'm wasting time or if I should keep going and struggle through it. I have a tiny amount of OpenGL experience but it's with 2.0 and apparently things were very different back in the ES 1.0 world. I guess my question boils down to, is OpenGL ES 2.0 support coming to Android anytime soon? And what OpenGL ES 1.0 + Android learning resources already exist?

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Android :: Emulators - Games Are All Lagging

Oct 16, 2010

I'm gonna be honest here... When I found out that i could have GBA and SNES emulators on my android, I made up my mind. I tryed it out a bit on my friend's Motorola Flipout and was working just perfectly. However, on my own Flipout, the games are all "laggy". Not to mention the music which plays one note every 1 second or so... bummer. I know it's not the ROM, for i have tested with the same one my friend used... so I'm guessing it's a setting in either the phone or the emulator. Any adeas? ps: I'm using the free versions of the gameboid and snesoid

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HTC EVO 4G :: Wifi Hotspot For Gaming

Jul 5, 2010

Just thought I'd let everyone know, it DEFINITELY is possible. Before having an EVO I asked around all over and not many people would commit to saying it worked. I'm just here to say it works GREAT.

just got pinged at 95 ms and it works fine. Halo 3, Warcraft 3... they all work fantastic. Pretty much no different than my previous "high speed" cable connection.

I'm paying the $30 for the mobile hot spot and I have to say it's 100% worth it. I still only have 3g, no 4g yet... can only imagine how nice it will be then.

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Android :: AppWidgetManager.updateAppWidget Refreshing Always Lagging One Behind

Oct 2, 2009

I've got an App Widget that gets updated (er... I try to update it) with the following chunk of code: ComponentName thisWidget = new ComponentName(context, MyAppWidgetProvider.class); AppWidgetManager manager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(context); manager.updateAppWidget(thisWidget, remoteViews);

The problem I'm seeing is that it the user interface is updating always one behind (i.e. using the previous remoteView to update the user interface). So, i make that call with a certain configuration in remoteViews, and it doesn't reflect in the UI until the next time I call it with a different remoteView. I know this is kinda vague and I don't have a lot of details here, but i was wondering if I'm missing something very obvious.

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Jelly Bean :: Lagging On Messaging App Android 4.1.2

Sep 25, 2013

Im just asking why is my messaging app lagging like hell when my messages exceeds to like 150+ messages, I mean its kinda awkward since this phone has a quadcore processor and a 512ram. Is this some glitch on the os or just the dual sim or dual text to sim 1 or sim 2 making it lag so bad?

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Games :: Gaming Review Website?

Jun 14, 2010

I would just like to know if anybody here would like to start an Android Game Review website.I would like to discuss this with anybody who would be interested. What I would really like is if all the reviewers have different Android phones. I know games such as Replica Island don't work as well on my Incredible because of the Optical Joystick, so if we had different handhelds we could compare between the handhelds to give our readers the best possible reviews. This would also help because of all the different specs on the phones. One game that would run awesome on an Evo might not run as well on a G1.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Phone Charging While Talking / Gaming

Jun 6, 2010

I picked up the EVO 4G on Friday and like it thus far. However, the phone does not seem to recharge while using the phone or while playing games (I'm addicted to RoboDefender already ). Is this normal? I've only charged it from my workstation and laptop so far. Does the phone gain charge from the included USB adapter? Can I use a dual-lead USB cable to get charged on the laptop/workstation (cables with one data USB cable and one for power)?

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Android :: Gmail Notifications Lagging Sync Jammed

Nov 4, 2010

I used to get gmail email notifications instantly when they arrive now I get them only with 1-2 hours delay. Basically I get the notification of a new email faster than the browser version on my pc refreshes (dunno how often it does it maybe once every 10-20 secs). This has been going on for 2 days now. I will get the notification eventually of a new email if I don't mark them as read but just before it was within seconds now it's within hours of the new email arriving. The problem is gmail gets into sync loop I'm assuming this is a gmail problem.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Gaming And The Home Button - Always Accidentally Tripping - Disable?

Jul 18, 2010

I'm a gamer, and I love my new evo for everything else so far.. I'm confident I will love it for gaming once the 30fps cap is lifted (please please please please plEASE!) and I fix this one problem. Whenever I'm playing a game with a "virtual controller", i.e. phone sideways with d pad on left and buttons on right side of screen, I inevitably find myself tripping the "home" key within minutes of starting any game that requires a controller. This of course kicks me to my home page, and with most games any progress is lost. I can't imagine that no one else is having this problem, as it even happens with texting from time to time, but I can't seem to find anyone else with the same problem.

This is reallllly irritating as in any game with oft-pressed controls on the lower right side of the screen, i'm pretty much guaranteed to kick myself out to my home screen within 3 minutes of starting a game. What's the best way to address this? Is there a way to temporarily disable the home button? change controls to a hold?

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Games :: Gobang - Beta2.0 Multiplayer Online Gaming

Nov 4, 2009

Gobang Online Beta2.0 (Free)

- User Sign-up/Sign-in
- Guest Quick Start
- Play against Computer AI
- Real-time Game Room List
- Real-time Online User list
- Create or Join a Game Room
- In-room Gaming, Chatting and Managing
- Scoreboard

You can download it from Market (Search for Gobang) Or you can download the apk file here: Gobang.rar

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Motorola Droid :: Notification LED Doesnt Blink While Gaming. BB 0.4

Jul 26, 2010

I have BB 0.4 with blue energy theme and chevy 1.1 lv kernel. Along with Launcher Pro. Normally the notification LED will blink when i get a text while doing normal stuff or nothing at all. But when i am gaming the LED doesnt blink. Has any one have a problem with this? Also, when i open a message from the notification bar instead of the message box in the dock. The dock still displays the number of messages unread even after reading it.

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Motorola :: Will Droid Ever Get Any High Quality Gaming Apps?

Dec 27, 2009

Emulators are fun and all but, I have just been playing Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. on my iPod Touch and nothing in the android market can touch it. The difference in graphics and game play between the Apple App Store and the Android market is huge. Is it a limitation of other android devices? From what Ive read the Droid has the same (or similar) processor as the iPhone 3GS. I am playing games on the 2nd Gen iPod Touch which has a slower processor and it performs flawlessly. I am not an apple fan boy and have never owned a iPhone. I love my Droid and want to be able to hand my touch to my wife and forget about it. Will the Droid ever get any high quality gaming apps?

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Games : Micro Usb / Bluetooth Clipon Type Of Controller For Gaming On G1?

Sep 25, 2010

Just wandering if anyone has made a micro usb or bluetooth clipon type of controller for gaming on the g1?

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