General :: Android 4.0 SSL Authentication
Jul 19, 2012
I am new to android and know very little about authentication. Ive been asked to build an rss feed app that will need to do Client side certificate authentication through SSL.
I've looked into the keychain api but how to use it and seen no tutorials of its usage.
I am a little lost as ive not done anything with authentication before. How to do mutual SSL client Authentication in android 4.0?
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Aug 5, 2013
iam using miui pepper on CM9.In my college there is a 4 MB/S wifi connectivity,unfortunately android and ios users cant access wifi but connections are available for laptop users!.while connecting in laptop wifi asks authentication, after entering username and pass lap is able to use wifi!!!.
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Mar 14, 2013
Any app which allows me, to turn my N4 into a wifi-hotspot and offers the connected clients a kind of portal on which he has to login with username/password? Only after a correct authentication, he is able to use the tethered connection from the phone.
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Jan 31, 2012
Lately (last 3 weeks) I've been getting those prompts to copy a word code in order to access my gmail. i get three of them actually. I'm assuming it's because i have three gmail accounts set up on my phone. i don't know if these prompts are for syncing or accessing my gmail. all i know is they're random, never at startup, and not necessarily prompted by anything specific that i do,,,like trying to get into email or something. they just pop up.
They're accompanies by an orange exclamation mark in the top notification bar. it has never occurred to me until now as i post, to pull down the notification to see what it's about.
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Jun 19, 2012
I have the Samsung Galaxy S Advance running Android 2.3.6
I was able to set up the proxy server through Settings - Wireless and Network - WiFi Settings - (Options button) - Advanced.
This works well for the browser. If the proxy server requires authentication, then a dialog box pops up for that purpose.
However, all the other apps are totally useless behind a proxy server that requires authentication.
How do I work around this without rooting my phone? If rooting is absolutely necessary, what app do you recommend to use (after rooting)? My google searches turn up ProxyDroid.
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Aug 31, 2013
I have a Samsung Note 10.1. I have a new XFinity modem that I have connected all my house phones and laptops to. On my note, when I leave the house and come back, my WiFi screen shows "Authentication Error" when I try to reconnect to the WiFi. Nothing I do-- restart Note, re-enter modem password, etc, will work to get it reconnected EXCEPT resetting the XFinity modem again...then in connects again...UNTIL I leave and come back again. Just got off the phone with Comcast/XFinity and they say everything is ok with my system.
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Mar 2, 2014
adding a google account that has 2 factor authentication? I've tried 3 different accounts on 4 different phones and nothing works
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Aug 27, 2013
How do I get online with my android tablet. I was on line and someone fiddled with my tablet .now when itry to go online or connect to wifi, I get the message authentication problem .
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Mar 24, 2009
I am beating my head against a wall trying to figure out why I cannot get Authenticated on my server whilst using HttpUrlConnection. I need to post a file in a post method and it seems I cannot do so with the DefaultHttpClient and a regular HttpPost (unless I am completely missing something?). I can get DefaultHttpClient to authenticate just fine using setCredentials() but the same doesn't exist for HttpUrlConnection so I try to set through setRequestProperty: conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64EncodedUserNamePassword); to no avail.
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Mar 11, 2009
I am new on SSL programming. The Android app I am developing needs to open an SSL socket to a secure server which requires the client authentication. When running on the Emulator and trying to talk to a Server running on the host PC, the following Android code snippet always gives me a SocketException at the line, SSLSocket c = (SSLSocket) f.createSocket(hostName, 8888) :
private void openSslClient(String hostName) { try { KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance (KeyStore.getDefaultType()); InputStream fis = this.getAssets().open("client.bks"); keyStore.load(fis, "clientjks".toCharArray());
KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance ("X509");
kmf.init(keyStore, "clientkey".toCharArray());
TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance ("X509");..............
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Dec 28, 2009
I am checking out the class org.apache.http.auth. Any more reference or example if anyone has?
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Jul 21, 2010
I am currently writing the backend for a service which has 3 clients: browser, android native and iphone native. I am having a little trouble with coming up with an authentication system since I don't know what can really be done on the clients.
I am using django + twisted for the backend.
Basically, I am going to be writing RestfulAPIs to open up for the clients on both phones to call.
Now the real question is, how should I come up with an authentication system?
I have thought about using sessionids, this works very well with the browser and I can use django's integrated app for that.
However, I don't know if it's possible for both the iphone and android to obtain a unique sessionid on the handset. Should I write an API call to distribute unique sessionids?
if that's the case, is it possible for me to still use django's authentication system since a lot of the stuff here are customized? ( I am not even using a rdbms - I am sticking with mongodb, so I was on the verge of dropping django's authentication app ftm).
I have looked at foursquare's API and their basic auth method requires you to pass in user:password in every http request header. That adds 1 additional authentication each call which can kind of seem excessive.
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Oct 20, 2010
Are there any podcast players that allow authentication? I have the streamlink account for coast to coast am and they dont yet have an android app. I can download the MP# files of the shows every night but would much rather be able to just stream with podcast. I have a link to the RSS feed for said podcast but it requires a UN/PW. Can anyone suggest an app that will handle this? They also provide Real Player links and Windows media player links so if anyone knows how to make these work with the droid that would work as well.
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Aug 8, 2010
My website uses Facebook Connect for authentication on the desktop and mobile sites. When a user clicks the Facebook button, the browser opens a popup window where the user can login to Facebook. When the user logs in, the window closes and messages the main window to go on.This works great on iPhone. A new window opens and is brought to the foreground. After logging in, brings the original window to the foreground. Everything is happy.On Android, the user experience sucks. Trying to be clever, Android opens a popup window on top of the current window. However, the login popup is completely zoomed out and the input boxes are tiny. Predictably, many users just close the popup and give up.How can I use the Connect JS library to force a real window to open, or at least force Android to make the login box presentable?
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Sep 1, 2009
I'm trying to figure out how to develop a network-based authentication for my apps. I need some way to authentication an ID from the phone with an ID from the purchase order. Google Checkout has an ID in the order listing at the end:
"Trackmaster - Trackmaster is a powerful racing lap timer that runs on your Google Android Phone. It's for the motorsports enthusiast. Record your speed and times, analyze and replay your data, and share with your friends. Works great for autocross, hillclimbs, road rally, and track days! Satisfaction guarantee... - ID: -9037815002946116244"
I checked and this isn't the IMEI.
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Jan 18, 2010
I am new to android and I have created a login page after verifying login. I get results true or false on the bases of user authentication now my goal is to show another screen on successful authentication with some new textboxes and button I mean new layout how to achieve this?
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Oct 31, 2010
I'm working on an Android app that requires both client and server certificate authentication. I have an SSLClient class that I created that works beautifully on regular desktop Java SE 6. I've moved it into my Android project and I'm getting the following error: "KeyStore JKS implementation not found".I've looked online a bit and it looks like there's a possibility that Java Keystores are not supported on Android (awesome!) but I have a feeling there's more to it than that because none of the sample code I've found resembles what I'm trying to do at all. Everything I found talks about using an http client rather than raw SSL sockets. I need SSL sockets for this application.
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Jun 5, 2009
I routinely use my g1's browser to connect to a website that is protected with basic authentication (so you get the popup for username and password). Ever since updating to cupcake, my phone seems incapable or unwilling to correctly use / remember my passwords. It's driving me crazy, and I'm ready to chuck the thing out the window, or at least revert to the previous version. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
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Jul 9, 2009
I have Android pet-project DroidIn which utilizes HttpClient 4 (built into Android) to do some form based authentication. I started noticing that people who are using WiFi are reporting connection problems. It also doesn't help that site I'm accessing has self-assigned certificate. Well - the question is (I'm quite vague on WiFi details) If WiFi at the hotspot doesn't support HTTPS would that be a good enough reason for connection to fail and is there anything that I can do beside proxying into another appserver using HTTP which then would call HTTPS site?
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Jun 2, 2010
Basically what I need to do is to perform digest authentication. First thing I tried is the official example available here.
But when I try to execute it(with some small changes, Post instead of the the Get method) I get a
When this failed I tried using:
At first I have only overridden "realm" and "nonce" DigestScheme parameters. But it turned out that PHP script running on the server requires all other params, but no matter if I specify them or not DigestScheme doesn't generate them in the Authorization RequestPreperty when I call its authenticate() method. And PHP script returns HTTP response code 200 with a message that PHP script requires cnonce, nc and qop parameters.
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Feb 3, 2010
I think that I've found the problem I am having with AccountManager that I described in an earlier thread that got no responses on the board.
I think it is a problem with the way that the Activity Stack is working during the OAUTH workflow. Here's the workflow as I see it. I found this problem by separating out my Activity, which I'll call M, from the oauth Activity, which I'll call O. In the course of authentication, the web browser is invoked and let's call that B.
When a user needs to start over with authentication, my application, through Activity M, starts Activity O. That, in turn, generates some magic URL that is sent to the web browser. So the browser is fired up and information was sent to the OAUTH provider to do a redirect back through the browser back to Activity O.
So, this how the OAUTH workflow looks up to the browser: M -> O -> B
At this point the user logs in and hits the Accept button and the browser then invokes my BROWSABLE activity, which, again, is O. I had thought this would unwind the above stack, but it seems that above situation disappears and what I have after the user hits Accept in the browser is this: B -> O
What I did to work around that is that I put a startActity(M) in O and that seems to work, but it is a workaround.
I believe there is something that I could do with launch modes or activity modes to fix this problem and maintain the original activity stack.
All that is happening, really, is that the O activity pauses for little while, then comes back with the goods, the login credentials. But when I tried to return the information via startActivityForResult (), nothing. Because M is no longer on the Activity Stack.
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Nov 14, 2010
I have a login database,from my android client i have to pass the password in a secured manner, how to implement the security encryption in my application(i.e) i want to implement a login screen which is capable of doing encryption. how to build a best encryption algorithm in Java?
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Apr 28, 2009
I have created a web application in ruby on rails and I want to use it now in my android application. I use http basic authentication in my website but I don't get any success to authenticate me trough the android application..
I have protected resources and pages on the website that needs authentication to access it! How can I get this right in my application?
How can i do the authentication? i have tried with a arthroscope and BasicCredentialsProvider but i think i am not doing it good! Can someone help me!
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Feb 23, 2010
I want to connect to a server using ssl/https connection. During handshake between client and the server, I want to have server certificate authentication as well as client certificate authentication. The server certificate authentication is successful. But I don't know how to send client certificate to server for authentication, during the handshake.
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Nov 3, 2010
I'm developing an Android app which needs to perform an HTTPPost to get a token back. Then use that token for subsequent calls. When I perform the initial call to get the token, it throws an exception: org.apache.http.auth.MalformedChallengeException: Authentication challenge is empty
Here is my code:...............
I googled "Authentication challenge is empty", and one this website: he had a similar problem. He determined that his web server requires preemptive authentication. Which I believe ours does too. I tried implementing what he did, and still, no dice.
I've hard coded the token in other requests, and I am able to perform HTTPGet calls.
What is the Authentication Challenge that I'm missing?
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Nov 21, 2010
I am trying to send an email to a specific address by using my own email. So far, I know that I can use android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND to send an email. For instance:
final Intent emailIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND);
emailIntent.setType("plain/text"); emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[]{""});
emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "Log-in Sucessful");
emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "Hi");
Activity context = null; context.startActivity(Intent.createChooser(emailIntent, "Send mail..."));
However, I do not know whether ACTION_SEND can accept username and password as well. This username and password basically will be used to authenticate the email sender. It's just like when you need to log-in into your gmail account before you can compose and send an email to someone.
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May 31, 2010
I have a mobile application and will like to have the authentication implemented either through the Application itself or through Facebook username and password. For example, if I have username and password of Facebook then one can login into the Application. I don't want to integrate the facebook completely only the authentication part. Is this possible?
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Aug 13, 2009
I cant find a way to use an url that requires basic auth when im using code...
Anyone that got any ideas?
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Apr 6, 2010
I'm trying to do basic authentication to view a protected url. I want to access the protected url which looks like this: So I do the following with a WebView:
mWebView.setHttpAuthUsernamePassword("", "", "", "my password");
but the authentication doesn't seem to work, I'm just getting an output error page. Am I using the WebView method correctly here?
Trying with curl: curl -u
and it pulls the page fine. I tried every combination of the host parameter, the owners of the api don't know what I mean by 'realm' though (and neither do I) - what info could I give them to help this along?
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Jul 2, 2010
I have set below code before calling url for http basic authentication but it is not working. Code...
Can someone quote working code of http basic authentication?
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